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Assigned cases for digest
IV. Common Carrier of Passengers injury to the creditor." 1 In the language of the law, the event presumption of fault or negligence that arises in cases
must have been impossible to foresee, or if it could be of death or injuries to passengers.
foreseen, must have been impossible to avoid. 2 There must
Nature of responsibility, Definitions be an entire exclusion of human agency from the cause of
injury or loss. Breach of Contract of Carriage
G.R. No. L-42926 September 13, 1985
PEDRO VASQUEZ, SOLEDAD ORTEGA, CLETO B. Application: Turning to this case, before they sailed from
BAGAIPO, AGUSTINA VIRTUDES, ROMEO VASQUEZ the port of Manila, the officers and crew were aware of G.R. No. 119995 November 18, 1997
and typhoon "Klaring" that was reported building up at 260 kms.
MAXIMINA CAINAY, petitioners, east of Surigao. In fact, they had lashed all the cargo in the CARLOS SINGSON, petitioner,
vs. hold before sailing in anticipation of strong winds and rough vs.
THE COURT OF APPEALS and FILIPINAS PIONEER waters.4 They proceeded on their way, as did other vessels COURT OF APPEALS and CATHAY PACIFIC AIRWAY,
LINES, INC., respondents. that day. Upon reaching Romblon, they received the weather INC., respondents.
report that the typhoon was 154 kms. east southeast of
Facts: When the inter-island vessel MV "Pioneer Cebu" left Tacloban and was moving west northwest.5 Since they were
the Port of Manila in the early morning of May 15, 1966 still not within the radius of the typhoon and the weather was Doctrine: A contract of air carriage is a peculiar one. Imbued
bound for Cebu, it had on board the spouses Alfonso clear, they deliberated and decided to proceed with the with public interest, common carriers are required by law to
Vasquez and Filipinas Bagaipo and a four-year old boy, course. At Jintotolo Island, the typhoon was already carry passengers safely as far a human care and foresight
Mario Marlon Vasquez, among her passengers. The MV reported to be reaching the mainland of Samar. 6 They can provide, using the utmost diligence of a very cautious
"Pioneer Cebu" encountered typhoon "Klaring" and struck a still decided to proceed noting that the weather was still person, with due regard for all the circumstances.1 A contract
reef on the southern part of Malapascua Island, located "good" although, according to the Chief Forecaster of to transport passengers is quite different in kind and degree
somewhere north of the island of Cebu and subsequently the Weather Bureau, they were already within the from any other contractual relation. And this because its
sunk. The aforementioned passengers were unheard from typhoon zone. 7 At Tanguingui Island, about 2:00 A.M. of business is mainly with the traveling public. In invites people
since then. May 16, 1966, the typhoon was in an area quite close to to avail of the comforts and advantages it offers. The
Catbalogan, placing Tanguingui also within the typhoon contract of carriage, therefore, generates a relation attended
Plaintiffs Pedro Vasquez and Soledad Ortega are the zone. Despite knowledge of that fact, they again decided with a public duty.2 Failure of the carrier to observe this high
parents of Alfonso Vasquez; plaintiffs Cleto Bagaipo and to proceed relying on the forecast that the typhoon degree of care and extraordinary diligence renders it liable
Agustina Virtudes are the parents of Filipinas Bagaipo; and would weaken upon crossing the mainland of for any damage that may be sustained by its passengers.
plaintiffs Romeo Vasquez and Maxima Cainay are the Samar. 8 After about half an hour of navigation towards
parents of the child, Mario Marlon Vasquez. They seek the Chocolate Island, there was a sudden fall of the
recovery of damages due to the loss of Alfonso Vasquez, Facts: The instant case is an illustration of the exacting
barometer accompanied by heavy downpour, big waves, standard demanded by the law of common carriers: On 24
Filipinas Bagaipo and Mario Marlon Vasquez during said and zero visibility. The Captain of the vessel decided to
voyage. May 1988 CARLOS SINGSON and his cousin Crescentino
reverse course and face the waves in the open sea but Tiongson bought from Cathay Pacific Airways, Ltd.
because the visibility did not improve they were in total (CATHAY), at its Metro Manila ticket outlet two (2) open-
Due to the loss of their children, petitioners sued for darkness and, as a consequence, the vessel ran aground a
damages before the Court of First Instance of Manila (Civil dated, identically routed, round trip plane tickets for the
reef and sank on May 16, 1966 around 12:45 P.M. near purpose of spending their vacation in the United States.
Case No. 67139). Respondent defended on the plea of force Malapascua Island somewhere north of the island of Cebu.
majeure, and the extinction of its liability by the actual total Each ticket consisted of six (6) flight coupons corresponding
loss of the vessel. to this itinerary: flight coupon no. 1 — Manila to Hongkong;
Under the circumstances, while, indeed, the typhoon flight coupon no. 2 — Hongkong to San Francisco; flight
was an inevitable occurrence, yet, having been kept coupon no. 3 — San Francisco to Los Angeles; flight coupon
Issue: The basic issue is with respect to the liability for posted on the course of the typhoon by weather
damages of private respondent for the presumptive death of no. 4 — Los Angeles back to San Francisco; flight coupon
bulletins at intervals of six hours, the captain and crew no. 5 — San Francisco to Hongkong; and, finally, flight
petitioners' children. were well aware of the risk they were taking as they coupon no. 6 — Hongkong to Manila.
hopped from island to island from Romblon up to
Ruling: They are liabe for damages. Tanguingui. They held frequent conferences, and On 6 June 1988 CARLOS SINGSON and Crescentino
oblivious of the utmost diligence required of very Tiongson left Manila on board CATHAY's Flight No. 902.
Principle: Upon the evidence and the applicable law, we cautious persons, 9 they decided to take a calculated
sustain the trial Court. "To constitute a caso fortuito that They arrived safely in Los Angeles and after staying there for
risk. In so doing, they failed to observe that about three (3) weeks they decided to return to the
would exempt a person from responsibility, it is necessary extraordinary diligence required of them explicitly by
that (1) the event must be independent of the human will; (2) Philippines. On 30 June 1988 they arranged for their return
law for the safety of the passengers transported by them flight at CATHAY's Los Angeles Office and chose 1 July
the occurrence must render it impossible for the debtor to with due regard for an circumstances 10 and
fulfill the obligation in a normal manner; and that (3) the 1988, a Friday, for their departure. While Tiongson easily got
unnecessarily exposed the vessel and passengers to a booking for the flight, SINGSON was not as lucky. It was
obligor must be free of participation in, or aggravation of, the the tragic mishap. They failed to overcome that discovered that his ticket booklet did not have flight coupon

