Sleep Information Sheet - 04 - Sleep Hygiene (1) - 7

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Impact of Sleep on Well-Being

to assume that adolescence is a critical time for normal growth and development, during
which sleep, in conjunction with a variety of other processes, plays an important role.

In this review, We will begin by presenting current perspectives on the complex

neurobiology of sleep and its functions, as well as their implications. In comparison to
childhood and adulthood, there is a significant rise in many inappropriate habits,
pathological somatic and psychological problems, and psychiatric disorders in adolescence.
Both of these symptoms are accompanied by varying degrees of sleep disruption.

Given the importance of sleep and its complex architecture in physiological, cognitive, and
psychological processes, a bidirectional relationship between its maturational or pathological
alterations and common somatic, cognitive, and psychiatric disorders in adolescence may be
inferred.All of these common adolescent ailments should be treated with sleep disturbances
in mind. Parents, paediatricians, psychologists, and sleep experts must pay more attention to
adolescent sleep shifts as well as common adolescent pathological conditions.

“How a good sleep life satisfaction: The role of zero-sum beliefs about happiness” The
study looks at how sleep quality affects life satisfaction. Humans are conditioned to
communicate with others. The aim of this research is to establish the connection between
sleep and life satisfaction, as well as to look at one possible cognitive belief that can help
bridge the gap. Various personal beliefs about happiness have an effect on a person's actual
level of happiness. Those who view happiness as more logical, controllable, and
incremental, for example, are happier than others.

257 undergraduate students volunteered and were paid $5 for their participation. Participants
signed a consent form and completed the Pittsburgh sleep quality index, which assesses the
quality of their sleep over the previous month. The questionnaire is made up of 19 questions
divided into seven sections. While social relationships are important for well-being, social
interaction is costly and energy consuming, which is perhaps why people need a certain
amount of time alone, which serves a restorative purpose, we discovered that those who
sleep well are more happy with their lives, even when controlling for individual
characteristics such as personality. Sleep consumes a large portion of one's waking time.
However, little is known about the relationship between sleep and life satisfaction.

Sleep paralysis another article published by Ganesh B , Sai Venkata Vedavyas Pisipati,
Shivashanker M, Sirisha V, BabuRao CH and Sreekanth Nama. This article discusses
the causes of sleep paralysis and what sleep is, as well as a few sleep disorders. Sleep
paralysis is a medical condition in which a person lying in a supine position, about to fall
asleep or just waking up from sleep, discovers that she or he is unable to talk, move, or cry

This can last a few seconds or minutes, or even longer in some cases. And they have the
feeling that evil is following them, sitting behind them, about to strike them. Stress and job
pressures and stresses are very normal in today's hectic lives. Overtime work induces a shift
in circadian rhythm, which causes sleep paralysis and serious diseases like narcolepsy and
Alzheimer's disease.

To avoid sleep paralysis, get enough rest and eat a balanced diet. Even though there are few
CNS medications on the market, meditation and the practice of walking first thing in the
morning can help with sleep paralysis.
© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 1304

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