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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

Chapter I



Deciding on what strand to take in senior high school is important for it is the beginning

of their chosen line of work in the future. This descriptive study was to determine the

influence of preference of a Senior High School strand that is commonly encountered by the

senior high school students in terms of personal interest, family influence, peer influence,

financial condition, and employ-ability.

Using an adapted questionnaire it was found out that personal interest was the most

influencing factor in choosing a strand of senior high school students of Janopol Oriental

National Highschool. Personal interest play an important role in choosing a course to study,

however other factors should be consider such as job prospects, job demands, academic

prerequisites, and personal circumstances.

There should be a regular school career guidance program where the senior high

school tracks, strands and specializations are properly discussed so that students can really

decide and take the right strand which is in line with their future work or career.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

Background of the Study

The Department of Education implementation of the new K-12 Curriculum brings major

reform in the schools nationwide. This change includes decongesting and enhancing the

basic education curriculum for learners to master basic competencies and lengthening the

cycle of basic education. By prolonging the basic education ensures that graduates earn the

essential skills and reach the legal age for employment.

Choosing a strand is critical for making a student highly proficient in the field where his

or her chosen track is related to, especially if the student wishes to work immediately after

graduating from Senior High School. Educators found out a mismatch in the track and the

student’s interests, personality and passion may lead to a poorly knowledgeable graduate

who will find it hard to compete in the job market or keep up with other students when he or

she goes to college.

Choosing a right tracks / strands can help learners set goals and develop strategy for

getting where they want to be. Part of selecting appropriate strands involves making an

honest self-evaluation of talents and skills, and interest. This prompted the researcher to

investigate regarding the determinants of senior high school tracks and strands inclination of

Grade 10 students so they will be properly guided to avoid waste of time, effort, and

finances in choosing career.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

Theoretical Framework

This study is about the factors that affecting the grade 10 students of Janopol Oriental

National Highschool on choosing their strand. This is following their diverse dreams and

interests in life that can still change over time:

Moneva and Malbas (2019)

conducted a study that showed that peer influence significantly influences choosing the

senior high school track. They noticed that peers influence students' preferred tracks, which

makes choosing a senior high school track more difficult. It makes decisions more difficult to

the point that they described it as "one of the biggest challenges" to a student's decision-


Kumar (2016)

The influence of a parent's involvement in a child's education is also inevitable.

In some movements or anything that needs to be decided on, parents would

intervene or get themselves involved, and these interventions have influenced their

children. This situation is evident, especially when students decide on their careers.

The results of the study reveal that parents significantly influence career choice

among students.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

Conceptual Framework

The focus of this study was undertaken by the following conceptual framework.

DEPENDENT VARIABLES: This study would identify the factors that affect them which can

be used as basis for our research.

INDEPENDENT VARIABLES:This includes the demographic profile of the students, their

choice of field of study to specialize and their strand preferences.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Demographic Profile:

 Sex
 Age; and
Senior High strand preference of
 Section the students-respondents in terms
Preferred Strand / Tracks of Students:
 In terms of academic strand;
 Parental Influence
1.1 STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Management)
1.2 HUMSS ( Humanities and Social Science)  Peer Influence
1.3 ABM (Accountancy Business Management); and
1.4 GAS ( General Academic Strand)  Interest ;and
 Arts and Design Track
 Sports Track  Job Opportunities
 In terms of TVL ( Technical-Vocational-Livelihood )
2.1 Agri-Fishery Arts
2.2 Home Economics (HE)
2.3 Information and Communication Technology
(ICT); and
2.4 Industrial Arts.

Figure1. The Framework of The Study

Figure 2
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

Research Paradigm

Figure 2 shows the variable that were assessed and hypothesized to obtain the

objectives of the study. The strand preferences and demographic status were set as

the independent variables, Whereas the Interest, Skill, Personal Challenges,

Parental Support, and School Structure are dependent variable. The variables were

interval scale and categorical-nominal for the strand preferences with the following

categories; Academics,TVL, Arts and Design Track , and Sports Track.