Averell B. Abrasaldo – II-Sanchez Roman 1

Assigned cases for digest
no. 5 corresponding to the San Francisco-Hongkong leg of San Francisco-Los Angeles portion; or, second, petitioner's about half a kilometer, the car left the road and went down a
the trip. Instead, what was in his ticket was flight coupon no. booklet of tickets did not from issuance include a San steep embankment.
3 — San Francisco to Los Angeles. Francisco-Hongkong flight coupon. In either case, the loss of
the coupon was attributed to the negligence of CATHAY's
The defendant, in his testimony, maintains that there was no
On 26 August 1988 SINGSON commenced an action for agents and was the proximate cause of the non-confirmation
defect in the steering gear, neither before nor after the
damages against CATHAY before the Regional Trial Court of of petitioner's return flight on 1 July 1988. It virtually
accident, and expresses the opinion that the swaying or
Vigan, Ilocos Sur. prevented petitioner from demanding the fulfillment of the
zigzagging of the car must have been due to its having been
carrier's obligations under the contract. Had CATHAY's
driven at an excessive rate of speed. This may possibly be
Thus he and his cousin Tiongson, who deferred his own agents been diligent in double checking the coupons they
true, but it is, from our point of view, immaterial whether the
flight to accompany him, were forced to leave for San were supposed to detach from the passengers' tickets, there
accident was caused by negligence on the part of the
Francisco on the night of 1 July 1988 to verify the missing would have been no reason for CATHAY not to confirm
defendant's employees, or whether it was due to defects in
ticket. petitioner's booking as exemplified in the case of his cousin
the automobile; the result would be practically the same in
and flight companion Tiongson whose ticket booklet was
either event.
Issue: Whether a breach of contract was committed by found to be in order. Hence, to hold that no contractual
CATHAY when it failed to confirm the booking of petitioner breach was committed by CATHAY and totally absolve it
for its 1 July 1988 flight? from any liability would in effect put a premium on the In going over the bank of the road, the automobile was
negligence of its agent, contrary to the policy of the law overturned and the plaintiffs pinned down under it. Mr.
Ruling: YES. requiring common carriers to exercise extraordinary Lasam escaped with a few contusions and a "dislocated"
diligence. rib , but his wife, Joaquina Sanchez, received serious
Application: CATHAY undoubtedly committed a breach of injuries, among which was a compound fracture of one of the
contract when it refused to confirm petitioner's flight Fortuitous Event as a Defense bones in her left wrist. She also appears to have suffered a
reservation back to the Philippines on account of his missing nervous breakdown from which she had not fully recovered
flight coupon. Its contention that there was no contract of at the time of the trial.
carriage that was breached because petitioner's ticket was G.R. No. L-19495 February 2, 1924
open-dated is untenable. To begin with, the round trip ticket
The complaint in the case was filed about a year and a half
issued by the carrier to the passenger was in itself a HONORIO LASAM, ET AL., plaintiffs-appellants, after the occurrence above related. It alleges, among other
complete written contract by and between the carrier and the vs. things, that the accident was due to defects in the
passenger. It has all the elements of a complete written FRANK SMITH, JR., defendant-appellant. automobile as well as to the incompetence and negligence
contract, to wit: (a) the consent of the contracting
of the chauffeur, and the case appears to have been tried
parties manifested by the fact that the passenger agreed
Facts: The plaintiff are husband and wife and this action is largely upon the theory that it sounds in tort and that the
to be transported by the carrier to and from Los Angeles
brought to recover damages in the sum of P20,000 for liability of the defendant is governed by article 1903 of the
via San Francisco and Hongkong back to the
physical injuries sustained by them in an automobile Civil Code.
Philippines, and the carrier's acceptance to bring him to
his destination and then back home; (b) cause or accident.
Issue: Whether or not the essential element of fortuitous
consideration, which was the fare paid by the passenger
It appears from the evidence that on February 27, 1918, the event (specifically: some extraordinary circumstance
as stated in his ticket; and, (c) object, which was the
defendant was the owner of a public garage in the town of independent of the will of the obligor, or of his employees) is
transportation of the passenger from the place of
San Fernando, La Union, and engaged in the business of present in this case?
departure to the place of destination and back, which
are also stated in his ticket.6 In fact, the contract of carrying passengers for hire from the one point to another in
the Province of La Union and the surrounding provinces. On Ruling: NO.
carriage in the instant case was already partially executed as
the carrier complied with its obligation to transport the the date mentioned, he undertook to convey the plaintiffs
from San Fernando to Currimao, Ilocos Norte, in a Ford Principle: What is meant by "events which cannot be
passenger to his destination, i.e., Los Angeles. Only the
automobile. On leaving San Fernando, the automobile was foreseen and which, having been foreseen, are inevitable?"
performance of the other half of the contract — which was to
operated by a licensed chauffeur, but after having reached The Spanish authorities regard the language employed as an
transport the passenger back to the Philippines — was left to
the town of San Juan, the chauffeur allowed his assistant, effort to define the term caso fortuito and hold that the two
be done. Moreover, Timothy Remedios, CATHAY's
Remigio Bueno, to drive the car. Bueno held no driver's expressions are synonymous. (Manresa, Comentarios al
reservation and ticketing agent, unequivocally testified that
license, but had some experience in driving, and with the Codigo Civil Español, vol. 8, pp. 88 et seq.; Scævola, Codigo
petitioner indeed had reservations booked for travel.
exception of some slight engine trouble while passing Civil, vol. 19, pp. 526 et seq.)
Interestingly, it appears that CATHAY was responsible for through the town of Luna, the car functioned well until after
the loss of the ticket. One of two (2) things may be the crossing of the Abra River in Tagudin, when, according to The antecedent to article 1105 is found in Law 11, Title 33,
surmised from the circumstances of this case: first, US Air the testimony of the witnesses for the plaintiffs, defects Partida 7, which defines caso fortuito as "occasion que a
(CATHAY's agent) had mistakenly detached the San developed in the steering gear so as to make accurate case por aventura de que non se puede ante ver. E son
Francisco-Hongkong flight coupon thinking that it was the steering impossible, and after zigzagging for a distance of estos, derrivamientos de casas e fuego que se enciende a

