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हंद श द या श द-समूह group हंद म प रभाषा English Word/Word Group English definition Notes (Free Text) Suggestions (other choices) meaning word's usage
- यापक स ा म संप ृ त जड़-
- The grandeur of insentient and sentient
चैत य कृ त पी अनंत इकाईय सहज
nature as infinite units saturated in
वैभव। Omnipotence.
- “जो है ” िजसके होने - "What is". What humans have
को प ट व माण प म समझने का endeavoured to understand with clarity
यास आ दकाल से ह मानव करता रहा। and evidence since ancient times.
- “होना” व स हत होना। - "Being", i.e. being with inherence. The
होने के आधार पर सभी व तुओं का
study of realities based on their being,
via maxims, elaboration and analysis.
अ ययन, सू , या या व व लेषण पूवक
Physicochemical entities - everchanging
प ट होना। भौ तक-रासाय नक व तु के प
from one existent-state tradition to
म प रणामशील, यथाि थ त पर परा म another, exhibiting orderliness with
उपयो गता-पूरकता व ध से व स हत inherence by way of usefulness and
यव था है । वकास म, वकास सहज complementariness. The units situated
जागृ त म जागृ त सहज ि थ तय म in states of development progression,
ि थत इकाईयाँ अपने व स हत यव था व development, awakening progression
सम यव था म भागीदार करने के प म
and awakening are in the form of
'orderliness with inherence and
है ।
participation in overall orderliness'.
अि त व Astitva Existence
- चार अव था, चार पद, स ा म
- Eternal grandeur of all four orders and
न य वैभव। all four realms in Omnipotence.
- पर परता म न वरोध - Conflict-free harmoniousness in
सामर यता। mutuality.
- स ा म संप ृ त जड़-चैत या मक - Insentient and sentient nature
कृ त। saturated in Omnipotence.
- अनंत इकाई पी कृ त म
- Mutuality, development progression
and development in nature in the form
पर परता और वकास म तथा वकास।
of infinite units.
- अि त व म पर पर इकाईय म
- The tradition of complementarity and
अथवा इकाईय क पर परता म पूरक व evolution activity in the mutuality of
उदा ीकरण या और उसक परं परा। units in existence.
- अि त व म अनंत इकाईय क - Expressing development,
पर परता म वकास, पूरकता, उदा ीकरण complementarity, evolution in the
सू और या या। mutuality of infinite units in existence as
सह-अि त व Sah-astitva Coexistence
maxims and elaboration.

entity, reality, object, thing

व तु vastu Entity, Object

- घरा हु आ, डू बा हु आ, भीगा हु आ Options: – 1. Submerged, 2. Saturated, 3. Samprikt.

या। - surrounded, submerged, soaked 4. Pervaded. 5. Suffused. English defn: State of
- नम न, म न, भीगा हु आ, being immersed, encompassed and imbued in the
- immersed, absorbed, soaked, absolute. saturation for sampriktta. Saturated is a
आि ल ट, संि ल ट।
agglunitated, embedded good choice, as it indicates combined effect of
being immersed, encompassed and imbued. “satta
mein samprikt prakruti” – Nature saturated in the
स पृ त Samprikt Saturated absolute.
डू बा Dooba submerged
भीगा Bheega soaked

घरा Ghira surrounded

- यापक व तु न य वतमान। - The omnipresent reality that is
- ि थ त पूण ऊजा, eternally present.
म य थ ऊजा, ान पी ऊजा, सा य ऊजा। - Supreme-state energy; mediative
Hindi defn: “satat ek sa vidyaman, sarvada ek sa
energy; energy in the form of
- अि त व पूण यापक vidyaman”. Omnipotent (the word seems to be
knowledge; homogeneous energy.
ऊजा, नरपे ऊजा, ग त-दबाव वह न परम indicating ‘doer’). Use something with “all”
- The omnipresent energy in all of prefix. For example – all-pervasive. (similarly use
भावी ऊजा। िजसका नामकरण स य, ान,
existence; absolute energy; the ultimate ‘eternal’ prefix when want to indicate for all times) note: Democratres has written
ई वर, परमा मा, शू य आ द है । effectual energy that is without motion Consider words formed with ‘Reign’. The Rule? something about vyapak vastu
- तीन काल म एक सा or pressure; that which has been named The Reign? Eternal and universal. Omni – at all and parmanu, where we can get
व यमान, भासमान, बोधग य, आनंद पी Truth, Knowledge, God, Paramatma, places, Eternal – at all times. How about “Omni”. some words of interest.
ऊजा। Void etc. "Aether" - We are reinstating a word/concept that Omnipotence, Supreme Power,
- सहअि त व म स पूण - The blissful energy that is existent, was established and then discarded. Need to be The Absolute Regime, The
स ा Satta Omnipotence perceivable and understandable in the careful about this. Absolute Power,
त व म, से, के लए ा त ऊजा। येक
सव म,व सेयमान स ा, नयं
ऊजा,ण शू पीय, संरयापक, Omnipotence thatfuture
past, present and is there
in at
places, Omni-pervasive, omni-present; “All” indicates
भाव , के लए ण
way. Space, Omnipresence, God, units. How about “Omni” alone for vyapak vastu?
ई वर,
ऊजा। म, चे त ना, ान, लोक े श,
Brahma, Consciousness,
- The ever-available Knowledge,
energy in, from, for Hindi defn: “sarvatr vidyman satta”. English defn:
यापक परमा मा, नरपे शि त।
Vyapak Omnipresent, Omnipresence Almighty, Paramatma,
all elements Absolute
in coexistence; the power. that which is present everywhere. Omnipresent.
conservation energy that is manifested
शू य Shoonya Space in the form of regulation in, from, for
every entity.
the word lokesh means - the ruler of the world.
लोकेश Lokesh it is another name for vyapak satta.
English Transliteration References in
of the word or word- Prevalent dictionary Darshan for the
हंद श द या श द-समूह group हंद म प रभाषा English Word/Word Group English definition Notes (Free Text) Suggestions (other choices) meaning word's usage
Use of ‘perfect’ is better than use of ‘complete’ –
as perfect gives a qualitative sense, while complete
gives a quantitative sense. Suggestions: Ideal,
absolute, complete, perfect, prime, Omni-
पूण Poorna Complete perfection
- हर व तु म आर-पार रहना।
- Being across in every entity.
- हर व तु म ओत- ोत रहना, भीगा
- Being completely filled in every entity,
रहना। Suggestions: Omni-permeating, pervading,
remaining soaked.
पारगामी Pargami permeative Permeating

पारगा मयता Pargamiyata permeative-ness

Liberation from delusion, liberation from
ममुि त, रह यमुि त, जागृ त।
पारदश Pardarshi Transparent mysteriousness, awakening. Omni-transparent, transparent

चेतना Chetna Consciousness consciousness

वक सत चेतना viksit chetna Higher consciousness

चैत यता Chaitanyata Sentience Conscious. Hindi defn: gathan poorna parmanu sentient nature

Knowledge is not quite gyan! Awareness? Gyan?

ान Gyan Knowledge Retain the word ‘jnana’

जानकार jankari Knowhow

Without beginning. Beginning-less. Without
अना द Anadi Without beginning origin.
ऊजा Oorja Energy

मूल ऊजा Mool Oorja inherent energy basic energy, fundamental energy
It should be understood that this energy is not
something which can be transformed into another
नरपे ऊजा Nirpeksh oorja Absolute Energy kind.
universal energy, common energy,equanimous
energy, commonly available energy, common
सा य ऊजा samya oorja uniform energy power,
Suggestions: Physical Energy, Relative Energy,
सापे ऊजा Sapeksh oorja Relative Energy Apparent energy

काय ऊजा Karya oorja Work Energy Suggestions: Physical energy, Work energy
- यापक, सा य स ा, सा य ऊजा, - Omnipresence, Homogeneous
स य, आकाश, शू य, ान, यो त, लोकेश, Omnipotence, Homogeneous Energy,
चेतना। Truth, Space, Void, Knowledge, Light,
Almighty, Consciousness.
- जड़ चैत य म पारगामी, पारदश
- Permeative, transparent in insentient
। या समूह का आधार है ।
and sentient nature. The ground of all
- म यापक और ि थर है ,
इसम कोई तरं ग, कंपन, ग त नह ं है । - Brahma is omnipresent and constant. It
म Brahma Brahma has no wave, vibration or motion.
मानुभू त Brahmanubhuti Brahma-realization
ऊिजत Oorjit Energized energized.

30 values. Human values - dheerta, veerta,

udaarta, daya, krupa, karuna.
मू य Mulya value

fundamental quality, basic character, essence,

attributes which are characteristic originality, uniqueness, individual characteristics,
मौ लकता Maulikta essentiality to its kind = virtue of being virtue, defining trait uniqueness

suggestions: intrinsic, inherent,

धारणा dharana innateness dharana = dharma, anubhav bodh. immanence, innateness, dharana

suggestions: quality, property,

In the context of human being quality sounds attributes, characteristic, traits,
गुण gun attributes better. disposition

ुवीकरण dhruvikaran synthesis

गुणा मक प रवतन gunatmak parivartan qualitative transformation suggestions: qualitative change suggestions: qualitative change
English Transliteration References in
of the word or word- Prevalent dictionary Darshan for the
हंद श द या श द-समूह group हंद म प रभाषा English Word/Word Group English definition Notes (Free Text) Suggestions (other choices) meaning word's usage
hindi defn: akar, ayatan, ghan.
suggestions: form, appearance, formation,
प roop form structure,
आकार akar shape
आयतन ayatan volume
घन ghan density
hindi defn: dharana
धम Dharma dharma suggestions: religion suggestions: religion, dharma
"मूलतः सह-अि त व
ह परम भाव होने के
कारण अि त व ह
परम धम हु आ."
अ याय-४,
समाधना मक भौ तक
Mooltah sah-astitva hee param bhav hone ke karan
परम धम Param dharm ultimate dharma astitva hee param dharm hua. Ch-4, SB वाद

नरं तरता Nirantarta Continuity Suggestions: Perpetual, Continuous, Continuum

Suggestions: stability, dynamic
ि थरता Sthirta Stability stability
बल Bal Strength Society

Imbued/enriched with power, powerful, Strength,

full of power. All units are full of power. All units
are powerful. Units are powerful because they are
बल संप न Bal sampann absolute strength saturated in the absolute. Endowed with power. powerfulness for bal sampannta.

