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rea ee ed Ser 2 Construction two? transistor | analo working and V- = characteristics. ge Scr mounting and_ ool > hee DE nD wir te of thyristors # BCR LASCR, SCS, GTO! ‘UIT, pur] a OAc; sand. “TRIAC: Thy sis tor farnily devices ? Symbol construction , operating principle end isk ichaaieisties Ww Protection cbreuits: § ' Over softage over curren nib ele lan) sores su spelt Lal ond ill ari-_ 6 on A Amarks) Ans $i] Refrigerators Amarts.| __Ang-*) Tt fs ao type device 1| List eight applications of thyristor fn i lolectronics 9]) Telivistons a) Computers, Adlverticin 4] Electrical vehicles S]| Blowees 6] | Games and Toys J Maram and secu systt®a 8] Malashin machines f g] || iatace cleanera 49] Ceanes and hoists 2.| Write any four’ features of ScR *) Et can ha Nery large power tact openiar Closed Switch The on State a crop #8 very low _*| Tiigerrin cfreufts are simple! | TE can _Control_power delivered to the loacl. ft ste Ge Typical. Rating cle SER 4] On state Voltage. Vr = 4.5 to 9.6 nyotts 2]| Turn _of time +t, = So to 100) yguilen 3] Maxinnurss siete hae change waltage ai do. du = 1620 vJus 4) Natu rece of change of curte nib. d= e500 ALIS 5] Maxi roum. suliching freq ency = Te 2) oe QL Draws sconstruetion 3 gcR. e Aesplatn othe _operation iprinciple- 3 tf yaw al id f “og Da Describe the construction of Sc r x it Jaleo draw) SCR Symbol: = “Ans ee dyn Bh bao ig =a j pee i argh | ea dle lsat Rd Leedgil eo _olkeber Cte Septet oR TH ok hholnaall baa bnv eel bolln’|somdl polos) fugleava — to Fidogd CP Jo pr =f shane ol Laban | cre 45 bee. ated 2 pai uh) 9 T 3 Basks melt spell 3€ | Symbol ofskQGRs a Hirieton ae + | 0s a Cathode Anodé 4 4 a Gate - comrdl ermine aa = petp tc,o77 SCR —_——— a Construction 8 \v Tr Is a. four jayer PNPN ‘device. i __% TE has “three terminal namely Anode, c cathed, \- land “Gate. __¥& Gate +ermfnal used 4o Ferm on device mheney grequired. | The ditectfon af anade currerit, voltage ¢ » IHthe tysistor and directton of eel current are Shown th Aigute tAlorkfn ng. ‘|When =the end oP layer ; regpect -to the end 'N, fay os T | Awo outer _junctio, Be [losed but bY medal De aletion | layer ca Voltage level! * betwee’ * pe Gs is ee devi ce be Be eas Hr ADS. Yo ok | Notes 3_ Sree |) Thysistor. is general form. wibich Includes devi. ces such _as SCR: y_ CHUTE *|QcR =Silleon Controlled Rect ond shay x|_tt_fs most popular device of thyristor ania | Classi freaiton of Averistovivel lorinios gue) ae alliRibex “contyo! Tihyristor: > 9 2) Sa eae Unidirection ak Beene Gail cR (Silicon controll jl Rectifier) Oe 7q| LASCR ( Light Active Silicon control. Rectifier) —F_ ScRS C-Sil?con _Comtroll_ Switch ). LASCS ae Acttye Silicon contro! Switch ) 4 Bus "itcon Unilateral Switch ) ye | Bilateral pS “=TRIAC ~ Tifede Gperated in xl” snq_ Device (am oh de % Cunt} unction “Transiton ik D ~Cprade - operated wl BBs _¢ Silicon P Brlater Sut wu]| SUS (Silicon Uri lateral __ | Power Control] cthynisios ‘ Tt consists of those oe Tig ering _devices eae l Trt ggerin fg the process which fs useds-ty tur on a power control devices. _such_ as. Scr TRIAC etc. ; _Spectal devices are required “to tric uaa aha power contro! devices dich as UST ie 7 3, SU Characteristics of t hyrfston | Q] Crew and, explain V5 charadteristicsi ge SCR Drode eaurent 9) 15 C if Pe ' , 4a} Lovadad/ fal) é ae | TI__Aermard onstat® voltage aor: ir Tedeh} ! -_ euitend > set iolding current F I ale Bi a [te mot 95) oa bt <0 Reverse beakdown Heroes wotkeqe so) cri or, | pans Roos la { aT see Vee cm | i et 34 : Reverse Ayo current = 5 evens avg) ie * [Tt 1s graph bet” anode current on ‘Y-axls and anode ~ voltage ion the Yeaxts « af VI characteristics canbe split fnto part pamel i tthe foward: characteristics. and reversed characteristics. ~* Foard Blo ae ainte ? ____This_is the hish_wottage low eee mode of | operating _t im hich See. fs