Averell B. Abrasaldo – II-Sanchez Roman 2

Assigned cases for digest
so ora, e quebrantamiento de navio, fuerca de ladrones. . . . HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS, MARIANO Ruling: YES.
(An event that takes place by accident and could not have BELTRAN, ET AL., respondents.
been foreseen. Examples of this are destruction of houses, Principle: It has been recognized as a rule that the relation
unexpected fire, shipwreck, violence of robbers. . . .)" of carrier and passenger does not cease at the moment the
Facts: On December 20, 1953, at about noontime, plaintiffs,
passenger alights from the carrier's vehicle at a place
husband and wife, together with their minor daughters,
selected by the carrier at the point of destination, but
Escriche defines caso fortuito as "an unexpected event or namely, Milagros, 13 years old, Raquel, about 4½ years old,
continues until the passenger has had a reasonable time or a
act of God which could either be foreseen nor resisted, such and Fe, over 2 years old, boarded the Pambusco Bus No.
reasonable opportunity to leave the carrier's premises. And,
as floods, torrents, shipwrecks, conflagrations, lightning, 352, bearing plate TPU No. 757 (1953 Pampanga), owned
what is a reasonable time or a reasonable delay within this
compulsion, insurrections, destructions, destruction of and operated by the defendant, at San Fernando,
rule is to be determined from all the circumstances. Thus, a
buildings by unforseen accidents and other occurrences of a Pampanga, bound for Anao, Mexico, Pampanga. At the time,
person who, after alighting from a train, walks along the
similar nature." they were carrying with them four pieces of baggages
station platform is considered still a passenger.2 So also,
containing their personal belonging.
where a passenger has alighted at his destination and is
In discussing and analyzing the term caso proceeding by the usual way to leave the company's
After about an hour's trip, the bus reached Anao whereat it
fortuito the Enciclopedia Juridica Española says: "In a legal premises, but before actually doing so is halted by the report
stopped to allow the passengers bound therefor, among
sense and, consequently, also in relation to contracts, a caso that his brother, a fellow passenger, has been shot, and he in
whom were the plaintiffs and their children to get off. With
fortuito presents the following essential characteristics: (1) good faith and without intent of engaging in the difficulty,
respect to the group of the plaintiffs, Mariano Beltran, then
The cause of the unforeseen and unexpected occurrence, or returns to relieve his brother, he is deemed reasonably and
carrying some of their baggages, was the first to get down
of the failure of the debtor to comply with his obligation, must necessarily delayed and thus continues to be a passenger
the bus, followed by his wife and his children. Mariano led his
be independent of the human will. (2) It must be impossible entitled as such to the protection of the railroad and company
companions to a shaded spot on the left pedestrians side of
to foresee the event which constitutes the caso fortuito, or if and its agents.
the road about four or five meters away from the vehicle.
it can be foreseen, it must be impossible to avoid. (3) The
Afterwards, he returned to the bus in controversy to get his
occurrence must be such as to render it impossible for the Application: Under the facts as found by the Court of
other bayong, which he had left behind, but in so doing, his
debtor to fulfill his obligation in a normal manner. And (4) the Appeals, we have to sustain the judgement holding petitioner
daughter Raquel followed him, unnoticed by her father.
obligor (debtor) must be free from any participation in the liable for damages for the death of the child, Raquel Beltran.
aggravation of the injury resulting to the creditor." It may be pointed out that although it is true that respondent
Sensing that the bus was again in motion, Mariano Beltran
(5 Enciclopedia Juridica Española, 309.) Mariano Beltran, his wife, and their children (including the
immediately jumped from the running board without getting
deceased child) had alighted from the bus at a place
his bayong from the conductor. He landed on the side of the
designated for disembarking or unloading of passengers, it
As will be seen, these authorities agree that some road almost in front of the shaded place where he left his
was also established that the father had to return to the
extraordinary circumstance independent of the will of the wife and children. At that precise time, he saw people
vehicle (which was still at a stop) to get one of his bags
obligor, or of his employees, is an essential element of beginning to gather around the body of a child lying prostrate
or bayong that was left under one of the seats of the bus.
a caso fortuito. on the ground, her skull crushed, and without life. The child
There can be no controversy that as far as the father is
was none other than his daughter Raquel, who was run over
concerned, when he returned to the bus for his bayong
Application: Turning to the present case, it is at once by the bus in which she rode earlier together with her
which was not unloaded, the relation of passenger and
apparent that this element is lacking. It is not suggested that parents. (grabe ka sad gyud ani )
carrier between him and the petitioner remained
the accident in question was due to an act of God or to subsisting. For, the relation of carrier and passenger does
adverse road conditions which could not have been
For the death of their said child, the plaintiffs commenced the not necessarily cease where the latter, after alighting from
foreseen. As far as the records shows, the accident was
present suit against the defendant seeking to recover from the car, aids the carrier's servant or employee in removing
caused either by defects in the automobile or else through
the latter an aggregate amount of P16,000 to cover moral his baggage from the car.1 The issue to be determined here
the negligence of its driver. That is not a caso fortuito.
damages and actual damages sustained as a result thereof is whether as to the child, who was already led by the father
and attorney's fees. After trial on the merits, the court below to a place about 5 meters away from the bus, the liability of
Also: here the passengers had no means of avoiding the
rendered the judgment in question. the carrier for her safety under the contract of carriage also
danger or escaping the injury. persisted.

Duration of Responsibility La Mallorca claimed that there could not be a breach of In the present case, the father returned to the bus to get one
contract in the case, for the reason that when the child met of his baggages which was not unloaded when they alighted
her death, she was no longer a passenger of the bus
G.R. No. L-20761 July 27, 1966 from the bus. Raquel, the child that she was, must have
involved in the incident and, therefore, the contract of followed the father. However, although the father was still on
carriage had already terminated. the running board of the bus awaiting for the conductor to
LA MALLORCA, petitioner, hand him the bag or bayong, the bus started to run, so that
vs. Issue: Whether or not La Mallorca is liable for damages for even he (the father) had to jump down from the moving
the death of Raquel Beltran? vehicle. It was at this instance that the child, who must be

Averell B. Abrasaldo – II-Sanchez Roman 3

Assigned cases for digest
near the bus, was run over and killed. In the circumstances, airworthiness issued by the Civil Aeronautics Administration passenger is right away attributable to the fault or negligence
it cannot be claimed that the carrier's agent had exercised (CAA). There was navigational error but no negligence or of the carrier (Art. 1756, New Civil Code). This is an
the "utmost diligence" of a "very cautions person" required by malfeasance on the part of the pilot. exception to the general rule that negligence must be
Article 1755 of the Civil Code to be observed by a common proved.
carrier in the discharge of its obligation to transport safely its Issue: Whether or not the defendant is liable for violation of
passengers. In the first place, the driver, although stopping its contract of carriage. E. Responsibility for Acts of Employees,
the bus, nevertheless did not put off the engine. Secondly,
Strangers and Co-Passengers
he started to run the bus even before the bus conductor gave Ruling: YES.
him the signal to go and while the latter was still unloading
part of the baggages of the passengers Mariano Beltran and Principle: Article 1733 binds common carriers, "from the G.R. No. L-8034 November 18, 1955
family. The presence of said passengers near the bus was nature of their business and by reasons of public policy, ... to
not unreasonable and they are, therefore, to be considered observe extraordinary diligence in the vigilance ... for the
CORNELIA A. DE GILLACO, ET AL., plaintiffs-appellees,
still as passengers of the carrier, entitled to the protection safety of the passengers transported by them according to all
under their contract of carriage. the circumstances of each case." Article 1755 establishes
MANILA RAILROAD COMPANY, defendant-appellant.
the standard of care required of a common carrier, which is,
C. Presumption of negligence "to carry the passengers safely as far as human care and
foresight can provide, using the utmost diligence of very Facts: That at about 7:30 a.m., on the morning of April 1,
cautious persons, with due regard for all the circumstances." 1946, Lieut. Tomas Gillaco, husband of the plaintiff, was a
G.R. No. L-28692 July 30, 1982 Article 1756 fixes the burden of proof by providing that "in passenger in the early morning train of the Manila Railroad
case of death of or injuries to passengers, common carriers Company from Calamba, Laguna to Manila;
CONRADA VDA. DE ABETO, CARMELO ABETO, are presumed to have been at fault or to have acted
CECILIA ABETO, CONCEPCION ABETO, MARIA ABETO, negligently, unless they prove that they observed extra-
ordinary diligence as prescribed in Articles 1733 and 1755." That when the train reached the Paco Railroad station,
ESTELA ABETO, PERLA ABETO, PATRIA ABETO and Emilio Devesa, a train guard of the Manila Railroad
ALBERTO ABETO, plaintiffs-appellees, Lastly, Article 1757 states that "the responsibility of a
common carrier for the safety of passengers ... cannot be Company assigned in the Manila-San Fernando, La Union
vs. Line, happened to be in said station waiting for the same
PHILIPPINE AIR LINES, INCORPORATED, defendant- dispensed with or lessened by stipulation, by the posting of
notices, by statements on tickets, or otherwise." train which would take him to Tutuban Station, where he was
appellant. going to report for duty;
Application: The prescribed airway of plane PI-C133 that
Facts: Plaintiff's evidence shows that about 5:30 in the afternoon of November 23, 1960, with Capt. de Mesa, as the That Emilio Devesa had a long standing personal grudge
afternoon of November 23, 1960, Judge Quirico Abeto, with pilot, was Iloilo-Romblon-Manila, denominated as airway against Tomas Gillaco, same dating back during the
the necessary tickets, boarded the Philippine Air Lines' PI- "Amber l," and the prescribed elevation of the flight was Japanese occupation;
C133 plane at the Mandurriao Airport, Iloilo City for Manila. 6,000 ft. The fact is, the plane did not take the designated
He was listed as the No. 18 passenger in its Load Manifest route because it was some 30 miles to the west when it
(Exhibit A). The plane which would then take two hours from crashed at Mt. Baco. According to defendant's witness, That because of this personal grudge, Devesa shot Gillaco
Iloilo to Manila did not reach its destination and the next day Ramon A. Pedroza, Administrative Assistant of the with the carbine furnished to him by the Manila Railroad
there was news that the plane was missing. After three Philippine Air Lines, Inc., this tragic crash would have Company for his use as such train guard, upon seeing him
weeks, it was ascertained that the plane crashed at Mt. not happened had the pilot continued on the route inside the train coach;
Baco, Province of Mindoro. All the passengers, including indicated.
Judge Abeto, must have been killed instantly and their That Tomas Gillaco died as a result of the would which he
remains were scattered all over the area. Among the articles Principle in relation to the topic of presumption of sustained from the shot fired by Devesa.
recovered on the site of the crash was a leather bag with the negligence: At any rate, in the absence of a satisfactory
name "Judge Quirico Abeto. explanation by appellant as to how the accident occurred,
the presumption is, it is at fault. It is also undisputed that Devesa was convicted with
When defendant-appellant would not hear demands for homicide by final judgment of the Court of Appeals.
settlement of damages, plaintiffs-appellees were compelled In an action based on a contract of carriage, the court need
to hire counsel for the institution and prosecution of this not make an express finding of fault or negligence on the Issue: Whether or not Manila Raillroad shall be held liable
case. part of the carrier in order to hold it responsible to pay the for the acts commited by Emilio Devesa who is its train
damages sought for by the passenger. By the contract of guard?
Defendant-appellant tried to prove that the plane crash at Mt. carriage, the carrier assumes the express obligation to
Baco was beyond the control of the pilot. The plane at the transport the passenger to his destination safely and to
time of the crash was airworthy for the purpose of conveying observe extraordinary diligence with a due regard for all the Ruling: NO.
passengers across the country as shown by the certificate of circumstances, and any injury that might be suffered by the

