Malaysia's Quantity Surveyor Undergraduate in Digital Skills

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Malaysia’s Quantity Surveyor

Undergraduate in Digital Skills
Mohamad Akmal Bin Rosli

Abstract: This study will determine how digitalization can help Quantity
Surveyors do their jobs better and use construction resources more
efficiently. Quantity surveying undergraduates worldwide use digital tools
to measure construction projects. This study wants to know how many
Quantity Surveying firms use digital tools and how they benefit learning
and firms. Quantitative and descriptive methods were used to achieve
these goals. The study surveyed Malaysian undergraduate and
professional Quantity Surveyors. The study found that Malaysian quantity
surveying firms use Microsoft Excel the most and that new digital tools
for quantity surveying aren't being used as quickly as they could.
Digitalization in Quantity Surveying firms improves accuracy, precision,
and speed. These results show that Malaysian professional quantity
surveying firms want to go digital and that digitalization has many
benefits. Digital tools are rarely used. However, undergraduate quantity
surveyors and their firms understand the importance of digital tools and
are excited about digitalization because it will help them do their jobs
better. In conclusion, Malaysian Quantity Surveying firms must use all of
their digital tools to work well and stay competitive.

Key words: Digitalization, Digital tools, Undergraduate and professional

quantity surveyor.


The construction industry needs major reform due to the global

digital economy's rapid growth. Construction firms are using 6D BIM, 3D
printing, robotics, Big Data Analytics, the Internet of Things, and robotics
to streamline their operations and projects (Edirisinghe, 2019). Few
construction companies were successful in the pilot phase, but most want
to abandon traditional building and business practices (Perera et al., 2017).
Construction and office workers should adopt new technology before
abandoning it. The transition was more cultural than technological, and
the industry and its deeply ingrained traditions are slowing it down (Perera
et al., 2017). This slow process causes project delays and budget overruns
while barely increasing productivity. Construction has long been one of
the least digitized industries.

All graduates will need digital skills to succeed and stay relevant.
They give the next generation 21st-century skills to survive in a fast world
(Aris, 2022). In the new digital economy, these skills make people more
employable, productive, and innovative. Thus, digital skills are needed to
access and manage information via devices, apps, and networks. The
MQA rewrote the 2010 qualification framework to emphasize the digital
characteristic due to the new skillset and changing undergraduate student
environment. This ensures that higher education students learn the
competencies and other skills like numeracy, communication,
interpersonal, and entrepreneurship. This new path supports the global
goal of preparing graduates for VUCA environments. The Malaysian
Qualification Agency (MQA) requires all Malaysian institutions to use
this new framework for their new curriculum starting in April 2019.

This research conceptually bridges undergraduate digital skills

and construction industry needs. Considering productivity and efficiency,
the Malaysian construction industry is studied. This research concludes
that higher education institutions should teach QS undergraduates digital

and programming skills that they can use in their studies. Finally, this can
help construction professionals learn digitalization.

1.1.1 Problem Statement

To stay relevant and tackle challenges, graduates will need digital

skills. Undergraduate QS learn from them. In the new digital economy,
these skills make people more employable, productive, and secure. In
other words, everyone needs digital skills because they include using
digital devices, communication apps, and networks to gather and organise
information. The Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA) emphasised the
digital attribute in the 2019 qualification framework. Due to education
reform and new skillsets, this was done. This was done to ensure that
higher education students learned the skills, along with numeracy,
communication, interpersonal, and entrepreneurial skills. This new path
supports the global goal of preparing students for a volatile, uncertain,
complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world. Because of this, the Malaysian
Qualification Agency (MQA) has ordered all Malaysian universities to
adopt this new framework by April 2019. Digital skills are vital for
graduates entering the workforce, so they should be taught. If they
understand the digital skills framework and students' skills, educators can
help students learn these skills by creating appropriate learning outcomes,
activities, and assessments.

