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Virginia Woolf – An Introduction
By Asad Imran
February 18, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

They found their own publishing house named

Virginia Woolf changed the novelistic The Hogarth Press by Leonard in 1917. The
landscape from a chronology to a main goal of this publishing house was to
psychological interconnection. publish Virginia’s novels and the novels of
those who were young artists. Her first novels
She was born in the Victorian Era in 1882. were also rejected by the publishers so her
husband founded one for his wife and the
Leslie Stephen was her father while Julia
young novelists who strived for a
Jackson was her mother.
recognization of their works.

Her father was a literary person and he was a

Prominent Features of Virginia’s Novels
fast friend of Thomas Hardy.

Most of her novels take place in the city of

Woolf was physically and mentally weak and
when her family died when she was just
thirteen, she began to suffer mental
She depicts the complex mental battles of the
city people.

As her final mental breakdown went so severe Her philosophy is hard to understand by a
that she proclaimed that she would not common rustic people. However, the city
recover from it and committed suicide in people can easily get a hold of her

She formed her own group known as

Most of her knowledge was derived from
Bloomsbury Group of Cambridge graduates. books, not from the contacts of people.

She was married to Leonard Woolf in 1912. He It was only two years of her happy married life
was an aspirant in the Civil Services Academy and the First World War broke out. It destroyed
but he was a simply educated person who her mental peace and routine of London. The
helped Virginia write her novelistic genius.
war shattered all the good values and brought her husband suggests that the reason behind
about devastation of ideas. her suicide was the acute relapse from “which
she could not recover anymore”.
Her last novel The Years was published in
1937 and it proved a fatal failure. Some Source
researchers argue that this might be the cause
behind her final mental breakdown. Some Lecture of Sir Faisal
suggest more reasons. But her last letter to

Stream of Consciousness
By Asad Imran
February 22, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

Stream of Consciousness is an unbroken

Stream of Consciousness is also known as flow of thoughts and feelings in the waking
interior monologue. Interior monologue is a mind.
character’s flow of thoughts without the A way of narration that attempts to give
author’s interruption. writers equivalent to the reader’s mind, in a
loose interior monologue.
William James, a psychologist, invented this
In this process, sense mingles with
term in his book The Principles of Psychology conscious memory, feelings and random
in 1920. thoughts.

James Joyce first experimented with this

technique in his novel Ulysses that appeared
in 1922. Then Virginia Woolf followed suit as
1. Portrait of Artist as a Young Man by James
Mrs. Dalloway.
2. To The Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
Georgians perceived men as complex
3. Molloy by Samuel Beckett
psychological beings. Their influence
4. Jazz by Toni Morrison
indirectly helped to forge the very concept.

Definitions Salient Features

1. Marked by Incoherent Thoughts Source
2. Occasional Sudden Rise Of Thoughts
3. Lack of Punctuations Lecture of Sir Faisal
4. Used by 20th Century Novelists and Short
Story Writers

Character Analysis of Mrs. Ramsay in To The

Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
By Asad Imran
March 18, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

difference is equally present in the husband,

Who is Mrs. Ramsay? wife, children and guests. Making a get
together like the dinner scene does need an
Mrs. Ramsay is the uniting force in the first extra level of courage and understanding of
phase of the novel. She is not only beautiful the people and their psyche to establish an
but a kind-hearted lady, for she helps the unbreakable link. We find her establishing a
family and the guests anchor under one ocean link between her children, especially James
of social uniformity. She is charitable. But she and their emotionally weak father for he
is the mother of eight children. But she is rebukes them almost daily. We also see her
given her due importance in the novel by uniting the scattered guests in the dinner
Virginia Woolf as she is not only the central scene, especially when Mr. Tansley taunts Lily
figure of it but is liked by almost every Biscoe in particular and women in general.
A Match-Maker

It is evident that Mrs. Ramsay likes uniting

A Unifying Anchor people in different ways. One of them is her
positively negative approach to marriage and
The most striking quality of Mrs. Ramsay is marital life. She wants all men and women to
her actions of uniting people. The novel is be married but she notices shortcomings in
repeated with a variety of people who exhibit a her own marriage. She works her best to dilute
variety of thoughts and instructions. This
her husband’s stern words and she becomes the characters. She feels sympathetic towards
embarrassed in public when Mr. Ramsay the poor and the needy. For instance, she knits
reads out some lines of poetry loudly. a pair of socks for the son of a poor keeper at
Returning to the subject of marriage, she the lighthouse. She knows that the keeper
wants to see Lily marrying Mr. Banks after leads a life of loneliness and this present
seeing them walking together. But later, she would add a moment of delight to him.
even approves the idea of Lily to marry
Charles Tansley. But the real case of her Her kind nature is equally bestowed upon her
matchmaking occurs when she attempts a small children, Cam and James who are
successful match-making between Paul and verbally slammed by their father. When James
Minta. She is overjoyed and proud of doing so longs for a visit to the lighthouse, he is sternly
but this match making of her does not end prohibited from visiting it as “the weather
well. In fact, Paul comes back to Mrs. Ramsay would not be fine” that day. When James is
complaining to her about her unsuccessful psychologically mistreated by his father, it is
union of them. But Mrs. Ramsay likes making only his mother that comforts him and
a match for she wants people to live in promises him that they will go to the
harmony and peace. lighthouse.

Although Mr. Ramsay is a stern person, he still

Her Urbane Manners
longs for sympathy that is duly helped out by
his wife. As he stretches his arms, as a
Mrs. Ramsay shares the blood of an Italian
family who is scattered in English families. gesture to show his need of sympathy, these

This Italian family is known of having well- arms are grabbed by Mrs. Ramsay in order to

polished and urbane manners as compared to fulfil his sympathetic needs.

the sluggish English families. The family was

reputed to spread its charm in the drawing- Her Charming Figure
room through the psychological wit. Mrs.
Ramsay is seen showcasing the very trait of Mrs. Ramsay comes as one of the most

her ancestors of throwing a grand gathering of charming figures of the novel. Thus shaping

guests and her family in the summer. herself as a dominant and propelling

Her Kind and Sympathetic

Indeed, she had the whole of other
Nature sex under her protection. Towards

Kind-heartedness is the major quality of Mrs.

her, their attitude was trustful and
Ramsay that sets her apart from the rest of reverential.
The novel is filled up with many references to Joan Bennett concludes appropriately as
her beauty. One thinks that how does a mother below,
of eight children can retain her beauty. But her
physical charm might be used as a symbol for Mrs. Ramsay, Mrs. Dalloway,
her good nature. Eleanor Pargiter, each of the main
personalities in Between the Acts ,
Her Everlasting Personality and many others from her books,
inhabit the mind of the reader and
Mrs. Ramsay dies in Part II but her personality
finds its way into the hearts of the living
enlarge the capacity for sympathy. It
people. Lily Biscoe is profoundly influenced by is sympathy rather than judgement
Mrs. Ramsay. In Part III, Lily is “haunted” by that she invokes, her personages
the everlasting personality of Mrs. Ramsay are apprehended rather than
and she misses her a great deal. In fact, she comprehended.
cries for the deceased lady by calling her while
painting “Mrs. Ramsay, Mrs. Ramsay”. Lily Sources and Suggested
imagines her sitting on the table.
Conclusion 1.
Although Mrs. Ramsay comes as a knitting
thread for her family and the guests in the
novel but Virginia Woolf portrays her not
without the faults of women. For example, she
3. KM Critical Studies of To The Lighthouse –
could be easily flattered. The reason behind
Page 192
this might be her desire to be praised for the
4. Lectures of Sir Faisal
good deeds she accomplishes. Overall, Mrs.
Ramsay marks herself as a central character
due to her sympathetic and kind nature and
her unique qualities. E. M. Frosters comments

She could seldom so portray a

character that it was remembered
afterwards on its own account, as
Emma is remembered.
Character Analysis of Mr. Ramsay in To the
Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
By Asad Imran
March 19, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

and metaphysical philosophy. But he still

Who is Mr. Ramsay? wants to achieve more; to become as
successful as Shakespeare. But his last and
Mr. Ramsay is the head of, well, his whole toilsome contribution to philosophy does not
Ramsay family. His character has been a attain the level of success and recognition
source of dispute among many critics. Some among his contemporaries that he expected.
even call him a villain of this great novel. In Therefore, an anxious sense of failure comes
fact, the initial angry remarks of Lily Biscoe over him,
also betray us of the true character of Mr.
Ramsay, Mr. Ramsay is dogged by a sense of
failure. He has a feeling that ‘he had
That man, she thought, her anger not done the thing he might have
rising in her, never gave; that man done.
He thinks that the immortal success lies in the
But before discussing in length about his letter Z while he is only stuck at the alphabet
character, first, we have to get a little glimpse Q. This makes him sad but he relieves himself
of his personality. He is an intellectual figure in by gesturing that he has rendered an honest
England, made a significant name in the field contribution with hard work in his cherished
of literature and philosophy. But he lacks field.
emotions. His acute obsession with reality
makes him a stern head for his family. In Need of Sympathy

His immense sense of failure becomes a

major cause behind his immense hunger for
Dearth of Accomplishments sympathy. Virginia Woolf occasionally refers
to his need from the mouthpiece of different
Mr. Ramsay has acquired a big name in
characters. But, sometimes, his want of
England due to his contribution to literature
sympathy shapes his character in a ludicrous
and pathetic manner. In fact, Tansley’s great Egoistic and Tyrant
admiration does not satisfy his crave for
assurance. He desperately wants sympathy Ego is one of the chief traits in Mr. Ramsay. It
from his wife that she must assure him that is abruptly portrayed when he rebukes James
his work shall not be forgotten in the clutches for not harbouring any false hopes of visiting
of time. And Mrs. Ramsay does fulfil her the lighthouse. His ego is also shown when
‘duties’ to satisfy his need for sympathy. But Mr. Carmichael asks for the soup again in the
the bay widens when Mrs. Ramsay passes dinner scene. His ego, then transforms into a
away. He, then, looks at Lily and Cam to get tyrannical dictator towards his children. He
back the lost wealth of sympathies but in wants them exactly like him. In response, his
return, it only makes him a pathetic character. kids grow a silent but violent hatred of their
father. For instance, James is so annoyed by
A Hard Realist Mr. Ramsay’s commanding behaviour that he
develops an Oedipus Complex against his
Mr. Ramsay is a pure realist and he wants to father to stab him with a knife or a poker.
see the same in his children. He does not James even recalls him as a “sarcastic brute”.
entertain any illusions and myths about life. But he, then, adds,
His stern realism is immediately shown when
he asserts straight to his little son James that He is intolerably egotistical.
the weather will not be fine and suitable for
them to make their voyage to the lighthouse. A Mr. Ramsay’s emotional weakness is the only
child is not expected to get him introduced to reason that has created a lack of
the harsh realities of life but rather a life of understanding between their father and
illusions and magic. Or at least, Mr. Ramsay themselves. But it is somewhat corrected in
could have refused differently and the deciding visit to the lighthouse.
accordingly. When Mrs. Ramsay tries to
comfort James with pleasant, childlike myths, Some Positive Traits of His
Mr. Ramsay is annoyed by this and behaves
rudely with her. But what is his rhetoric behind
his firm belief in realism? The answer is Mr. Ramsay is not entirely a character of bad
simple. He wants to make his children qualities. He is, at heart, a human. But in the
acquainted with the hard truths of life at an end, he is changed entirely. He speaks
age that is not appropriate for the purpose of realistically because he wants his children to
taking them out of their childlike myths. be powerful enough to stand against the
Manifestly, Mr. Ramsay “pursue truth with biting challenges of life with courageously. He
such an astonishing lack of consideration for is sympathetic by heart but he does not have
other people’s feelings.”
enough power to express it directly. For tyrant who is profoundly affected by his sense
example, when his wife is alone reflecting on of failure and of losing his readers and who is
something, fiercely obsessed with pure truth. But on other
end, we can trace out his human heart who
It saddened him, and her wants to establish a good connection with his
remoteness pained him, and he felt, children. Conclusively, the portrayal of Mr.

as he passed, that he could not Ramsay is drawn with both blacks and
protect her. He could do nothing to
help her.
Sources and Suggested
And later, his desire to protect also helps him Readings
win back Cam when they are rowing towards
the lighthouse. He even praises his son whole- 1.
heartedly for steering of the boat like a “born characters-in-to-the-lighthouse/
sailor”. Thus burying a long hatchet (hatred) 2.
between father and son. guides/literature/to-the-lighthouse/mr-

Conclusion 3. KM Critical Studies of To The Lighthouse –

Page 192
The character of Mr. Ramsay is a complex 4. Lectures of Sir Faisal
blend. On one end, he seems an intellectual

Treatment of Time in To the Lighthouse by

Virginia Woolf
By Asad Imran
March 20, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

To the lighthouse is one of the flagship novels

Introductory written by Virginia Woolf. This book hit the
shelves in 1927. The novel revolves around
the psychological complexities of modern
times. Just like many modern novelists, dutiful supporter of her family. That is why,
Virginia Woolf deals with time differently. In she feels concerned about the future of her
this novel, time is not moved forward straight children and how the uncontrollable force of
like the movement of a clock. But Woolf time will mould them in future. She wants her
moves it with the modes of her characters of children “never to grow up”. Because she fears
the novel. For instance, in the first and last that her children shall suffer without an
parts of the novel, time is slowed significantly escape from such a suffering of time. That
in accordance with the needs of the explains why Mrs. Ramsay wants to stay in
characters. But in part 2, ten years are skipped the present moment of time.
with the blink of an eye or more specifically, on
twelve pages. Moreover, time is perceived Mr. Ramsay and Time
differently through the eyes and thoughts of
different characters. Mr. Ramsay has a different approach towards
time as compared to Mrs. Ramsay. He does
not seem to care of the present moment, but
he looks concerned about his future as a
Mrs. Ramsay, The Sea and philosopher. It is obvious through his gestures
Time that he wants to break the chains of time but
he is afraid after the failure that comes as an
The sea and its ongoing waves are used as a unsuccessful publishing of his book. But he
symbol of the tyrannical and unstoppable still has a notion in his mind,
movement of time. Mrs. Ramsay does seem
dependent on the movement of time in It is permissible even for a dying
general. She looks at time as a source of hero to think before he dies how
emotional stability in the present time and a men will speak of him hereafter.
hope of retaining the same level of stability in
future. A critic highlights, Thus, showcasing Mr. Ramsay’s long
viewpoint of time and his desire to be
Woolf suggests that a concentrated remembered well after his death through his
focus on commonplace objects contribution to philosophy. The character of

releases a series of memories and Mr. Ramsay exhibits Woolf’s consciousness of

time “also within the life of the body, moving
ideas with important psychic
from moment to moment towards that final
obliteration of consciousness which is
The above-mentioned phenomenon is
consistently practised by Mrs. Ramsay as a
Independent Outlook on Time Conclusively, Virginia Woolf treats time in a
modern manner by going out of the
A critic demonstrates Woolf’s independent chronological aspect of it to the psychological
outlook of time as thus, recollections that are independently called
upon by the characters individually. A critic
The notion of time as a linear and beautifully sums up,

diachronic entity of homogenous

As a novelist centrally concerned
and measurable quality, as
with how to represent
instanced by clock and calendar
consciousness and subjectivity, was
time, comes under severe scrutiny.
intensely aware of time, both as an
In simple words, Virginia Woolf configures the impersonal force and as a personal
rate of time in accordance to the minds of experience.
characters in the novel. Each character clearly
shows the concept of time, not measured by Sources and Suggested
the passing seconds or through a specific
unit, but by the achievements and failures of a
particular owner . The moments of great
achievements are felt at a considerable
amount of time and pages while the moments
of insignificance are passed within the blink of
an eye. For instance, Lily’s achievement of
completing her long attempted painting is felt
in a deeper length of time by Lily. Thus,
shaping this novel as an experiment of
independence from the traditional
chronological timeline of the novels before
Virginia Woolf.