Averell B. Abrasaldo – II-Sanchez Roman 4

Assigned cases for digest
Principle: There can be no quarrel with the principle that a however, was adduced to indicate how the fight started or
passenger is entitled to protection from personal violence by Application: The act of guard Devesa in shooting passenger who, between the two, delivered the first blow or how
the carrier or its agents or employees, since the contract of Gillaco (because of a personal grudge nurtured against the Navidad later fell on the LRT tracks. At the exact moment
transportation obligates the carrier to transport a passenger latter since the Japanese occupation) was entirely that Navidad fell, an LRT train, operated by petitioner
safely to his destination. But under the law of the case, this unforeseeable by the Manila Railroad Co. The latter had no Rodolfo Roman, was coming in. Navidad was struck by the
responsibility extends only to those that the carrier could means to ascertain or anticipate that the two would meet, nor moving train, and he was killed instantaneously.
foresee or avoid through the exercise of the degree of car could it reasonably foresee every personal rancor that might
and diligence required of it. exist between each one of its many employees and any one On 08 December 1994, the widow of Nicanor filed a
of the thousands of eventual passengers riding in its trains. complaint for damages against Junelito Escartin, Rodolfo
No doubt that a common carrier is held to a very high degree The shooting in question was therefore "caso fortuito" within Roman, the LRTA, the Metro Transit Organization, Inc.
of care and diligence in the protection of its passengers; but, the definition of article 105 of the old Civil Code, being both (Metro Transit), and Prudent for the death of her husband.
considering the vast and complex activities of modern rail unforeseeable and inevitable under the given circumstances;
transportation, to require of appellant that it should guard and pursuant to established doctrine, the resulting breach of Respondents, supporting the decision of the appellate court,
against all possible misunderstanding between each and appellant's contract of safe carriage with the late Tomas contended that a contract of carriage was deemed created
every one of its employees and every passenger that might Gillaco was excused thereby. from the moment Navidad paid the fare at the LRT station
chance to ride in its conveyances at any time, strikes us as and entered the premises of the latter, entitling Navidad to all
demanding diligence beyond what human care and foresight Another very important consideration that must be borne in the rights and protection under a contractual relation, and
can provide. mind is that, when the crime took place, the guard Devesa that the appellate court had correctly held LRTA and Roman
had no duties to discharge in connection with the liable for the death of Navidad in failing to exercise
The only good reason for making the carrier responsible for transportation of the deceased from Calamba to Manila. The extraordinary diligence imposed upon a common carrier.
the misconduct of the servant perpetrated in his own interest, stipulation of facts is clear that when Devesa shot and killed
and not in that of his employer, or otherwise within the scope Gillaco, Devesa was assigned to guard the Manila-San Issue: Whether or not Roman shall be held liable for the
of his employment, is that the servant is clothed with the Fernando (La Union) trains, and he was at Paco Station death of Nicanor Navidad?
delegated authority, and charge with the duty by the carrier, awaiting transportation to Tutuban, the starting point of the
to execute his undertaking with the passenger. And it cannot train that he was engaged to guard. In fact, his tour of duty Ruling: NO.
be said, we think, that there is any such delegation to the was to start at 9:00 a.m., two hours after the commission of
employees at a station with reference to passenger the crime. Devesa was therefore under no obligation to Principle: Law and jurisprudence dictate that a common
embarking at another or traveling on the train. Of course, we safeguard the passenger of the Calamba-Manila train, where carrier, both from the nature of its business and for reasons
are speaking only of the principle which holds a carrier the deceased was riding; and the killing of Gillaco was not of public policy, is burdened with the duty of exercising
responsible for wrong done to passenger by servants acting done in line of duty. The position of Devesa at the time was utmost diligence in ensuring the safety of passengers. 4 The
in their own interest, and not in that of the employer. That that of another would be passenger, a stranger also awaiting Civil Code, governing the liability of a common carrier for
principle is not the ordinary rule,respondent superior, by transportation, and not that of an employee assigned to death of or injury to its passengers, provides:
which the employer is held responsible only for act or discharge any of the duties that the Railroad had assumed
omissions of the employee in the scope of his employment; by its contract with the deceased. As a result, Devesa's
"Article 1755. A common carrier is bound to carry the
but the only reason in our opinion for a broader liability arises assault cannot be deemed in law a breach of Gillaco's
passengers safely as far as human care and foresight can
from the fact that the servant, in mistreating the passenger contract of transportation by a servant or employee of the
provide, using the utmost diligence of very cautious persons,
wholly for some private purpose of his own, in the very act, carrier.
with a due regard for all the circumstances.
violates the contractual obligation of the employer for the
performance of which he has put the employee in his place. G.R. No. 145804 February 6, 2003
The reason does not exist where the employee who LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT AUTHORITY & RODOLFO "Article 1756. In case of death of or injuries to passengers,
committed the assault was never in a position in which it ROMAN, petitioners, common carriers are presumed to have been at fault or to
became his duty to his employer to represent him in vs. have acted negligently, unless they prove that they observed
discharging any duty of the latter toward the passenger. The MARJORIE NAVIDAD, Heirs of the Late NICANOR extraordinary diligence as prescribed in articles 1733 and
proposition that the carrier clothes every employee engaged NAVIDAD & PRUDENT SECURITY AGENCY, respondents. 1755."
in the transportation business with the comprehensive duty
of protecting every passenger with whom he may in any way Facts: On 14 October 1993, about half an hour past seven
"Article 1759. Common carriers are liable for the death of or
come in contact, and hereby makes himself liable for every o’clock in the evening, Nicanor Navidad, then drunk, entered
injuries to passengers through the negligence or willful acts
assault commited by such servant, without regard to the the EDSA LRT station after purchasing a "token"
of the former’s employees, although such employees may
inquiry whether or not the passenger has come within the (representing payment of the fare). While Navidad was
have acted beyond the scope of their authority or in violation
sphere of duty of that servant as indicated by the standing on the platform near the LRT tracks, Junelito
of the orders of the common carriers.
employment, is regarded as not only not sustained by the Escartin, the security guard assigned to the area approached
authorities, but as being unsound and oppressive both to the Navidad. A misunderstanding or an altercation between the
employer and the employee. two apparently ensued that led to a fist fight. No evidence,