Over time, construction workers have realised that technology

streamlines process and improves output quality. Adopting technology
improves "commercial performance" and "operational efficiency."
Making workers more productive, the project more profitable, and
business costs lower is commercial performance. However, operational
efficiency involves managing client relationships and people, controlling
operations and projects, and ensuring the supply chain works well.
Organisations must maximise team performance and take advantage of
technology to find the right software. One must first determine if the
technology is suitable. Microsoft Excel, AutoCad, CostX, Revit, and

Naviswork are some of the best Quantity Surveying software for

estimating and speeding up daily work, according to Software Advice.
RICS also reports positive BIM usage reports. In this section, we'll discuss
some of quantity surveying's most popular digital tools.

Productivity and human replacement will all benefit from digital

skills. However, using digital tools in construction has many benefits and
allows construction companies to speed up their projects. To help the
construction industry adopt digitalization, QS undergraduates' digital and
programming skills are assessed. Digital tool productivity can be increased
by identifying their potential uses. By using digital tools properly, you can
avoid relying on others. Higher education institutions should teach QS
undergraduates digital tool skills.

1.1.2 Research Aims and Objectives

The following are the goals and objectives of this study paper: -

1) To determine the level of adoption for digital skills among the

undergraduate QS.
2) To identify the current requirement of digital skills among the
undergraduate QS in construction industry.


New technology and competition drive the construction industry.

Digital skills have mostly helped quantity surveying undergraduates and
professionals by making their jobs easier, making decisions easier, and
saving money on operation costs (Oladapo, 2006). RICS found less
demand for surveyors' technical and traditional skills (Matipa et al., 2008).
Like many other jobs, advanced computer applications are automating
surveying tasks. The profession could lose its lead in the land, property,

and construction markets, its main markets, if it doesn't adapt to customer

needs, which change quickly.
This chapter discusses Higher Education Digital Competence and
Literacy Innovations. Graduate Attributes for Digital Skills in the
Curriculum Framework, Digitalization Systems in Quantity Surveying,
The Impact of ICT/IT on Construction, The Construction Industry in
Industrial Revolution 4.0, which includes Coding, Construction
Management Software, 3D Building Information Technology, and IoT in
1.2.1 Digital Competence and Digital Literacy in Higher Education

Digital competence and digital literacy have become more

common in recent decades, especially in policy documents and discussions
about "what kinds of skills and knowledge people should have in a
knowledge society, what to teach young people, and how to do so"
(Paavola, 2016). Despite their different meanings, they are often used
interchangeably (Grudziecki, 2006). They sometimes reinforce each other,
such as in the EU framework of key competencies for all citizens
(European Commission, 2006), which includes digital competence.
This plan aims to teach undergraduates how to use and create with
digital technology and understand how digitalization affects society.
Digital competence for all in the learning system, equal access and use,
and digitalization potential study and assessment are the three areas of
focus. Thus, staff working with undergraduate students could learn to
choose and use appropriate digital tools in education and develop digital
competence through education and workplace training.

1.2.2 Graduate Attributes for Digital Skills in the Curriculum


Information literacy, computer and technology literacy, digital

communication and collaboration skills, digital identity and well-being,
and digital ethics are the five agreed-upon digital skills. Before developing
lessons, learning activities, and assessments, educators must understand
digital skills' components. Teachers must also assess students' digital
literacy to create meaningful digital learning experiences. The DSI can
assess undergraduate students' digital literacy. This tool can also be used
for digital needs analysis to assess curriculum strengths and weaknesses
and improve quality.
Several universities are using digital learning software. Some
software is used for pre-employment preparation. Online communication
with QS undergraduates yielded this cross analysis.

1.2.3 Type of Software Used by Quantity Surveying Firms

The specialized software utilised by QS consultancy services.