in the of (Ff state | Cunent flow thngagh sl eras due to thermally viligdnethted| rairoatt ROUS © 58 | ATansition Ree ey } ouTThe! switching of scr from: of |to ON Stele mond MTee We rsa! _|TRis__ changover”igtaké: ts calle | ON stake, Joon o sot e Noltage | diop across nd curventt Bete ‘For ward breakdown Voltage This ois 5 ipQ.ani rou . in, ats: OF: Skoterd 221 tnaics|ot onb volt JARs oka This fe maximum applted bet” anode: and lap toot Ipisp9 9 spploy 921 1 yasv P bollgqn “pi op rkii sdorinlny Dp of 2 % | The holdin current CAnd 8 TE te) maximum current which | hold 16 ScR Ym the on state. v3 :Latchin ng current-3 Et fs maximum anode. éunent which Viatch the 8cR into the on state. Latehing current 7s higher that holding cu Note 8 x} Difference bet” |atchtog current and bang a current * “EF the anode curent.-qoes below» the the shold q current then the crductng SCR get turn off * TF anode current ON fs higher’ than letchog (SCR will latch Into ts ON a * oF Tn ZT -then sce pte classmate QE=0 Q) Anse] UThis_shoud be avoided! to protect the: 8¢R fiom giting daroaged| ssi 0) 4 _Explain _operating iprinciple’ of -ScR._usi# {wo Aransiator erelogih ti re Ae s ear _ Anode Tey | i [eathoda : | se Too transistor ‘equivalertt cireutt i. ae vdling Piinciple. 1p li os Sia peed dala dimensional “Bis Is known ag the two transi } _htugagl j [eae yilsstii barca od The SCR can be corisidered « bojawoer al iptransistow, |e) oes fiod! w here the collector of one tran ‘the base of ene ttached to other attached to the collect __ 4 sob do od flab 2 BOR dai. » JF 119. patloo | 99 Sa et scat andi Taw = 4 and olso Ik = Ia+ Ta i Utes Renta Sein Teh iloos eeCOm fa -Caa teed] _& Assuming the leakage current of transistor A and «Ta to “be negligible small ee aoe Et at 4 pls Caladoal “x |To tusnscof SCR (aa taal) or must be geal than 2. 7 ae cobling- Piidortinbcetreakphere) Heat _aink_should be classmate p Po |Q uate: content | ciapteintined a4 ~_* | Different Mounting techniqaies syria, Fs | > Lead mounting. £ This Ape of -mounting 1s_siltable | How +thyaistoy currents upto one ‘ampere. Sach 5 [ser donat require anya ditional cooling er __| _||heatsink. Ws paces ae J Qo i : _s€ Stud Mounttn 3 Tt uses. a_cappes and aluminfum Istud with machkné thread. “This. thread fe used fox fna_mechdnfcal electateal and --hermal —rax_ making , contact +6 the heat Sink. § b — ae ~3¢/ Bolt=déwn mounting The [Habs which eth one 4 = T fer of F we have fo add commuathit y aeuee € [Press (tt mountings In this fitting device 1 | Inserted Into, alfghtly und ordzed? hole In the ibeatt “dink with external -fosces- E lw oF [Preséuse ounttoles In AbTe/| mounting this device “Js celamped unde. a Newy” lange. exteanal % 1a ; c b BS arti ls Oi ‘ a 41t Tt JO 3 |Wght Activated Silicon Controle Rectifiee CCR) | aA yd SLAASCR: Symbol of LASCR. Anode + i = — = a ¥ |The equivalent chrcurts classoute oe __ Ho as SCR. ee ae % But these fe one window where we allow light to fall ovex thése ond 5 % |THE fs an ScR whose state Js controlled by the_ Vight fall ng Upon a silicon semiconductor layer oF lhe device. *._ ' 7 <2 %*|Toternal structus is NPN layer there % window ot USSR SATE Aci fsa ee swe eed (se C = A agate lead fs also provided ‘to allow rigeesing = __|#he device using the conventional method. | Working.’ for triggering _LAsce. tH need to have “breakdown of Jo.” 4 | So, we have to fall fight on window which fg over sanction Jo of NPN layer. E Tt will be generating electrons holes pairs of nea 2 a : to function and that will decreses dep letio * UMimately will result into the gate c U Pivesdlting. function Ta ibreakolouwn 9 @r tthe LASCR. ~ wal ool ken Tuning ON time of LAScR e intone oF Sight hie ble over NPN layen. Iseraie Sd pil yd lowtaes Yanclq | bor + For Understanding LASCR Forward Noltage ~upto 4000) Forward curvent -upto 1500 [NT Chatactertstics of LASCR. a Anode current: a at “4ntensity