The variables were treated descriptively to describe the level of influence of the

course selection factors as perceived by the students in selecting their strand

preference for senior high school study, in additional, Multinational logistic

regression analysis was computed to measure the significance of the strand

selection factors.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the students' preferred strand, the factors' level of influence

on the senior high strand preferences, and if there is a significant relationship between the

factors and strands.

Specifically, the study answered the following:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

b. Sex ; and

C. Section

2. What are the factors affecting learners in track and strand choosing their preferred track

and strand for senior high school along:

a. Parental Influence

b. Peer Influence

c. Interest

d. Job Opportunities

3. Is there a significant difference between the following variables when grouped

according to profile?

a. Parental Influence

b. Peer Influence

c. Interest

d. Job Opportunities

4. Based on findings, what recommendation may be proposed?

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

Research Hypothesis

The study posits the following hypothesis:

Ho: There is no significant association between the factors and the roles of preference of a

Senior High School track of the grade 10 students.

Significance of the Study

Learning is the aspect of development that connotes modification of behaviour skills

and knowledge that results from practice and experience which sought for quality education.

The generalization of this present study would be a great contribution to the vast knowledge

in relation to student’s achievements. Vital results of this investigation could be highly

significant and beneficial specifically to the following:

Students: By identifying the factors that influencing students’ choice, educators can

provide targeted interventions and resources to help students align their interests, aptitudes,

and aspirations with the available academic options. This can lead to improved student

engagement, motivation, and ultimately better academic outcomes.

Parents: they can give advice on their children about the various factors that should be

considered when choosing an academic strand.

Teachers: They can provide better support and information to help students make an

informed choices about their future career paths.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

School: The school will benefit by creating a supportive learning environment and

equipping them for their chosen professional pathways, it helps students make well-informed

selections that complement their abilities and goals.

Future Researchers: As for the future researcher, they can benefit on the study, it

means they can use it as a guide, a tool and reference when conducting researches which

has relevance to the study.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study is to be conducted at Janopol Oriental National High school; The said school

is selected based mainly on the proximity of its location to the researchers. JOHNS is a

public school situated at Janopol Oriental Tanauan City, Batangas. The school’s education

system is characterized by reason, religion, school friendly and loving kindness, and aims to

install religious values to the students and at the same time giving emphasis to technological

work of education that hones their self-discipline, skills and attitude while maintaining sense

of self-responsibility.

This study focuses on the senior high school track preferences of their Grade 10

students of the Academic Year 2023-2024. It will look into their Sociodemographic profiles in

terms of sex, section,age , and the factors that can affect in terms of Interest, Skill, Personal

Challenges, Parental Support, and School Structure.The researchers considered the Grade

10 students since after they graduated grade 10 level, they will become a Senior High

School in the coming AY 2024-2025.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

Definition of Terms

Age: The period of time someone has been alive or something existed.

Career: A field for pursuit of consecutive progressive achievement

especially in public, professional or business.

Characteristics: A feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place,

or thing and serving to identify it.

Choice: An act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or

more responsibilities.

Course: A number of lectures or other reached after consideration.

Contribution: The party by a person or thing in bringing about a result or

helping something to advance.

Decisions: Conclusion or resolution after consideration.

Decongesting: Relieve the congestion of (something)

Deped: Executive department of the philippines government for improving

the quality of basic education.

Education: Discipline that is concerned with methods of teaching and


Factors: A circumferences, fact, or influence that contributes to a result.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

Family: The basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents

rearing their children\s.

Future: Used to refer to what will happen to someone or something in the

time to come.

Influence: The capacity to have an effect on the character, development,

or behavior of someone or something, or he effect itself.

Interest: The state of wanting to know or learn about something or


Intricate: very complicated or detailed.

Junior High School: A school usually including Grades 7 to 10. K-12

program-covers 13 years of basic education.

Occupation: A person's usual or principal work or business especially as

a means of earning a living.