Themes of Love, Identity and Victory in To the

Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
By Asad Imran
March 21, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

desires from his wife to say “I love you. ” direct

Introductory and straight. But Mrs. Ramsay lacks the
courage to express her love bluntly and
Woolf’s To the Lighthouse is about the directly, instead, she impresses her love for
psychological and intellectual gap between her husband by agreeing to his statement that
the Ramsay family. First appeared in 1927, it the weather won’t be fine that day. That is not
marked Woolf’s shift from showcasing the what Mr. Ramsay demands at that time but
historical account of a person’s life to his her ‘love’ remains present in her conscious
internal and psychological side of it. To the mind.
Lighthouse is a story of rebuked desires,
unsatisfying accomplishments and last but Identity and Internal Life
not the least, psychological victory. The story
is vividly presented through the themes of The theme of identity and internal life go hand
love, identity and reality. Let’s crack them one in hand in this novel. But since this novel is
by one. also based on the stream of consciousness
technique, the plot shapes itself in the minds
of the characters, not through external
actions. External actions have hardly
Love occurred. This phenomenon can be easily
traced in the character of Mrs. Ramsay whose
Love is presented in variety of different internal and external life. Not only she is
characters. The love between Mrs. Ramsay conscious of her identity, she is seen musing
and James is familial; based on lust between about her inner character. When people are
Paul and Minta and between Mr. Ramsay and around her, she becomes a different one. And
Mrs. Ramsay in accordance to the martial that external difference is mostly known as a
needs. Almost every character deals with love devoted mother, caring neighbour and
and loss differently. Most of them miss the sympathetic wife. But when she is alone, her
opportunity to express their love for each true internal identity is revealed that is brim-
other. But it remains present in the conscious full with complications and psychological
stream of a character. battles. For instance, when she is preparing
for the famous dinner party scene, she feels
A prime example can be cited from Chapter
internally disconnected from it. She questions
19 of The Window in which Mr. Ramsay
herself about what she has done with her life.
Another character that appears in this list is latter is psychologically prohibited by his
Mr. Ramsay. He is internally insecure about his father. Both of them score a victory in the end
accomplishments and he consistently wants when James has not only reached the
surety from the people around him. He is lighthouse but also by psychologically
internally dissatisfied. He fears that his limited connecting with his father. While Lily stands
intellect will make him and his contribution victorious by drawing a line in the centre to
mortal. That is why, his outward identity is create a balanced painting.
stiff and coarse.
To conclude, To the Lighthouse by Virginia
Victory or more specifically, psychological Woolf is a beautiful blend of external
victory is scattered in different segments of unfulfillments and internal conflicts,
the novel. Initially, it is depicted over life but beautifully marked with the themes of love,
after some careful tracing, we can easily internal life and victory over some conflicts of
notice victory over people. The first prime life.
example of this victory is claimed by Mrs.
Ramsay, who says “I love you” without saying Sources and Suggested
“I love you”. In simple terms, she shows her
love in a victorious manner by not actually
proclaiming it. But by agreeing with her
husband. guides/literature/to-the-lighthouse/themes

Lily and James are both seen struggling hard

for their goal of completing the painting and Lighthouse/themes/
visiting the lighthouse respectively. The
former is not satisfied by her art while the

D. H. Lawrence – An Introduction
By Asad Imran
March 29, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

D. H. Lawrence is a renowned essayist, novel known as The White Peacock that
novelist and short-story writer of the 20th appeared in 1909.
After even the death of his mother, her

Birth influence remained persistent upon him and

he left Jessy Chambers as soon as he left
D H Lawrence was born at Nottinghamshire school.
on 11 September 1885. He was a son of a
coal miner named Arthur Lawrence while his Marriage Life
mother, Lydia was a school teacher. Lawrence
died in 1930 due to TB. After saying Goodbye to Jessy, D. H. Lawrence
eloped with Frieda but soon, he was captured

Family Life by the police and she had to disclose her

elopement with D. H. Lawrence with her father
Lawrence’s mother was in love with a man of to get him out of the jail. Both of them were
letters but he died. She was from a wealthy married on 19 July 1914. Their marriage life
family but she married a coal miner out of her was both a happy experience as well as was
adventurous nature but their marriage life was marked with quarrels. He wrote a poem for his
devoid of any affection. She looked for her wife that was titled as “Look, We Made it
lost affection towards her elder son but he Through”.
died. Then she shifted her desire to D. H.
In 1913, Lawrence published one of the most
Lawrence. In return, Lawrence could not
maintain his balance of relationship with his renowned novels, Sons and Lovers. One

mother and his beloved, Jessy when he left special thing about this novel is that both

school in 1901. Both of them had some Jessy Chambers and Frieda contributed their

hidden literary sparks to shine but after the share in the novel.

death of his mother due to cancer, Lawrence

Then began the First World War in 1914 and
could maintain his relationship with Jessy and
his second phase of writing,
she provoked him to write.

Rainbow: Published in 1915, this novel was

His Writing Career confiscated and was met with severe charges
of sexual obscenities as the British Public was
Early, he joined a medicine manufacturing
not ready to accept this novel out of their
company but then, he became a teacher. But
stern Victorian morality.
Jessy encouraged Lawrence to write. His first
span of writing begins from 1909 and ends in Women in Love
1913. During that phase, he published his first
In the third phase of his writing career, both The final phase was a fatal one. Despite his ill
Lawrence and Frieda travelled in different health, Lawrence kept on writing. Lady
countries and they settled in New Mexico. The Chatterley’s Lovers was his last novel and he
third phase began on 1920 and ended in breathed his last on March 2nd, 1930.

Oedipus Complex in Sons and Lovers by D. H.

By Asad Imran
March 30, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

to find love in her elder son, William but he

Introductory dies. She, then, shifts her attention to her
other son, Paul but the consequence of this
Sons and Lovers is one of the controversial relationship comes at the cost of Paul, not
novels by D. H. Lawrence that hit the shelves mixing with the girls of his age.
in 1913, the very time when Sigmund Frieud
was experimenting with his new theory Oedipus Complex
Oedipus Complex. The very novel is based
upon the concept of the Oedipus Complex. Oedipus Complex is a psychological theory
But before jumping to a lengthy discussion of presented by Sigmund Freud. The theory is
the Oedipus Complex in Sons and Lovers, first, based upon a classical Greek tragedy on a
we have to make ourselves acquainted with Theban king known as Oedipus who
the story and the term itself. unknowingly kills his father, marries his
mother and gets children from her. But Freud
The story of Sons and Lovers revolves around uses this myth to illustrate the subconscious
a lady named Gertrude who is enchanted by desire of having an un-natural relationship
the hard-working caricaturing of a coal miner with the opposite sex of one’s parents. This
known as Walter Morel. Their marriage is psychological complex can be defined as thus,
marked by a psychological turmoil and she
detests her husband because of his bad Oedipus Complex is a state in which
tongue and excessive drinking. She tries hard a person shows excessive affection
for the parent opposite in sex to him Relationship between Paul
or herself, and a corresponding and Mrs. Morel
distaste for his or her other parent.
The relationship between Paul and Mrs. Morel
In simple terms, Oedipus Complex is an un- was not like a natural bond that naturally
natural relationship of love between a son and exists between a mother and her son. But their
his mother while detesting his father or vice relationship was more than an ordinary
versa. Let’s explore about the same complex relationship. Gertrude was seeing Paul as a
in Sons and Lovers by D. H. Lawrence. substitute to her husband. Who had failed in
providing her her sexual as well as
Autobiographical Complex psychological needs. The relationship
between the two grew stronger when Paul
Lawrence’s life was itself a complex matter of was attacked by pneumonia and she nursed
psychosocial limitations. His mother, Lydia him with “great” care just because she did not
was in love with a school teacher but she want to lose her other son.
could not continue her relationship with him.
Later, she found Arthur Lawrence, a coal miner The incidents showcasing their un-natural love
and was married to him. But their marriage life shock us but it was one of Gertrude’s weapon
proved to be a glaring failure. Lydia could not to show her hatred towards her husband
receive the amount of love that she expected through Oedipus Complex. For instance, in
from Arthur, that is why she turned her Chapter VIII, Mrs. Morel expresses her lack of
affections to her elder son but he kicked the control on her husband to Paul as thus,
bucket. Then she turned to D. H. Lawrence
and he was enthusiastically attracted to his And I’ve never__ you know,
mother so that so he rejected Jessy’s Paul___I’ve never had a
proposal, the one who helped Lawrence husband___not really___
emerge as a writer.
To comfort his mother, Paul comes ahead and
Sons and Lovers is the most accurate strokes her hair and kisses on her throat like a
representation of Lawrence’s autobiographical
lover. She, in return, kisses him long but is
complications and the characters of the novel watched by Walter who scolds Paul,
do seem to parallel each other. Thus it is
evident that Lawrence had developed an At your mischief again?
Oedipus Complex towards his mother and
against his father. That is clearly visible in this In another incident, both of them are depicted
novel. walking in Mrs. Leiver’s Farm, Paul sticking a
flower in her coat also can be regarded as his unable to satisfy. He, indeed, loved both but he
gesture of Oedipus Complex. He, infact, is not was not in the mode of marrying them. He
happy in having his old mother as his explained his reason to his mother aa thus,
“sweetheart”. Says he,
I never shall meet the right woman
Why can’t a man have a young while you live.
mother? What is the old for?
This quote vividly demonstrates how well he is
Well, she scarcely help it. glued to his mother due to his Oedipus
And why wasn’t I the oldest son?
Look… they say that the young ones Conclusion
have the advantage… but look, they
Freud gave his theory of the Oedipus Complex
had the young mother. You should
in 1912, thus making Sons and Lovers the first
have had me as your oldest son. novel to showcase Oedipus Complex in
action. But it must be noted that Freud’s
This example clearly shows Paul as a
theory did not motivate Lawrence to align his
character exhibiting Oedipus Complex. But
story to the very theory but he had
such an influence of his mother over him
experienced the very phenomenon in his own
creates different stunning blocks for him to
find his true life partner.

Sources and Suggested

Paul’s Relationship with
Miriam and Clara Daves
1. Sons and Lovers – Study Guide by Famous
Paul is unable to maintain the balance
Products – Page 114
between his beloved(s) out of the strong
2. Lectures of Sir Faisal
influence of his mother over him. As for
Miriam, she was a religious-minded girl but as
she would try to kiss his hand, he would
withdraw it back abruptly. As for Clara Daves,
she is hungry for having sex that Paul is
Character Sketch of Walter Morel in Sons and
Lovers by DH Lawrence
By Asad Imran
March 31, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

with Walter on the first sight due to his

Who is Walter Morel? appropriate and tempting posture. Lawrence
introduces us to the physical beauty of Walter
Walter Morel is one of the complex characters Morel as thus,
of the novel. But it is Walter’s auto-
biographical counterpart who makes him a He was well set-up, erect and very
special character in the novel? Which auto- smart. He had wavey black hair that
biographical counterpart you may ask? Of shone again and a vigorous black
course, it is D. H. Lawrence’s own father,
beard that had never been shaved.
Arthur Lawrence of whom the character is
His cheeks were ruddy and his red,
based and shares quite similar traits.
moist mouth was noticeable
Walter Morel is a coal miner with some decent because he laughed so often and so
looks but “loud” manners that sow a seed of heartily.
hatred in his wife’s heart. But he is not entirely
an evil character or a noble-hearted one but He is not only physically beautiful but
his character is a complex blend of both aesthetically captivating. He dances as if it
primary qualities. Lawrence detested his were natural and joyous in him to dance. Thus
father but when his father breathed his last, exhibiting a glamorous show of his lively
Lawrence realized that he was mistaken. He, heart. Although she rejects his proposal of
later, confessed that if he ever wrote this novel dance in the Christmas party but she is deeply
again, he would have been kind in portraying enamoured of his humour and his specific but
Walter’s character. typical dialect of speaking things.

His Physical Charm Unsuccessful Marriage Life

Walter Morel was twenty-seven years old and Gertrude and Walter get married but the spell
Gertrude only twenty-three when they first saw of physical beauty is broken immediately. In
each other in the party. Gertrude fell in love the romantic heat of their ‘love’, they do not
realize the difference of their personalities. says that she, being his wife, had to wait on
Gertrude is an intellectual lady who likes to him but her cold reply enrages and saddens
question religion, politics and other social him. Says she,
matters philosophically to an educated person
but these concepts hardly get into the mind of Never, milord, I’d wait on a dog at
the coal miner. Walter, sometimes, listens to the door first.
her talks eagerly without understanding the
subject matter of her talks. After hearing such revolting remarks, he flings
a drawer at her, wounding her brow. But he
Their marriage grows really unhappy when quickly puts a bandage on the wound. Later, it
Gertrude learns that her husband has not paid is depicted that he lies miserably on the bed
the bills of the furniture and the house in for the whole day,
which he lives does not belong to him. She
begins despising him for keeping her in ‘the Walter Morel lay in bed next day
dark’ through such lies. But what she djd not until nearly dinner time. He lay and
realize was the fact that he did not want to
suffered like a sulking dog.
disclose about his poverty to her since he
belonged to the middle class. As days went by, But that was not enough. Gertrude sowed
Gertrude grew more indifferent to Walter and seeds of hatred in the heads of her children.
it affected their children’s life very badly. For instance, once Paul won a prize and he
showed it only to his mother, not to his father.
Some Noble Traits
When children are begotten, the significance
of Walter Morel seems to shrink a great deal. Despite Lawrence stern caricaturing of
The indifferent Gertrude finds solace in Walter’s character, he portrays Walter with
William and later, Paul. Such level of some positive qualities. First noble quality of
indifference shown by his wife enrages Walter Mr. Morel is that he feels for both his wife and
and he is again tempted to drink before he his children. For example, when Gertrude is on
(temporarily) quit for the sake of his wife. He her death bed, he feels very anxious about her
becomes ill-tempered and scolds his children but his weeping before Gertrude’s relatives is
too often. Therefore, his children grow his pretension. But his love for his deceased
Oedipus Complex against him. But in reality, son and Paul is genuine. He does not come on
he is a miserable creature. the way to where William’s grave is situated or
the office in which he worked. He remains
For instance, one day, he returns home hungry.
worried about Paul when he gets pneumonia.
But Gertrude has already eaten her meals. He
He inquires after his health but he does only Conclusion
get a cold indifference in return.
Conclusively, D. H. Lawrence has successfully
Another noble quality present in Walter’s
created a character who exhibits one of the
character is his love for self-work. He does not complex sides of the human psyche through
like to rely on others other than his own the simple and basic instinctions of Walter
hands. In fact, the happiest moments of his Morel who suffers indifference from his family
life occur when he works through his own members for being poor.
hands. Since he is a coal miner, so working
through his own hands makes sense.
Laat but not the least, he is a simple person
1. Sons and Lovers – Study Guide by Famous
living his life instinctively. His actions are not
Products – Page 91
pre-planned or well thought. But rather simple
2. Lecture of Sir Faisal
and direct in his approach. In simple terms, he
is an unaltered person.