Hindi defn: apnee maulik pehchan jitna faila hai.

English defn: The extent around unit that has its
भाव Prabhav Effect basic recognition. suggestions: influence, effect
भावी prabhavee effective

English defn: Region around unit in which its

(unit’s) power prevails. Region around a unit
भाव े Prabhav kshetra Field of effect where its effect is present.

व भावीकरण sva-prabhavikaran self-effectuation

भावीकरण prabhavikaran effectuation

Law = System of Rules that determine one's
नयम Niyam Law conduct. Law, Rule, niyam

Here control is not external. Control without

controller. Hindi defn: Niyam ki nirantarta. Restraint, Regulation, Control,
नयं ण Niyantran Regulation Action or process of regulating or being regulated. Niyantran

संतुलन Santulan Balance Balance, Equilibrium, Santulan

याय Nyaya स ब ध, मू य, मू याँकन, उभय तृि त justice Justice, Nyaya
िजससे िजसका वलगीकरण न हो सके, वह
धम Dharma उसका धम है dharma Religion, Dharma
स य Satya truth Truth, Satya

चुंबक य बल Chumbakeeya bal Magnetic power Defn: potential for exerting magnetic force.
- The evidence of insentient and sentient
- म ग त प रणाम के प म जड़-
nature in the form of effort-motion-
चैत य कृ त सहज माण; गठनपूणता,
result. Evidence of sentient nature in
यापूणता, आचरणपूणता के प म चैत य the form of awakened jeevan as
कृ त म माण जागृत जीवन के प म। constitutional completeness, activity
- म + ग त + प रणाम completeness and conduct
का अ वभा य वतमान। completeness.
- ि थ त एवं ग त का - The inseperable presence of effort,
संयु त प म वतमान। motion and result.
- Presence as combined form of state
या Kriya Activity and motion.
त या pratikriya Reaction
English Transliteration References in
of the word or word- Prevalent dictionary Darshan for the
हंद श द या श द-समूह group हंद म प रभाषा English Word/Word Group English definition Notes (Free Text) Suggestions (other choices) meaning word's usage

Hindi definition: shram, gati, parinam ke roop

mein jad-chaitanya prakruti sahaj praman. Shram,
gati, parinam ka avibhajya vartman. Sthiti evam
gati ka sanyukt roop mein vartman. English
Definition: It is a combination of effort to evolve,
definite pattern of its motion and
म-ग त-प रणाम के प म जड़ चैत य कृ त amount/configuration of matter. Suggestions:
याशीलता Kriyasheelta सहज माण Activeness action, activity
स यता sakriyata activation active/effective/manifest
- नपुणता कुशलता सहज
- Effort in the form of instilling aesthetic
मान सकता पूवक शर र के वारा उपयोगी
value through body, with mentality of
कला मू य क थापना या के प म म
efficiency and proficiency.
। - The difference, positive or negative,
- इकाई क आशा और between one's hope and
उपलि ध क ऋण धना मक ि थ त । accomplishment. Suggestions: Effort, Causation, Initiative,
- बल स प नता, - Fullness of strength, fullness of creative force, creative capacity, creative
चु बक य बल स प नता। परमाणु अंश म magnetic strength. The proclivity in thrust, inherent creative force, purposive effort,
साथ रहने क वृ । subatomic particles of being together. entelechy (https://www.britannica.
- The effort (strength) is present in every com/topic/entelechy) , labor, shram,exertion.
- म (बल) येक इकाई
unit in the form of dharma and intrinsic We are using 'effort' for shram in the sense of
म धम और वभाव के प म वतमान है । shram-gati-parinam. And 'physical labour' for
म shram effort/physical labour the context of 'shram se samriddhi'
म मू य shram mulya labour value labour value
म नयोजन shram niyojan deployment of labour deployment of physical effort
exchange based on physical
म व नमय shram vinimay labour
मा ध य shramadhikya
- being spontaneously actuated,
continuous proclivity in the form of
- वयं फूत व तत रहना, या activity, displacement.
के प म वृ नरं तरता, थानांतरण। - relative powers. progressive, regressive
- सापे शि तयाँ। सम, वषम,
and mediative motions.
- eternal presence in unit's progression
म य थ ग तयाँ।
towards destination: -
- इकाई के गंत य म म न य
- In the sense of constitutional
वतमान :- completeness, change in number of
- गठन पूणता subatomic particles in atom resulting in
के अथ म, परमाणु म अंश क सं या म qualitaitve change. The final change in
प रवतन के साथ मा ा मक प रवतन, constitution or transcendence as
फल व प गुणा मक प रवतन । प रवतन constitutional completeness. This itself
का अं तम प रणाम अथवा सं मण गठन
is the immortality of constitution.
- In the sense of activity
पूणता । यह प रणाम का अमर व है ।
completeness, qualitative change in the
- या पूणता
progression to destination, i.e. from
के अथ म गंत य म म गुणा मक inhumaneness to humaneness,
प रवतन अथात ् अमानवीयता से मानवीयता watchfulness from humaneness, which
और मानवीयता से सतकता जो प र कृ त leads to manifestation and
संचेतना अथात ् अ तमानवीयता का काशन establishment of refined or awakened
और त ठा। consciousness i.e. higher humaneness.
- आचरण पूणता
- qualitivative change and
refinement towards the highest level of
के गंत य म म
excellence in the progression toward

conduct completeness, the evidence of
◌े ठ और े ठतम गुणा मक प रवतन, प रमाजन िजसका माण सजगता जो प र कृ त पूwhich
ण संचेतisनाwakefulness,
का काशन और त ठा है ।
as manifestation
and establishment of the complete English definition: The aspect of motion in
awakened consciousness. activity (unit) as its conduct. Suggestion: Motion,
गत Gati Motion Conduct
Culmination of effort as Inner-
म का व ाम Shram ka Vishram peace
Destination = gantavya. Gati ka gantavya =
Culmination of motion as final- Destination of Motion (Conduct). English
ग त का गंत य Gati ka gantavya destination definition: Fulfillment of Purpose
Parinam = configuration. Suggestions:
Culmination of Result as Permanence of configuration, permanence of
प रणाम का अमर व Parinam ka amaratva Immortality result, configurational changelessness,
प रणामशील parinamsheel
प रणामवाद parinamvadi changeable
अप रणामवाद aparinamvadi unchangeable
प रणामी parinami consequent
अप रणा मता aparinamita permanence
िजसक ल बाई, चौड़ाई, ऊँचाई िजतनी हो The units that are active only within the
जड़ Jad उतने ह अवकाश म जो याशील हो। Insentient bounds of their length, width and height. insentient, inert,
English Transliteration References in
of the word or word- Prevalent dictionary Darshan for the
हंद श द या श द-समूह group हंद म प रभाषा English Word/Word Group English definition Notes (Free Text) Suggestions (other choices) meaning word's usage
- गठन पूण परमाणु म जीने क
- The manifestation of hope of living in
आशा सहज काशन।
constitutionally complete atom.
- जीवन पद त ठा। sentient can be given in brackets, where jad and
- Establishment in the conscious realm.
चैत य Chaitanya sentient chaitanya need to be used. conscious, sentient
Suggestions: constitutional
saturation, constitutional
perfection, configurational
गठन पूणता Gathan poornata constitutional completeness perfection

मानव क सभी याओं का जीवन तृि त के अथ म हो Suggestions: activity perfection,

functional perfection, functional
या पूणता Kriya poornta activity completeness जाना = या पूणता saturation.