Based on the analysis, Buildsoft is the most popular specialist software
used by businesses, likely because QS is more familiar with Buildsoft than
other specialist software. While CAD measure and Autodesk are
positioned second, respectively. CostX and Glodon, on the other hand, are
the third highest, followed by Binalink. The RIPAC and So Easy softwares
are ranked fifth. According to the analysis, Masterbill ranks second-
lowest, while QsCad, Terramodel, and Briscad rank lowest. Table shown
as representation of software used by QS Firms in Malaysia.

1.2.4 The impact of ICT / IT on the Construction Industry

New era of digitalization shows that ICT is improving the quality

of professional services in the construction industry. Its main effect on
professional practise is to make professionals' jobs easier, make it easier
for them to make decisions, and save money on the overall cost of
operations. The main tasks in architecture, engineering, and quantity
surveying, for example drawing, engineering design, and making bills of
quantities, have been done by computers for the most part (Chiocchio,
2018), on the other hand, it is found that people in the construction industry
still prefer old ways of working and don't use IT.

1.2.5 The Construction Industry in Industrial Revolution 4.0

Industrialization and digitalization of construction processes are

two pillars of Industrial Revolution 4.0's construction industry. Internet
and software enable digital data management. Technology impacts the
industry, firms, environment, and people (Eric, 2020). Laptops, tablets,
and smartphones allow anytime, anywhere access to current and relevant
digital building data. Virtual technologies are increasingly used in
construction to complete various tasks.
New technology boosts productivity, which construction
companies want most. Automated construction uses new technologies and
processes to change the construction industry, with digital fabrication
playing a major role in productivity (Isabella, 2020). Manufacturing
processes are mentioned because manufacturers can supply and create new
solutions. In summary, the construction industry has prioritised
technological breakthroughs to find creative ways to increase productivity
through industrialization.

1.2.6 Internet of Things (IoT) in Construction Industry

Kelvin Ashton proposed IoT in 1999. Ashton (2009). It involves

connecting things via the internet to create a platform for specific tasks
(Al-Qaseemi et al., 2016). It performs a network function using internet
connectivity and nearby objects' ability to communicate (Gershenfeld et
al., 2004). It connects internet-connected devices (Gubbi et al., 2013). An
integrated wireless connection links all objects and people at all times and
places. This facility also allows easy internet monitoring and control
(Ashton, 2009).
Consumer, commercial, and infrastructure sectors use IoT (Yan-
lin, 2010; Perera et al., 2015). Construction projects are complex and risky,
making it hard to adopt new technology. Despite these challenges, IOT
has been implemented in the construction industry, with JEDT monitoring
and controlling project executions in bridges, railways, tunnels, onshore,
and offshore facilities among the leading applications (Zhong et al., 2017).


The summary of this research design is shown in the table below: -

Table 1: Research objectives and research design

Objectives Data Techniques Respondent Data

(1) To The usage Questionna QS - Descripti
Determine and ire Survey undergradu ve
the level of frequency of ate student statistic,
adoption QS mean
for digital undergraduat analysis
skills e’s digital
among the skills in
undergradu software and
ate quantity programmin
surveying g

Table 2: Research Design (Cont’d)

Objectives Data Techniques Respondents Data

(2) To Current Questionnai QS and - Descripti
identify the industry re Survey consultants ve
current - statistic,
requirement standard mean
of digital software analysis
skills among to be
the learned
undergradua as
te quantity compete
surveying ncies
students in

1.3.1 Data Collection

For the research undertaken, the primary data that obtained are the
factors preventing the adoption of digital skills among the undergraduate
QS students and the current requirement of digital skills among the
undergraduate QS in construction industry. The quantitative method is
used to gather information for both goals by using a structured
questionnaire survey.
Table 4.2 and Figure 4.2 show the composition of respondents‟
background. Majority of respondents were from Universtiti Teknologi
Malaysia (UTM) and Universiti Teknologi Mara Malaysia (UiTM)
representing 33.3% respectively. 23.3% of respondents were from
Universiti Malaya. 6.7% from Insfastructure Universiti Kuala Lumpur and

the percentage of respondents from Universiti Islam Antarabangsa

Malaysia (UIAM) was 3.3% of the respondents.
Table 3: Numbers of Respondent by University