Character Sketch of Gertrude Morel in Sons

and Lovers by D. H. Lawrence
By Asad Imran
April 6, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

one can easily guess her shortcomings when

Who is Gertrude Morel? the story of love progresses further. She is
dissatisfied from her husband; tries to find
Gertrude Morel is the central character of the love in her sons and pretty much destroys
novel Sons and Lovers. She wife of Walter them. But her character is made of both good
Morel and the mother of Paul and William and bad qualities.
Morel. But D. H. Lawrence draws her character
after his own mother, Lydia, so there is a
strong autobiographical connection that is
seen throughout the novel. Although Lawrence
mostly portrays her as a positive figure but
Her Physical Appearance and Her Disillusionment of the
her Hollowed Middle-Class Marriage
We are introduced to Gertrude when she is 31.

Gertrude Morel exhibits a decent physical She has been leading a disillusioned martial

appearance. She is short-statured. Her hair is life because has not claimed the romantic
bliss that she initially thought of. In fact, they
as bright as copper and gold. Her eyes are
clear and defiant blue. could only enjoy the first three months of a
happy married life.
Mrs. Morel comes from a noble middle-class
family known as Coppards. Her father is an Her romantic bliss is transformed into

engineer. After Gertrude marries a coal miner, disillusioned agony when she discovers that

she does not consider it a noble value to mix the house does not belong to Walter and the
bills if the furniture have not been paid. She is
up with a ‘poor’ person who can barely get
enough income to pay a house rent. She feels also dismayed by his excessive drinking. But

pride in her own middle-class values. She lives she is annoyed most when she is unable to

in a house that is situated in the end of a exchange her philosophical, religious as well

street, while not hesitating to pay a higher as political views with him because he is a
simple person. Although he listens to her
rent. Her snobbish attitude is not limited to
herself but she tries to transfer her thinking to conversation but he cannot answer her

her children by isolating them from mining. because he cannot understand.

She feels contented on giving them a job with

white collar. Her Responsibility in
Destroying their Marriage
Her Romantic Nature
It becomes clear in the novel that it is she who
Gertrude is moved by John Field when she is is responsible for the destruction of her
in her nineties but he rejects her in favour of a marital life. Before, she chooses Walter
wealthy landlady. But this leaves an because he is unlike her but later, she abhors
everlasting scar in her mind. When she is 23, him as he is unlike her. It is simple that she did
she sees Walter Morel in a Christmas party. not adapt herself to the new situation that
He is in his 27 and she likes his way of would appear in her marriage life. She should
speaking and his unintellectual simplicity. In have changed herself according to thr time
next Christmas, they are married. but she tried to change her husband and it
brought a significant ruin to her life,
The pity was, she was too much his instance, she says to Paul that she did not

opposite. have any husband. Thus, making her sons a

substitute for her husband. But it ruined their
The result came in fierce quarrels between the emotional lives. William died in Hospital
couple. Walter used to bully her and even beat jumping back and forth between Jim and his
her. But his beastly man was awakened by her mother. And Paul could not get away from the
provoking nagging. For instance, he once, influence of his mother even after her death.
walked twelve miles with Jerry Purdy and He was neither able to get the hand of Clara,
when Gertrude knew about this incident, she nor Miriam.
made a storm out of it. In another occasion,
when Walter returns home hungry and Some Positive Traits
demands food from his wife, she replies coldly
that she had better wait for a street dog. On Despite the huge havoc that she brought upon
hearing such remarks, he flings drawer at her, her husband and her sons’ emotional life, she
thus wounding her eyebrows. But, later, he had influenced their domestic lives in a
deeply feels sorry for his misconduct and positive manner. Firstly, she brought decent
does not sleep for days. In simple words, job opportunities to her sons. Secondly, she
Walter wants to lead a happy life with his wife managed to stabilize the financial condition of
but it is she who enrages him again that their house. But in the end, it all ended on her
destroys their martial peace. tragic death that came silently. She kept her
cancer a secret but her death was an intense

Her role in Making Husband- suffering caused by cancer. Paul was so

disheartened by her final scene that he gave
substitutes of her Sons
her morphia to hasten her death. Indeed, her
life ended on her tragic death.
As soon as her children grow up, she gradually
casts off her husband to a side and shifts all
her attentions to her sons. In their childhood, Conclusion
their relationship is healthy. She feels as proud
The character of Gertrude Morel is something
as a queen when William beings a prize for the
that highlights how emotional distances can
first time. She even get them jobs in co-
lead to an utter destruction. She had some
operate office for William and goes with Paul
obvious shortcomings but at heart, she was a
in Nottinghamshire for his interview at
devoted mother who suffered throughout her
entire life.

It is when her sons reach adulthood when

their relationship grows unhealthy. For
Sources and Suggested 1. Sons and Lovers – Study Guide by Famous
Products – Page 94
2. Lecture of Sir Faisal

Character Sketch of Paul Morel in Sons and

Lovers by D. H. Lawrence
By Asad Imran
April 7, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

(Paul) is born, his knitted and heavy eyes may

Who is Paul Morel? signal the concept of ‘pain’. His mother is
extremely moved by his facial expression and
Paul Morel is the most important character of she resolutes that “with all her force, with all
the novel, Sons and Lovers. The character of her soul, she would make up to it for having
Paul is highly autobiographical because he brought it into the world involved”.
mirrors D. H. Lawrence himself. Lawrence
himself had an Oedipal relationship with his Paul Morel was a lean and delicate child in his
mother, Lydia Lawrence. He rejected Jessie childhood. When he grew up a bit, he waa
Chambers out of the strong influence of his transitioned into “a rather finely boy, with dark
mother. Paul suffers the very complexes that brown hair and light blue eyes” that last its
Lawrence himself suffered. Let’s explore in brightness and animation throughout his life.
detail about Paul.
Unhealthy Domestic
Atmosphere and its Adverse
His Sickly Posture Effects in Paul’s Life

As Paul grows on in years, he is greeted by the

Paul is the third child. He is born in the midst
frequent quarrels between his father and his
of harsh quarrels between Gertrude and
mother. This leaves a significant mark in
Walter. Gertrude even thinks that she does not
Paul’s childhood. He is forced to side with his
want any children anymore. When the child
mother. He remains afraid throughout the day because of the vulgar language of the
and night, thinking and praying about the workers. Similarly, when he is climbing stairs
safety of his mother. In his upstairs lodgings, in the Jordan’s to appear in the interview,
he remains anxious about the business Lawrence depicts Paul’s internal agony as
downstairs. He even prays that his father thus,
should stop drinking. The unhealthy domestic
atmosphere affects him in three ways, Charles 1 mounted his scaffold with
a lighter heart than did Paul Morel
Firstly, he gets depressed for no obvious
as he followed his mother up to the
reasons and begins crying bitterly. His mother
dirty steps to the dirty door.
tries her best to console him but it does not
help him either. When his father threatens
Paul that he will beat him if he does not stop
A Budding Artist
crying. It hurts Paul more.
Paul is a skilled painter. This is the only art

Secondly, Paul grows an uncontrollable hatred that makes both of his parents proud. It is to
be noted that one of his paintings get featured
for his father. He cannot even bear the sight of
in Nottingham Castle Exhibition and is sold
his father. When he wins a prize for the first
out in return of a handsome amount. Paul is
time, his mother asks him to show it to his
fond of painting. He is solemnly absorbed in
father but he replies that he would rather hide
painting and does not even know what is
happening in his surroundings. He talks
Thirdly, this situation creates an unhealthy endlessly of his sketches to Miriam.
dependence of Paul upon his mother that
Paul is not only well versed in the art of
creates a significant rift between his
painting, but also he is good at French and
emotional life when he is pursuing Miriam and
Algebra. He teaches Algebra to Miriam and
Clara Daves.
they both discussed about the books they

From his childhood to his adulthood, Paul Paul and Gertrude

remains occupied in his own self. That is
Paul’s relationship with his mother can be
because he is allergic of the world outside him
and he does not feel compatible with his divided into two major periods. Of his
childhood and his adulthood. In Paul’s
society. Resultantly, his first day at school is a
childhood, his relationship with his mother
nightmare for him. His experience of
was based upon healthy intentions. He was
collecting wages in the pit is not good
lonely so he got an outlet for his inner Paul and Clara
conflicts in the form of his mother and in
return, his mother used to transfer her Paul Clara relationship is quite an opposite of
attention away from her husband to her son. Paul Miriam connection. Clara is hungry for
They used to visit forests and exhibition sex. Her body is an invitation card for having
centres. But as Paul grew up into his sex. Paul is immediately charmed by her
adulthood, the mother-son relationship grew swelling breasts and plump arms. For a short
unnatural. Gertrude used her son as her period of time, Paul believes that he has
husband’s substitute. She once said that she attained an absolute bliss but he cannot get
never had a husband and in return, to console his intellectual demands fulfilled from Clara
his mother, Paul put his face on her throat and and she returns to her husband as Paul
she gave him a long kiss. Similarly, when Paul cannot satisfy her sexual hunger while her
was born, Gertrude thought that the navel husband can.
string had not been broken that connected her
body with his frail organs. Such a relationship Conclusion
adversely affected Paul’s ability to mix up with
the girls of his age. After the death of his mother, Paul is left alone
and broken. He has no one to share his
Paul and Miriam feelings and ideas. He has left Miriam and
Clara leaves him. Although he tries in vain to
The friendship between Paul and Miriam is go back to the village and start painting. But
established when they are quite young. The he has lost the courage to do so. He is
friendship is initially based upon Paul’s need left”with a drift towards death”, as Lawrence
for criticism of his paintings. Miriam is puts the final ending of the hero.
religious and romantic but not sexually
attractive. Paul mostly brings his paintings to Sources and Suggested
Miriam for criticism and she eagerly waits for
him to learn something new about life. But
Paul is unsuccessful in arousing her sexual
1. Sons and Lovers – Study Guide by Famous
instructions out of the strong influence of his
Products – Page 97
mother. For instance, when both of them are in
2. Lecture of Sir Faisal
bed, Paul feels extremely dissatisfied with her
and he leaves her.
Paul Miriam Relationship – Sons and Lovers –
D. H. Lawrence
By Asad Imran
April 11, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

Paul Miriam Relationship, on the other hand, is

Introduction based upon Miriam’s spiritual ideals that Paul
seems to detest. But Paul learns from the
Paul Miriam relationship is considered to be crirical remarks of Miriam on his paintings and
the core of the novel. Why, because it is one of he teaches her Algebra and French. Thus, he
the favourite topics of Lawrence to talk about has an outlet for his intellectual thoughts to
complexities of relationships between men get distributed through Miriam. But their
and women. He has discussed the very relationship does not go well on good terms
subject in a number of his novels. So, Sons as time goes by.
and Lovers is no exception. We find four knots
of relationships in this novel.

For instance, Walter Gertrude Relationship The First Meet-Up

that is initially based upon romantic ideas of
Gertrude and upon their unfulfillment, it The first meeting between Paul and Miriam
transforms into a heating mess of quarrels takes place when Paul, with his mother, goes
and of misunderstandings. Then, there is to the Leiver’s Family at the Willey Farm. Paul
Gertrude William (and then Paul) relationship Morel is deeply enchanted by the broad
that is totally based upon making sons as landscapes and beauty of Nature. At first, Paul
husband substitutes which wreaks havoc in mostly spends his time with the brothers of
the emotional upbringing of her sons and their Miriam but later, he gradually starts taking
relationship with the girls of their age interest in Miriam.
eventually fails. Then we have Paul Miriam
Relationship which is to be discussed at Miriam’s Romantic Nature and
length in this article and then Paul Clara
Her Spiritual Constraints
relationship that was established temporarily
to extinguish the sensual desires of Clara but It is difficult to deny that Miriam has a
it also ends in vain. romantic nature and she often considers
herself a “Walter Scott Heroin”, in simple
terms, sensitive and over-refined. Miriam critical significance of his paintings while
detests vulgarity that is found in her brothers. Miriam uses Paul as a means to give vent to
She finds Paul a different man. Different in a her inner-most emotions. In fact, it is Paul that
sense that he has a different taste, an makes a flower sink into the soul of Miriam,
intellectual one like his interest in algebra,
painting, poetry and French and “a man who Only he could make it her own.
had death in his family”.
One day, there is an Orange Moon situated at
Miriam draws her spirituality from the the top of the sky and such a romantic scene
metaphysical outlook of her mother. But her boils the blood of Paul’s chest. He wanted to
over-turned spirituality becomes a stout hurdle crush Miriam upon his chest but non of them
in continuing her relationship with Paul. As even tried to kiss each other.
mentioned before, Miriam has developed
hatred for sex and its implications. This Second Phase
makes her different from the girls of her age.
But Paul thinks Miriam like a common girl. He The second phase of the Paul Miriam
needs her for his sexual gratification but Relationship becomes a litmus test for Miriam
Miriam resists his sexual advancements, thus and her controlled love for Paul. Paul is
making Paul annoyed by her spiritual determined to get Miriam introduced to the
stubbornness. For instance, Miriam folds her sexual life of a normal girl in love. Miriam too
arms around her five-year-old brother and decides to submit to Paul’s sexual desires. But
sways him. This agitates Paul and he bitterly it does not come as Paul plans to. Whenever
questions, Paul tries to have sex with her, she
immediately recoils. When Miriam lives with
Why do you make such a fuss for? her grandparents, Paul gets a chance to do
whatever he likes but her immolating
Paul wants to say that when Miriam can show response disappoints Paul and he wishes he
her affections towards her brother, why not were sexless or dead. Thus, her indifference to
Paul? sex gradually makes Paul bade a goodbye to
First Phase of Relationship
Final Rejection
Owing to Miriam’s overtly religious outlook,
the Paul Miriam Relationship grows on an After such a cold spiritual connection, then
abstract plane but its growth is slightly visible. come the death of Paul’s mother and her
This is the phase when both of them realize death by cancer leaves a significant effect on
their worth for each other. Paul learns the him. Miriam has grown into a stiff woman with
her youthful bloom gone. She thinks that Paul Miriam stubbornly clings to her rigid spiritual
is wasting his life and offers her proposal of ideas. That collectively brings about their
marriage. But Paul immediately rejects her separation.
proposal. He says that she loves him so much
that she wants to put him in her pocket. She Conclusion
could only sacrifice herself to him every day.
Her sacrifice was unacceptable to him so Paul Conclusively, Paul Miriam Relationship
bade a cold farewell to Miriam. demonstrates physical as well as spiritual lack
of understanding. It is something that is hard
Who is Responsible for the to achieve but it surely depicts how much
damage it may cause if natural desires are
Failure of Relationship?
dealt with unnatural ways.

This question, as difficult as it may sound, has

been debated by critics to a great degree. Sources and Suggested
Some argue Gertrude is responsible for the Readings
spilt between the two while others point their
fingers at Miriam’s rigid spirituality. Mike 1.
Sprika puts the burden of the spilt upon id=218
Miriam’s shoulders, 2. Sons and Lovers – Study Guide by Famous
Products – Page 120
Miriam’s frigidity is rooted in her 3. Lectures of Sir Faisal
own nature, and not in the mere
ignorance of sex. Her purity is
nullity rather than innocence; she
lacks real warmth, and Paul in his
youthful inexperience is unable to
rouse in her.

So, the person equally puts the responsibility

of the spilt on both Paul and Miriam. But there
is an equal share of Gertrude also in bringing
about the separation. Gertrude Morel has
tightened her emotional grip upon Paul and
she is unable to realize how much havoc she
has wrecked in Paul’s youthful life. He fails to
get the nerves of Miriam’s limitations and
Modern Novel – Short Questions and Their
Answers (From Sargodha University Past
Papers) MA English Literature Part 2
By Asad Imran
August 26, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel, Short Questions

doubles as a driving force that strives its best

to send the civilized Europeans away from the

Q1: What is the symbolic significance of the Q4: How are Africans and the Europeans
lighthouse in the novel To the Lighthouse? presented in Hean of Darkness?