Averell B. Abrasaldo – II-Sanchez Roman 5

Assigned cases for digest
"This liability of the common carriers does not cease upon Escartin, has not been duly proven x x x." This finding of the cases. When the storm abated the ship made port, and
proof that they exercised all the diligence of a good father of appellate court is not without substantial justification in our thirteen cases of the petroleum were recovered, but the
a family in the selection and supervision of their employees." own review of the records of the case. remainder was wholly lost.

There being, similarly, no showing that petitioner

"Article 1763. A common carrier is responsible for injuries To recover the value of the petroleum thus jettisoned but not
Rodolfo Roman himself is guilty of any culpable act or
suffered by a passenger on account of the willful acts or recovered, the present action was instituted by the Standard
omission, he must also be absolved from liability.
negligence of other passengers or of strangers, if the Oil Company against the owner of the ship in the Court of
Needless to say, the contractual tie between the LRT and
common carrier’s employees through the exercise of the First Instance of Manila.
Navidad is not itself a juridical relation between the latter and
diligence of a good father of a family could have prevented or
Roman; thus, Roman can be made liable only for his own
stopped the act or omission."
fault or negligence. No question is made upon the point that the captain
exercised proper discretion in casting this petroleum
The law requires common carriers to carry passengers safely Art. 586–608 –Shipowners and Ship Agent overboard, as a step necessary to the salvation of the ship;
using the utmost diligence of very cautious persons with due and in fact it appears that even after the vessel was thus
regard for all circumstances.5 Such duty of a common carrier eased, she was with difficulty prevented from capsizing, so
to provide safety to its passengers so obligates it not only G.R. No. L-13695 October 18, 1921 great was the intensity of the storm.
during the course of the trip but for so long as the
passengers are within its premises and where they ought to STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW YORK, plaintiff- Issue: Who is the person, or persons, who are liable to make
be in pursuance to the contract of carriage.6 The statutory appellee, good this loss, and what are the conditions under which the
provisions render a common carrier liable for death of or vs. action can be maintained?
injury to passengers (a) through the negligence or wilful acts MANUEL LOPEZ CASTELO, defendant-appellant.
of its employees or b) on account of wilful acts or negligence
of other passengers or of strangers if the common carrier’s Ruling: Principle: That the owner of the ship is a person to
employees through the exercise of due diligence could have Facts: By contract of character dated February 8, 1915, whom the plaintiff in this case may immediately look for
prevented or stopped the act or omission.7 In case of such Manuel Lopez Castelo, as owner, let the small interisland reimbursement to the extent above stated is deducible not
death or injury, a carrier is presumed to have been at fault or steamer Batangueño for the term of one year to Jose Lim only from the general doctrines of admiralty jurisprudence
been negligent, and8 by simple proof of injury, the passenger Chumbuque for use in the conveying of cargo between but from the provisions of the Code of Commerce applicable
is relieved of the duty to still establish the fault or negligence certain ports of the Philippine Islands. In this contract it was to the case. It is universally recognized that the captain is
of the carrier or of its employees and the burden shifts upon stipulated that the officers and crew of primarily the representative of the owner; and article 586 of
the carrier to prove that the injury is due to an unforeseen the Batangueño should be supplied by the owner, and that the Code of Commerce expressly declares that both the
event or to force majeure.9 In the absence of satisfactory the charterer should have no other control over the captain, owner of the vessel and the naviero, or charterer, shall be
explanation by the carrier on how the accident occurred, pilot, and engineers than to specify the voyages that they civil liable for the acts of the master. In this connection, it
which petitioners, according to the appellate court, have should make and to require the owner to discipline or relieve may be noted that there is a discrepancy between the
failed to show, the presumption would be that it has been at them as soon as possible in case they should fail to perform meaning of naviero, in articles 586 of the Code of
fault,10 an exception from the general rule that negligence the duties respectively assigned to them. Commerce, where the word is used in contradistinction to the
must be proved. term "owner of the vessel" ( propietario), and in article 587
While the boat was being thus used by the charterer in the where it is used alone, and apparently in a sense broad
Application: The foundation of LRTA’s liability is the interisland trade, the standard Oil Company delivered to the enough to include the owner. Fundamentally the word
contract of carriage and its obligation to indemnify the victim agent of the boat in Manila a quantity of petroleum to be "naviero" must be understood to refer to the person
arises from the breach of that contract by reason of its failure conveyed to the port of Casiguran, in the Province of undertaking the voyage, who in one case may be the owner
to exercise the high diligence required of the common Sorsogon. For this consignment a bill of lading of the usual and in another the charterer. But this is not vital to the
carrier. In the discharge of its commitment to ensure the form was delivered, with the stipulation that freight should be present discussion. The real point to which we direct
safety of passengers, a carrier may choose to hire its own paid at the destination. Said bill of lading contained no attention is that, by the express provision of the Code, the
employees or avail itself of the services of an outsider or an provision with respect to the storage of the petroleum, but it owner of the vessel is civilly liable for the acts of the captain;
independent firm to undertake the task. In either case, the was in fact placed upon the deck of the ship and not in the and he can only escape from this civil liability by abandoning
common carrier is not relieved of its responsibilities under hold. his property in the ship and any freight that he may have
the contract of carriage. earned on the voyage (arts. 587, 588, Code of Comm.).

