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Grade: IV Marks: 50

Subject: English Name: ………………... Duration: 2 hrs

Read the story and answer the questions:
Three fish had lived together in a pond for many years.
One evening the oldest fish overheard some men. "Look," said one. "This pond is full of fish.
Why have we never fished here before?" The men agreed to return the next day with their
fishing nets.

After the men left, the oldest fish turned to the others and said, "Did you hear that? There is
danger. We must leave our pond and find a new home."

The youngest fish laughed and said, "What? Leave this beautiful pond? I am happy here. I
shall not leave the pond." That evening the oldest fish left the pond. "What are you going to
do?" he asked his remaining friends.

"I don't know," the second fish replied. "I'll decide in the morning".

The next morning the second fish saw the fishermen in the distance "I'm going," he said.
“The oldest fish was right." Quickly, the second fish left the pond.

"Don't worry about me," said the youngest fish. "You'll see. I'll be safe."

1. Why did the oldest fish leave the pond? 1m



2. Rewrite using powerful alternative for the underlined words. 2m

a. The fisherman went back home.


b. The second fish said, “I am happy here.”

3. Change the tense. 3m

a. The oldest fish was right. (Change into present tense)


b. The second fish saw the fishermen. (Change into future tense)


c. The fish will leave the pond. (Change into past tense)


4. Write the noun for the verbs. 2m

a. decide _____________________ b. agree ______________________

5. Write a question from the story. 1m


6. Add some interesting adjectives to fill in the blanks. 2m

One ______________ evening the ____________ fish overheard some men.

7. Write an ending for this story. 3m








8. Pick out a noun from the story. _________________________ 1m

Read the news report and answer the questions.

9. What is the headline? 1m

10. Name the journalist.1m


11. Write the line that sums up the key point of the article.1m


12.Add some interesting adverbs to fill in the blanks. 2m

She ____________________ heard someone shouting ________________.

13. Fill in the blanks with suitable homophones.2m
a. The first on the _________________ (seen/scene) were king’s horses and men.
b. Local shepherdess heard ______________ (sum/some) terrible sound.
14. Add missing punctuation marks.2m
I thought he had been killed said bo peep
15. Add missing apostrophe. 1m
Mr Dumptys family thanked everyone for the gifts and cards.
16. Imagine that you are Ms Bo Peep and write a letter to your friend describing
what has happened to Humpty Dumpty. 5m
















Read the poem and answer the questions.

As a dead silence rains over the land
Slowly time runs, like an hourglass of sand
For the last dragon soars, sounding a cry
Soaring with it, the majestic fantasy, starting to die
No one knows who, when or even why
Why such a creature is alone, alone in the sky
Inside it with holds both light and dark
As swift as a cat, fierce as a shark.
17. What is this poem about? 1m
18. Pick out a pair of rhyming words from the poem.1m
19. Write an example of a simile from the poem. 1m
20. Pick out a silent k word from the poem. 1m
21. Cross out the wrongly spelt word and write the correct spelling. 1m
I tried to here the last dragon’s cries. ________________________

22. Choose the word that means the same as the underlined word. 3m
a. He simply swivelled away as though he wanted to inspect the pictures on the wall.
i. laughed ii. turned iii. scared
b. Amrik prodded the table and said, “Our table!”
i. walked ii. nudged iii. looked
c. The dragon’s claws are furled.
i. bent ii. sharp iii. long
23. Match the antonyms. 2m
a. enormous disgusted
b. expensive infinitesimal
c. admire cheap
d. enraptured despise

24. Answer the following.

a. Explain how Abunuwasi got the merchant to buy his house. 3m

b. Write three differences between India where Amrik lived and England. 3m

c. How does Sheetal get down into the Alien tomb? 2m


d. Why do you think Kitty doesn’t speak to Gerald? 2m


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