The lighthouse serves as a symbol of human The Africans are presented as the ones who
desires that can only be fulfilled at an lack language, culture and thoughtfulness.
appropriate time. Whereas, the European (imperialists) are
portrayed as manipulative and exploitative.
Q2: Comment on the economic condition of
Mr. Morel at the time of his marriage. Q5: What are the reasons for Nwoye’s
conversion to Christianity?
Being a coal miner, the financial condition of
Walter Morel was not good during the time of Nwoye concerts to Christianity to atone for his
his marriage. He was under debt and the rent father’s unjust butchery of his adopted son,
of the furniture had not been paid. Ikemefuna.

Q3: What is the symbolic significance of the Q6: Who rescues the boys from the island in
Congo river in Heart of Darkness? Lord of the Flies?

The Congo River signifies as a symbol of a It is a naval officer who rescues the lost boys
channel that connects a civilization with from the lost and unknown island.
‘primitiveness’. However, the river also
Q7: Who is Ezinma in Things Fall Apart?
being poor and his unurbane language.
Ezimna is the daughter from Okonkwo’s Q3: What was the reality of the beast in
Lord of the Flies?
second wife, Ekwefi. Ezimna is greatly
The reality of the beast in Lord of the Flies
favoured by Okonkwo because of her ‘menlike’ was Simons who was confused for the
nature. beast by the pack of Jack. He is killed.
Another mistaken instance of the beast is
Q8: Who was Simon in Lord of the Flies?
observed when the boys consider the
dead body of the piolet, a beast. View
Simon was the voice of reason and rationality Q4: State the dominant traits of Jack in
in Lord of the Flies. It was he who identified Lord of the Flies?
the boar’s skull as the lord of the flies during Jack, the opponent to Ralph, is a
determined, jealous and power-seeking
his hallucination.
boy. He is violent by temperament and
knows the art of taming small boys for his
Q9: Who is Gertrude Morel in Sons and own purposes. View Source
Lovers? Q5: What are some of the major themes
in the literary works of D.H. Lawrence?
The major themes in the novels written by
Gertrude Morel is the wife of Walter Morel.
D. H. Lawrence are issues related to
She belongs to the noble middle class. She is emotional as well as mental health,
the driving force in the establishment of the relationships and sexuality. Source
Oedipus complex in her sons. Q6: Why was Ikemefuna killed in the
novel Things Fall Apart?
Ikemefuna is killed because his killing was
Q10: List the names of three sections of To
part of a promise and treaty. Also,
the Lighthouse. Okonkwo kills Ikemefuna in order to prove
his manhood before his tribe.
Already answered Q7: Define stream of consciousness.
2020 Stream of Consciousness is a literary
technique in which the events are narrated
Q1: Give a brief character sketch of Lily as they appear in one’s mind without any
Brisco as presented in the novel To the chronological sequence.
Lighthouse. Q8: How is Nwoye different from his
Lilly Brisco is one of the guests in To the father in Things Fall Apart?
Lighthouse. She is a painter. From the Novoye is entirely different from his father
beginning of the novel till the end, Lily because he inherits his traits from his
preoccupies herself with painting. View grandfather Unoka. He is usually a weak-
Source hearted person but when Okonkwo kills
Q2: Why is Mr. Morel despised by his Ikemefuna, Novoye is utterly dismayed by
wife? his father and joins missionaries to show
Paul Morel is hated by Gertrude on his vengeance. Source
account of his excessive drinking, his Q9: What were the last words of Kurtz?
What do they mean?
The last words of Kurtz were “Horror! Mrs. Ramsay’s outlook for life is much
Horror! ” Kurtz basically accepted his different and even opposite to what we
demonic endeavours in the dark continent observe through Mr. Ramsay. Mr. Ramsay
of Africa and accepted the horrors is utterly realistic and does not want any
associated with it. mingling of *hopeful” lie in it. While Mrs.
Q10: Who is the narrator in Heart of Ramsay can consider adding a hopeful lie
Darkness? to console someone.
We do not know much about the un- Q7: Give a brief character sketch of Mr.
named narrator who opens the novel but Tansley.
the second narrator who tells us about his Charles Tansley is the student of Mr.
adventures in Congo and in the Sea. He is Ramsay who is invited as a guest. He
Marlow and he is said to be the voice of remains insecure of his humble
Conrad. background. Although Mrs. Ramsay do
not like him, still her magic works on him
2019 and he begins to like her. Source
Q8: Who are the Littluns in Lord of the
Q1: How did Marlow manage to get a job Flies?
with the Belgian company? Littluns are a group of small kids. They
Marlow managed to get the job as a represent helpless members of a society.
captain in the Belgian company through They are used to gain more authoritative
the influence of his aunt. power. Source
Q2: What is the name of the ship in the Q9: Give some traits of the character of
Thames where Marlow tells his story? Ralph in Lord of the Flies.
The name of the ship is The Ralph is the voice of wisdom, order and
Nellie. Source authority. He is elected as the leader of
Q3: What is the reason of the inhibited the boys in the beginning. He is sensible,
relationship between Mr. and Mrs. caring, wise and authoritative. Source
Morel? Q10: Why does Okonkwo kill himself in
Already answered Things Fall Apart?
Q4: How would you describe the Okonkwo kills himself because of the
relationship between Paul and Miriam? grief of betrayal from the members of his
Paul Miriam relationship is a complex tribe who refused to fight against the
affair. On one side, we see Miriam Englishmen. Out of his stern values of
showing her desire to learn and be manhood, Okonkwo commits suicide.
educated through Paul. While Paul is
agitated by her aggressive “chastity”. 2018
Q5: Who is Ikemefuna in Things Fall
Apart? Q1: Describe the picture painted by Kurtz
Ikemefuna is a fifteen years old boy who in Africa.
is given to the Umofia tribe as a sacrifice Kurtz painted a picture at the front of a
for killing a woman from Umofia. Source house that depicted a lady carrying a
Q6: How is Mrs. Ramsay’s outlook torch. Here, the torch has been used as a
towards life different from that of her symbol of spreading the light of
husband in To the lighthouse? civilization by Kurtz. Source
Q2: What do the two ladies Marlow met at Q10: When and where was William
Brussels symbolize? Golding born?
Two knitting women whom Marlow saw in William Golding was born in Newquay,
Brussels were knitting through a black United Kingdom in 1911.
thread. The two women symbolize for the
Fates in Greek mythology, spinning their 2017
thread of life and cut it at their own
will. Source Q1: What is the symbolic significance of
Q3: What is ‘The Bottoms’ in ‘Sons and the voyage of Marlow into the heart of
Lovers’ by D. H. Lawrence? Africa?
The Bottoms is a neighbouring place of According to some critical estimates, the
Bestwood. This place is particularly journey of Marlow into the darkness of
known for the residence of the Morel Congo can be considered as a symbol of
family. Source the redemption of evil or sin through the
Q4: Describe the setting of the novel light of goodness (mainly for
‘Sons and Lovers’ by D. H. Lawrence. Kurtz). Source
The novel mostly revolves around Q2: How does Marlow dispose of the
Bestwood, the mining area and the Willy African helmsman’s body?
Farms in which Paul, for the first time, Marlow disposes the dead body of the
eye-witnesses his beloved for the first helmsman to the side of a ship. His action
time. results in the morning of the cannibals for
Q5: What is the age of Lily Briscoe when the loss of meal. Source
the novel opens? Q3: How did Mrs. Morel die?
Lily is 34 years old when the novel opens. Gertrude Morel was given a medicine by
Q6: How did Prue Ramsay die? her children that ended her life because
Prue Ramsay died during a disease while her children, especially her son could not
giving birth to her child. see her in pain.
Q7: When and why was the Feast of the Q4: Why does Paul waver in his feelings
New Yam held? toward Miriam?
The Feast of the New Yam was held Paul puts a halt to his feelings towards
before harvest to honour the goddess of Miriam due to his close association with
the earth. Source his mother and Miriam’s inability to fulfil
Q8: What advice was given to Okonkwo his sexual needs.
by Ezeudu? Q5: Who is William Bankes in To The
Ezeudu, a village elder gave advice to Lighthouse?
Okonkwo to abstain from killing William Bankes is a friend of Mr. Ramsay
Ikemefuna because the boy regarded who knows about Mr. Ramsay from his
Okonkwo as his father. Source childhood. He has no children and is a
Q9: What is the role of Simon in ‘Lord of widower. He befriends Lily Briscoe while
the Flies’? inwardly, he ‘adores’ Mrs. Ramsay. View
The role of Simon in Lord of the Flies is to Source
depict the religious saintness of truth and Q6: Write the title of the three sections in
light. to The Lighthouse.
The sections in To the Lighthouse are Q3: What advice did Okonkwo give to
written below: Ezinma when they were in Mbanta?
Okonkwo advised his daughter not to
The Window follow the footsteps of Novoye by
Time Passes changing the religion. He also asked her
To the Lighthouse not to marry until they return
Umophia. Source
Q7: What was the most significant trait of Q4: What were the name given to the first
Mr. Brown in Things Fall Apart? two children, Okonkwo got in Mbanta?
Mr. Brown was the first white Englishman The first child was given the name of
who began Christianity missions in Nneka which meant “Mother is Supreme”
Umophia. He was a kind person who paid while the second child was named Nwofia
respect to the religious customs of the which translated as “Born in the
Umophian people than the new Wilderness”.
missionary leader. Source Q5: Who were the important intellectuals
Q8: What does Okonkwo think about his included in the Bloomsbury group?
son Novoye? The important intellectuals who were
Okonkwo thinks that his son lacks the included in the Bloomsbury group were
traits of masculinity. Virginia Woolf, her husband Leonard
Q9: What is the use of Conch for the boys Woolf, a biographer Lytton Strachey,
is Lord of the Flies? Virginia’s sister Vanessa Bell.
Conch has been used as an indication for Q6: After Mrs. Ramsay’s death, who
the call of assembling the lost boys and seemed to be the uniting force in “To The
children in the lost island. The Conch shell Lighthouse”?
also symbolizes for power and authority. It was Lily Briscoe who seemed to be a
Q10: Who killed Simon? uniting force after the death of Mrs.
The pack of Jack killed Simon by taking Ramsay because she rather kept the
him for the ‘concerned’ terrifying beast. presence of Mrs. Ramsay through her
2016 Q7: What was Ralph’s father?
According to Ralph, his father was a
Q1: Why was Marlow’s aunt triumphant? commander in the navy. He thought that
Marlowe’s aunt was triumphant on the his father would come there and rescue
colonization of the Congo. She believed them as he took a leave from his
that the savages were being made job. Source
civilized through the colonial power of Q8: What was the significance of the
Europe. Source shell according to Piggy?
Q2: What was Marlow referring to when According to Piggy, the conch shell can
he said that there was a touch of insanity serve as a tool to ‘call an assembly’ of the
in the proceeding? lost boys. Piggy sees the Conch as a tool
Marlowe was referring to the captivating of democratic gathering.
madness of the African jungle which lured Q9: What did Mrs. Morel discover about
the colonizing powers to lose their minds her husband after marriage?
and their plung into “the horror”. Source After marriage, Gertrude Morel discovered
that her husband had not paid rent of the
house and did not clear the bill of the Q5: List the name of three sections of To
furniture. She also learned that her the Lighthouse.
husband was badly in debt and he was See Q6 in 2017.
not a wealthy person. Q6: How did the Children feel about Mr.
Q10: How did Mrs. Morel die? Tansley?
Already answered Children felt as if Mr. Tansley was in a
miserable condition or a “sarcastic brut”.
2015 Children used to mock Mr. Tansley
because of his funny appearance. Source
Q1: Why does the Russian nurse Kurtz Q7: Concisely describe the argument of
through two illnesses in Heart of boys regarding beast in Lord of the
Darkness? Flies?
The Russian harlequin nurses Kurtz during Kindly refer to Q3 in 2020
his illness because he is a great admirer Q8: Why is Simon the only one to doubt
of Kurtz. According to him, Kurtz is the existence of the beast?
civilizing the African Natives. Therefore, Simon is the only one in the pack who
he does not want to let Kurtz die. uses his ‘thinking hat’ for the critical
Q2: Why does Kurtz give Marlow papers evaluation of certain situations. Therefore,
before he dies? he is quick to think of the doubt because
Kurtz gives Marlow some confidential he does not deem its presence
papers to be kept safe because Kurtz logical. Source
does not want his leftovers to be Q9: Why doesn’t Okonkwo have any
occupied by the manager. More Short patience with his father in Things Fall
Questions Apart?
Q3: What first job did William get? Okonkwo does not show any patience for
William got appointment as a clerk in his father due to his excessive drinking
London at first. Source and lack of masculine traits.
Q4: Why doesn’t Mrs. Morel get any help Q10: Evaluate Okonkwo’s reputation in
from her in-laws? the nine villages of Umuofia.
Gertrude Morel does not seek financial aid Okonkwo is known as a powerful person
from her in-laws because of their dismal who is good at wrestling. He once threw a
financial conditions as her in-laws already seven year champion Amalinze the Cat
think that Morels are leading a good which further increased his reputation as
financial life. Source a strong wrestler. Source

Character Sketch of Kurtz in Heart of

By Asad Imran
October 11, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

reveals that Mr. Kurtz is “hollow at the core”.

Who is Kurtz? In the next heading, we shall try to gauge why
Mr. Kurtz is hollow at the core.
Kurtz is the protagonist of importance in
Heart of Darkness. He works as an agent to His Sense of Ownership
collect ivory from the dark heart of Africa,
Congo. Mr. Kurtz is known for his sheer We are told by the manager that Kurtz is highly
strength of ambition (of collecting ivory possessive. He is heard many times saying,
obviously) as well as his refined eloquence.
He is overly greedy in his shade of ambitions. My ivory, my intended, my station,
His character is important in this novel my river, …
because it is his character, which is used to
display the inner darkness of the human soul. From this dialogue of Kurtz, it becomes
Let us discuss in detail about Mr. Kurtz. obvious that he is deeply trapped in his dark
sense of ownership of almost everything at
his disposal. And he can go to every length to
protect what he “owns”. Another thing to note
His Reputation is that Kurtz mentions the ownership of ivory
before his intended. Thus, showing his
Kurtz’ reputation is mostly positive but it immense passion to collect ivory as much as
differs from character to character. The he wants. But it is much more than what Mr.
accountant considers Mr. Kurtz as a “first- Kurtz owns. He owns the souls of the natives.
class agent” as well as a “very remarkable For instance, the skulls hanging in front of his
man”. According to the manager of the trading cottage are of those people who went against
company, Mr. Kurtz is the best agent of the his wishes or revolted against him. The
company. The Brick-Maker ranks Kurtz as a hanging skulls are his symbol of his godly
wonderful man. He asserts that Kurtz is a power over people and their property. Marlow
representative of pity, of science, of progress, wonders when everything of the jungle
and “devil knows of what else”. The narrator of belongs to him, to whom Mr. Kurtz belongs to?
the story (Marlow), at first, is annoyed by the See the fourth heading for the answer.
constant mentions of the importance of Kurtz
for the company and for the natives, but, later, His Pathetic Physique
he grows his own interest to see and know
about Mr. Kurtz. But the narration of Marlow
Kurtz physical inflation is revealed when he is “unspeakable rites* had made him a demonic
being shifted to the steamer Marlow is the figure. Perhaps every aim of his life was
captain of. His physical condition is quite fulfilled, including his ivory, his river and his
contradictory to his stouter reputation and station. What remained unfulfilled was his
influence. He is even unable to walk. When he marriage with his intended. Manifestly
rises up a little from his stretcher to disperse speaking, his last words signify his affirmation
the crowd, he looks like a ghost in a shroud. of his evil and primitive endeavours in the dark
From his raised hands, the bones are clearly continent of Africa.
visible like ivory. Thus, all his might crumble
under his pathetic physique, signalling at his Conclusion
fatal illness.
The character of Kurtz is truly a complex one
His Acclamation of Darkness who is evil both inwardly and outwardly yet his
soul cleans itself from its evil endeavours by
(in him)
just uttering two words.