Regrettably for LRT, as well as perhaps the surviving spouse While the boat was on her way to the port mentioned, and off
the western coast of Sorsogon, a violent typhoon passed In considering the question now before us it is important to
and heirs of the late Nicanor Navidad, this Court is
over that region, and while the storm was at its height the remember that the owner of the ship ordinarily has vastly
concluded by the factual finding of the Court of Appeals that
captain was compelled for the safety of all to jettison the more capital embarked upon a voyage than has any
"there is nothing to link (Prudent) to the death of Nicanor
entire consignment of petroleum consisting of two hundred individual shipper of cargo. Moreover, the owner of the ship,
(Navidad), for the reason that the negligence of its employee,

Averell B. Abrasaldo – II-Sanchez Roman 6

Assigned cases for digest
in the person of the captain, has complete and exclusive reef on the southern part of Malapascua Island, located Centennial Maritime Services, Corp., hired respondent Dela
control of the crew and of the navigation of the ship, as well somewhere north of the island of Cebu and subsequently Cruz as Chief Officer of the oil tanker vessel "MT
as of the disposition of the cargo at the end of the voyage. It sunk. The aforementioned passengers were unheard from Aquidneck," owned by petitioner B+H Equimar, Singapore,
is therefore proper that any person whose property may have since then. Pte. Ltd., for a period of nine months.
been cast overboard by order of the captain should have a
right of action directly against the ship's owner for the breach Plaintiffs Pedro Vasquez and Soledad Ortega are the
On May 15, 2000, respondent boarded "MT Aquidneck" and
of any duty which the law may have imposed on the captain parents of Alfonso Vasquez; plaintiffs Cleto Bagaipo and
performed his functions as Chief Officer. However, on
with respect to such cargo. To adopt the interpretation of the Agustina Virtudes are the parents of Filipinas Bagaipo; and
September 14, 2000, respondent was relieved of his duties
law for which the appellant contends would place the plaintiffs Romeo Vasquez and Maxima Cainay are the
and repatriated to the Philippines. Failing to get a satisfactory
shipowner in a position to escape all responsibility for a parents of the child, Mario Marlon Vasquez. They seek the
explanation from petitioners for his relief, respondent filed a
general average of this character by means of the recovery of damages due to the loss of Alfonso Vasquez,
complaint for illegal dismissal with prayer for payment of his
delinquency of his own captain. This cannot be permitted. Filipinas Bagaipo and Mario Marlon Vasquez during said
salaries for the unexpired portion of contract, moral and
The evident intention of the Code, taken in all of its voyage.
exemplary damages and attorney’s fees on October 7, 2000.
provisions, is to place the primary liability upon the person
who has actual control over the conduct of the voyage and Due to the loss of their children, petitioners sued for
who has most capital embarked in the venture, namely, the damages before the Court of First Instance of Manila (Civil Petitioner alleged that respondent was relieved of his
owner of the ship, leaving him to obtain recourse, as it is very Case No. 67139). Respondent defended on the plea of force functions as Chief Officer due to his inefficiency and lack of
easy to do, from other individuals who have been drawn into majeure, and the extinction of its liability by the actual total job knowledge. Capt. Kowalewski allegedly informed them of
the venture as shippers. loss of the vessel. respondent’s lack of experience in tanker operations which
exposed the vessel and its crew to danger and caused
additional expenses. Petitioners allegedly advised
Application: It results that the plaintiff is entitled to recover Issue: Whether the total loss of the vessel extinguished
respondent to take a refresher course in order to facilitate his
in this action; and the only additional point to be inquired into private respondent’s liability pursuant to Article 587 of the
deployment to another vessel. However, instead of taking a
is the amount that should be awarded. In this connection it Code of Commerce?
refresher course, respondent filed a case for illegal
appears that the total value of the jettisoned cargo, belonging
partly to the plaintiff to another shipper, was P880.35, of
Ruling: With respect to private respondent's submission that
which P719.95 represented the value of the plaintiff's
the total loss of the vessel extinguished its liability pursuant
petroleum. Upon the apportionment of this total loss among On April 23, 2001,6 Labor Arbiter Francisco A. Robles
to Article 587 of the Code of Commerce 12 as construed in
the different interests involved, to wit, value of ship, value of rendered a Decision dismissing respondent’s complaint. He
Yangco vs. Laserna, 73 Phil. 330 [1941], suffice it to state
cargo, and the earned but lost freight, it appears that the found that respondent was validly dismissed because he
that even in the cited case, it was held that the liability of a
amount of the loss apportionable to the plaintiff is P11.28. committed acts in violation of his duties as Chief Officer,
shipowner is limited to the value of the vessel or to the
Deducting this from the value of the petroleum, we have as a amounting to breach of trust and confidence. He noted that
insurance thereon. Despite the total loss of the vessel
result, the amount of P708.67, which is the amount for which on September 6, 2000, Capt. Kowalewski wrote in the official
therefore, its insurance answers for the damages that a
judgment should be given. log book of the vessel that respondent failed to follow entry
shipowner or agent may be held liable for by reason of the
procedures in loading oil tanks while the vessel was
death of its passengers.
navigating to Aruba; that the Safety Officer of the vessel also
Arts. 587– 590,837 – Doctrine of Limited submitted a report on the violations committed by respondent
Liability Arts. 609–621 –Captains and Masters of regarding safety rules on entry procedures; that respondent
admitted his inadequacy or lack of knowledge in tanker
G.R. No. L-42926 September 13, 1985
Vessels Arts. 622–624 –Maritime Protest Arts. operations; and that respondent was properly apprised of his
PEDRO VASQUEZ, SOLEDAD ORTEGA, CLETO B. 627–651 -Officers and Crew violations and was given ample opportunity to be heard.
and G.R. No. 180719 August 22, 2008 Respondent appealed to the NLRC which was dismissed –
MAXIMINA CAINAY, petitioners,
elevated to the Court of Appeals and reversed the decision
EQUIMAR SINGAPORE, PTE. LTD., petitioners, Issue: (1) Whether or not the position of Chief Officer of an
Facts: When the inter-island vessel MV "Pioneer Cebu" left vs. ocean going vessel is a managerial position or one of trust
the Port of Manila in the early morning of May 15, 1966 RUBEN G. DELA CRUZ, respondent. and Confidence; (2) Whether or not entries in the official
bound for Cebu, it had on board the spouses Alfonso logbook of a vessel should not be given weight for being self-
Vasquez and Filipinas Bagaipo and a four-year old boy, Facts: On May 9, 2000, petitioner Centennial Transmarine, serving?
Mario Marlon Vasquez, among her passengers. The MV Inc., for and in behalf of its foreign principal, petitioner
"Pioneer Cebu" encountered typhoon "Klaring" and struck a