Suggestions: behavioral
आचरण पूणता Acharan poornta conduct completeness उपकार म मानव के आचरण क पूणता है saturation, conduct perfection
जीवन Jeevan jeevan

अनंत Anant infinite can be annoted as 'infinite units' countless, infinite, innumerable
असीम Aseem boundless without any limits or boundaries limitless, boundless,
अ पा मक अि त व Aroopatmak astitva Formless existence
though shape is akar, but formless conveys the
नराकार Nirakar Formless intent better. Shapeless, formless, unlimited
अ वना शता avinashita Indestructibility
पा मक अि त व Roopatmak astitva Formful existence

hindi defn: "trikalabadh satya", "satta me

samprkit prakruti"
english defn: timeless truth, nature saturated
in the absolute. fundamental truth, ultimate truth,
ि थतस य Sthiti satya कालाबाध स य, स ा म संप ृ त कृ त absolute truth this is the truth of being, that is absolute. absolute truth

hindi def: "pratyek ek mein paye jaane vale roop,

gun, svabhav, dharm". Defining of units gets
येक एक म पाए जाने वाले प, गुण, वभाव defined in terms of form, quality, innate nature and
व तुगत स य vastugat satya और धम Manifested Truth dharma. objective truth, intrinsic truth

दशा, काल, दे श का काशन सहज ान hindi defn: " disha, kaal, desh ka prakashan sahaj relative truth, evident truth,
व तुि थ त स य vastusthiti satya स प नता Evident Truth gyan sampannta" relational truth, manifested truth
Existence is in harmony. Harmony is from musical
domain, indicates a samya vastu.
At places we need to use orderliness for vyavastha.
For example - sabhyata, sanskriti, vidhi, vyavastha. Suggestions: harmony,
यव था Vyavastha orderliness, system Here vyavastha is to do with the human made order orderliness, system
शासन shasan Rule
शि त क त शासन shakti kendrit shasan Power Centric Rule
योजन Prayojan Purpose
परं परा Parampara Tradition Legacy, tradition, lineage
मानव manav human normal human
दे व मानव dev manav godly human
द य मानव divya manav divine human
पशु मानव pashu manav animalistic human submissive human, servile human,
रा स मानव rakshas manav demonic human aggressive human, beastly human
hindi defn: "manav parampara mein sanskar,
…" dictionary meaning of conformity - inheritance, conformance,
correspondence in form, nature, or character; heredity, lineage, conformity,
अनुषंगीयता Anushangiyata conformance agreement, congruity, or accordance. congruity, compliance
constitutional heredity,
प रणाम अनुषंगीयता Parinam anushangiyata constitutional conformance configurational heredity
बीज अनुषंगीयता Beej anushangiyata seed conformance
वंश Vansh specie specie, race, breed, heredity
वंश अनुषंगीयता Vansh anushangiyata specie conformance heredity

hindi defn: mental impression, cultural

सं कार Sanskar Sanskar english defn: qualitative establishments accepted impression, sanskar,

सुसं कार Susanskar susanskar

कुसं कार Kusanskar kusanskar

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सं कार अनुषंगीयता Sanskar anushangiyata Sanskar conformance

इकाई Ikai Unit
इकाइ व Ikaitv Unit-ness Sanskar, acceptances about reality
- जड़ और चैत य, चार अव था व
चार पद म प ट। - Insentient and sentient, four orders and
- याशीलता। four realms.
- जड़-चैत या मक अनंत - Activeness.
इकाईय का समूह।
- Group of infinite insentient and
sentient units.
- पा मक अि त व
- Formfull existence i.e. infinite units of
अथात ् पदाथाव था, ाणाव था, जीवाव था,
material order, plant order, animal order
ानाव था क अनंत इकाईयाँ। and knowledge order.
- प, गुण, वभाव, धम - The inseparable presence of form,
का अ वभा य वतमान। attributes, intrinsic nature and dharma.
कृ त Prakruti nature tatvik word - matter, vyavharik word - nature. nature, matter

सृि ट Srishti Universe creation, cosmos, world

same as srishti. using the word "Universe" for

वराट viraat Universe both

hindi defin: astitva mein pran pad, bhranti pad, dev

pad, divya pad chakr ke roop me nitya prakashan.
पद Pad plane State of existence, development. realm, plane, status
ाण पद pran pad Physicochemical plane
ांत पद bhrant pad Delusion plane
Holy Plane, excellence plane,
दे व पद dev pad Godly plane God = Bhagwan. Not devi-devta. saintly plane
द य पद divya pad divine plane Divine Plane
म bhram delusion bhramit - illusioned? delusion

मत bhramit deluded

ांत bhrant delusional

discriminating, dev pad chakra, manav - limited

evidence, dev-manav - vast evidence, divya-manav
ांत-अ ांत bhrant-abhrant discerning universal evidence. perspicacious

न ा त delusion-less

पदाथ Padarth पद भेद से अथ भेद को गट करने वाला Matter

Ikai + vatavaran = ikai sampoorn. Unit as a whole
= Unit (unit’s constitution) + field (unit’s sphere of
वातावरण Vatavaran Environment influence).
naisargik ikaaiyan, aur unka sanyukt prabhav
नैस गकता Naisargikta connaturalness vatavaran hota hai. Habitat, Surrounding, milieu
mutuality, relationship, immediate surrounding,
पर परता parasparta togetherness, mutuality reciprocity
नवृ nivritti म, भय ब धन से मुि त completion SC : disencumberance
जागृत मानव सहज मानव व स हत आचरण। -
उपलि ध एवं योजन स ध हे तु यु त
बौ धक संवेग। - परावतन होने के पहले जीवन
prevalent english meaning: inherent attributes disposition, tendency,
म होने वाल आशा, वचार, इ छा एवं संक प of mind and character. Tendency, mindset, inclination, intellectual
वृ pravritti क ि थ त एवं मानवीयतापूण मान सकता। tendency disposition tendency, proclivity

मूल वृ inherent tendency

सुगम sugam simple
सहज sahaj natural natural

सी मत Seemit limited bounded would imply someone binding… bounded, limited

use "human race"… but use specie for conveying Archetype, jaati, natural mould,
जा त Jaati many kinds specie
bonding, synthesis, organization,
संगठन Sangathan integration use bonding word in the defintion integration
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वघटन Vighatan disintegration unbonding, disintegration,

imbimbing, inclusion, injection,
थापन Prasthapan insertion instillation
emission, expulsion, expel,
व थापन Visthapan expulsion eviction, ejection
रचना rachna composition/formation creation, formation
वरचना virachna decomposition decomposition
भौ तक या bhautik kriya physical activity
रासाय नक या rasaynik kriya chemical activity
जीवन या jeevan kriya jeevan activity activity of conscious unit (jeevan). jeevan activity
जंगल समूह होने एवं जीव शर र, मनु य शर र
सारक saarak पोषक। - ाण पोषक वन प त एवं त व। vitalising, vitaliser, vitalizer life giving
devitalising, devitaliser, weakening, toxic, harmful,
मारक maarak devitalizer life sucking damaging, harming, killing
पोषण poshan nurturing
शोषण shoshan exploitation Cruel, aggressive,
ूर Kroor cruel cruelness Uncruel, non-aggressive, timid
शाकाहार शर र रचना और शाकाहार जीव व
अ ूर Akroor मानव un-cruel timidness
मृद mrid soil
उवरा urvara fertile
अनुवरा anurvara infertile infertile, barren
पाषाण pashan stone
कठोर kathor hard
अकठोर akathor un-hard
मण mani gem
करण- ाह kiran-grahi receptive of rays
करण- ावी kiran-shravi reflective of rays
करण kiran ray ray, beam
वक रण vikiran radiation

रि म rashmi illumination illumination,

sequential development,
physical checmical formation deformation. evolution, development
वकास म vikas kram development progression Use 'development progression' as handler progression
वकास vikas development configuration complete atom
जागृ त म jagruti kram awakening progression

जागृ त jagruti Awakening

अजागृ त ajagruti unawakening no awakening, lack of awakening, ignorance

Evolution stage, order, stage,
अव था Avastha order-stage stage in the course (progression) of destiny stage of evolution
Suggestions: bio order, pranic
पदाथाव था Padarthavastha Material order order, vegetative.

Bio word is used for organic life. All organic life

ाणाव था Pranavastha Plant order forms. Pranic is mysterious!
जीवाव था Jeevavastha Animal order
ानाव था Gyanavastha Knowledge order
सम Sam progressive positive (constructive) constructive
defn: the attributes of
वषम Visham regressive negative (destructive) sustaining

Madhyasth, centering, centered, balancing,

म य थ Madhyasth mediative mediating, continuity, sustaining, mediative

म य थ बल madhyasth bal mediative strength

म य थ शि त madhyasth shakti mediative power

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म य थ या madhyasth kriya mediative activity
centering activity, balancing activity,
म य थीकरण madhyasthikaran mediation normalization activity, mediation activity
अि त व धम Astitva dharma existence
पुि ट धम Pushti Dharma dharma of growth growth VJ 79
want of living, want to remain
आशा धम Asha dharma hope to remain alive alive

सुख धम Sukh dharma happiness

पुि ट pushti growth, confirmation VJ 79
तुि ट tushti satiation
आचरण Acharan Conduct
व sva self self, being
own character, unique character, defining trait,
व Tva मौ लकता inherence unique trait, primal character inherence
भास ् bhas perception Sense, feel, glimpse, perceptive realisation
interpretation, intuition, semblance, cognitive
आभास abhas cognition realisation
intuition, comprehend, ascertainment,
certitude, conception, determination, certitude,
ती त prateeti intuition intuitive realisation
अनुभू त anubhooti realisation existential realisation
avdharana, avdharana intergral view, concept,
अवधारणा, अवधारणा बोध bodh conception conceptual understanding, conceptual clarity
प रक पना parikalpana hypothesis speculation
बल Bal Strength
शि त Shakti Power
Hindi defn: Sah-astitva sahaj nitya sthiti. English
ि थत Sthiti State defn: Suggestions: state, potential, potential state being
sthiti can also be translated as level. there are
levels in the course of emergence of
यथाि थ त Yathasthiti existent-state coexistence.
being-becoming. state of
being and state of functioning,
being-movement, state-
ि थ त-ग त sthiti-gati state-motion state-motion, natural status movement
In one state of ‘to be’ or the other state of ‘to be’.
ि थ तशील Sthitisheel dynamic-state Being.
In absolutely perfect state. Whose state does not complete being, complete
ि थ तपूण Sthitipoorna Supreme State change. state, absolute state.
- सहअि त व सहज वैभव म
व वास सहज माण, आचरण स हत - The evidence of trust in the grandeur of
व ध से होना, जीना। coexistence; being with the way of
- ि थ त, ग त क नरं तरता ह
definite conduct; living.
- The continuity of state and motion
वतमान है । itself is the present.
- या, अ भ यि त, भूत और - The activity; expression; the state in
भ व य क म यि थ त। between the past and the present.
वतमान Vartman Presence/Present The Present
न य वतमान nitya vartman eternal presence
अ वभा य वतमान avibhajya vartman inseparable presence