Opportunities: A set of circumstances that makes it possible to do


Peer: A person of the same legal status.

Potential: Having or showing the capacity to become or develop into

something in the future.

Self-evaluation: a procedure to systematically observe, analyze and value

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

your own professional action

Senior High School: Refers to the last two years of K-12 program School-

an institution for educating children.

Status: Relative social or professional position.

Student: A person enrolled in a school or other educational institutions.

Sociodemographic: Combination of social and demographic factors that

define individuals in a particular group

Socio-Economic: Relating to or concerned with the interaction of social

and economic factors

Teacher: A person who helps others to acquire knowledge.

Chapter II


This part of the study was completed after an in-depth search conducted by the

researchers. This part contains related literature that is an essential piece of the study. The

information added to this part was included to help familiarize readers with relevant topics

related to the current study:

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

Philippine's K-12 Curriculum

Education is essential to a human's life. It was stated in the study of Abulencia (2015)

that education is a social investment for the basic unit of society and the whole nation.

Education enhances knowledge and skills while fostering personality and attitude growth.

One advantage of education is acquiring and developing critical and logical thinking and the

capacity to make independent decisions (Abragan et al., 2022).

The "K to 12" initiative, the Philippines' comprehensive reform of its basic education,

was introduced in 2012. Through this reform, the Philippines is bringing secondary

education up to par with international standards and placing a high importance on

kindergarten (Masayoshi, 2013). As stated in Abueva (2019).

This implementation was the key to the growth of our country. Meanwhile, the study by

Dizon et al. (2019) said this implementation aims to produce highly educated learners with

foundational skills for career and lifetime learning. Because of the program, Filipino learners

are already seen and viewed as equals in terms of abilities with international learners.

In the implemented curriculum, some changes gave learners more time to focus and

master what they needed to live. Two years were added to secondary education, which they
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

labeled senior high school. It has two grade levels, which are Grades 11 and 12. These

different grades have their specializations or tracks that students can freely choose from.

However, choosing a track is a difficult challenge, and it tests one's decision-making skills.

Certain factors influence a student's decision when deciding which track to be on.

Personal interest, academic aptitude, familiarity with the subject, and peer influence are

the most frequently mentioned characteristics among learners, according to a study by Fizer

(2013). Other elements mentioned in Manapsal's study (2018) that are seen as helpful when

adolescents ask for assistance include their parents, professors, friends, and classmates.

Given the various criteria mentioned, it is clear that making a decision is essential since

students must consider various things. However, some kids continue to believe that the

senior high school track they select will not matter in the future. Thus, they make no

considerations. (Cabanias, 2021).

Parental Influence and Career Choice

The family is the fundamental unit of society. Families are the ones who provide for the

material and non-material needs of every child; in fact, it is in families that every child grows

and learns the necessary information to live.

The common values adopted are the ability to survive and thrive, multilingualism, and

education. In the same unit, the children learn to write and read, starting with writing their

names. The same study in the previous citation said that each family is responsible for their
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

child's education and socialization. In addition, it was presented in the study of Sapungan

(2014) that family involvement in education has many benefits for a child's growth.

The involvement of parents in a child's education is inevitable. The article Parental

Involvement in Education (2023) shows that parental involvement in a child's education is

consistent and has caused a positive relationship between parents and their child. However,

the article published by Gaunt (2013) contradicted the previous citation by stating that being

overly involved can be a problem or issue for a child. It was even added that students get

too distracted by the presence of their parents.

The results of the study by Kumar (2016) reveal that parents significantly influence

career choice among students. It was learned that parents have an important influence on

students' career choices. It was even stated that fathers influence students' career choices

more than their mothers. In contrast, the study of Olaosebikan et al. (2014) states that

students in secondary schools in their government have some independence in making

career choices.