Averell B. Abrasaldo – II-Sanchez Roman 7

Assigned cases for digest
Ruling: First issue: YES; Second issue: NO. such copy. He alleged that before his repatriation, there was Co. requested petitioner Macondray & Co., agent of the
no entry in the ship’s official logbook regarding any incident vessel S/S TAI PING", to correct the manifest of the steamer
that might have caused his relief;20 that Captain so that it may take delivery of the goods at Customs House.
Principle: With respect to the first issue: With respect to a
Kowalewski’s signature in such purported entry was Meanwhile, the Collector of Customs required herein
managerial employee, the mere existence of a basis for
forged.21 In support of his allegations, respondent submitted petitioner to explain and show cause why no administrative
believing that such employee has breached the trust of his
three official documents22 bearing the signature of Capt. fine should be imposed upon said vessel.
employer would suffice for his dismissal. Proof beyond
Sczepan Kowalewski which is different from the one
reasonable doubt is not required, only substantial evidence
appearing in Annex E. Thus, it was incumbent upon
which must establish clearly and convincingly the facts on Counsel for petitioner wrote a letter: Upon investigation by
petitioners to prove the authenticity of Annex E, which they
which the loss of confidence rests.13 our client, it was verified that the vessel actually carried on
failed to do. Likewise, the purported report of Capt.
board and discharged at Manila 3 as called for in the bill of
Kowalewski dated September 1, 2000 (Annex D), 23 and the
lading. By a letter dated November 15, 1962, our client
Article 627 of the Code of Commerce defines the Chief Mate, statements of Safety Officer Khaldun Nacem Faridi and
immediately applied with your Bureau for the appropriate
also called Chief Officer or Sailing Mate, as "the second chief Chief Officer Josip Milin (Annexes G24 and H25) also cannot
amendment on an approved customs form to reflect the true
of the vessel, and unless the agent orders otherwise, shall be given weight for lack of authentication.
correct description of the shipment and to effect its release
take the place of the captain in cases of absence, sickness,
from the customs house.
or death, and shall then assume all his powers, duties, and
Although technical rules of evidence do not strictly apply to
responsibilities." A Chief Officer, therefore, is second in
labor proceedings, however, in the instant case,
command, next only to the captain of the vessel. Collector of Customs replied: The records of this Office
authentication of the above-mentioned documents is
show that the vesels under your agency have oftentimes
necessary because their genuineness is being assailed, and
failed to declare correctly the cargoes they convey as
The exercise of discretion and judgment in directing a ship’s since petitioners offered no corroborating evidence. These
covered by the pertinent bill of lading. Intentionally, or
course is as much managerial in nature as decisions arrived documents and their contents have to be duly identified and
otherwise, such incorrect preparation of cargo manifests
at in the confines of the more conventional board room or authenticated lest an injustice would result from a blind
cannot be tolerated for it does not only enhance the
executive office. Important functions pertaining to the adoption of such contents. 26 Thus, the unauthenticated
commission of fraud but also makes smuggling suspicious
navigation of the vessel like assessing risks and evaluating documents relied upon by petitioners are mere self-
since it renders difficult tracing of the source of contraband
the vessel’s situation are managerial in nature.15 serving statements of their own officers and were
goods. In passing, it may be stated that your vessels have
correctly disregarded by the Court of Appeals.
been found committing the same violations despite the
Application: Thus, respondent, as Chief Officer, is a warnings heretofore given and which your company has not
managerial employee; hence, petitioners need to show by BILLS OF LADING given any concern. As a matter of fact, your vessel have
substantial evidence the basis for their claim that respondent oftentimes been reported committing the same violations,
Arts. 706–718,353–375
has breached their trust and confidence. which conduct is tantamount to willful and deliberate
defiance of constituted authority.
G.R. No. L-25783 February 25, 1975
Principle (with respect to the second issue): Petitioners’
basis for dismissing respondent was the alleged entry by The fine of P1,000 was paid by herein petitioner under
Captain Kowalewski in the ship’s logbook regarding MACONDRAY AND COMPANY INC., in its capacity as protest on December 4, 1963.
respondent’s inexperience and inefficiency. A ship’s ship agent of the S/S "TAI PING", petitioner,
log/logbook is the official record of a ship’s voyage which its vs.
Issue: Whether or not the Collector of Customs erred in
captain is obligated by law to keep wherein he records the ACTING COMMISSIONER OF CUSTOMS, respondent.
imposing a fine on the vessel, S/S TAI PING, for alleged
decisions he has adopted, a summary of the performance of
violation of section 1005 in relation to section 2521 of the
the vessel, and other daily events. A logbook is a
Facts: On November 2, 1962, the vessel S/S TAI PING", of Tariff and Customs Code for landing unmanifested cargo at
respectable record that can be relied upon when the entries
which petitioner is the local agent, arrived at the port of the port of Manila.
therein are presented in evidence.
Manila from San Francisco, California, U.S.A., conveying
various shipments of merchandise, among which was a
Ruling: NO.
Application: In the instant case, however, respondent shipment of one (1) coil carbon steel, one (1) bundle carbon
correctly pointed out that the issue is not whether an official steel flat and one (1) carton containing carbon tool holders
logbook entry is acceptable in evidence, but whether a carbide cutters, ground, all of which appeared in the Bill of Petitioner herein contends that from "the fact the whole
document purporting to be a copy of a logbook entry has Lading No. 22, consigned to Bogo Medellin Millings Co., Inc. shipment was indicated in the bill of lading, it is clear that the
been duly established to be authentic and not spurious. The shipment, except the one (1) coil carbon steel was not deficiency of the original vessel's manifest was adequately
reflected in the Inward Cargo Manifest as required by supplied by the entries of said bill of lading and, therefore, no
Section 1005 in relation to Section 2521 of the Tariff and violation of the provision of the Tariff and Customs Code,
In the instant case, respondent has consistently assailed the
Customs Code of the Philippines. Allied Brokerage was committed." The Supreme Court disagreed.
genuineness of the purported entry and the authenticity of
Corporation, acting for and in behalf of Bogo Medellin Milling

Averell B. Abrasaldo – II-Sanchez Roman 8

Assigned cases for digest
Principle: Sections 1004 and 1005, in relation to section to the customs authorities, or shall enter G.R. No. 136888 June 29, 2005
2521 of the Tariff and Customs Code, explicitly provide: or depart conveying unmanifested
cargo other than as stated in the next
proceeding section hereof, such vessel
Section 1004. Documents to be CORPORATION, petitioner,
or aircraft shall be fined in a sum not
produced by master upon entry of a vs.
exceeding ten thousand pesos.
vessel — For the purpose of making CHEMOIL LIGHTERAGE CORPORATION, respondent.
entry of a vessel engaged in foreign
trade, the master thereof shall The same fine shall be imposed upon any arriving or
Facts: On 24 January 1991, Samkyung Chemical Company,
present the following documents, duly departing vessel or aircraft if the master or pilot in command
Ltd., based in Ulsan, South Korea, shipped 62.06 metric tons
certified by him, to the customs boarding shall fail to deliver or mail to the Auditor General a true copy
of the liquid chemical DIOCTYL PHTHALATE (DOP) on
official:. of the manifest of the incoming or outgoing cargo, as
board MT "TACHIBANA" which was valued at US$90,201.57
required by law.
under Bill of Lading No. ULS/MNL-1 3 and another 436.70
a. The original manifest of all cargo metric tons of DOP valued at US$634,724.89 under Bill of
destined for the port, to be returned with Application: The inclusion of the unmanifested cargoes Lading No. ULS/MNL-24 to the Philippines. The consignee
the indorsement of the boarding official; in the Bill of Lading does not satisfy the requirement of was Plastic Group Phils., Inc. (PGP) in Manila.
the aforequoted sections of the Tariff and Customs
Code. It is to be noted that nowhere in the said section is the
b. Three copies of the same manifest, PGP insured the cargo with herein petitioner Philippine
presentation of a Bill of Lading required, but only the
one of which upon certification by the Charter Insurance Corporation against all risks. The
presentation of a Manifest containing a true and accurate
boarding official as to the correctness of insurance was under Marine Policies No. MRN-30721 5 dated
description of the cargoes. This is for the simple reason that
the copy, shall be returned to the 06 February 1991 for ₱31,757,969.19 and No. MRN-
while a manifest is a declaration of the entire cargo, a bill of
master; 307226 for ₱4,514,881.00. Marine Endorsement No.
lading is but a declaration of a specific part of the cargo and
27867 dated 11 May 1991 was attached and formed part of
is a matter of business convenience based exclusively on a
MRN-30721, amending the latter’s insured value to
c. ... contract.1 The object of a manifest is to furnish the customs
₱24,667,422.03, and reduced the premium accordingly.
officers with a list to check against, to inform our revenue
officers what goods are being brought into the country, and
Section 1005. Manifest required of to provide a safeguard against goods being brought into this The ocean tanker MT "TACHIBANA" unloaded the cargo to
vessel from foreign port. — Every vessel country on a vessel and then smuggled ashore. 2 In short, Tanker Barge LB-1011 of respondent Chemoil Lighterage
from a foreign port must have on board while a bill of lading is ordinarily merely a convenient Corporation, which shall transport the same to Del Pan
a complete manifest of all her cargo. commercial instrument designed to protect the importer Bridge in Pasig River. Tanker Barge LB-1011 would unload
or consignee, a manifest of the cargo is absolutely the cargo to tanker trucks, also owned by the respondent,
All of the cargo intended to be landed at essential to the exportation or importation of property in and haul it by land to PGP’s storage tanks in Calamba,
a port, in the Philippines, must be all vessels, the evident intent and object of which is to Laguna.
described in separate manifests for impose upon the owners and officers of such vessel an
each port of call therein. Each manifest imperative obligation to submit lists of the entire loading
Upon inspection by PGP, the samples taken from the
shall include the port of departure and of the ship in the prescribed form, to facilitate the labors
shipment showed discoloration from yellowish to amber,
the port of delivery with the marks, of the customs and immigration officers and to defeat
demonstrating that it was damaged, as DOP is colorless and
numbers, quantity and description of the any attempt to make use of such vessels to secure the
water clear. PGP then sent a letter to the petitioner dated 18
packages and the names of the unlawful entry of persons or things into the
February 19918 where it formally made an insurance claim
consignees thereof. Every vessel from a country.3 Since therefore, the purpose served by the
for the loss it sustained due to the contamination.
foreign port must have on board manifest is far different from that of the bill of lading, We
complete manifests of passengers and cannot acceptor place an imprimatur on the contention of
their baggage, in the prescribed form, petitioner that the entries in the bill of lading adequately The petitioner paid PGP and by virtue of the Subrogation
setting forth their destination and all supplied the deficiency of the manifest and cured it of its receipt, an action for damages was instituted by the
particulars required by the immigration infirmity. The mandate of the law is clear and We cannot petitioner-insurer against respondent-carrier before the RTC.
laws; ... settle for less. The law imposes the absolute obligation,
under penalty for failure, upon every vessel from a foreign
port to have "on board complete written or typewritten Trial court rendered a decision in favor of petitioner-insurer
Section 2521. Failure to supply requisite manifests of all her cargo, signed by the master". Where the and ordered the defendant to pay Philippine Charter
manifests. — If any vessel or aircraft law requires a manifest to be kept or delivered, it is not Insurance Corporation’s claim. Aggrieved, the respondent
enters or departs from a port of entry complied with unless the manifest is true and accurate. sought relief with the Court of Appeals where it alleged in the
without submitting the proper manifests main that PGP failed to file any notice, claim or protest within