Background University of Numbers Percentage

Respondents (%)

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 10 33.3


Universiti Teknologi Mara 10 33.3

Malaysia (UiTM)

Universiti Malaya (UM) 7 27.3

Infrastructure Universiti of Kuala 2 6.7

Lumpur (IUKL)

Universiti Islam Antarabangsa 1 3.3

Malaysia (UIAM)

Total 30 100.0

1.3.2 Analysis of Respondent Status of Academic Year

This section discusses the research that has been conduct, the
working respondent as Quantity Surveying Professionals percentages
shows 50% of the respondents. Undergraduate respondents from Year 1
of study consist of 3.3%, for year 2 and 4 both consist of 10.0% of
respondent. Finally for Year 3 hae 26.7% respondent in this research.

Table 0: Respondents’ Status of Academic Year

Status of Academic Numbers Percentage (%)


Working / 15 50%

Year 1 1 3.3%

Year 2 3 10.0%

Year 3 8 26.7%

Year 4 3 10.0%

Total 30 100%

1.3.3 Classification of Tools in The Level of Adoption and

Competencies in Digital Skills of Undergraduate Quantity Surveying
Students and Quantity Surveyor

Analysis for objective 1 is undertaking research by examine five

(5) major tools use to rate respondent skills using industry standard
software in completing task related to Quantity Surveying. There were
measurement tools in preparation of bill of quantities, project management
tools, documentation tools, analysis tools, programming tools, modelling

Table 5: Mean rank for Objective 1

Digital Tools Variables Mean Rank Extent of
Measurement MT1 2.00 7 Slightly
Tools utilized
MT2 1.87 13 Slightly
MT3 2.80 11 Moderately
MT3 3.37 4 Moderately
MT5 2.61 5 Moderately
Project PM1 2.33 6 Slightly
management utilized
Tools PM2 1.87 14 Slightly
PM3 1.07 22 Not
PM4 1.03 23 Not
PM5 2.03 10 Slightly
Documentation DT1 3.93 2 Highly
Tools utilized
DT2 3.83 3 Highly
DT3 2.80 12 Highly
DT4 3.86 2 Highly
DT5 3.86 2 Highly
Analysis Tools AT1 1.26 15 Not
AT2 1.16 19 Not

AT3 1.10 20 Not

AT4 2.06 9 Slightly
AT5 4.10 1 Highly
Programming PT1 1.73 16 Slightly
Tools utilized
PT2 2.07 6 Slightly
PT3 1.27 17 Not
PT4 1.23 18 Not
PT5 1.13 21 Not

1.3.4 Current requirement of digital skills among the QS

undergraduate in Construction Industry

As analysis for objective 2 undertaking by requirement of digital

skills, along with the mean score and corresponding category. The results
indicate a strong agreement across multiple requirements of digital skills.
Communication, information management, technological infrastructure
management, tendering and procurement, supply chain management, and
various other aspects were highly valued by the respondents, with mean
scores ranging from 4.03 to 4.43. This suggests that digital skills are
considered essential in quantity surveying, enabling efficient project
management, collaboration, and improved decision-making.

Current Requirement of Variables Mean Rank Extent of

Digital Skills Mean
1. Communication- CR1 4.20 10 Very
oral/written (i.e. Usage in Significant

communicating of software
2. Information Management CR2 4.23 7 Very
(i.e. acquisition of Significant
information from varied
sources in varied formats to
storing, processing and
distribution of them)
3. Technological CR3 4.20 11 Very
infrastructure Management Significant
(i.e. installing, managing and
maintaining general IT
infrastructure, including
cloud platform connectivity
with specific software and
hardware equipment
4.Tendering and CR4 4.30 4 Very
Procurement (i.e. facilitating Significant
and running the procurement
in digital for services
including managing the
contractual obligations).
5. Supply Chain CR5 4.03 15 Very
Management (i.e. design, Significant
plan, execute, control, and
monitor supply chain
activities related to tendering
and project).
6. QS undergraduates need CR6 4.43 1 Very
to master the use of industry- Significant
standard software in the
7. Digital skills in CR7 3.80 17 Very
programming and coding Significant
need to be applied in the
8. Digital skills can speed CR8 4.30 5 Very
up the duration of a project? Significant

