Detailed Lesson Plan (Goyagoy)

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(Paraphrastic Approach)


At the end of the lesson, the student can:

a. Arrange the difficult definitions of the words in the story;

b. Associate the message of the poem to real life situations based on their personal
experiences; and,
c. Formulate their own point of view about marriage.


TOPIC: The Marriage Proposal by Anton Checkhov
REFERENCES: Anton Checkhov’s ‘The Marriage
Proposal’ One-Act Play
• Power point and pictures
• Handouts of the Story
• Chalkboard

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
a. Preparation

Good morning, everyone! Great morning, Ma’am!

Class, today, we are going to learn

about marriage. But before that we
will start our lesson with a simple
activity yet searching, it is called
GUESS WHAT? anyone can answer
the question.

In this picture, can you determine what is
their relationship? Ma’am, I think they are already married.

Okay, it is correct.


What is the thing in her hand class?

It’s a ring Ma’am.


What do you think the man did class?

He proposed to the woman.
All of your answers are correct class
means you are listening.

b. Unlocking of Difficulties

Before we will go on in reading the

story, we will first know the easy meanings of
some words that we will encounter while
reading the story, The Marriage Proposal by
Anton Checkhov.

 Hypochondriac- health anxiety

 Palpitations- throb or tremble
 Hysterics- loss of control
 Anxiety- concern
On the right side of the difficult words, this
are the easier meanings that is easy to

c. Guide Questions

Now my dear students, this are some guide

questions that you need to input and answer
in your mind while reading the story.

1) What is the brief synopsis of the play

The Proposal by Anton Checkhov?
 The tendency of the rich
families to hunt ties with other
wealthy families, to extend
their states by encouraging
marriages that observe
economic sense.
2) How is the message conveyed in the
play The proposal?
 The main issue must not be
clouded and lost sight of by
indulging in unnecessary and
avoidable quarrels.
3) How does the story conclude?
 Ivan collapse from his
exhaustion over arguing, and
father and daughter fear he’s
dead, sending them into
another round of hysterics.
4) What is the main idea of a marriage
 The formal asking of the
question” will you marry me?
And the presentation of an
engagement ring.
5) What is the main purpose of a
 To convince its reader that the
proposal plan is worth doing.
Yes Ma’am.
d. Reading the Selection

I will now distribute the handouts of the

story, begin by skimming through the text to
get an overall sense of the main ideas and Exposes the fakeness of the world and tries
Then, read it more carefully, paying attention to shoe how superficial modern people are.
to key details, arguments, and any supporting

e. Intellectual Discussion

From the story that you have read, what is The rural country side of Russia during the
the main theme of the play that you have late1800s.

This marriage is going to bring good things in

Wow! That is a nice answer.
the life of both wealthy and families.

And, what do you think is the setting of the


That is really a very specific answer.

The tendency of the rich families to hunt ties
Now, what is the importance of the with other wealthy families, to extend their
states by encouraging marriages that
marriage proposal in the play The
observe economic sense.

You really got the correct answer!
The main issue must not be clouded and lost
sight of by indulging in unnecessary and
And what do you think is the brief synopsis of avoidable quarrels.
the play The Proposal by Anton Checkhov?
That is a good answer.

Lastly, how is the message conveyed in the

play the proposal?

I think class you already understand the story

based on your answers.

Aesthetic Discussion

Okay class, have you ever wondered why

sometimes you get too emotional to the point
that you can’t handle your emotion and that is
for you to find out why.


Based on what you have learned in the story,

make a reflection on marriage. How does it
change your life?

IV. Assignment

Investigate the themes of pride, miscommunication, and the absurdity of trivial disputes in
Encode it, print and pass it next meeting.

Prepared by: JANE B. GOYAGOY


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