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Placement Test 1E

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1. Apakah itu kelasmu?

a. Is that your classroom? b. Is this your classroom?

2. Ya, itu adalah sebuah perpustakaan.

a. Yes, this is a library. b. Yes, that is a library.

3. Bukan, itu bukan sebuah kelas.

a. No, that is no a classroom. b. No, that is not a classroom.

4. Apakah itu sebuah taman?

a. Is this a garden? b. Is that a garden?

5. Apakah itu sebuah kantor?

a. Is that a office? b. Is that an office?

6. Itu adalah sebuah kursi.

a. That is a cair. b. This is a chair.

7. Itu adalah sebuah meja.

a. That is a table. b. That is a marble.

8. Itu adalah sebuah papan tulis.

a.That is a whiteboard. b. That is an whiteboard.

9. Itu adalah sebuah jam dinding.

a. That is an clock. b. That is a clock.

10. Apakah ini tasmu?

a. Is this your bag? b. Is this you bag?

11. Apakah ini tempat pensilmu?

a. Is this you pencil case? b. Is this your pencil case?

12. Bolehkah saya meminjam pensilmu?

a. Maay I borrow your pencil? b. May I bring your pencil?

13. Bolehkah saya meminjam penghapusmu?

a. May I borrow your eraser? b. May I bring your eraser?

14. Bolehkah saya meminjam penggarismu?

a. May I bring your ruler? b. May I borrow your ruler?

15. Ini adalah tempat pensil saya.

a. This is my pencil case. b. This is me pencil case.

16. Rautan saya ada di tas saya.

a. My sharpener is in me bag. b. My sharpener is in my bag.

17. Penghapus saya ada di tas saya.

a. My eraser is in my bag. b. My eraser is in me bag.

18. Pena saya ada di tempat pensil saya.

a. My pen in my pencil case. b. My pen is in my pencil case.

19. Apakah ada tujuh apel di atas meja?

a. Are there seven apples on the table? b. Are there six apples on the table?

20. Apakah ada lima melon di atas meja?

a. Are there five melons on the table? b. Are there five melon on the table?

21. Apakah ada delapan kucing di dapur?

a. Are there eight cats in the kitchen? b. Are there four cats in the kitchen?

22. Ada sembilan buku di tas saya.

a. There are nine book in my bag. b. There are nine books in my bag.

23. Apakah ada seekor kupu-kupu putih di taman?

A. Is there a white butterfly in the garden? b. Is there an white butterfly in the garden?
24. Apakah ada sebuah mobil kuning di rumah saya?

a. There is a yellow car in my house? b. Is there a yellow car in my house?

25. Ada sebuah mobil biru di rumah saya?

a. There is an blue car in my house. b. There is a blue car in my house.

26. Ada sebuah mobil ungu di rumah saya.

a. There is a purple car in my house. b. There is an purple car in my house.

27. Ada sebuah mobil merah di rumah saya.

a. There is an red car in my house. b. There is a red car in my house.

28. Ada seekor kuda hitam di kebun binatang.

a. There is a brown horse in the zoo. b. There is a black horse in the zoo.

29. Ada seekor kuda coklat di kebun binatang.

a. There is a black horse in the zoo. b. There is a brown horse in the zoo.

30. Ada seekor kupu-kupu hijau di taman.

a. There is a green butterfly in the garden. b. There is a grey butterfly in the garden.


Test Result

Correct answer : 30 Level 3e

Correct Answer : 21-29 Level 2e

Correct Answer : 0-20 Level 1e

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