अ वभा य avibhajya Inseparable, Inseparably together present, observable, integral, integrated

व यमान vidyaman existing is known to be there, extant is known to be there
भासमान bhasman perceivable
बोधग य bodhgamya Comprehensible intelligible
काशमान / का शत Prakashman /prakashit luminous is present
काश Prakash

वाय ता svaayattata self-sufficiency self-reliant

वतं ता Svatantrata independence

व व Svatva innateness samajh hee svatva hai.
वरा य Swarajya वयं का वैभव = मानव / मानवीयता का वैभव self-governance swaraj
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वभाव ग त Svabhav gati state of nature natural status, state of nature

नय त Niyati Destiny
course of destiny, destined
नय त म Niyati kram progression natural progression
परमाणु Parmanu Atom
भूखा परमाणु bhookha parmanu hungry atom starved atom, hungry atom
अजीण परमाणु ajeerna parmanu overfull atom surfeit atom, replete atom
तृ त परमाणु trupt parmanu fulfilled atom
भार Bhar ऋणाकषण व धनाकषण का योगफल weight gravitation
state of being constrained because of we decided to use bandhan as it is, when
बंधन bandhan bondage illusion vedanta wala bandhan is being referred.
आशा बंधन asha bandhan bondage of hope
वचार बंधन vichar bandhan bondage of thought
इ छा बंधन ichchha bandhan bondage of desire
भार बंधन Bhar bandhan Physical bond
अणु बंधन Anu bandhan molecular bond
समझदार के अथ म ेरणा पाना, मा णत
करना। शर र यव था के लए ाण वायु का
ाण Pran होना, नय त व ध से ाणाव था का होना SC: life
ाण Tran समझने, समझाने के लए फू त SC: liveliness, zeal, fervour, dynamism
वसन या , मधु रम, साथक, सउ दे य ग त
ाण कोषाओं सहज कायग त व ध। - संकोचन
पंदन Spandan सारण या Pulse Pulse, respiration
रासाय नक या rasaynik kriya
अ ल aml acid non-metals hydrate to make acids
ार kshaar alkali metals hydrate to make alkalis
यौ गक yaugik yogik using chemical combination for यौ गक या
important to emphasize here that these are natural
and not synthetic. chemical word has negative
connotations... need to keep that in mind. rasayan
can be in its elementary forms, or in the form of
रसायन yogic Chemical compound bio order formations.
fluid, chemical in liquid state, vital fluid, live fluid,
रस rasa plasma
उपरस uprasa uprasa-> rasa -> rasayan -> praankosha
ाणसू अपने को बनाये रखने के लए जो
वातावरण/नैस गकता बनाता है उसको ाणकोषा
ाण कोषा Pran kosha कहते ह कहते ह pran kosha cell bio cell
ाणसू म रचना व ध न हत होती है . सांस लेने
और अपने जैसी दूसर रचना को बनाने क
या ाण सू म होती है . genetic material,
ाण सू Pran sutra genetic agents pran sutra gene
एक से अनेक होना, एक बीज से अनेक बीज
वपुल करण vipulikaran होना, एक संतान से अ धक होना multiplication
वसन या shvasan kriya respiration activity
रचना व ध Rachna vidhi rachna vidhi the method of composition formation method, genetic code
पुि ट त व Pushti tatva pushti tatva Protein nutrition element
harmone, enzymes, formation element - रचना त व
हर ाणाव था क जा त म अलग-अलग होगा।
While rachna tatva is the arrangement, pushti tatva
रचना त व Rachna tatva rachna tatva is the building block. formation element

रस संचार त णा ras sanchar tantrana vascular system

र त संचार त णा rakt sanchar tantrana cardiovascular system cardiovascular system, blood circulatory system

भौ तक रासाय नक रचना Bhautik rasaynik Rachna Physiochemical form

शर र रचना shareer rachna body formation
अंडज andaj oviparous born from egg
प डज pindaj viviparous born from womb, oviperous
उ भज udbhij ovoviviparous
वेदज svedaj born of sweat
भूचर bhoochar terrestrial
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जलचर jalchar aquatic
नभचर nabhchar aerial
माँस रचना Maans Rachna Body

स त-धातु - रस, र त, मांस, म जा, Sapt-dhatu: ras, rakt,

maans, majja, asthi, med,
अि थ, मेद, नायु snayu Seven elements: -
मेधस तं Medhas tantra Brain system brain system, neuron system
अ यास Adhyas biological imprint force of habit, second nature superimposition, genetic make
ानेि याँ gyanendriyan sense organs sight, smell, touch, taste, hear

कमि याँ karmendriyan action organs वाणी, ह त, पाद, उप थ और गुदा

ानवाह तं Gyanvahi tantra sensory system
यावाह तं Kriyavahi tantra motor system
पूणता के अथ म ग त दान करना। -
ग य थल योजन समाधान के लए
संचालन Sanchalan ग तशीलता। - संग ठत प म नयं त ग त

दय Hridaya heart
दयंगम hridayangam काय योजना वृ assimilate
मानव Manav Human being Humans
यवहार Vyavhar Behaviour
लौ कक यवहार laukik vyavhar worldly behaviour worldly, local, localized

पारलौ कक यवहार parlaukik vyavhar divine behaviour other-worldly, spiritual, universal, universalized
चर Charitra Character Morality, Character
नै तकता Naitikta Ethics
मू य Mulya Values
Manveeytata poorna
मानवीयता पूण आचरण acharan Humane Conduct
मानवता Manavatva humaneness
समझदार Samajhdari Understanding

ईमानदार Imandari Honesty Commitment to live with what one has understood.

िज मेदार Jimmedari Responsibility Continuity in recognition of relationships for living

भागीदार Bhagidari Participation Participation, Contribution
भाव Bhav Values Feeling, Emotion
मू याँकन Mulyankan Evaluation Valuation, Appraisal
उभय तृि त Ubhay trupti Mutual Satisfaction
तृि त Trupti Satisfaction
तृि त बंद ु Trupti Bindu Satisfaction Point Point of Satisfaction
नी त Neeti नय त व ध पूवक ग त व धयाँ Tenets Policy, doctrine, tenets, ethos
धम नी त dharma neeti Tenets of Dharma Doctrine of Dharma
रा य नी त Rajya neeti Tenets of State Doctrine of State
अथ नी त Artha neeti Tenets of Economics Doctrine of Economics
सुर ा Suraksha security Security, conservation, protection
उपयोग Upyog utilisation Usefulness, utility, utilization
Righteous use, Right utilization, right use, good
सदुपयोग Sadupyog righteous utilisation use charitable utilization
योजनीयता Prayojaneeyata purposeful utilisation Purposefulness
जानना Janana Knowing knowing is to have bodh and anubhav knowing, realizing
believing in something is complete when we can Assuming, believing, accepting,
मानना Maanana Believing articulate it in words keeping faith in
discovering how one is related with recognizing is always based on the framework of identifying, relating, discovering,
पहचानना Pehchanana recognizing other belief system. ascertaining
that which gets manifested in the form
नवाह करना Nirvah karna Fulfilling of doing (work and behaviour) responding, maintaining
जागृ त Jagruti Awakening
ान Gyan Knowledge
जीवन ान jeevan gyan knowledge of jeevan epistemological knowledge
knowledge of holistic view of
सह-अि त व दशन ान sah-astitva darshan gyan coexistence ontological knowledge
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manviyata poorna
मानवीयता पूण आचरण ान acharan gyan knowledge of humane conduct evidential knowledge
ववेक Vivek wisdom conscience, wisdom, discretion, good sense
स ववेक sadvivek
जीवन का अमर व jeevan ka amaratv Immortality of Jeevan Law of jeevan's immortality
शर र का न वर व shareer ka nashvaratv Mortality of Body Law of body's mortality
Moral Rules, Laws of Behaviour, Laws of
Morality, Behavioral Standards, Standards of
यवहार के नयम vyavhar ke niyam Laws of Behaviour Behaviour
व ान Vigyan Science
काल = या क अव ध, काल के साथ या It is to know that time is but duration of activity.
कालवाद ान kaal vaadi gyan और या के साथ काल का संतल
ु न knowledge of time Time has no independent existence from activity.
It is to know that all objects are composed of atoms
which are as activities, energized in the universal
power, and forceful therefore. It is to know that all
यावाद ान मूलतः इकाई म ऊजा स प नता activities of matter are energized and therefore
यावाद ान kriya vaadi gyan या बल स प नता का सा ा कार करना है forceful.
It is the knowledge of making decisions
समझदार को मा णत करने के लए तक with logical reasoning that is based on It is the knowledge of making decisions with
नणय वाद ान nirnaya vaadi gyan स मत व ध से नणय लेने का ान knowledge of decision making wisdom. logical reasoning that is based on wisdom.
ार ध prarabdh prarabdh
intrinsic values, established values, innate
था पत मू य sthapit mulya established values values, foundation values
स ब ध नवाह क नरं तरता, मू य के नवाह continuity of fulfilling one's relations,
व वास vishvas क नरं तरता trust, confidence continuity of values based conduct confidence in self. trust in mutuality.
working together, sharing together, supporting one courtesy, courteousness,
सौज यता saujanyata सहका रता, सहभा गता, सहयो गता courteousness another gentleness, propriety
सहका रता sahakarita collaboration
सहयो गता sahyogita cooperation
सहभा गता sahbhagita coparticipation
यि त व, तभा क े ठता क वीकृ त continuity of acceptance of excellence
स मान samman नरं तरता respect in other's personality and talent respect
सौहादता sauhardta अरह यता, प टता से मू या कन Cordiality clear evaluation, devoid of mystery cordiality, heartiness, warmth, heart felt
वयं के त पक वीकृ त के साथ शर र का nurturing and protecting other while
ममता mamta पोषण-संर ण care assuming other to be one's own image care, motherliness, nurturing motherly care
happily devoting all resources
उदारता udaarta स नता पूवक तन-मन-धन का समपण generosity (body, mind and wealth) magnanimity
continuity of nurturing and
protecting towards Omni-facet
वा स य vatsalya अ युदय के अथ म पोषण-संर ण क नरं तरता guidance resolution guidance parental guidance
from paribhasha samhita: प टता एवं
ामा णकता, आड बर तथा रह यता से मु त
य हार, र त, वचार व अनुभव क एकसू ता,
वभाव ग त - जा त व समाधान संप न
वभाव ग त. from adhyayan bindu: वयं
म व वास, े ठता का स मान, तभा और
Clarity and Authenticity. Absence of
यि त व म संतल
ु न, य हार म सामािजक, pretense or mystery. Integrity in naturalness, spontaneity, straightforwardness,
सहजता sahajta यवसाय म वावल बी माण नरं तरता spontaneity behaviour, thoughts and anubav forthrightness
continuity of acknowledgment of help
कृ त ता kritagyata ा त सहायता क वीकृ त नरं तरता gratitude received gratitude
सौ यता saumyata वे छा से वयं का नयं ण humility self control humbleness
धा shraddha ेय क ओर ग तशीलता reverence moving towards higher good
े ठता क ओर त परता, गुणा मक प रवतन के readiness for higher good, readiness
पू यता pujyata लए त परता devoutness for qualitative change veneration, devotion
combined expression of kindness,
ेम prem दया, कृ पा, क णा क संयु त अ भ यि त love grace and compassion
अन यता ananyata अपने-पराये से मुि त non-dualness liberation from prejudices oneness, unity, equality, unanimity
वक सत क पहचान और उसके अनु प होने म Recognition of Awakened and
गौरव gaurav उ साह और नरं तरता glory continuity of enthusiasm to be likewise glory, pride, prestige, dignity pride
body language that is devoid of
सरलता saralta ं थ व तनाव र हत अंगहार simplicity complexes or tensions ease, easiness, simplicity, effortlessness
Continuity of spontaneous proximity
वसंतिु ट, व स नता पूवक वयं फूत and meeting with own satisfaction and
नेह sneha मलन साि न य क नरं तरता affection happiness
Continuity of mutually
मानव ल य के अथ म पर पर पूरक completementary activities for the sake
न ठा nishtha याकलाप क नरं तरता dedication of human goals. dedication, devotion
dignity, decency, morality, propriety, nobility,
श टता shishtata civility conventionality
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श टता पूण ि ट shishtata poorn drishti civic sense