Fncreaes (80. breakover> > Noltage d 1 ovat (Ainge of LASCR hae) Small Ip size 40 9|ATBhv. Can ime ctuined . on | consumption low: voqab pf Ie “4. Computer application | Motor control and phe 3/ HVDC transmission 4. Optical light control. Aber Posse GI (Get Tuned!) of A scr) inne) 3 it ie 3 ik i] ; : pin PoINMe Diagrarn ? \ ! } PL Nar Pa Na Cathode - is: ouat lenin 3 AW id acs transistor), §n_ fiqure _e ¥ Basically it is a four layer structure Similar toh conventional sce : a) a, Recording to symbol is three terminal device ug of them qate reer minal device. a | Two rows marked wonorthe gate iesminad % These two marks indicates the Gate curyen’ ' SER GTO can be either +ve and -ve. | _ * Difference bet” GTo and ScR [for Understanding] * The Gate and Cathod structure of GTO “are highly fnterdigitated a8 compared to’ SCRs Be e cathod areas are usual a ea & away the silicon Surrounding the cathodes . they appears asiiislandsisfusils ff __* "The cathod fsland are directly connected to the mutual heat sink for cooling *|| In Pt layex N* tegfon interval. i the N* region make conta Na layer. , riding Principle of Go Sie cionddion analole GIO switch generat’ el ve signal ‘is get applied area e a ’ Tnternal regeneration: fs _ reduced In Glo bya _Lreduction ina current gain of PNP transistor, and jtucn of Pfs atchived by drawing suffictent current Atom the gate in >|, Turned off process action may he “explained as follows | When the —ve bias fs applied at the gate ,aexcess carriers are drawn from the base region of the INPN transistos. | ; *| And also collector current of PIP) transistor fs divécted fnto the external gate circeft || sk) In the such way that bas deireof PNP and N pn removed and stops conduction af 4TO- | | Adyantages of GTo = x) No commutation cércuit required Gio pt uy Audible noise and) eleclromaqnetic _ni Tt can be Used’ to! higher surtchit Efficiency of GTo %s better th i dienes itt *\tcon Contilled Switch (ises |The Scs can be fuse OFF by o pulse at | the: anode gate Qyrn bol : “Faatvalent CE fA cee A P [ore [ocr Ne pulse ope then Ft will in rward Lerofit tex sfisnitfons of gra his will result In a which Will, | | Generally anode gate fg not used to tar ON Sc3| | Most of time Scé’ # turned aN ay say __|ttve pulse “to the cathode gqote- i _*/TEe Is tum Orr b pplyin (a tve pulse ab |the anode gate\, 7 ne q a >| Advantaaes ® eee turn of F time Ineresed” contra} ” Incresed sensitivity | |Disadvantages? At present SCS has tow. Power, current and voltage vakings.y> Ul ws gai [Maximum power dfs: sipation. 2 | “| Application 2 | In n_eamputex | Pulse aie ‘ia fe cilletore OMI ditpeid ¥ pada even) tery 92 xe) Chreuke idisigraras 34 ea ollpance classmate, | conduction state i ~ve half cycles Joi jee Bteekng ir is +e i pais ae ee ais ee a combination layer ~_ | Worling [Considem Ac Supply) x% When Ti {5 more +ve-than Te and ff voltage Jere than Veo. y then structure PNPN conducts.-| Similarhy , when _ terminal Te ig more tye than Ta | "land $ reverse Nottage. exceeds breakover voltage | N®oa then Structure PNPN conduct x At Voltages less than the breakover Voltage, a very small amount af current called the Leakage _| ~—Jeurrent: fiow through the device. | This current fs. not sufficient to tum nt S- tor - Kl | Pavtically TE fs in OFF condition mu | Advantages # iH can be conductivity positive half |leyele as well as —ve half ¢ cle Ea [Disadvantages 8 et fo a low: Tt does mot ___ | Apel | Applications 52 DIAC is Main device for “TRIAC which re -ve pulges to tum ON 4 La Fan speed requiato 12 e add ep) 9 02. srivab |nnvitoa Bde dod oP bool ob -¥ Rah eee us. be Symbat El | __ | TRIAC LBidtectional “Trfode Schs] By | ir 7 cele . : - = ++ # | Advantages of “TRIAC St fs a dt bid’recttonal classmate Date. Page. fo more suitable for resistive load- > [TA Te more econtmal -than two SCR. SB “SK V=T CharaclerPstics of TRIAC - i. > rot exurre nt Lite Pasitve wxl Mts) “roi fine, WE rad) of vlan _ bia # Dis adwartasee of TRIA Soaufiay 22 Palins. 