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The Assessment Question Paper and Assessment Answer

Booklet must not be removed from the assessment room.

Both must be handed in at the end of the assessment.


Date : 24 October 2023

Module : COM2101 English for Business

Time : 10:00 – 11:30

Duration : 1 hour 30 minutes

Total no. of pages : 6

(Including this cover page)

1. This assessment carries a total of 100 marks. Answer ALL questions.

2. Answer ALL the questions in the answer booklet provided. Fill in the cover page
carefully. You will receive a zero (0) score if your name is filled incorrectly.
3. All answers must be clearly written. Begin each question on a fresh page.

4. The use of non-programmable calculators is NOT permitted in this assessment.


5. This is a closed-book assessment. No unauthorised materials are allowed in the

assessment venue.

At the end of the assessment:

Please ensure that you have written your name on each answer booklet used: failure to do
so will mean that your work cannot be identified. If you have used more than one answer
booklet, please tie them together with the string provided.



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Question 1

Identify errors in Correctness. (2 marks each)

Provide a corrected version in your answer booklet. (3 marks each)

We talked about staff promotion and pay raise. Also staff medical benefits and how it affects
staff turnover.

Error – Sentence Fragment (2 marks)

Corrected - We talked about staff promotion and pay raise. We also discussed staff medical
benefits and how it affects staff turnover. (3 marks)

(a) Peter caught a huge fish with a fishing rod.

Error - _______(a)__________ (2 marks)

Corrected - _____________________(a)__________________________(3 marks)

(b) There has got to be more people who need our help.
Error - _______(b)__________ (2 marks)

Corrected - _____________________(b)__________________________(3 marks)


(c) Many types of technological crimes are prevalent. For example, online scams and
electronic frauds.

Error - _______(c)__________ (2 marks)

Corrected - _____________________(c)__________________________(3 marks)

(d) After arriving at the house, the chair was nowhere to be found.

Error - _______(d)__________ (2 marks)

Corrected - _____________________(d)__________________________(3 marks)

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(e) Resilience, adaptable, open-mindedness are traits of successful leaders.

Error - _______(e)__________ (2 marks)

Corrected - _____________________(e)__________________________(3 marks)


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Question 2

The following passage is not concise. In other words, there are wordy phrases, redundant
words that do not add on to the meaning.

Identify the FIVE (5) redundancies and either remove or replace them.

Rewrite the message concisely in the answer booklet. Each correctly identified redundancy,
with the rewritten sentence, will be awarded up to 5 marks.
(25 marks)


Inflation is the rate of increase in prices over a given period of time. It can be used as a broad
measure, such as the overall increase in prices or the increase in the cost of living in a country.
However, it can also be more narrowly calculated - for example, certain goods such as food,
or for services such as haircuts. Whatever the context, inflation represents how much more
expensive the relevant set of goods and services has become over a certain period. It is not
uncommon to use a year as a guide.

Consumers’ cost of living depends on the prices of many goods and services and the share
of each in the household budget. In order to measure the average costs, government agencies
conduct household surveys to identify a basket of commonly purchased items. In other
words, they use surveys to form this basket. Then, they track the cost of purchasing this

basket over time. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is the cost of this basket at a given time
expressed relative to a base year.

For consistency, the CPI basket is mostly kept constant over, but is adjusted occasionally to
reflect changing consumption patterns and behaviour. For example, it includes new hi-tech
goods and replaces items that are no longer widely purchased. Therefore, it shows how
prices change over time for everything produced in a market or economy.
Adapted from International Monetary Fund,

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Question 3 - A critical response to an article

Wearing a helmet when cycling outdoors may seem obvious. Yet, a 2019 study revealed
that out of more than 76,000 bicyclists with head or neck injuries, only 22% were wearing
a helmet at the time. What's more, of the nearly half a million bike-related injuries each year
in the United States alone, many could be avoided with the use of a helmet.
Not only do helmets protect your head but they also can reduce brain injuries, facial injuries,
and even fatal injuries. In fact, according to the American College of Surgeons, helmets
reduce the risk of head injury by at least 45%, brain injury by 33%, facial injury by 27%,
and fatal injury by 29%.

Other studies have found that the proper use and fit of bicycle helmets has lowered the risk
of injury and death compared to cyclists not wearing helmets. What's more, there is even
new technology out that can protect your head further.
Known as MIPS (or multi-directional impact protection system) helmets. these helmets may
do a better job at protecting your head in a crash than a standard bike helmet. They contain
a slip plane or slip liner that allows the helmet to move around your head during a crash,
which means less force is transferred to your brain.
But that doesn't mean you have to compromise on style. The market is brimming with
practical and fashionable helmets to keep you both safe and sleek on the road. Consider
talking with someone in a cycling shop who can not only help you get properly fitted for a
helmet, but also help you determine if MIPS technology is right for you.

The same as with walking at night, if you are cycling after sunset, make sure you are suitably
dressed for others to easily spot you. This also applies to the early risers who prefer to work
out ahead of sunrise, especially in the winter months.
Reflective gear includes vests, arm bands, and headlamps. You also should consider lights
for your bike for better visibility and to warn others of your whereabouts.
Some studies even indicate that adding reflective tape to your bike may be beneficial as well.
In fact, one study found that reflective tape can considerably increase bicyclist conspicuity
as much as 250 meters in some conditions.

Adapted Safety Tips All Cyclists Should Follow’,

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Identify and explain, in total, THREE (3) aspects in what the writer (a) did well; and (b)
could have done better. Write and explain your answers in the answer booklet.

Marks will be allocated as follows:

Content - 15 marks.
Writing Technique - 10 marks.
(25 marks)

Question 4

Write ONE paragraph (120 – 180 words) on the following topic:

PL “Battling Handphone Addiction”

The purpose of your message is to advise teenagers (aged 14 to 19) on how to overcome
spending too much time their phones. Please start with a suitable topic sentence before
elaborating on at least THREE (3) supporting points.

Your paragraph should be catered for the target audience, ie, please use elaborations /
examples that are relatable to them. Ensure that you have at least THREE (3) relevant and
supporting points. Elaborate each point with details, and please write only ONE paragraph.
State the word count at the end of the paragraph. Exceeding the word count will result in a
loss of marks.

Marks will be allocated as follows:

Content - 10 marks.
Writing Technique - 10 marks.
Format - 5 marks.

(25 marks)

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