civility values, mannerly values, behavioural
values, dignity values, moral values, manifest
values, propriety values, expressed values,
श ट मू य shisht mulya civic values conventional values, social values
उपयो गता मू य upyogita mulya usefulness value
कला मू य kala mulya aesthetic value aesthetic value, art value, innovation value SC: innovation value

व तु मू य vastu mulya object value entity value,

जीवन याएँ jeevan kriyayein jeevan activities

मन mun mun mind, the anticipating mind
वृ vritti vritti disposition, the decisive mind
च chitta chitta the reflective mind
बु ध buddhi buddhi intellect
आ मा atma atma soul

वागत svagat े ठता सहज वीकृ त acceptance of excellence

आ वादन asvadan taste, taste, relish,

च मूलक आ वादन ruchi moolak asvadan taste based on interest interest based taste/experience

मू य मूलक आ वादन mulya moolak asvadan values based taste/experience

ल य मूलक आ वादन lakshya moolak asvadan purpose/goal based taste/experience

चयन chayan selection selection, choosing, selecting,

hope. Jeene kee asha - hope to live/hope of

आशा asha hope life.
तुलन tulan deliberation comparison, weighing, deliberation

analysis, tulan is for decision making,

व लेषण vishleshan analysis reasoning
वचार vichar thought thought
इ छा ichchha desire desire, intent, will, wish
सू म इ छा sukshm ichchha subtle desire subtle desire
कारण इ छा karan ichchha
ती इ छा teevra ichchha strong desire strong desire
चंतन chintan contemplation contemplation
direct perception, grasping, cognate,
सा ा कार sakshatkar direct-perception revelation, clear-view, cognition revelation

च ण chitran visualization imaging, envision, envisage, ideate, visualize visualization bhas glimpse
ascertainment, certitude, perception, semblen
ती त prateeti intuition apprehend abhas ce
बोध bodh enlightenment awareness prateeti on

realization directed comprehension, realization

seeking comprehension, realization oriented conceptual understanding
अनुभवगामी बोध anubhavgami bodh comprehension, comprehension towards realization towards realization
realization based comprehension, comprehension comprehension based on
अनुभवमूलक बोध anubhavmulak bodh based on realization realization

संक प sankalp determination conviction, determination, resoluteness conviction

truth force, truth bearing, truthfulness,
ऋत भरा ritambhara resoluteness resoluteness
अनुभव anubhav realisation realization
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माण praman evidence evidence, standard
अनुभव माण anubhav praman realization evidence
य हार माण vyavhar praman behavioural evidence
योग माण prayog praman experimental evidence
यि त माण vyakti praman human evidence
शा माण shastra praman scripture evidence
य माण pratyaksha praman perceptible evidence obvious evidence
आ तवा य माण aapta-vakya praman
आगम माण aagam praman
नगम nigam
ामा णकता pramanikta authenticity authenticity
संचेतना sanchetna awakened consciousness
संचेतनशीलता sanchetansheelta conscienceness

अनुभवगामी प द त anubhavgami paddati realization oriented path

अनुभव मूलक व ध anubhav moolak vidhi realization based way

अपराध apradh crime
ृ ा रकता shringarikta sensuality
तकार pratikar retaliation
हंसा hinsa violence
त हंसा pratihinsa counter-violence
परधन pardhan wrongfully owned wealth misappropriation, purloin
wrongful man-woman infidelity, adultery, marital unfaithfulness,
परनार /परपु ष par-nari/par-purush relationship debauchery
work and behaviour inflicting willfully and knowingly inflicting pain work and behaviour that hurts others, cruelty in
पर पीड़ा par-peeda pain to others or distress to others work and behaviour
rightful earning, righteous wealth, own
वधन svadhan rightfully owned wealth wealth
return of human labour on natural
तफल pratifal remuneration abundance reward
पा रतोष paritosh gift
पुर कार puraskar award prize, award
rightful man-woman righteous conjugality, marital faithfulness,
वनार / वपु ष svanari/svapurush relationship own-spouse
daya poorna karya kindness in work and
दया पूण काय यवहार vyavhar behaviour work and behaviour full of kindness
जागृत मान सकता स हत तन व धन क
उपयो गता, सदुपयो गता, योजनशीलता एवं
अथ यव था /अथ तं arth vyavastha व नमय सुलभता माण economic system
means, resources, assets, means of living (the word
'arth' is also used in the sense of meaning and
अथ arth resources purpose)
तन tan body body
मन mun mind mind
धन dhan wealth wealth
आय aaya earning
यय vyaya spending

सद यय sadvyaya righteous spending

devoting resources for benefit of all
अथ का सदुपयोग arth ka sadupyog righteous use of resources people good use of resources, right utilization of resources

security of resources, conservation of resources,

अथ क सुर ा arth kee suraksha security of resources protection of assets, asset protection,
तुलन क ि टयां tulan ki drishtiyan senses of evaluation perspectives of weighing, senses of evaluation
य-अ य priya-apriya pleasant-unpleasant pleasure perspective
हत-अ हत hit-ahit healthy-unhealthy health perspective
लाभ-अलाभ labh-alabh profitable-unprofitable profit perspective
याय-अ याय nyaya-anyaya justice-injustice justice perspective
धम-अधम dharma-adharma dharma-adharma dharma perspective
स य-अस य satya-asatya truth-untruth truth perspective
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the word vishaya when used for ahar-nidra-
bhay-maithun is translated to instincts.
and when it is used in the sense of where
the mind remains engaged, it is translated
वषय vishaya instincts, propensity to propensity.
आहार ahar eating
न ा nidra sleeping
भय bhaya defending
मैथुन maithun mating
संवेदना samvedna sensation, senses, sensitivity
श द shabd sound
पश sparsh touch
प roop sight
रस ras taste
गंध gandh smell scent
यि त व vyaktitva personality individuality, individualness, personality
जीवन शैल jeevan shaili lifestyle
आहार ahar food
वहार vihar lifestyle lifestyle habits, leisure
यवहार vyavhar behaviour
तभा pratibha talent talent, competence, ability, capability, potentiality
efficiency, dexterity, learning of
skill is to do with work with nature other than skills by doing, skillfullness,
नपुणता nipunta skill humans proficiency
effectiveness, relational knowing,
learning of values and morals
through awareness of feelings,
कुशलता kushalta proficiency kushalta is to do with behaviour with humans culturedness
mastery, reflectionary
knowing, understanding:
learning by reflection,
पां ड य panditya mastery panditya is to do with knowledge (evidence) scholarliness, erudition
यि त vyakti Person Individual
प रवार parivar Family
समाज samaj Society
रा rashtra Nation
अंतरा antarrashtra Inter-nation