9. Digital skills CR9 4.30 6 Very

improving collaboration Significant
between different
disciplines/ project team
10. BIM-based quantity CR10 4.10 13 Very
take-off and estimating tools Significant
like CostX and Cubicost are
becoming more and more
popular as a way to replace
time-consuming and error-
prone manual calculations.
11. Improve software CR11 4.40 2 Very
management, modeling Significant
skills and IT knowledge in
QS undergraduate.
12. Management factors CR12 4.07 14 Very
related to the procedure and Significant
organization-related factors
that limit the implementation
of QS software tools.
13. Should construction CR13 4.27 9 Very
industry projects require Significant
centralized project
14. Added more CR14 4.27 8 Very
time to courses in Significant
construction science and IT
to improve the digital skills
of QS undergraduate.
15. Introduce trust, CR15 4.20 12 Very
transparency, and Significant
accountability in a big data
16. The ability in digital CR16 3.93 16 Very
skills to help QS Significant
undergraduates predict
different outcomes that items
in BQ cannot be price.

17. QS undergraduates CR17 4.30 3 Very

should have experience in Significant
utilizing the appropriate
software, which assists them
in developing abilities in the
software's application to a
variety of activities.
18. QS undergraduates have CR18 3.83 18 Very
competent digital skills to Significant
develop commercial apps
using programming or
scripting languages


Quantity Surveying students today need a variety of digital skills

to succeed. These skills improve their work and give them a business
advantage. Microsoft Office Suite proficiency is essential. Word, Excel,
and PowerPoint are used for reports, data management, and presentations.
These tools help Quantity Surveyors analyse and present their findings.
Quantity Surveyors also need BIM skills. BIM software lets
builders create virtual models with data and measurements. These models
help quantity surveyors estimate and buy faster by providing precise
measurements, quantities, and cost estimates. CAD knowledge is also
useful. CAD programmes make it easier for quantity surveyors to measure
and calculate architectural and engineering drawings. These tools aid cost
analysis, material take-offs, and conflict detection. This ensures project
planning and cost management.
Quantity surveyors need project management software skills.
Microsoft Project, Trello, and Asana help plan, allocate, and track work.
These tools help project participants collaborate and finish quickly.
Quantity Surveyors must also use cost estimation and budgeting tools.
These tools simplify cost estimation, expense tracking, and project
budgeting. This programme helps track and save money.

Digital documentation and file management are essential for

project communication and organisation. PDF formats, cloud storage, and
document management tools simplify sharing and recordkeeping
throughout a project's lifecycle. Quantity Surveyors must also use
communication and collaboration tools. Discord, Webex, and Zoom make
virtual collaboration easy for team members, clients, and employees.
Strong communication and digital tools make problem-solving easy.
Finally, using construction and surveying-specific mobile apps can boost
productivity. Quantity Surveyors can access drawings, paperwork, and
project information from the field with apps like AutoCAD mobile and
Quantity surveying students need digital skills to succeed.
Quantity Surveyors who use Microsoft Office Suite, BIM, CAD, project
management tools, cost estimating software, digital documentation,
communication tools, and mobile apps can speed up processes, improve
accuracy, make it easier to collaborate, and deliver successful projects.
Tech skills will help you land a good Quantity Surveying job.


A deepest appreciation goes out to all the people that assisted,

guided, supported and encouraged me in completing this research. Special
thanks to my supervisor, Dr. Mohd Azwarie Bin Mat Dzahir for the
continuous technical guidance and feedback throughout this research.


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