The influence of parents on their child's choice of track and strand is as evident as their

influence on career choice. The survey results in the study of Cervera et al. (2016) show that

the interpretation of parental influence was high. This result means that parental influence

on learners plays a big role in choosing their preferred track and strand in senior high

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

In contrast with the two studies, Abarro (2016) presents the results of their study, which

show no association between parental influence and track choices. These findings mean

that even if parents get involved in their child's education a lot, their influence still differs

Influence of Peers in the Career Choice of the Students

Peers that surround us are necessary, especially in social life. Peer relationships

provide effects that might be positive, such as learning social-emotional skills like empathy

and cooperation, or negative, such as poor social-emotional development that resulted from

deviant peer processes. Likewise, learners are also influenced in their decision-making, and

choosing a career is not exempted.

According to the study of Kazi and Akhlaq (2017), peer influence is the second most

significant factor next to parental influence when it comes to career choice. The study

analyzed their semi-structured interview and found that learners are more comfortable and

confident making career choices with their friends. This result shows that the mere presence

of their friends can significantly affect their decisions.

The study by Koech et al. (2016) discussed how peers greatly influence a student's

career choice, especially when their friends are mentoring or advising them and when they

approve of whatever choice they make. Peer influence is evident in the choice of course in

college, too, along with parents' decisions and students' abilities. However, among the three
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

factors, peer influence has the lowest influence on college course choice (Dupan et al.,


Moneva and Malbas (2019) conducted a study that showed that peer influence

significantly influences choosing the senior high school track. They noticed that peers

influence students' preferred tracks, which makes choosing a senior high school track more

difficult. It makes decisions more difficult to the point that they described it as "one of the

biggest challenges" to a student's decision-making.

Students' Interest in Career Choice

Personal interests significantly influence career decisions because they are crucial to

the type of employment someone wants. People will work extremely hard and dedicate

themselves to achieving their career goals. Also, the student's interest will encourage them

to participate more in what they are passionate about (Abdo & Majid, 2016).

According to the study of Nyamwange (2016), student interest plays a vital role in a

person's professional choice. Many studies support interest as one of the fundamental

factors influencing career choice. Ahmed (2014) stated in his study that students know their

interests are the main force when selecting their major. According to the study by Bubic

(2014), students' natural or initial interest in a particular area of future study frequently

influenced their choice.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

In addition, the study by Sierra (2020) concluded that the most essential thing that

students consider when choosing their senior high school track is what they are interested

in. Because of this, students became more motivated to achieve good academic

performance. The same findings were found in the study of Anuada (2017), where she

revealed that personality or interest is the factor having the most influence in choosing their

track and strand, and therefore concluded that it plays an essential role in choosing the right


Contrary to the previous citation, the study by Rio et al. (2022) did not find any

significant influence when deciding what senior high school track and strand they should

choose. Similar studies show the same result, proving that the learner's interest affects their

decision differently.

Job Opportunities Affect Career Choice

Job opportunity is one of the factors that learners take most into consideration.

Alongside their interest in a particular profession, it was discovered that students are

motivated to take their courses because of employment opportunities (Kunnen, 2013).

However, interest and the high chance of getting employed are not the only reasons

learners choose a particular career.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

The study of Bakar et al. (2014) states that learners choose their careers depending on

what benefits are included in a job, such as financial remuneration, job security, and

satisfaction. A similar study was conducted in Switzerland, which shows that youth learners

consider accessibility when choosing jobs, choosing jobs near them instead of those they

prefer (Atitsogbe et al., 2018). The study by Choi and Kim (2013) shows the same result,

where Korean students focus on the accessibility of their job.

Students must go through a complicated process while choosing a career in which they

need to consider various factors, including job opportunities (Santric-Milicevic et al., 2014).

The study of Princes et al. (2023) showed that job opportunity is the second-most influential

factor in choosing a senior high school stream. The study by Japitan et al. (2015) showed

that learners know the job opportunities surrounding them. However, learners were found to

be only somewhat influenced by the said factor, and they only consider job opportunities

less when making track preferences but do not disregard it.