अखंड समाज akhand samaj Undivided Society unfragmented society, undivided society
सावभौम यव था sarvbhaum vyavastha Universal Orderliness universal harmony, universal order
मानव ल य manav lakshya human goals human goals
समाधान samadhan resolution within self
समृ ध samriddhi prosperity in family
अभय abhay fearlessness (trust) in society fearlessness, trust
सह-अि त व sah-astitva co-existential harmony as culture, civilization, law and order global harmony, harmony
जीवन मू य jeevan mulya jeevan values
- सम या से मुि समाधानयु वतमान । - याय
के ित िन ा और िन वरोिधता । - समाधान
(उ पादन + िविनमय सुलभता पी समाधान) । -
िववेक स मत िव ान, िव ान स मत िववेक पी -
सुख sukh पूण िवचार शैली - समाधान । happiness happiness
शाि त shanti peace peace
अशाि त ashanti unrest
संतोष santosh contentment contentment
आनंद anand bliss bliss
मानव मू य manav mulya human values
steadfastness, forbearance, self-control.
धीरता dheerta fortitude endurance,
वीरता veerta courage courageousness, courage
उदारता udarta generosity generosity
दया daya kindness kindness, mercifulness
कृ पा krupa grace grace
क णा karuna compassion compassion
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द नता deenta servileness timidity, meekness, servility
ह नता heenta treacherousness inferiority
ू रता kroorta cruelness cruelty
समझदार samajhdari understanding understanding, wisdom
ईमानदार imandari honesty honesty, integrity
िज मेदार jimmedari responsibility responsibility

भागीदार bhagidari participation contribution/participation in overall harmony

अ भ यि त abhivyakti expression to express the meaning, so that other understands. educate, express
to communicate, so that other person understands
स े णा sampreshna communication my intent communicate, convey
काशन prakashan demonstration promulgate, propagate, exhibition propagate
एषणा eshna righteous desire motive
पु ेषणा putteshna जन बल कामना progeny desire procreation motive
व ेषणा vitteshna धन बल कामना wealth desire wealth motive
लोकेषणा lokeshna यश बल कामना reputation desire fame drive
एषणा- य desire-trio the three worldy motives motive-trio
उपकार upkar benevolence benefaction

दस सोपानीय प रवार मूलक वरा य

das sopaneeya parivar ten tier family based self-
यव था mulak svarajya vyavastha governing order

समझदार से समाधान samajhdari se samadhan resolution from wisdom resolution from understanding
म से समृ ध shram se samriddhi prosperity from physical effort prosperity from hard work
मता kshamta potential/capacity potential
यो यता yogyata ability ability, capability, competence
receptivity, worthiness, deserving, readiness,
पा ता patrata receptivity eligibility
वण shravan listening
मनन manan reflection rumination, consideration, meditation
न द यासन nididhyasan revelation illumination
अ य सा यक व ध adhyavasayik vidhi teachable method
अ ययन adhyayan study study
अनुभव क रोशनी anubhav kee roshni light of realization
अवधारणा बोध conceptual understanding acceptance of conceptualization, conception
अ ध ठान adhishthan
SC: corroborated by
सा ी sakshi witness realisation (अनुभव के सा ी म) AA, pg 193
मरण smaran recollection
अ यास abhyas practice
य हारा यास vyavharabhyas practice of behaviour
कमा यास karmabhyas practice of work
चंताना यास chintanabhyas practice of contemplation
शा ा यास shastrabhyas practice of literature

For example - "astitva

sah-astitva svaroop For example - "astitva sah-astitva svaroop
hai". Coexistence is mein hai". Coexistence is the true form of
the nature of being of existence. or - existence is in the form of original form, true form, own
व प existence. true form coexistence. form, nature of being, form

vyapak roop mein nitya vartman "satta" ek akhand

vastu hai, kyonki iskee vastvikta, pardarsheeyata,
अखंड akhand unfragmented* paargamiyata, vyapakta drishtavya hai
सं मण sankraman transcendence transition, irreversible transition
अ या मवाद adhyatmvad spiritualism
अ धदै वीवाद adhidaivivad pantheism, panentheism
अ धभौ तकवाद adhibhautikvad metaphysics
रह यमयता म से सुखी होने, क याण होने का
आदशवाद adarshvad आ वासन/प रक पना idealism
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भौ तकवाद bhautikvad materialism
वंदा मक भौ तकवाद bhautikvaad Dialectical Materialism dialectical materialism

संघषा मक जनवाद sangharshatmak janvad Dialectical Discourse dialectical discourse

रह या मक अ या मवाद adhyatmvaad Mystical Spiritualism

सा य samya सव मानव के साथ समान प म मा णत Equanimous universal. are samya and sarvbhaum synonyms?
न य nitya eternal eternal
शा वत shashvat timeless permanent
या prakriya process process
प दत paddati path path, procedure,curriculum
णाल pranaali system, methodology pedagogy
स धांत siddhant tenet principle, established truth, tenet
स ध siddh evidence of a principle
वभाव स ध svabhav siddh natural evidence
सा ी sakshi witness, evidence
प रवतन parivartan transformation transformation
प रवतनशीलता parivartansheelta transformability
यंजना vyanjana impression expression-reception convey the intended meaning
यंजनीयता vyanjneeyata Impressionability
यंजनी पाद यता vyanjaneetpadiyata
आवतन avartan
परावतन paravartan manifestation externalization
यावतन pratyavartan reflection internalization, assimilation
होना hona being sthiti, existing - concerns with roop and dharm
being, gati - concerns with svabhav and gun,
रहना rahna abiding act
आदान aadaan accepting
दान pradaan offering
अपण arpan presenting
समपण samarpan dedicate
सावभौम sarvabhaum universal universal
एक पता ekroopta uniformity
यथाथ yatharth existent actual
अयथाथ ayatharth non-existent baseless imagination
िजसमे जो अथ वतमान हो. जैसे - मानव का concerned with what is actually intrinsic meaning, meaningfulness,
यथाथता yatharthta ान-अव था म होना उसक यथाथता है actuality occuring objectiveness, actuality
मानव क वा त वकता है - पशुमानव,
रा समानव, मानव, दे व मानव, द य मानव that which expresses its realness in
वा त वकता vastvikta व पम reality specific space-time realness
स ा म स पृ त कृ त - "स यता" का ान.
"यथाथता" का दशन, "वा त वकता" के साथ
स यता satyata काय- यवहार trueness fundamental or basic reality trueness
फू त sfurti self-motivation
फुरण sfuran exuberance thriving, exuberance
वयं फूत svayam sfoort self inspired spontaneous, self inspired
वैभव vaibhav grandeur expanse, greatness, grandeur, magnificence
त य tathya fact fact
com- + claudere (close); to reach a state of
mental determination (aligned with
न कष nishkarsh समाधान सहज ग त Conclusion Movement in, of and for resolution completeness)
मा ा मक प रवतन matratmak parivartan Quantitative change quantitative change
qualitative change, qualitative transformation,
गुणा मक प रवतन gunatmak parivartan Qualitative change internal transormation
जीवंत बनाना jeevant banana to make alive enliven, make alive
क पनाशीलता kalpanasheelta imagination imagination
कम वतं ता karm svatantrta freewill free will
अ य बल akshaya bal inexhaustible strength inexhaustible power
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अ य शि त akshaya shakti inexhaustible power inexhaustible force
अ यता akshayata inexhaustibility inexhaustibility
तक संगत व ध से समाधान माण होना। -
समाधानवाद वचार शैल पूण जीने क कला
उसक पर परा। वतं ता वरा य पर परा। -
मानवीयता पूण सं कृ त - स यता का आचरण,
सतकता satartka वहन, संर ण, संवधन मता alertness integrity, vigilance
ामा णकता पूण प ध त से श ा, सं कार
रा य यव था, सं वधान व आचरण पर परा। -
आचरण पूणता (जीवन - जागृ त)। - जागृ त
सजगता sajagta सहज माण वतमान पर परा। wakefulness awareness
समाज Samaj Society

