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A new cast-iron pipe 30 cm in diameter and 30 m long connects two reservoirs, both ends sharp -cornered and
submerged. Determine the difference in elevation between the water surfaces in the two reservoirs if the
discharge is 0.45 m3 /s.

2. Three new cast-iron pipes are connected in series as shown in figure. If the discharge is 230 liters/s determine the head
lost: (a) neglecting minor losses (b) considering minor losses.

Laboratory Exercise No.4 Page 1

3. The pipe system shown in figure serves two towns C and D. The highest building in town C is at 25 m and that in
town D at 20 m. If f = 0.020 for all pipes, what is the flow in each pipe? If the per capita consumption in the two towns
is 0.0035 m3 /s, how many persons could be served in each town?

Laboratory Exercise No.4 Page 2

4. The turbine shown in figure is located in the 35 cm line. If the turbine efficiency is 90 %, determine the output
power of the turbine under the following given conditions:

Laboratory Exercise No.4 Page 3

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