Rizal in Europe

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Rizal in Europe


Rizal decided to leave the country not just to complete his medical studies in Europe, but there
were hidden purposes for his voyage.

1. to make a name for himself in the realm of journalism

2. to observe and study European society

3. to prepare himself for the task of liberating the Filipinos from Spanish tyranny.

Impelled by these purposes, Rizal left the country to pursue his mission. After finishing his
studies in Madrid, Rizal decided to move to France and Germany due to his desire to specialize in
ophthalmology. His preference was prompted by his desire to cure the eye ailment of his mother. Side
by side to his studies he continued his observation of the government and law, customs and traditions of
France and Germany. He gradually immersed into Propaganda Movement in Madrid and followed with
the presentation of his sojourn in France and Germany.

Rizal’s Secret Departure

Rizal left Calamba on May 1, 1882 and was able to reach Manila after ten hours of journey via a
carromata. No one from among the family members of Rizal knew his departure for Spain except
Paciano, Saturnina, his uncle Antonio Rivera and a few friends. The trip was kept a secret because Rizal’s
father would surely disapprove of his plan to study abroad.

Itinerary to Spain

From Manila, the Salvador sailed for Singapore. At first he felt very sad leaving his country and
family. He tried to observe people and things around him and noted many Spanish speaking travelers
spoke ill of the country. To entertain himself, Rizal made sketches of his fellow passengers and things he
saw along the way.

After one week of sailing, the steamer docked at Singapore. He stayed here for two days and
took time to visit its botanical garden, art galleries, park and some historical spots.

From Singapore, he boarded the ship Djemnah to France. From boarding point the ship had its
stopover at Point Galle in Ceylon, Aden and Port Said at Suez Canal and to Naples.

From Naples the steamer sailed to France, docking at the harbor of Marseilles on June 12, 1882.
At Marseilles he was impressed by the courtesy of the custom police and enchanted by its graceful and
impressive buildings and refined manners of the Frenchmen.

From Marseilles, Rizal took the train for Barcelona. He reached the city, his entry point to Spain,
on June 15, 1882. At first he had a negative impression of the city and its people but later he came to
like Barcelona due to the prevalence of freedom and liberalism and the good qualities demonstrated by
its residents--- open-heartedness, hospitality and courage..

Rizal’s trip from the Philippines to Barcelona had important consequences for him. First owing to
his interaction with foreign nationals. There was a sudden change in his religious outlook. He started
becoming inattentive to saints and pan saints. Instead of calling on them for guidance and protection,
Rizal prayed directly to God. In fact he became very curious of other religions as evidenced by his
attendance in a Protestant worship service in Singapore. Second change in Rizal was the melting down
of his social complex. As a proof, he was able to get along well with Spaniards and other nationals who
were with him in his trip to Spain.

Rizal in Barcelona

Rizal was welcomed by the Filipinos in Barcelona, most of who were his former schoolmates at
Ateneo de Municipal. Welcome party tendered to him was held at favorite coffee house at Plaza de
Cataluna. While in Barcelona, Rizal took time writing to his family, relatives and friends in the
Philippines. In fact he did not forget one of his missions – that making a name for himself in the field of
writing. Thru writing Paciano believed that Rizal would be able to express his nationalistic and patriotic
sentiments which in effect can arouse the hostility and suspicion of the Spanish regime.

El Amor Patrio. Upon arriving at Barcelona, Rizal commenced his writing of nationalistic articles.
The first of these articles was the essay entitled. El Amor Patrio or Love of Country under the pseudonym
Laong Laan. It came out on August 20, 1882 in the Diariong Tagalog in Manila. For the first time. He used
the term Tierra Extranjera (Foreign Land) in referring to Spain. In his essay, Rizal urged the Filipinos to
love their motherland. For Rizal loving one’s country was the greatest, most heroic and sublime
sentiments a person could have. He directly challenged the Filipinos to sacrifice for the welfare of the
country. Rizal made clear that for the love of one’s country, Filipinos have to sacrifice their youth,
pleasures, splendor of genius and even their life. Filipinos should not fear losing their lives, because
they are going to live their country two immense fortunes, namely LIBERTY and GLORY.

After the El Amor Patrio, Rizal stopped producing nationalistic articles. His unproductiveness
could be attributed to three factors.

1. the opposition of his mother

2. the difficulty of recognition in a foreign country

3. his desire to finish his studies.

Rizal Moves to Madrid

Rizal moved to the capital city of Spain in September 1882 to resume his studies. He enrolled in
Philosophy and Letters and Licentiate In medicine at the Unibersidad Central de Madrid Despite his very
busy and rigid schedule, he took lessons in painting and sculpture at the Academia de San Fernando.
Lessons in fencing at the Schools of Sanz and Carbonell and lesson in English, French and German in
Madrid Ateneo.
Rizal was awarded the degree of Licentiate in Medicine. He continued his doctorate degree in
medicine but was conferred the Doctor’s diploma due to his failure to pay the fee for the presentation
and defense of his thesis. Despite his completion of his studies in Madrid, Rizal was not happy with what
he was able to accomplish. For him, there was no basic difference between the educational system in
Madrid and Manila. Nevertheless, it was in this city where Rizal completed one half of the novel, Noli Me


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