अखंड समाज Akhand samaj Undivided Society undivided society, un-fragmented society
सावभौम यव था Sarvbhaum vyavastha Universal Orderliness Universal Order
स ब ध Sambandh Relationship relationship, relation
संपक sampark Association association, contact
सामािजक samajik social
सामािजकता samajikta sociality social living, sociality
सामािजक यव था samajik vyavastha societal order
आव यकता avashyakta requirement need
साधन sadhan resources means, resources
योग prayog experiment
शर र पोषण shareer poshan nourishment of body bodily nourishment
शर र संर ण shareer sanrakshan protection of body bodily protection
शर रवाद shareervadi AA 152
contribution of a family towards
समाज ग त samaj gati social progress society and order social progress, societal progress
धनोपाजन dhanoparjan earning dhanoparjan is same as arthoparjan
अथ पाजन arthoparjan earning
social harmony, Practicability, Practicability in
यवहा रकता vyavharikta practicability Behaviour
SC: used 'proximate' at VJ 86;
can use 'contemporary' in
readily available, ever-
समीचीन sameecheen समीप म होना (समकाल न होना) available always close, closer than close समकाल न sense.
conservation, protection, sanrakshit -
संर ण sanrakshan protection conserved
यवसाय vyavsaya occupation occupation, livelihood
बु धता prabuddhta enlightenment elightenment
authority, absolute authority, legitimate authority,
सं भुता samprabhuta Sovereignty natural authority, genuine authority
भुता prabhuta सावभौ मकता absoluteness
भुस ा prabhusatta Supreme sovreignity
अ ु णता akshunanta unbreakability integrality, intactness,
अखंडता akhandta undividedness integrity, undividedness
मनः व थता manah svasthata mental wellbeing mental health
ि ट drishti Perspective perspective, outlook
Philosophy, Holistic view,
दशन darshan Worldview holistic view, worldview
टा drishta Perceiver seer, witness
अि त व मूलक मानव केि त ि ट, सह
ि टकोण drishtikon अि त ववाद ि ट, सव शुभवाद ि ट Outlook
सदबु ध sadbuddhi good sense
कां ा kanksha कारण स हत आशा justified hope
means of subsistence, common needs, basic
सामा याकां ा samanya akanksha common aspirations needs,basic necessisities, material needs
आहार aahaar food food
आव यकतानुसार शर र संर ण के अथ म र चत
आवास aavaas रचना shelter shelter, housing
for most part, alankar refers to clothing. in
some places, like samadhanatmak bhautikvad
chapter-2, it is being used in the sense of
अलंकार alankaar clothing, embellishment embellishments.
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aspirational needs, means of connectivity and
मह वाकां ा mahattvakanksha special aspirations mobility, means of convenience
दूर दशन door darshan telecommunication television
दूर गमन door gaman transportation transportation
दूर वण door shravan telecommunication telephone, telephony
दूर संचार door sanchaar telecommunication
Activities aligned with resolution,
समाधान, समृ ध, अभय और सहअि त व म prosperity, fearlessness and
जनाकां ा janakanksha सहमत या coexistence VJ 81
यास prayas endeavour endeavour
अ भमान abhiman conceit conceit, arrogance, vanity, pride,
नरा भमानता nirabhimanta humility
सरलता saralta simplicity simplicity
सृजन srijan creation making, building,
वसजन visarjan dissolution discard
हण grahan embrace food
न ह nigraha नयं ण restrain regulation AA 3
अनु ह anugraha favour
Inseparable manifestation of effort,
म ग त प रणाम का अ वभा य गटन।
चे टा cheshta impulsion motion and result thrust, spiritedness, volition
- स ा म स पृ तता, ऊजा
संप नता, ान संप नता।
- Saturation in Omnipotence, energy
fullness, knowledge fullness.
- वातावरण के दबाव से मु त
- Activity of atom beyond pressure of
परमाणु क या। fundamental tendency, basic effort, basic
मूल चे टा mool cheshta inherent impulsion activity
मूल चाहना mool chahana inherent intent original intent
natural tendency, true nature, original
मूल वृ mool pravritti inherent tendency tendency
योग yog yog union, combination, joining

ऐ य ekya unification identical union: meeting of units of same kind

cohabitation union: union upon which separation
सहवास sahvas cohabitation is possible togetherness
यौ गक व ध yaugik vidhi the yaugik way
यौ गक yaugik kriya the yaugik activity
ेरणा prerna inspiration inspiration
ां त kranti invigoration
त ां त pratikranti retrogression compulsion
पधा spardha striving
त पधा pratispardha competition
उ नत unnati advancement progress
उ थान utthaan rise
पतन patan fall
संवेग samveg drive impetus
आवेग aaveg
उभय सुकृ तयाँ ubhay sukrutiyan mutual ascension co-creation
उभय वकृ तयाँ ubhay vikrutiyan mutual descension co-distortion
Mutual relationships and interactions can be used
in the context of humans, and togetherness mostly
पर परता parasparta Togetherness, Mutuality when it is with about any two units of nature
आ मीयता aatmeeyata intimateness
पर पर पहचान paraspar pehchan mutual recognition
आहार, आवास, अलंकार, व दूर वण, दूरगमन,
उपयो गता upyogita दूरदशन संबंधी काय यो य usefulness utility
एक दूसरे के लए उपयोगी, जागृ त के लए ेरक
पूरकता poorakta माण संप न होना complementariness complementariness, helpfulness
काश prakash light light
lighted, luminous, radiant, shining, illuminated,
काशमान prakashman radiant luminiscent

काशमानता prakashmanta radiance lightedness, radiance, shine, luminescence

ब ब bimb object
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तब ब pratibimb image reflection, image
त ब बन pratibimban image formation the state of being reflected
अनु ब बन anubimban secondary reflection
यानु ब बन pratyanubimban tertiary reflection
आकषण akarshan attraction
वकषण vikarshan repulsion
गु वाकषण gurutvakarshan gravitation not a keyword in madhyasth darshan
शू य shunya void
there is no attraction (push or pull)
or expression of weight between unit zero attraction, no attraction, attractionless,
शू याकषण shunyakarshan zero-attraction and the Space. zero gravity, free suspension
धनाकषण dhanakarshan positive-attraction to attract other
ऋणाकषण rinakarshan negative-attraction to get attracted
pratyakarshan retraction
रस rasa fluid
उपरस uprasa sub-fluid
कोष kosha kosha repository, reserve, sheath
ाणमय कोष pranmaya kosha pranmaya kosha
अ नमय कोष annamaya kosha annamaya kosha
मनोमय कोष manomaya kosha manomaya kosha
आनंदमय कोष anandmaya kosha anandmaya kosha
व ानमय कोष vigyanmaya kosha vigyanmaya kosha
Here it is being seen in ‘ishwar mein
aishwarya’.the basis/root cause of all splendor
in existence. Ishwar therefore is not the same
ई वर Ishwar Ishwar as God in the Abrahmical religions.

ऐ वय aishwarya Supremacy

महाकारण mahakaran supreme cause

उ प utpatti origin

bhav - "maulikta, mulya". “Astitva svyam

sampoorn bhav hone ke kaaran pratyek ikai mein
bhav sampannta dekhne ko miltee hai. Ch-4, SB”.
Suggestion: sense, feeling, beingness, sentiment
भाव Bhav value
भाव स प नता Bhav sampannta fullness with sentiment
स पूण भाव Sampoorn bhav
परम भाव Param bhav suggestions: fundamental
तभाव pratibhav responsiveness

suggestions: natural characteristic, characteristic,

true nature, basic nature, fundamental nature,
वयं क मौ लकता, नय त म त ठा अनु प one's essence, essence according to its harmonious nature, intrinsic nature, innate nature, true nature, state of nature,
वभाव svabhav मौ लकता, intrinsic-nature position in the course of destiny character, essence, significance, worthiness. natural characteristic
स प नता sampannta fullness richness, affluence, endowment
suggestions: energized. (note: we have used
energized for oorjit), imbued/enriched (full of) with
ऊजा स प नता Oorja sampannta energy-fullness energy
Chumbkeeya bal Full of magnetic power, magnetically powerful, materialize, manifestation,
चुंबक य बल स प नता sampannta magnetic force-fullness magnetic powerfulness emerge
Having the qualification,
अ धकार संप न adhikar sampann Qualified, Having the authority right-full
कटन prakatan emergence emergence, occurrence, revelation, unravelling
साथ साथ होना sath sath hona concurrence occurring together, simultaneously occuring
the shape that jeevan takes by moving in a definite
पु जाकार punjakar jeevan cloud path.
काय ग त पथ karya gati path path of motion path of action
काय ग त karya kshetra operational area
Hindi definition: samanvit kriya samooh. English
definition: related set of activities. Suggestions:
याकलाप Kriyakalap Program, Activities function, program, working.
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matter being infused in the
perfect is striving for
ग भत garbhit infused Seeded, having the seed of, pregnant perfection.
Svatantrata ke liye ikai isliye pravritt hotee gayee
ki vatavaran aur naisargikta ke yogfal se pravartan repeated tendency,
hona ek anivarya sthiti rahee. disposition, propensity, to
वतन Pravartan Impel, Impelled, Impellation Propensity to evolve profess
S 193, Ch-9
अनुभव सहज न कष को सू या या प म
To present conclusions of heading=काय म
realisation in the form of maxims
स यापन satyapan तुत करना authentication, testimony and description SC: Truthful declaration स यापन घोषणा
अि तम न कष को कट करना, स यापन To present final conclusions, to SC: declare, declaration (de- + clear, to make
घोषणा करना declare truthfully clear, or clarify)
वतनशील pravartansheel
order of occurrence, order of
कटन म prakatan kram emergence
आधार adhar foundation, basis basis
मूलक moolak based based on, originated from
च रताथ charitarth
साथक sarthak meaningful
साथकता sarthakta meaningfulness
भा वत Prabhavit
स ाण sapran respirational lifeful
न ाण nishpran non-respirational lifeless
ाण-पोषक pran-poshak life-nourishing invigorating to life
ाण-शोषक pran-shoshak life-debilitating debilitating to life
आरोह aaroh ascending
अवरोह avroh descending
उ भव Udbhav creation
वभव Vibhav sustainment
लय Pralaya dissolution
लघु मू य को गु मू य मानना, यह लोभन। -
आसि त aasakti चार वषय म नम नता। attachment
म व अमानवीय वषय से मुि त; मानवीय,
अनासि त anasakti दे व व द य मानवीय वषय म वृ त माण detachment
आस त aasakt addict, attached
न ात nirbhrant delusionless
न मता nirbhramta end of delusion absence of delusion
न म nirbhram free from delusion
ांत bhraant Delusional
ा ता ा त bhraant-abhraant discerning
म bhram delusion
अ त याि त दोष ativyapti dosh Excessiveness Flaw
अनावयाि त दोष anavyapti dosh Deficiency Flaw
अ याि त दोष avyapti dosh Omission Flaw
अ धमू यन adhimulyan over-valuation
अवमू यन avmulyan under-valuation
नमू यन nirmulyan mis-valuation
जांचना jaanchna verification scrutiny
नर ण nireekshan inspection observation
व- नर ण sva-nireekshan self inspection introspection
पर ण pareekshan examination scrutiny
सव ण sarvekshan survey
छल chhal deceit
कपट kapat fraud fraud
द भ dambh perfidy
पाख ड pakhand hypocrisy perfidy
संघष sangharsh conflict/struggle
ोह droha यायपूण आचरण म य त म उ प न करना offence To obstruct in humane conduct
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Resistance to offence, suppression of
व ोह vidroha ोह का वरोध, ोह का दमन revolt offence revolt, rebellion
शोषण shoshan exploitation, depletion
यु ध yuddh war
साम saam coercion
दाम daam bribe
दं ड dand punishment
भेद bhed
दमन daman suppression
वंचना vanchana मवश व वासघात पूवक शोषण का व प manipulation betrayal S 233, AA 3
वंचना pravanchana
स यता sabhyata civilization, civility
सं कृ त sanskruti culture
वध vidhi legislation. way the way, method,law
वधान vidhan rule
यव था vyavastha orderliness/system order
सं वधान samvidhan constitution
उ माद unmaad obsession mania, obsession, craze, madness
उ माद- य unmaad-traya obsession-trio obsession-trio
लाभो माद labhonad obsession for profit madness for profit, profiteering madness
लाभो माद अथशा labhonmadi arthshashtra profit-obsessed economics
कामो माद kamonmad obsession for sexual pursuits madness for sex