Kurtz last words before dying are “Horror!

Horror!” and these words are of great Sources and Suggested
significance. His last words clearly hint at Readings
something terrible and dark witnessed by Mr.
Kurtz during his last minutes of life. His final 1. Critical Studies of Heart of Darkness –
words are the declaration of his dark and Famous Products – Page 233
devilish adventures his soul had gone through. 2.
Such a profound level of possession over guides/literature/heart-of-darkness/mr-
people and property; his uncontrolled passion kurtz
for ivory and his lusty adventures during the

Marlow as a Narrator of Heart of Darkness

By Asad Imran
October 12, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

It is through the narration of Marlow we come

Who is Marlow? across the story of Heart of Darkness. He is
the second narrator of the novella after the
unnamed one who introduces Marlow to the more about Kurtz, his interest in him grows.
readers. Marlow is a seaman and takes a When he first sees Kurtz, he sees him as the
fancy to wander into the depths of the seas. “only white man” among the black Africans.
His passion leads him to Africa to take the This remark comes out as Marlow’s
ailing Kurtz away from Congo. He narrates his admiration for Kurtz. But it should be noted
experience, problems and challenges which that Marlow does not “idolize” Kurtz like the
were being faced by him during his voyage to Russian and does not hesitate to find faults in
the dark continent of Africa. His narration is Kurtz.
considered to be the mouthpiece of Joseph
Conrad, the author of this novella. Marlow bluntly gives a sneak peek at the
horrible deeds done by Kurtz in exploiting the
natives and their property, not to mention the
“unspeakable rites”. Yet Marlow appears as a
A Mouthpiece of Conrad controlling force for Kurtz when Marlow drags
him back to his tent and he is “not much
Heart of Darkness is based upon the heavier than a child”. It is difficult to assess
experience of Joseph Conrad during his own that whether Marlow admires Kurtz or not
voyage to the African continent. Although the because his judgement of Kurtz continue to
story of the darkness is told by Marlow, it is change as he comes by another trait of Kurtz.
Conrad who is speaking in the guise of But Marlow’s judgement of Kurtz’ last words is
Marlow. That is why, Marlow is referred to as significant because according to him,
the mouthpiece of Conrad. But it must be
noted that there are certain differences Kurtz was a remarkable man,”
between Marlow and Conrad. Therefore, Marlow says, because he “had
Marlow should not be considered as a
something to say” and simply “said
complete replication of Conrad.

He Brings Kurtz to Life Thus, Marlow not only gives the readers a
chance to look into the life of Kurtz but also
The character and narration of Marlow is more into his character.
important than the unnamed narrator because
he is the one who brings the character of
His Experiences in African
Kurtz to life as the character of Kurtz is
important to highlight the meaning of the
novella. At first, he is rather annoyed by the
Marlow not only gives us a picture of Kurtz but
consistent mentions of Kurtz importance in
of his experiences in Africa as well. His
the field of collecting ivory. But as he learns
narration gives an ample amount of life and minds of the characters he meets and to
challenges at work in the African Congo. He speculate about the inner truth respectively.
vividly describes how Nature exists there and For instance, when Marlow is knowing about
how natives lead their lives remaining Mr. Kurtz through the brick-maker, he remarks
uncivilized. Marlow describes the beauty of that through the remarks of the brick-maker,
African Nature as thus, he is unable to visualize the true picture of Mr.
Kurtz and his personality looks like a dream to
The edge of a colossal jungle, so him. But, on a philosophical level, Marlow
dark-green as to be almost black, asserts that it is impossible to sense the

fringed with white surf, ran straight, essence of life at a given moment.

like a ruled line.

Marlow’s accounts of his confrontation with
the natives is also important because it shows The character of Marlow is marked by his vivid

the natives’ devotion (or fear? ) for Kurtz. For narration about his experiences in Africa, his

instance, when his steamer arrives and when description of Kurtz’ character and his

he is about to take Kurtz away, his boat is philosophical and psychological analysis of

attacked by the natives (through arrows). the people he saw. Therefore, it is safe to say

Therefore, Marlow is not only a narrator, but that without the narration of Marlow, there

also moves the plot of the novella with his would have been no Kurtz.

Sources and Suggested
As a Philosopher and Readings
1. Critical Studies of Heart of Darkness –

Another notable trait in the character of Famous Products – Page 246

Marlow is his philosophical and psychological 2.

caricaturing of the people he met during his guides/literature/heart-of-

voyage. Marlow’s ability to use his
psychological and philosophical analysis
enables him to see what exactly is in the

Significance of the Title in Heart of Darkness

By Asad Imran
October 14, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

despite more discoveries of the places in the

Introduction African continent. Therefore, on account of
Stanley’s contribution, Conrad named Heart of
Heart of Darkness is a flagship novella written Darkness to literally signify the dark Congo
by Joseph Conrad. It hit the shelves in 1899. and the dark people living in it.
The novel basically narrates the story of
Belgian Imperialism upon the African natives. Metaphorical or Symbolical
The author has subtly utilized the title of the
novel which is multi-dimensional. Apparently,
the title of the novel hints at the darkest heart The second layer of the title rests in its
of African Congo (which is the centre of symbolic or metaphorical interpretation and
Africa). But the title is also used as a
there are many of them. As mentioned in the
metaphor of the destructive force of the evil. introductory paragraph of this question, the
Evil here means a number of things, like the metaphorical meaning of the title is the
evil of imperialism, the evil of passion, the evil destructive nature of the dark forces of the
of greediness. Moreover, Kurtz’ last words are evil. Which leads us to another rabbit-hole of
also important as they are directly interlinked
symbolic interpretation.
with the title.
Firstly, it symbolizes for the evil force of
imperialism. It is obvious from the novella that
Conrad condemns imperialism. It was due to
Appearant Meaning imperialism the natives and their property was
exploited and they were kept in the dark about
The literal meaning of the title of this novel
it. Secondly, the title can be used as a symbol
points at the continent of Africa and especially
of the evil of passion which destroys the soul.
its territory of Congo. The name of the dark
It is vividly portrayed through Kurtz’
continent was first used by Henry Morton
uncontrollable lust to collect ivory. The third
Stanley. He is the man who voyaged through
implication of the title lies in the greediness of
the dark bushes in Africa. Due to his
the Western colonizers who, in their greed to
contribution, the word “dark” was widely used
extort as many resources as possible, destroy
to refer to the continent of Africa. Although
the freedom of the people who are ruled by
Conrad had himself voyaged to the dark
continent in 1890. Yet he kept the dark name
Kurtz’ Dying Words Conclusion

Kurtz’ dying words allude to the corruption of The title of the concerned novella
the human soul after an excessive exercise of appropriately conveys both its literal
passion. This is exactly what the title of the significance to the dark heart of Africa
novella is referring to. It is to be noted that (Congo) as well as its symbolic adherence to
heart and soul are often interlinked. Kurtz was the darkness of the soul during its stay in the
all after ivory and he could go to any length to human flesh.
extort as much ivory as he liked, even at the
expense of the lives of the people. It must be Sources and Suggested
noted that before the arrival of Kurtz in Africa,
he was a man of fine manners. But after
stepping Into Africa, he lost every civilized part 1.
of him for the sake of fulfilling his passion and subjects/group-v/english-literature/10184-
his primitive desires. The truth dawns upon heart-darkness-significance-title.html
him as soon as the angel of death approaches 2.
him. Therefore, his last words are of guides/literature/heart-of-
considerable importance in the context of the darkness/analysis/title
title of this novella.

Heart of Darkness as a Condemnation of

By Asad Imran
October 15, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

giants like T. S. Eliot and Ernest Hemingway.

Introduction The novella is famous for its distinctive
treatment of colonialism and imperialism of
Heart of Darkness is a defining work of Belgium over the dark continent of Africa. On
Joseph Conrad which appeared in 1899. After one side, the novella is praised for the
the publishing of this novella, it has received a condemnation of Imperialism while the
fair share of admiration from the literary opponents find this novella favouring the
European Imperialism. Before discussing at merciless killing of the natives and extortion
length about the particular problem in the of ivory for their own luxury.
novella, first, we have to make it clear that
what imperialism actually is. In simple terms, Examples in Favour of
imperialism is the utilization of the resources
(both people and their property) of the weak
nation by the strong and developed nation. A The other side of this novella is rather
common example of imperialism is the British controversial as it displays Conrad favouring
colonization of the Indian Subcontinent. imperialism. Kurtz’ dying words are a great
contribution to it as Marlow, the narrator of the
novel suggests that his dying words denote to
the purgation of his soul. The very idea of the
Examples against purgation of Kurtz’ soul from his evil doings
Imperialism gives a slightly stouter affirmation of Marlow
(or Conrad) favouring imperialism. Another
The very first example of Conrad’s instance comes in the form of the painting on
condemnation of Imperialism is the title of the Kurtz’ cottage painted by himself. The painting
novella. He indirectly considers imperialism as shows a woman holding a torch. This painting
a heart of darkness. It is a heart of darkness is a direct symbol of the spreading the light of
because it ultimately leaves both the civilization to the ones who are not cultured. It
colonizers and the colonized in the deepest pit is one of the prime motives behind
of the darkness of failure and problems. For imperialism and the painting of Kurtz openly
instance, the Britishers came to the Indian supports it. Due to the very examples from the
Subcontinent as traders and reformers but text, this novella is regarded as a piece of
when they left, they left with an egg on their work that favours imperialism.
face and the rushed division lead to a mass
massacre that history seems unable to forget. Conrad’s own Experience of
And there have been three major wars
between the two who were once one.

Conrad grew up in Russian Imperialism on

Turning back to the novella, it condemns
Poland. His parents were an active members
colonization of the African people and the
of the movement of freedom. Therefore, he
Belgian exploitation of their ivory and the
and his family were exiled to Siberia. Such
people. The Belgian trade masters arrived at
banishment must have left a lasting hatred for
the African continent to ‘civilize’ the natives
imperialism. Therefore, he chose the
but they themselves became the victims of
profession to voyage on the sea because he
primitive desires. Conrad condemns their
found openness and freedom in it. He It is difficult to reach to a definitive conclusion
voyaged to Africa in 1890 at a time when it that Heart of Darkness favours imperialism or
was ruled by many colonial powers but his is against it. But it surely portrays the sombre
cannon of critique was pointed at Leopold, a picture of the colonized natives.
ruthless Belgian ruler who used the Central
African portion as his personal property. Upon Sources and Suggested
seeing the plight of the natives and having
himself experienced the cold banishment, the
writing of this novella is surely an outcome of 1. Critical Studies of Heart of Darkness –
his detest of imperialism to a greater extent. Famous Products – Page 264
Conclusion trouble-with-heart-of-darkness

Symbols of Knitting, River and Fog in Heart of

By Asad Imran
October 16, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

literary device that uses common things to

Introduction denote to someone or something. Like rose is
a symbol of love. Here are different symbols
Heart of Darkness is a novella that features are hidden in this novella to be traced.
the primitive darkness of the African tribes
during the 1890s under the Shadow of
darkness in England in “yesterday”. The
novella carries a number of symbols to Women
highlight the themes of imperialism and
greediness. Before tracing out symbols in The women of significance in the novella are
Heart of Darkness, we have to discover first Kurtz’ intended and the African woman. Both

that what is a symbol exactly. A symbol is a of them have been used as the symbol of the
blank canvas on which their culture and back to the “civilization”. But its upward flow is
wealth is displayed. also a symbol of Kurtz’ inability to understand
the gravity of his wrong-doings. Thus, keeping
Knitting him in the dark until his soul surrogates itself
from “the horrors” practised by its human
Two women knitting through black threads in flesh.
the office of the Company at Brussels have
been utilized as the symbol of the upcoming Darkness
darkness in the novella. The women are
depicted knitting the shrouds, thus suggesting Darkness not only lies in the title of this
the ultimate darkness is death. While their novella but also in its core protagonist (Kurtz).
indifference towards Marlow hints at the The character of Kurtz has been used as a
indifference of the colonizers with the symbol of the darkness of the ruthless
colonized and death. colonizers. But it lies in the heart of Kurtz as
well who is unable to realize his ill-doings in
Fog the guise of his uncontrollable passion for
collecting ivory. Thus, the symbol of darkness
The season of fog is just a month away. When has multiple interpretations.
fog envelops everything on its way, it is
difficult to find a way out. But unlike darkness, Drums
it gives slight information on where to
navigate. Fog, in this novella, is a symbol of a The “weird, appealing, suggestive, wild” sound
mild obstruction, signalling at the movement of the drumbeats symbolize the celebration or
but does not tell what exactly lies ahead. For a signal of the arrival of something or the
instance, Marlow’s steamer is caught in the signal of the war. It is difficult to get the exact
fog and he is unable to see whether the sea is meaning of the drumbeats being pounded in
before him or something else. the novella but they vaguely denote to “war,
peace, or prayer”
The symbol of the river hints directly at the
Congo River which connects Europe with the The dark continent of Africa had a great
middle of Africa without having them to cross appeal for the extortors of ivory. In this
the sea. The river streams upwards, thus novella, ivory has been utilized as a symbol of
making sailing from Europe to Africa, a the greed of the Western colonizers. It is
difficult task. Thus, trying to keep the suggested that the wild passion for the
European intruders away and to send them collection of ivory is the primary reason
behind the evil-doings of Kurtz. Therefore, the Sources and Suggested
lust for ivory has been used as an indirect
symbol of the motive behind imperialism.

Conclusion Darkness/symbols/
Conrad has appropriately utilized the symbols
of knitting, river, ivory and darkness which
nicely extends the scope of the interpretation
of Heart of Darkness.

Character Sketch of Ralph in Lord of the Flies

By Asad Imran
October 17, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

Ralph emerges as a fine leader of the boys

Who is Ralph? when the leadership is thrust upon him (due to
his good looks?). As he himself thinks, his
Ralph is a protagonist of great significance in concept of leadership goes like this:
Golfing’s novel, Lord of the Flies. He is a boy of
twelve years who is selected as a leader of the if you a chief, you to think, you to be
other boys who were cast upon the unknown wise you to grab at a decision.
island. He is wise, brave and somewhat
authoritative. As far as his physical traits are Under his leadership, Ralph strives to unite
concerned, he has ‘fair hair’ and is physically every boy under his umbrella. As soon as he
‘attractive’. His character has been used as a gets the charge, he orders to build a shelter to
symbol of law and order in the civilized world. protect the kids, to light up the fire at the top
of the hill so that they might be rescued. He
uses a conch shell to summon up other boys
for a meeting. He befriends Piggy to seek
A Fine Leader intellectual guidance when it is needed. Thus,
Ralph proves to be a fine leader but his
leadership is constantly challenged by his single movement. Then he leapt
antagonist, Jack. back on the terrace, pulled off his
shirt, and stood there among the
A Courageous Child
skull-like coconuts with green

Ralph is quite courageous when it is

shadows from the palms and forest
demanded by the occasion. His courage is sliding over his skin. He undid the
shown by his authoritative confidence when snake-clasp of his belt, lugged off
the signal fire goes off and he chides the ones his shorts and pants, and stood
who are responsible for it. But he is a child there naked, looking at the dazzling
with a mild temperament and he wants a
beach and the water.
peaceful community because peace is
necessary for them to come out of the trouble Ralph’s tearing of his wardrobes is the first
of being separated. But his peaceful order is step in savagery. But when Ralph’s body is
consistently challenged by the pack of Jack stained by the blood in the process of hunting,
and consequently, Ralph is left alone because he finds pleasure in hunting.
his mates are fond of primitive rituals.