2i 9°! Soe fee Tt ow only How pe aig "Polallie, * fs_not sutiabids f 2 Modine dc | Application of ~TRIAC x | We can not use Tt! as controlled seclifig ee aAuttable en er resistive ace ‘ x) at ts not suitable fon qnaealiva al aq) Sees powen r rating fe lower “thanScjum x | UTT [Unijunction] consisting base 81, base Ba and N-type” silicon materfal used as subs jand two base ends res ectinel se) An ‘aluminium wd fs jaurface of N type gw | eri ther with Ws rype_silfeon | . | Due to shat this de ee ee ideotand j Application _ of url cas TTig ert , [avanta: es of UST | Ty has) @table__ fiving Voltage. LE] tow faatng current: ~ = | Provides > gulblent current “output 40 - _Ariggeo ~ to _reckifie. it ae lYar Charactertstics Finitlen voltage Ve 2 Door rot f bee i ~Ne resistance 1 ! ' =. ‘P [~— "ies Gaution regions a E 1 ee eton Ke i Xt i ' wv Tt fe a four layers three terminal device 4 jas anode cathode and gale terminal : ____ | —The symbol of PUT ts) We y similar t ep | The ot \y difference 9e the postctton OF gale — “terminal ‘os TAs +the aale terminal fs closer to ano ee cathode. 3 de Ui a | So, it ts called ag anode gale» A Noltage devider network Connected to the a te terminal to provide control of the pedh a}ue' (Vp) voltage of the device. * Working. . 2 | Onl reverse leakage courrent Flow?ng through ft 4 |The gate voltage “Vg ts, [EF Wg Ra eo Tali | p IReEtiS goss ¥ [By vartfying the value of Ro and Ra thts __ jpossible_ lo modify the gate voltage V4 se [dhen anode voltage fs —greten than gale yo) iage_ which allows PUT “to, turn ON = ae as Wa _CAnode voltag® —___- a } | ~e— -ve tesistane le Gaduretion region aegton OFF region er 1 ! Fal ol 1 | Frotection Circutt 4) Oven current Protection i s€ Ciraut dignam > |p the pawer converte ______|lplace_ tobfch_ result” ~ | Fower devices su [An fon bar with a fattened end, used ox a_leser use a crowbar ‘to open (something) 5 Cowban Circuit LOvercunent/Overvoltage protection! | eae «© fuse RL UA ee ae en ENO Faiog) a |fafng | Voltage sensing ie eee 0S e or cue = With _a_valtage genet ‘crowbar crcl for prolectl pltth alp current)» aensittve’ the crowbar cireuit for p a tod poxilovl : are fase blows —— isin arlene: = scR ieee. om Saat th 2) feat € During fault condition ScR will act as clased —__| switch and will short cfrcuft point Aand P. left blows the fuse link and the transister —____|¥s_ protected, - _ ae >| The crowbap efrait can be placed acrass any converter whfch fs to be protected 2 Snubber for di/de_ protection. CTurn oN Snubbex) “=k | 6 avoid _-thfs , we must decreses the rate of __i¢hanae 4 of 6ck. current. ~_¥ | This” can_be _athfued by connecting —< an Induct -_ “lance in Series ith -the SCR. ENgT a S VANES Tie aae Be = tt Ls : a is x [Snubber for du “protection [Turn oFF cond iti] - at u we ‘ — » Nag vols x | ee across Bee sf gen N ancres. es Sudd 3) Due to this Noltage accident ‘|can-take place —— ne 9 — oF ama. | ia 7) \ 2 = a x \ /. a Nee veltage ae a z Actos Th fs decided by ‘c* ~G@)_C charges through [When ScR ts in _OFF state the capacitor cha “through diode. OD. : | Thus -the rate oF change of \o Is reduced. Se er a7 ae duf/at of Snubben cfratl: hie Ae isidver 2 i at - aterm fas e 3¢ | Comparison of BER and aTRine: | ae) a ae 7 “aaa cR! el arene : | ScR Ig a’ anidirectténal. | TRIAG.« fs bidirectional devices v4 |deuice. | | TThe gate current can be The gate current can be a only” positive positive or 0 ve, ‘|r te’ suitable for resistive: ‘Head as well as 1 Andactive | toad. [WIT Is used for mise Scr A Syrabal % | S01Ac_Tisae | Syro boli kK Tt fs two terminal device. Breakdown voltage can mot be controlled device. Breakdown vol volt cai be controlled by ee Birigiae to poser. device Fine Zt is used for ‘tlggeied 1A SERIA 50

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