Averell B. Abrasaldo – II-Sanchez Roman 9

Assigned cases for digest
the period required by Article 366 of the Code of Commerce, is fatal to the accrual of the right of action against the The second paragraph of Article 366 of the Code of
which is a condition precedent to the accrual of a right of carrier.27 Commerce is also edifying. It is not only when the period to
action against the carrier.17 A telephone call which was make a claim has elapsed that no claim whatsoever shall be
supposedly made by a certain Alfred Chan, an employee of admitted, as no claim may similarly be admitted after the
Therefore: Both courts held that, indeed, a telephone call
PGP, to one of the Vice Presidents of the respondent, transportation charges have been paid.
was made by Alfredo Chan to Encarnacion Abastillas,
informing the latter of the discoloration, is not the notice
informing the latter of the contamination. However,
required by Article 366 of the Code of Commerce.
nothing in the trial court’s decision stated that the notice Application: In this case, there is no question that the
of claim was relayed or filed with the respondent-carrier transportation charges have been paid, as admitted by the
Issue: Whether or not the notice of claim was filed within the immediately or within a period of twenty-four hours from petitioner, and the corresponding official receipt 32 duly
required period? the time the goods were received. The Court of Appeals issued. But the petitioner is of the view that the payment for
made the same finding. Having examined the entire records services does not invalidate its claim. It contends that under
of the case, we cannot find a shred of evidence that will the second paragraph of Article 366 of the Code of
Ruling: NO (but take not that a telephone call constituted
precisely and ultimately point to the conclusion that the Commerce, it is clear that if notice or protest has been made
substantial compliance with the requirement of notice.)
notice of claim was timely relayed or filed. prior to payment of services, claim against the bad order
condition of the cargo is allowed.
Principle: Article 366 of the Code of Commerce has
Principle #2: The object sought to be attained by the
profound application in the case at bar. This provision of law
requirement of the submission of claims in pursuance of this We do not believe so. As discussed at length above, there
article is to compel the consignee of goods entrusted to a is no evidence to confirm that the notice of claim was
carrier to make prompt demand for settlement of alleged filed within the period provided for under Article 366 of
Art. 366. Within twenty-four hours following the receipt of the damages suffered by the goods while in transport, so that the the Code of Commerce. Petitioner’s contention
merchandise a claim may be made against the carrier on carrier will be enabled to verify all such claims at the time of proceeds from a false presupposition that the notice of
account of damage or average found upon opening the delivery or within twenty-four hours thereafter, and if claim was timely filed.
packages, provided that the indications of the damage or necessary fix responsibility and secure evidence as to the
average giving rise to the claim cannot be ascertained from nature and extent of the alleged damages to the goods while
Considering that we have resolved the first issue in the
the exterior of said packages, in which case said claim shall the matter is still fresh in the minds of the parties. (Roldan v.
negative, it is therefore unnecessary to make a resolution on
only be admitted at the time of the receipt of the packages. Ponzo)
the second issue.

After the periods mentioned have elapsed, or after the More particularly, where the contract of shipment contains a
transportation charges have been paid, no claim whatsoever reasonable requirement of giving notice of loss of or injury to
shall be admitted against the carrier with regard to the the goods, the giving of such notice is a condition precedent
condition in which the goods transported were delivered. to the action for loss or injury or the right to enforce the
carrier’s liability. Such requirement is not an empty
formalism. The fundamental reason or purpose of such a
Application: The Supreme Court agreed with the decision of stipulation is not to relieve the carrier from just liability, but
the Court of Appeals, it stated: reasonably to inform it that the shipment has been damaged
and that it is charged with liability therefore, and to give it an
We are inclined to sustain the view that a telephone call opportunity to examine the nature and extent of the injury.
made to defendant-company could constitute This protects the carrier by affording it an opportunity to
substantial compliance with the requirement of notice make an investigation of a claim while the matter is fresh and
considering that the notice was given to a responsible easily investigated so as to safeguard itself from false and
official, the Vice-President, who promptly replied that fraudulent claims.30
she will look into the matter.
The filing of a claim with the carrier within the time limitation
However, it must be pointed out that compliance with the therefore actually constitutes a condition precedent to the
period for filing notice is an essential part of the accrual of a right of action against a carrier for loss of, or
requirement, i.e.. immediately if the damage is apparent, or damage to, the goods. The shipper or consignee must allege
otherwise within twenty-four hours from receipt of the goods, and prove the fulfillment of the condition. If it fails to do so,
the clear import being that prompt examination of the goods no right of action against the carrier can accrue in favor of
must be made to ascertain damage if this is not immediately the former. The aforementioned requirement is a reasonable
apparent. The Supreme Court then explained that there is condition precedent; it does not constitute a limitation of
no proof of compliance with the required period, which action.31

Averell B. Abrasaldo – II-Sanchez Roman 10

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