Hunting was good after all.

A Savage from the Inside
The beast inside him lives in the full swing
Ralph, the apostle of civilization has some when he, along with the pack of Jack “hunts”
serious shortcomings. When time goes by, Simon. After being acutely ashamed of his
Ralph himself launches into the primitive savagery, Ralph becomes aware of the fallen
mindsets when he is left alone. It is worth and primitive nature of the whole mankind and
noting that when the boys were left scattered he thinks only the naval officer has the ability
in the unknown island, Ralph was quite happy to rescue him and the other boys who are
to find himself free to do “anything” but he surrounded by the “Lord of the Flies”.
was caged in the responsibilities of being a
leader. But when he is free from the burden of Conclusion
the leadership, the first thing he accomplishes
is to undress himself naked, Despite his serious flaws, Ralph is still an
important personage who denotes the
He became conscious of the weight Kurtzian as well as Marlowian trait of
of clothes, kicked his shoes off humanity.

fiercely and ripped off each

stocking with its elastic garter in a
Sources and Suggested 2.
Readings 3.


Character Sketch of Jack in Lord of the Flies

By Asad Imran
October 18, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

begins when he is not chosen as the head of

Who is Jack? the English boys. Although he seems to be a
civilized kid when he, himself asserts that,
The complete name of Jack is Jack Merridew.
Jack emerges as the antagonist of Golding’s We’ve got to have rules and obey
novel, Lord of the Flies who strives to fail them. After all, we’re not savages.
every constrictive task of Ralph. As far as his We’re English, and the English are
physical features are concerned, he has red
best at everything.
hair, blue eyes and he is the tallest of all the
boys lost in the unknown island not to This is a problematic statement as it puts
mention his bony posture. He is “iron-willed” Jack among the civilized people who follow
and authoritative. Before being lost on the law and order. But the problem is solved in
island, Jack is the head boy of his school. “English are the best at everything”, indirectly
Therefore, he does not want his authority to be saying that he was worthy of the power
challenged by Ralph. The character of Jack because he was good at singing “C sharp”. In
has been used as a symbol of savagery and order to claim the power, he utilizes horse-
lust for power. trading and other uncivilized tactics like
painting himself. Jack’s evil nature is further
amplified due to his red hair (a symbol of evil)
and angry, and vengeful eyes. But is Jack
An Apostle of Evil thoroughly evil? Perhaps he played a game
which went wrong,
Jack is the voice of the primitive desires and
the evil associated with it. His spree of evil
He laid the conch with great care in his order. Ralph carries everyone along with

the grass at his feet. The him while Jack carries his own desires with
others. But their difference ends Ralph tears
humiliating tears were running from
his clothes apart and paints himself like Jack.
the corner of each eye.
Both of them try to extend the limit of
“I’m not going to play any longer. savagery. Therefore, Jack’s influence of
Not with you.” savagery is much stronger as it holds a child
of reason, Ralph.
Perhaps Jack is shameful of things getting
out of control from his hands.
His Ruthless Ruling For the most part, Jack lacks the innocence of
a child which turns him into a savage beast.
Jack gains power over Ralph by hook and
But, in the end, he shows his childish mildness
crook. But he proves to be a ruthless ruler who
when he announces to end the “game” which
can do everything for blood. He keeps a knife
went out of his hands.
with him. At first, he feels hesitant to kill the
pig. Yet he gathers the courage to pierce his
Sources and Suggested
knife into it. It is his love for blood that attracts
more boys because the other ones are Readings
profoundly drawn by the slogan,
Kill the pig, cut his throat, spil his
3. https://www.eng-
He is rather intoxicated in his power and
primitive desires. He sits like an “idol”. And he
is unable to realize the gravity of the feast of
killing which leads to the murder of Simon.

An Antithesis of Ralph

Jack is quite an antithesis of Ralph. Where

Ralph stands as the voice of civilization and
reason, Jack emerges as a symbol of evil and
not-so-urban nature. Ralph uses Conch to
unite his boys, Jack uses his knife to impose
Significance of the Title in Lord of the Flies
By Asad Imran
October 19, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

power and authority. This theme is further

General Introduction made clear by Jack who is depicted adoring
Satan. He is hungry for power and authority,
Lord of the Flies is a notable work of a British and can go to any length to claim his order.
novelist, William Golding. The book hit the Perhaps he is like the Satan in Paradise Lost
shelves in 1954. Golding won Nobel Prize for who wages a battle against God. But this time,
Literature in 1983 on the basis of the very God can be taken for civilization. His attempt
novel. The title of the novel has a multi- to claim power is made successful by his
dimensional significance. The first title of this brutal lust of blood which attracts more boys
novel was Strangers from Within. Later, it was and even Ralph. The theme of the conflict
changed with Lord of the Flies. Although Lord between evil and good is transitioned into
of the Flies is used as a literal translation of a rescuing of evil through the feast of evil when
devil Beelzebub, who is also known as Lord of a naval officer comes for them to rescue.
the Dirt, the novel derives its title from the
molested skull of a pig that is surrounded by Allegorical Significance
the flies. After breaking the title apart, we
come to know that the word ‘Lord’ is The title is allegorical in the sense of
associated with power while flies are often illustrating evil as a primary driving force of
used as a symbol of decay and death. Thus, humanity. It must be noted that Golding wrote
the collective and literal meaning of the title is this novel at a critical time when the whole
decay and death with competition for power. world had barely come out from the
tremendous damage caused by the humans to
the humans and their properties, and the cold
war between Russia and the US was in its
Thematic Significance action. The two tribes may allegorically signify
the conflict between the Capitalists and the
The title of the novel plays a central role in Socialists through Ralph’s ‘civilized’ rule and
explaining the theme of the novel. The central Jack’s uncivilized rule respectively. The boys
theme of the novel is the evil associated with
allegorically stand for the whole of humanity lives. He fails to get the wind of the terrible
and the island as the whole world. experience the boys had gone through. He
even fails to recognize the evil lingering inside
Simon’s “Realization” him because he is a soldier who fights wars
and war is the ultimate showdown of the evil
The realization of Simon plays a key role in living inside humans. Because,
explaining the nature of the title of this novel.
In his hallucination, Lord of the Flies orders Wars don’t decide who will win. It
him not to stay there and join the hunting only decides who is left.
party because Simon belongs to them. Simon,
who can be considered as the inner voice of Conclusion
civilization, later emerges as the inner voice of
the evil, spanning over the whole of mankind. The title of this novel is so important that
without the title, it is difficult to understand the
You knew, didn’t you? I’m part of central idea of the novel that is the
you? development of the evil inside the flesh of
Just after the realization of “Simon”, a pack of
the boys misunderstand him as the breast and Sources and Suggested
kill him in the most uncivilized and animalistic
ways possible. His murder signifies that the
values of civilization end when the evil
becomes an inherent part of humanity.
Naval Officer’s Limitations 2.
At the end of the novel, a naval officer william-golding-meaning-of-the-title-
happens to rescue them through the smoke allegorical-novel-title-significance-and-
when the whole jungle is set on fire. He is themes/
flared up to witness the savagery of the “most 4.
civilized nation”. He scolds all the boys for the-title-of-the-novel-lord-of-the-flies/
forgetting the civilized ways of leading their

Lord of the Flies as an Allegory

By Asad Imran
October 20, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

Political Allegory
The second peculiar layer of allegory in
Lord of the Flies by William Golding is a novel Golding’s novel is rather political. Golding
that is known by the stinky flies as well as the wrote this novel at a time when the whole
allegory it keeps. An allegory is a story within world was struggling to recover from the fatal
a story. Which means it contains different wounds of the Second World War and the cold
layers of stories and meanings into it. war began to pierce its lethal paws around the
Apparently, Lord of the Flies looks like a gorey globe. The war was basically between the
adventure of the little boys who were just Capitalist United States of America and
“playing games”. But on a deep and allegorical Communist Russia. Political allegory in this
level, Lord of the Flies connects itself to the novel is made evident through the consistent
inheritance of the evil in all of mankind, an fight between the league of Jack and Ralph.
actual tussle between different governments Ralph and his team (Piggy and Simon)
around the world and lastly, with a showcase the rule of civilization and
mythological touch to it. Let us explore the democracy. Whereas the league of Jack (and
Allegorical realm of Lord of the Flies below: Roger) politically allegorizes for a totalitarian
regime where the ruler decides what is best
for the public. From the very analysis of the
political allegory hidden inside the novel, it
Surface Allegory becomes clear that the league of Ralph stands
for the democratic ruling of the USA while the
As mentioned before, an allegory carries
violent league of Jack may stand for the
different layers of meanings and/or stories
communist rule of Russia.
inside the outward mask of the actual story.
On the surface and symbolic level, Lord of the
Mythological Allegory
Flies stands as the growth of evil and anarchy
among all human beings. The naked boys
The third and rather inobvious layer of allegory
carrying spears represent the whole of
in this novel relates to the mythological
humanity. The unknown island allegorically
interpretation of the novel. As mentioned in
stands for the whole world. While the “pig-
the Significance of the Title in Lord of the
hunting” can be termed as a general allegory
Flies, the title refers to Beelzebub whose name
of wars and the evil associated with it.
translates to Lord of the Flies. But the conduct
of Jack amplifies the significance of the darkness of the evil hidden inside human
mythological allegory as he directly adores beings, but also demoting to the political crisis
Satan who went against the decree of God of the time when this novel was published.
and attempted to enflame a battlefield against
Him. Thereby, Satan is considered a direct Sources and Suggested
symbol of evil and the Good wins against the
evil. But the allegorical difference is further
made clear by the victory of evil through the 1.
means of evil as Ralph falls a victim to the the-Flies/context/
web of savagery Jack knitted for him and the 2.
other boys to amplify his power and authority. essays/
Conclusion guides/literature/lord-of-the-
Conclusively asserting, Lord of the Flies is an
exceptional allegory which not only highlights

Character Sketch of Okonkwo in Things Fall

By Asad Imran
October 21, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

Umophia and Mabanta on the basis of hard

Who is Okonkwo? work and his strong powers. He gives
unnecessary importance to the values of
Okonkwo is the sole protagonist of manhood. As far as his physical features are
importance in Achebe’s novel, Things Fall concerned, he is tall, strong and looks exactly
Apart. Okonkwo is a fierce warrior with three like a person always in anger. Okonkwo is so
skulls hanging on his belt. He is the son of a bad-tempered that he uses his fists before he
person known as Unoka who used to borrow talks. Let’s explore his character in detail:
and spend money without much
consideration. Okonkwo earns his name in
Made by Himself through A Consistent Hard Worker
Okonkwo utilizes his physical might to turn

Okonkwo is a person who is known for his him into a wealthy person. Okonkwo does not

own efforts. He, by any means, did not like to inherit any piece of land from his father. He

be an exact disciple of his father who was a gets one based on his own image. He works

lazy person and he was fond of drinking. tirelessly from dawn to dusk on his farms and
considers it a kind of worship. His first
Okonkwo, on the other hand, is quite opposite
to the lazy image of his father. He believes in attempt to attain a hefty crop of yams is

the values of manhood which are courage and marred by long droughts. While his second

bravery like the lion, in the battlefield, marrying attempt is swept by fierce rains which compel

as many wives as possible, acquiring a high a farmer to hang himself but Okonkwo is not

status in society. It must be noted that demotivated by it,

Okonkwo’s father was not a respected

personality among Umofians and he had won
Since I survived that year, I shall
no titles. Therefore, to climb the social ladder, survive anything.
Okonkwo had to start from scratch to build up
And his hard work is finally paid off in a
his reputation in the Umofian community.
handsome amount of money.
The first important milestone in rising to high
orders came in the form of Okonkwo throwing His Stern Belief in the Values
a seven-year champion, Amalinze the Cat, out of Manhood – His Tragic Flaw
of the wrestling ring. Such a victory alone
awarded him with a distinct title of “Roaring Okonkwo gets what he desires for, wives,
Flames”. Okonkwo, then, emerged as a children, social status, health and wealth. But
wealthy farmer of yams and then, a his social influence slowly adds pride in him.
messenger to Mbaino, Okonkwo not only But still this does not contribute as a tragic
“won” a boy known as Ikemefuna, but also a flaw in him. His actual tragic flaw is his stern
beautiful virgin who became his third wife. It is adherence to his own values of manhood. For
baffling to see how his father was ignored by instance, Okonkwo is consistently advised by
the Umofian tribes but Okonkwo not only got Ezeudu not to kill Ikemefuna,
himself noticed, but also climbed the social
leader with such a great success that That boy calls you father…. Bear no
Okonkwo was chosen to be one of the hand in his death.
But Okonkwo murders his son only to prove himself assuming he is the only man left in the
his “manhood”. village who can do nothing.