Chapter III

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

This study set out to identify the variables that affect grade 10 students' choices for

senior high strand, to examine the research, the investigator employed a descriptive

research design, goals and obtain a fresh understanding of the gathered data. To look into

the goals of the research, if you're curious about whether choosing a course in senior high

school influences the decisions you make, this study will investigate it.

Research Design

This study utilizes the descriptive method of research to determine the factors that

affect the senior high school strand preferences of the Grade 10 students of Janopol

Oriental National High School of the Academic Year 2023-2024. It would see if independent

variables relating to sex and section were significant in factors of influencing the strand

preferences of the respondents. This study used a quantitative-descriptive research design

to easily obtain information.

The quantitative-descriptive research design is a quantitative design that attempts to

collect quantifiable information for statistical analysis of the population sample. It

is a popular market research tool that allows us to collect and describe the demographic

segment’s nature.

Respondents of the Study

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

This study will focus on Grade 10 students of Janopol Oriental National High School

(JONHS) located in Brgy. Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas for the school year

2023-2024. There are thirteen male (13) while fifteen female (15) as a total of twenty-eight

(28) students as respondents in this study which will be grouped into four sections. Students

at the said school are composed of different barangays because of the six catchment areas

including Brgy. Bañadero, Brgy. Gonzales, Brgy. Janopol Occidental, Brgy. Janopol

Oriental, Brgy. Santor and Brgy. Talaga which exhibits diverse cultures.

Sampling Technique

This research was carried out in Janopol Oriental National High School. The

respondents of the study were the grade 10 students from SY 2023-2024 except for those

who’s from grade 7-8. The complete enumeration sampling technique was used in this

study. The percentage of responses, particularly those students who are untraceable, would

not probably consider. Also, those who have not answer our google form were not

considered and were excluded from the number of samples as they do not meet the criteria

to participate in the study.

Research Instrument

The primary tool used by the researcher to gather and describe data was an online

questionnaire. The online survey tool in question consists of three components. Part 1

provides an overview of the goal, importance, and general guidelines. The demographic

details of the respondents are provided in Part 2 and include their senior high school
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

course, The survey's third section includes factors that affect the choice made by seniors in

high school regarding which school to attend. These elements consist of academic

performance, job opportunities, parents, personal interest and socio-economic status.

Research Procedure

The researchers managed to reproduce the questionnaire that accords with the number

of respondents. The researchers obtained permission from the advisers to

administer the research instrument and to distributed the questionnaire thru google

survey. The respondent’s information was classified as confidential and the data that was

gathered are useful.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Frequency counts were used to determine and describe the student's strand. Raw data

were grouped into a frequency distribution, Mean was utilized to find out the average or

centrality of percentile scores.

Mean and Standard Deviation

It was used for the second part, which contains the survey for the factors affecting learners

in choosing their preferred senior high school strand.

Frequency and percentage.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

These statistical tools are used to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of

sex and section.

Dependent T-Test

It will be used to determine the significant difference in the students’ preference for

strand and the factors that affect them.

Independent T-Test

It will be used to determine the significant difference in the factors and the preferred

strand of grade 10.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas


Dear Grade 10 Student,

We are conducting a survey to understand the factors that influence students' decisions

when selecting a strand for Senior High School (SHS). Your participation in this survey will

greatly contribute to our research. Please answer the following questions honestly and to the

best of your ability. Your responses will be kept confidential.

SEX: [ ] F






Have you received any career guidance or counseling regarding your SHS strand


[ ] Yes

[ ] No
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

What strand do you prefer?

[ ] STEM


[ ] ABM

[ ] GAS

[ ] TVL

[ ] Arts and Design Track

[ ] Sports Track
How confident are you in your decision-making process regarding your SHS strand


[ ] Very confident

[ ] Somewhat confident

[ ] Not very confident

[ ] Unsure

Which factors are most important to you when choosing a strand for Senior High

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Tanauan City
Janopol Oriental National High School
Janopol Oriental, Tanauan City, Batangas

[ ] Parental Influence

[ ] Peer Influence

[ ] Interest ;and

[ ] Job Opportunities

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