In order to make his son Novoye, as good a Conclusion

‘man’ as Okonkwo is, Okonkwo treats his
family strictly. If someone goes against his Okonkwo wins the hearts of the readers
wishes, he does not even hesitate from through his unparalleled hard work but he also
beating, even his own wife. Due to Okonkwo’s disappoints them with his lack of compassion
hostile behaviour, Novoye gradually turns for his family, only to show his love for the
against his father and when he learns that values of manhood.
Okonkwo is the murderer of his brother friend,
Ikemefuna, he converts to Christianity. Sources and Suggested
Okonkwo’s tragic finale occurs when he, along
with other reverend people of the Umofian
tribe are arrested, beaten and released.
Okonkwo motivates his people to fight a final
war against the English missionaries for
molesting their gods and for arresting, and
2. https://www.eng-
beating the respectable members of the
Umofian clan. But in return, his own people
back himself out. He is saddened to see the
“feministic” traits in his ‘men’ and he hangs

Symbols and Themes in Achebe’s Things Fall

By Asad Imran
October 22, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

Things Fall Apart is one of the defining works

General Introduction of an African author, Chinua Achebe. The
novel hit the shelves in 1958. The novel
showcases life in Africa before English despair and decision to the Igbo culture. But it
colonization as well as how English colonizers must be noted that the natives are fond of
occupied and destroyed the Igbo culture. The enjoying locusts as a snack which can signify
book became a tremendous success and the establishment of schools for the natives.
received a positive appraisal around the globe.
A contributing factor behind the success of Yams
the book lies in the skilful use of symbols to
highlight different themes in Things Fall Yams are difficult and challenging to grow and
Apart. to make a profit from. Yam is utilized as a
symbol of manly-vigour and respect. Okonkwo
sows the seeds of yams, hoping to climb the
social ladder from it. But two attempts are
Symbols brutally quashed by droughts and heavy rains
respectively. But on his third attempt, he
Fire becomes successful in scoring a handsome
amount of yams, which enables him to climb
Fire is one of the important symbols of the the social ladder.
novel as this symbol is directly linked to
Okonkwo. It must be noted that one of Themes
Okonkwo’s titles is “Roaring Flames”.
Therefore, the symbol of fire signifies Cultural Change
Okonkwo’s rage and his physical vigour. When
Okonkwo is short on words to show off his It depends on the reader of the novel whether
wrath, he does not hesitate from using his Things Fall Apart denotes to the cultural
fists first. Okonkwo also terms his son, change or cultural destruction. However, the
Novoye, an ash that has come out of the fierce title of the novel denotes to the destruction of
fire, thus hinting at Okonkwo’s disregard for the Igbo culture through colonial powers and it
his own son. is the main theme of this novel. The Umophian
clan has a distinct culture to observe like the
Locusts harvest festival, their distinctive system of
justice via Egwugwus, their dance, proverbs,
The arrival of locusts plays an important role music and folklore. But when English
in highlighting the arrival of English missionaries arrive, the outcasts convert to
missionaries. Thus, locusts have been used as Christianity. But it takes no time for reverend
a symbol for the arrival of the English people. people of the Umofian clan to embrace
Just like locusts cover the sunlight and bring Christianity and Christians don’t hesitate to
darkness in broad daylight, Englishmen bring
unmask an egwugwu which is quite a criminal working hard and through his free will, he
act in Igbo culture. But no one resists. acquires respect, wealth and a higher social
status. However, on Ezedu’s death, Okonkwo
Betrayal accidentally shoots his son and is expelled
from Umofia. Okonkwo curses his chi for
Betrayal is another notable theme of this ruining his good life. This thought of his
novel. Continuing the evaluation of the haunts him when he is arrested and released.
previous paragraph, the most prominent Thus, Okonkwo rises through his own will, but
betrayal comes in the form of cancelling the his downfall is concocted by his chi or fate.
resistance against the Englishmen who
disrespected their gods by unmasking one Conclusion
egwugwu. This betrayal results in the suicide
of Okonkwo as he is utterly dismayed by the The meanings of Things Fall Apart are made
inaction from the reverend members of his alive through the symbol of fire which
clans. But Okonkwo himself commits the highlights the theme of Okonkwo’s free will to
serious crime of betrayal by killing Ikemefuna climb up in his social circle as well as with the
who called him his father even when Okonkwo symbol of locusts to illustrate the theme of
was killing him. But his own son betrays him the destruction of culture.
for murdering Ikemefuna by abandoning the
Igbo religion and converting to Christianity. Sources and Suggested
Fate vs. Free Will
This novel also sets the stage between the 2.
battle between fate and free will. In the Fall-Apart/symbols/
religious beliefs of Igbo culture, it is believed
that a person’s fate is determined and Fall-Apart/themes/
controlled by a personal god, formally known
as chi. Okonkwo dares to go against his chi by

Things Fall Apart as a Social Document of

Igbo Culture
By Asad Imran
October 23, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

Although almost every African Clan or Tribe is

Introduction divided into different sub-tribes and villages,
yet a family system is observed so that more
Africa and African people have been a children are produced. The concept of school
tempting subject of the extorting and education is unknown before the arrival of
analytical eyes of the high people in Europe. English missionaries. A male individual can
The ones with authority were attracted by the become a fierce warrior, a wrestler and a
abundance of material resources to quench farmer. Through the rise of Okonkwo, it is
their uncontrollable thirst of luxury and the revealed that everyone can climb up the social
ones with pen in their hand stood against their ladder. But in order to acquire a good name as
own imperialism over Africa, but they painted a man, he must marry more than two wives;
African people as mere savages who were he must throw a known and powerful wrestler
devoid of any trait of civilization. (also determines the number of wives) and
lastly, he should successfully harvest the crop
But Things Fall Apart, which is written by a yams.
native African writer presents African people
and their society like any other human society Speaking of harvest, the Umofian people are
on the planet earth. They have a different sets fond of festivals and one of them is the
of traditions and customs to celebrate. They Harvest Festival. This festival is celebrated in
worship their own gods. They have their own honour of their earth goddess and for the
system of justice and government. They have successful cultivation of the crops of yam.
families to support. All of this looks quite The festival is also characterized by the
opposite to what is shown in Heart of wrestling matches it holds as well as the
Darkness. Things Fall Apart depicts the marriages taking place in it.
customs and traditions of the Igbo people.
The novel paints both the good as well as the Status of Women
bad sides of the Igbo culture but also how it is
shattered by the English missionaries. It is difficult to estimate the comprehensive
status of women in Umofian Society because
of the prevailing contradictions. But for the
most part, the status of women is not good.
Individuals and Families For the men of Umofia, the very term, ‘woman’
or ‘Agbala’ is the symbol of weakness and
manly disgrace. A male person who is referred
to as Agbala is considered as a person of (basically, they are the highly respected people
lower significance. But it must be noted that of the village).
women in Umofia are treated as the property
of men than the women. They can be Crumbling of Umofian
purchased through (bride money), they can be
won by soldiers or Messengers (just like
Okonkwo won a virgin when he was sent as a The novel not only showcases the climax of
great messenger to Mbaino). A Umofian Umofian traditions, but also their downfall.
woman has to fulfil the basic duties of Umofian society crumbles under the influence
cooking the meal, taking care of her husband of white missionaries. People gradually
but the third one is quite interesting, to search convert to Christianity when missionaries
for another wife for her husband. If there are remain unhurt during their one month stay in
two or more wives living in the same house, the Evil Forest. The Englishmen slowly and
they live with mutual co-operation. Harming gradually divide the Umofian people and
women is strictly prohibited during the Peace Novoye gets separated from Okonkwo as a
Week. That is why, Okonkwo is punished by result of converting to Christianity. The
the priest for beating his wife. mission transitions into government. Mr.
Smith, a dogmatic believer of Christianity
While women are reverend and adored in
commits the most “unforgivable” crime of
Umofia as well. Their grand goddess of earth
blasphemy by unmasking one of the
and fertility is a woman as well. Thus, the
egwugwus. The natives are arrested and
status of women varies from the creature to
beaten up by kotmas for taking action against
the “benevolent”.
the blasphemy. The rule of the English is so
strong and influential that the respected
Importance of Religion people of Umofia back out of Okonkwo’s call
of war. Okonkwo’s friend Obierika
Religion plays an important role in
appropriately asserts,
establishing the course of action for men. In
simple words, Umofians believe that their
He has put a knife on the things that
actions are already determined by their chi or
held us together and we have fallen
their personal god. But sacrificial of children is
rather a dismal trait of their religion. As apart.
mentioned before, the Umofian people pay
tribute to the earth goddess during the Conclusion
Harvest Festival. Their justice is put into
In documenting a realistic caricaturing of the
motion through egwugwus, the masked spirits
social life of Igbo people, the novel helps
achieve a more human approach towards the 1. https://www.diva-
perception of the life of African people which
was stained by the spot of primitiveness and pid=diva2%3A648320&dswid=-8470
savagery, especially levelled by Heart of 2.
Darkness of-things-fall-apart-as-a-social-document-
Sources and Suggested

Comparison of Things Fall Apart with Heart of

By Asad Imran
October 24, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

against the African land by calling it a heart of

Introduction darkness and evil.

Both Things Fall Apart and Heart of Darkness

present the outcome of the evil of colonialism
Things Fall Apart, on the other hand, is written
in Africa. But there is a critical difference
to heal the reputation and identity of the
between the two as Things Fall Apart is
African people which is wounded by the
written in response to Conrad’s Heart of
narratives of European authors. The Igbo
Darkness. Achebe, the author of Things Fall
people not only have a distinct culture, religion
Apart, accuses Conrad to be “bloody racist” in
and role of men and women, but they also
his Heart of Darkness. It is, no doubt, a grand
lead their lives like normal human beings. But
claim. But upon a closer inspection of
the focus of attention in Things Fall Apart is,
Conrad’s novel, it is revealed on the readers
well, demoting to the imperialistic influences
that despite condemning Belgian imperialism,
which shattered their culture and life apart.
Heart of Darkness shows the African nation
Let’s explore the nature of both of these works
reduced from their human stature to the
in detail:
savages and companions of the evil. Even the
title of this novel possesses colonial bias
Cultural Exposure help in explaining the meaning of the two
novels. Kurtz is an agent of ivory at the central
As far as Heart of Darkness is concerned, station. His uncontrollable passion of ivory
there is little to nothing portrayed regarding makes him a voice of imperialism. He abuses
the natives of Congo that may highlight the his passion and exploits the native people and
culture of the people living in Congo other their property. Kurtz is highly possessive of his
than their “unspeakable rites”. The novella is ivory, his intended and his river. This turns him
notorious for its racist treatment of the into a demonic figure and Marlow does not
natives by indirectly referring to them as being hesitate to declare him “hollow at the core”.
primitive and savages. Also, their language
remains in the shadows of the dark as only Okonkwo, the protagonist of Things Fall Apart,

two words are spoken by the natives which emerges as a true hero of the novel but not

are “Mistah Kurtz – He dead. ” and “Catch im without serious flaws. Unlike Kurtz, Okonkwo

Eat im” (uttered by a Cannibal). Thus, in Heart is the voice of freedom as he does not
hesitate to challenge his chi or his personal
of Darkness, the Africans are portrayed devoid
of expression, intelligence and vigour. god. In the beginning, Okonkwo holds nothing
but he earns his name, title, respect, wealth,
Things Fall Apart gives a much clearer and wives and children through his own struggle.
detailed picture of the life of African people, But his flaw is his stern adherence to values of
especially of the ones associated with the manhood which is responsible for the ruthless
Igbo clan. Instead of aimlessly following murder of Ikemefuna. Okonkwo’s biggest grief
orders, the African people follow the oracle of is the lack of vigour among his people to
their gods. Their system of justice is operated retaliate against the English missionaries and
by egwugwus. They have a special festival he takes his life out of the very grief. Thus,
known as The Harvest Festival which is Okonkwo stands as a representative of
followed by wrestling matches, marriages, African culture while Kurtz stands as the
worship of their goddess of earth and representative of European colonial powers.
cultivation. Wives live in harmony and children
help their parents in completing their day-to- Colonial and Post-Colonial
day tasks. Thus, this novel presents the Literature
African nation as human beings not as
primitive creatures. Another difference between the two novels is
the difference of the treatment of colonialism.
Kurtz vs. Okonkwo Heart of Darkness was published at a time
(1899) when Africa was suffering from the
Both of the protagonists are excessively colonialism of different powers of Europe. The
contradictory to each other. But both of them
novella exclusively portrays the physical shattered apart by the colonial powers. Due to
exploitation of the African people during the the above-mentioned traits, Things Fall Apart
colonial era. They were chained mercilessly carries a Post-Colonial treatment of the
for the work of their master. Therefore, African tragedy of colonialism.
because of the colonial era, Heart of Darkness
showcases a dismal picture of the natives. Conclusion
Things Fall Apart, on the contrary, was
published in 1958 at a time when Africa was Things Fall Apart compares to be a defining
being made free from its colonial destruction. novel against Heart of Darkness to wash out
The novel treats African culture as a the blot of primitiveness and savagery from
distinguishing point between “us and them”. It African people.
also emphasizes how their culture was

Themes and Ideas of Modern Novels Included

in the Syllabus of MA English Literature
Sargodha University
By Asad Imran
October 25, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

Oedipus complex and showcases Modernist

What is a Modern Novel? themes like war, isolation, psychological and
sexual complexity etc.
A modern novel is a kind of narrative that is
built upon new standards of writing. Modern
Novel is different from Classical Novel.
Classical Novel is known for stern adherence Heart of Darkness
to plot (in some quite opposite), adventurous
flow as well as psychological analysis (mostly First appeared in 1899, Heart of Darkness sets

in the novels of Later Victorian Period). As far the stage to showcase the evil of (Belgian)
as Modern Novel is concerned, it uses modern Imperialism. The novella attempts to
techniques like Stream of Consciousness by condemn colonialism by comparing it to the
utilizing new psychological theories like darkness of the African people and their
jungle which corrupt the heart of the ones who family members stained by the Oedipus
come to make them civilized. The novella complex. The familial problem is mostly
cites the example of the character of Kurtz created by Gertrude Morel as she verbally
who attempts to make people civilize through fights with her husband Walter Morel, who in
his eloquent speeches. But ends up trapped in return treats her violently. Gertrude is not
the greedy passion to extort as much ivory as happy of her martial life and attempts to find a
his might permits. His passion compels him husband substitute in her children, William
to emerge as a demonic figure who is both and Paul Morel. Resultantly, her sons suffer
admired and abhorred by the second narrator from intense mental conflict whether to love
of the novella, Marlow. The final message of their mother or to love the people of their age.
the novella is conveyed through the dying William loses his life while Paul roams
words of the dying Kurtz, “The Horror! The clueless. Thus, Lawrence conveys that
Horror!” implying that the realization of the evil influencing the lives of sons in the wrong way
in one’s self can purigate a person’s soul. can lead to devasting results in their own life.

Things Fall Apart To the Lighthouse

Achebe is the author who rejects the ideas Virginia Woolf’s masterpiece, To the
presented in Heart of Darkness through his Lighthouse, is a novel that attempts to
novel Things Fall Apart. Heart of Darkness showcase the consequences of familial
blames Africa for the inner darkness. distancing and how it is eliminated through
However, Things Fall Apart suggests that love and trust. The novel utilizes the technique
European colonial rule is responsible for of Stream of Consciousness. The
shattering the African culture apart. The novel consequences of familial distancing are
presents a happy life of African people, shown through James’ hatred for his father
minding their usual business until they are for not allowing him to see the gleaming
both physically and mentally disturbed by the lighthouse closely. But the novel also
English missionaries. The hold of the demonstrates how women play a key role in
Englishmen on the minds of the Igbo people is uniting the family. For instance, Mrs. Ramsay
so strong that they lose the capability to resist not only tries to console James that the
against the English invasion of the mind. weather will be fine the next day, but she also
catches the arms of Mr. Ramsay, begging for
Sons and Lovers sympathy. James is truely reunited with his
father when Mr. Ramsay shows admiration
Sons and Lovers is one of the true modern and trust in James’ sailing to the Lighthouse.
novels. Written by D. H. Lawrence, the novel Thus, the idea of love and trust as a force of
showcases the problem of communication in
reunification is delightfully conveyed through But the devilish lust of the blood is
the novel. overpowered when Ralph takes part in killing
Simon, though unknowingly, mistaking him for
Lord of the Flies the beast. The novel forecasts the idea that
the evil beast lies in all of the humanity, just
Narrated through the creative facility of waiting for itself to get overwhelmed by the
William Golding, Lord of the Flies attempts to plenty of freedom.
convey the nourishment of evil through the
forces of evil. The novel basically stands as an Conclusion
allegory of the fight against Capitalism and
Communism through two groups of boys on a Judging from the ideas and themes of the
lost island. One group is characterized by the modern novels included in the syllabus of
democratic outlook through the unity of the Sargodha University, each novel appropriately
conch while the second group is dominated by conveys its modern theme and idea through
the personal interest of the group leader and it the characters and narrations that make
is to, sense accordingly.

Kill the pig! Cut his throat! Spill his


To the Lighthouse as a Feminist Novel

By Asad Imran
October 26, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

life in To the Lighthouse was severely met by

Introduction criticism for being a feminist novel. Before
tracing out the feministic traits in To the
To the Lighthouse is a masterpiece and Lighthouse, first, we have to get a clear idea
defining work of Virginia Woolf. The novel that what is feminism. Feminism is a social
appeared in 1927, at a time when the world and political doctrine that aims at the
was not ready to accept full-blown feminist liberation of women from the clutches of
thoughts. Women had barely scored rights for conventional confinement (to home) and
voting. Woolf’s attempt in explaining domestic
establishing a sense of equality among multi-tasker to facilitate and fulfil the desires
women and men. of her guests.

As far as To the Lighthouse is concerned, it Role of Lily Briscoe

displays a varying role of women through two
distinct characters of Mrs. Ramsay as well as Lily Briscoe is a delightful character whose
Lily Briscoe. Let’s explore them in detail: role in the novel is characterized by the
freedom of an artist. Like many other
conventional men, Lily is mentally tormented
by Charles Tansley’s remarks that “Women
Role of Mrs. Ramsay can’t write. Women can’t paint”. Due to his
corrosive remarks, she hates men and the
The character of Mrs. Ramsay showcases the
institution of marriage. Lily leads her life,
conventional role of women. For starters, Mrs.
serving for the art, trying to strike a balance in
Ramsay is a housewife. At the very beginning
her painting.
of the novel, Mrs. Ramsay also appears as a
kind mother, ensuring and consoling her son, From the character of Lily Briscoe, it is
James that the weather will be fine tomorrow obvious that Lily is an outcome of feministic
for a visit to the Lighthouse. Another role of doctrine. But it must be noted that her
Mrs. Ramsay is that of a match-maker. She adherence to feministic doctrine is propelled
finds it interesting to make martial pairs of the by Charles Tansley and for the rest of her life
ones who visit them in the summer holidays. in the novel, she strives to prove herself to be
Lastly, her role is demonstrated as a uniting a painter. Lily is often considered as the
force of her family and the guests. mouthpiece of Virginia Woolf. Through Lilly
Woolf attempts to prove that “Women can
From the role of Mrs. Ramsay, it is clear that
write ”. Thus, the character of Lily Briscoe
she abides by the conventional order of the
conveys the feministic thoughts in the novel
confinement of women to their house only.
for remaining unmarried and serving for her
Not only that, Mrs. Ramsay is consistently in
search of making others engaged in this
confinement of marriage. The confinement of
Feministic Traits in the Novel
Mrs. Ramsay is justifiable and
understandable. She is left with no other
It is difficult to decide whether To the
option but to fulfil her duties as a kind mother
Lighthouse is thoroughly feministic or non-
to her children, as a faithful wife to her
feministic. On one side, we witness thoroughly
husband and as an intelligent manager cum
conventional Mrs. Ramsay who devotes her
life to her family. On the other side, the
independent character of Lily Briscoe and her Sources and Suggested
dedication to arts demonstrates feministic
freedom. But Lily is the admirant of Mrs.
Ramsay and anxiously longs for her presence.
On the other hand, the anti-feministic
characters leave the world as soon as their
purpose in the novel is served like Mrs.
Ramsay and Prue Ramsay, one dies naturally
and one dies in child-birth. Such a symbol of
death demonstrates that non-feministic
values will soon die.


To the Lighthouse is a semi-feministic novel

with a greater emphasis on the feministic
freedom of women.

Elements of Stream of Consciousness in To

the Lighthouse
By Asad Imran
October 29, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

stream of consciousness actually is. Stream

Introduction of Consciousness, also known as interior
monologue, is a term first coined by William
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf is James which means an unbroken flow of
recognized by its utilization of the stream of thoughts and feelings in the waking mind.
consciousness technique in expanding the This technique in the novel was first used by
narration of the novel. Before attempting to James Joyce in his Ulysses. Woolf
trace out the stream of consciousness in To experimented with the technique in Mrs.
the Lighthouse, first, we have to clarify what Dalloway and then in To the Lighthouse. In this
novel, the stream of consciousness technique person or incident in recollection of other
helps in the internal development of the things, person or incident. In To the
characters through their internal flow of Lighthouse, this association is shown by
thoughts and feelings, mingled with their different persons at different parts of the
outward actions and utterances. novel. For instance, in The Window, Charles
Tansley performs a comparison between
The following elements have been utilized to Queen Victoria and Mrs. Ramsay. In the
make characters alive through Stream of second part, Mrs. M’cNab remembers the
Consciousness. Ramsay family while cleaning up the house
during the lethal season of war. In The
Lighthouse section, Lily Briscoe remembers
Charles Tansley, Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay, and
Direct Interior Monologue children freely while painting.

Direct Interior Monologue is an inner

Repetition in Thoughts
realization and revelation of conscious and
unconscious development of thoughts
Reoccurring thoughts, images and memories
through the minds of characters. Woolf has
play a key role in the uninterrupted flow of the
beautifully utilized this technique to introduce
stream of consciousness. To the Lighthouse
us to the inner turmoil of Mrs. Ramsay of
is no exemption. In the first part, Mrs. Ramsay
being bruised by the past during the dinner
is consistently presented as a pivoting force
scene in The Window. Then the omniscient
who keeps her family and guests united and
narrator shifts towards the perspective of Lily
connected. In the second part, the repetition
Briscoe on how she weighs Mrs. Ramsay’s old
of the imagery of deaths and darkness helps
age and worn-out condition. Similarly, in Time
reinforce the announcement of the deaths of
Passes, the death of Mrs. Ramsay is
Mrs. Ramsay, Andrew and Prue Ramsay in the
announced through the direct interior
span of ten years. In the section of The
monologue whereas, The Lighthouse (third
Lighthouse, the idea of harmony and
part) opens up Lily’s inner thoughts of the
accomplishment assists in the illustration of
feeling of completeness, harmony and
completing the journey towards the lighthouse
triumph through direct interior monologue
as well as the completion of Lily’s long and
when Lily finally completes her painting.
ambitious quest to create a painting that
depicts balance and harmony.
Associative Thoughts
Associative thoughts is rather a Freudian
analysis of the association of a certain thing,
Conclusively asserting, Virginia Woolf Sources and Suggested
appropriately and beautifully incorporates
stream of consciousness and its elements
that helps in getting into the minds of
characters. Rowland aptly puts in,
By blending people’s inward feelings
and keeping dialogue to a minimum, the-Lighthouse
Woolf develops her many-
dimensioned characters uniquely
and memorably.

List of Important Long Questions of Modern

Novel in 2022 for MA English Literature Part 2
– Sargodha University
By Asad Imran
December 8, 2021
Categories: Modern Novel

2. Character Analysis of Okonkwo

Heart of Darkness 3. As a Tragedy
4. Comparison with Heart of Darkness
1. Significance of the Title 5. Themes and Symbols
2. Condemnation of Imperialism
3. Character of Kurtz and Marlow (Their Lord of the Flies
Dependence on Each Other)
4. Symbols 1. As an Allegory
5. As an Auto-biographical Novel 2. Major Themes
3. Characters of Ralph and Jack
Things Fall Apart 4. Significance of the Title

1. As a Social Document Sons and Lovers

1. Paul’s Relationship with Clara and Miriam 2. Character of Mrs. Ramsay
2. Significance of the Title 3. Major Themes
3. Character of Gertrude Morel 4. Stream of Consciousness
4. Oedipus Complex
5. Autobiographical Novel Other Topics

To the Lighthouse Themes in Modern Novels Included in the

1. Feminist Perspective

Modern Novel – Past Papers – MA English

Literature – Part 2 – Sargodha University
By Asad Imran
January 5, 2022
Categories: Modern Novel

5. Who was Simon in Lord of the Flies

Time Allowed: 3 Hours 6. Who the boys from the island in Lord of the
Total Marks: 100 Flies?
Passing Marks: 40 (As of 2020) 7. what is the symbolic significance of Congo
Note: Objective part is compulsory. Attempt river in Heart of Darkness?
any four questions from the subjective part.
8. How are Africans and the Europeans
presented in Heart of Darkness?
2021 9. Who is Ezinma in Things Fall Apart’
10. what are the reasons for Nwoye’s
Short Questions conversion to Christianity?

1. What is the symbolic significance or

Long Questions
lighthouse in the novel To the Lighthouse?
2. List the names of three sections of To the 1. Write a comprehensive note on the
Lighthouse. different themes in the novel Lord of the
3. Comment on the economic condition of Flies.
Mr. Morel at the time of his marriage 2. Justify the title Sons and Lovers.
4. Who is Gertrude Morel in Sons and Lovers
3. To the Lighthouse presents the conflict Long Questions
between masculine and feminine
principles. Elaborate 1. Discuss Lord of the Flies as an allegory.
4. Discuss Heart of Darkness as a tale of 2. Critically evaluate the relationship of Paul
deception and exploitation. Morel with Miriam and Clara.
5. “Nwoye knew that it was right to be 3. The title Heart of Darkness be analysed on
masculine and to be violent, but somehow different levels of meaning. Discuss.
he still preferred the 4. Discuss the feminist perspective of
6. stories that his mother used to tell.” Virginia Woolf in To the Lighthouse
Compare the character traits of Nwoye and 5. How is Igbo culture explored in the novel
Okonkwo. 7hings Fall Apart.
7. Write brief notes on the following topics: 6. What are some major themes and ideas
i. Character of Kurtz explored in modern novel. Explain with
ii. Reality of the beast in Lord of the Flies examples from the novels included in your
Short Questions
Short Questions
1. Give a brief character sketch of Lily Brisco
as presented in the novel To the 1. How did Marlow manage to get a job with
Lighthouse. the Belgian company
2. Why is Mr. Morel despised by his wife? 2. What is the name of the ship in the
3. What was the reality of the beast in Lord of Thames where Marlow tells his story?
the Flies? 3. What is the reason of the inhibited
4. State the dominant traits of Jack in Lord of relationship between Mr. and Mrs. More!?
the Flies? 4. How would you describe the relationship
5. What are some of the major themes in the between Paul and Miriam?
literary works of D.H. Lawrence? 5. Who is Ikemefuna in Things Fall Apart?
6. Why was Ikemefuna killed in the novel 6. Why does Okonkwo kill himself in Things
Things Fall Apart? Fall Apart?
7. Define stream of consciousness? 7. How is Mrs. Ramsay’s outlook towards life
8. How is Nwoye different from his father in different from that of her husband in To the
Things Fall Apart? Lighthouse?
9. What were the last words of Kurtz? What 8. Give a brief character sketch of Mr.
do they mean? Tansley.
10. Who is the narrator in Heart of Darkness
9. Who are the Littluns in Lord of the Flies? 2. What do the two ladies Marlow met at
10. Give some traits of the character of Ralph Brussels symbolize?
in Lord of the Flies 3. What is The Bottoms in ‘Sons and Lovers’
by D. H. Lawrence?
Long Questions 4. Describe the setting of the novel “Sons and
Lovers by D. H. Lawrence.
1. Heart of Darkness offers a powerful 5. What is the age of LIly Briscoe when the
condemnation of the hypocritical face of novel opens?
imperialism. Elaborate. 6. How did Prue Ramsay die?
2. Critically evaluate the title Sons and Lovers 7. When and why was the Feast of the New
and comment if you think it is an apt title Yam held?
for this novel by Lawrence. 8. What advice was given to Okonkwo by
3. The novel 7To the Lighthouse makes use Ezeudu?
of modern literary techniques to highlight 9. What Is the role of Simon in ‘Lord of the
women experiences. Elaborate. Flies?
4. How does the novel Things Fall Apart, 10. When and where was William Golding
employs Okonkwo’s character and life to born?
convey a deeper, more comprehensive
understanding of the cultural values of Long Questions
African tribes?
5. What are the major themes discussed in 1. Discuss symbolism in ‘Heart of Darkness’
the novel The Lord of the Flies. by Joseph Conrad.
6. Critically evaluate the following from the 2. Discuss the main theme of ‘Heart of
novel Heart of DarknesS Darkness by Joseph Conrad.
“This is the reason why I affirm that Kurtz 3. Discuss the character of Gertrude Morel in
was a remarkable man. He had something “Sons and Lovers by D. H. Lawrence.
to say. He said it… He had summed up-he 4. Write down a note on the character of Mrs.
had judged. “The horror!’ He was a Ramsay in To the Lighthouse’
remarkable man.” 5. Throw light on the culture of the Igbo as
depicted in Things Fall Apart’ by Chinua
2018 Achebe.
Short Questions 7. Compare and contrast the characters of
Ralph and lack in ‘Lord of The Flies by
1. Describe the picture painted by Kurtz in William Golding.
Short Questions 6. Discuss the Lord of the Flies as an
1. What is the symbolic significance of the
voyage of Marlow into the heart of Arfica? 2016
2. How does Marlow dispose of the Arfican
helmsman’s body? Short Questions
3. How did Mrs. Morel die?
4. Why does Paul waver in his feelings toward 1. Why was Marlow’s aunt triumphant?
Miriam? 2. What was Marlow referring to when he said
5. Who is William Bankes in To The that there was a touch of insanity in the
Lighthouse? proceeding?
6. Write the title of the three sections in to 3. What advice did Okonkwo give to Ezinma
The Lighthouse. when they were in Mbanta?
7. What was the most significant train of Mr. 4. What were the name given to the first two
Brown is Things Fall Apart? children, Okonkwo got in Mbanta?
8. What does Okonkwo think about his son 5. Who were the important intellectuals
Nwoye? included in the Bloombury group?
9. What is the use of Conch for the boys is 6. After Mrs. Ramsay’s death, who seemed to
Lord of the Flies? be the uniting force in “To The Lighthouse?
10. Who killed Simon? 7. What was Ralph’s father?
8. What was the significance of the shell
Long Questions according to Piggy?
9. What did Mrs. Morel discover about her
1. Who is the main character in Heart of husband after marriage?
Darkness, Marlow or Kurtz? Develop an 10. How did Mrs. Morel die?
argument showing how one cannot exist
without the other. Long Questions
2. Write a comprehensive note on the
relevance of the title Heart of Darkness 1. Walter Allen remarks that Marlow, sea-
with reverence to the theme of the novel. captain and man of vast experience of the
3. Describe the causes and effects of exotic, is admittedly a person of Conrad
Gertrude’s estrangement from her husband himself. Discuss.
walter Morel in the novel Sons and Lowers. 2. Things Fall Apart throws light on various
4. What are the major themes of Virginia conflicts in the lbo clan. Elaborate.
Woolf’s To the Lighthouse? 3. Discuss the use of the stream of
5. How far do you think is Okonkwo Consciousness Technique in To the
responsible for his own tragedy? lighthoused by Virginia Woolf.
4. Lord of the Flies’ throws light on the fact 7. Concisely describe the argument of boys
that evil is present within man. Elaborate. regarding beast in Lord of the Flies?
5. The growing point of book is the 8. Why is Simon the only one to doubt the
psychological adventurousness, the existence of beast?
resolute beginning of an exploration into 9. Why doesn’t Okonkwo have any patience
the tangled relations between men and with his father in Things Fall Apart?
woman. Discuss in the light of Sons and 10. Evaluate Okonkwo’s reputation in the nine
Lover’s by D.H Lawrence. villages of Umuofia.
6. Compare and contrast Things Fall Apart
and Heart of Darkness. Long Questions

2015 1. Chinua Achebe criticized Heart of

Darkness as aracist work? Do you agree or

Short Questions not? Justify with Textual support.

2. What is Kurtz passing judgment upon
1. Why does the Russian nurse Kurtz through when he voice his famous last words: “The
two illnesses in Heart of Darkness? horror! The horror!”? What’s so horrible?
2. Why does Kurtz give Marlow papers before 3. Discuss Sons and Lovers as an
the dies? autobiographical novel.
3. What first job did William get? 4. Compare and contrast characters of Ralph
4. Why doesn’t Mrs. Morel get any help from and Jack.
her in-laws? 5. How can “To the Lighthouse” be called a
5. List the name of three sections of To the feminist work? Discuss in detail.
Lighthouse. 6. How did Mr. Brown check the wrath of the
6. How did Children feel about Mr. Tansley? Igbo natives against Christinity?

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