कामो माद मनो व ान kamonmadi manovigyan sex-obsessed psychology

madness for enjoyment, madness for consuming,
भोगो माद bhogonmad obsession for consumption madness for pleasure seeking
भोग माद समाजशा samajshastra consumption-obsessed sociology
भोग inflicting pain to others consumption consumption
बहु भोग bahubhog multi-consumption seeking variety in consumption
अ तभोग atibhog over-consumption excessive consumption
उपभोग upbhog restrained consumption
भोगवाद bhogvad hedonism consumptionism
उपभो तावाद upbhoktavad consumerism
भय bhaya fear
ाण भय pran bhaya fear of life
पद भय pad bhaya fear of social status
मान भय maan bhaya fear of prestige
धन भय dhan bhaya fear of wealth
लोभन pralobhan incentive, temptation temptation, desire
आ था aastha
शंका shanka doubt
समी ा sameeksha review critique, appraisal
Assessment of uselessness. Looking
समी ा sameeksha यथता का आंकलन. पूणता के त ि टपात scrutiny towards completeness VJ 139
न prashn question
वां मय vangmaya literature
दशन darshan Holistic view
वाद vaad Ideology theoretical reasoning, ideology, line of thinking
शा shastra treatise thesis, scripture, discipline
बंध prabandh monograph thesis
Holistic view of Realization in
मानव अनुभव दशन manav anubhav darshan Humans
Holistic view of Human
मानव यवहार दशन manav vyavhar darshan Behaviour
मानव कम दशन manav karm darshan Holistic view of Human Action
Holistic view of Human
मानव अ यास दशन manav abhyas darshan Practice
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समाधाना मक भौ तकवाद bhautikvad resolution centred materialism
behaviour centric
humanism, behaviour
behaviour centred narrative, behavioural based public discourse,
behaviour centred discourse, behaviour centred discourse, harmonious behaviour
यवहारा मक जनवाद vyavharatmak janvad conversations behaviour centred colloquialism based public discourse.
अनुभवा मक अ या मवाद adhyatmvad realization centred spiritualism

यवहारवाद समाजशा samajshastra behavioral sociology behavioural sociology Humanistic Sociology
Sustainable/Regenerative/Enriching/Multiplicat cyclical economics, Cyclically
आवतनशील अथशा avartansheel arthshastra Circular Economics ive/Cyclical/Rotational sustainable economics

manav sanchetna vadi Awakened Consciousness

मानव संचेतनवाद मनो व ान manovigyan based Human Psychology Psychology based on Human Conscience
jeevan vidya - ek
जीवन व या - एक प रचय parichaya Jeevan Vidya - An Introduction
dia- = through, across, end-to-end (Example:
diameter = dia- + meter, diagnose= dia- +
know); logue = discourse, talk; Dialog = dia- +
Maxims and description for logue (a discussion covering all aspects, a
संवाद samvaad पूणता के अथ म सू या या। Dialogue completeness thorough discussion)
दुःख dukh sorrow misery, sorrow
लेश klesh affliction distress, strife
पीड़ा peeda pain
sankat trouble
सम या samasya problem
परे शानी pareshani worry
मुि त mukti liberation
मो moksha moksha
प रपूण paripoorn replete
स पूण Sampoorn whole
स पूणता Sampoornta wholeness
सम Samagra overall
सम ता Samagrata entirety totality, eternal totality
संसार Sansaar
जगत Jagat
जीव Jeeva
म या Mithya
non-accumulation, affection,
बौ धक नयम bauddhik niyam असं ह, नेह, व या, सरलता, अभय intellectual laws learnig, simplicity, fearlessness psychological laws
सामािजक नयम samajik niyam social laws
ाकृ तक नयम prakrutik niyam natural laws
उ सव को धानत:
अख ड समाज के अथ
म और सावभौम
यव था के अथ म
समारोह स प न होना
उ थान के लए हष लास पूवक वतनशीलता एक आव यकता है
उ सव utsav का माण celebration festival (at some places) (VS, pg 273)
पूणता के अथ म, यव था के अथ म, जागृ त के
समारोह अथ म सि म लत काशन ceremony
स य सहज प म मा णत करने क ेरणा,
कम श द से अथ बोध कराने यो य वा य;
नयम और या का सं त भाषाकरण,
सू sutra यथाथता का ोत sutra aphorism, formula, clue
formula and expansion, formula and elaboration,
सू या या sutra vyakhya essence and elaboration formula and explanation
प ट करण spashtikaran clarification
Conducive to movement towards in some contexts 'suvidha' has been used for comforts, facilities, amenities,
सु वधा suvidha जागृ त सहज माण ग त म सुलभता comfort evidence of awakening indicating 'luxury'. utility
hoarding, accumulation, acquisition,
सं ह sangraha accumulation possession
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असं ह asangraha समृ ध सहज माण यह असं ह वैभव non-accumulation
भि त bhakti devotion
त मयता tanmayata immersion
वरि त virakti detachment detachment, dispassion
रह यमय ई वरवाद के अनुसार म स य
जगत म या उपदे श, जगत से वमुख होना
वर तवाद जगत के त वरक त, जगत वरोधी मा यता

वर त virakti जागृ तपूण वचार पूवक वृ वगत

व स हत यव था tva sahit vyavastha orderliness with essence orderliness with uniqueness

samagra vyavastha mein participation in the universal
सम यव था म भागीदार bhagidari orderliness
योग yog मलन yog to meet union
मलन milan to meet
ा त prapt inherent immanent
ा य prapya attainable obtainable, attainable,
एक व ekatva unification same as ekya yog
नकट व nikatatva contiguity
conjunction, concurrence, natural-coincidence,
संयोग sanyog sanyog destined yoga, imminent
योग-संयोग व ध yog-sanyog vidhi the way of yog-sanyog the method of natural-coincidence
रा rashtra Nation
रा यचर rashtriya charitra National Character
रा यता rashtriyata nationhood
बोधन prabodhan enlightening
इि य indriya senses
ानइि य gyan indriya sense organs
कम इि य karm indriya work organs
इि य सि नकष indriya sannikarsh sensory contact
the signals of which are received through
इि यगोचर indriyagochar sensorily perceptible sensory organs, perceptible to senses.
इि य यापार indriya vyapar sensory function
the signals of which are directly perceived,
ान गोचर gyangochar cognitively perceptible understood and realized. perceptible by mind.
inference, supposition, estimate, estimation,
perception, approximation, idea, presumption,
अनुमान anuman speculation hypothesis
पूवा यास poorvabhyas old habit, prior practice, earlier practice
श ा-सं कार shiksha-sanskar
याय-सुर ा nyaya-suraksha Justice and Security
उ पादन-काय utpadan-karya Production and Work
व नमय-कोष vinimaya-kosh Exchange and Reserve
वा य-संयम svasthya-sanyam Health and Discipline
वाथ svarth selfish egoism, self-interest, selfish
पराथ pararth altruistic altruism, charitable
religious, search for purpose, search for meaning,
परमाथ parmarth parmarth truth-seeking, conscience
सव-शुभ sarvshubh universal wellbeing universal wellbeing
व शुभ sva shubh own good own wellbeing
अ या म adhyatm Spirit AA, page 150
परमा मा paramatma supreme self
आंदोलन andolan disturbance
ल ण lakshan characteristics traits
प रल त parilakshit
enlightenment, state of enlightenment,
defn: all-round resolution.
At places we need a single word for abhyudaya.
अ युदय abhyudaya comprehensive resolution all-round resolution Would enlightenment be ok?
वरोध virodh वैचा रक मतभेद resistance dissent
absence of conflict, freedom
न वरोध, न वरोधता nirvirodh, nirvirodhta from conflicts noncontention, conflict-free
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न वषमता nirvishamta contradiction-free
अ ध ठान adhishthan foundation
अ तयामी antaryami inherent self, omniscient
राग raag affinity
वेष dvesh malice aversion
व वेष vidvesh hostility
दम dum rectitude
मा kshama forgiveness
ई ट isht Ideal ideal
resonance as state and quality of being resonant, or
तदाकार tadakar resonance echoing (what is there)
state of being in correspondence, or in
त प
ू tadroop consonance harmony
तादा य tadatmaya oneness
तदावलोकन tadavlokan observance
त साि न य tatsannidhya connectedness
साहस saahas intrepidity
सहनशीलता sahansheelta endurance
कता karta doer doer
भो ता bhokta enjoyer enjoyer, beneficiary
दशक darshak perceiver the subject who sees
य drishya world object to be seen, scene
काय karya work
च ruchi interest liking
natural sequence,course of evolution,
अनु म anukram co-existential progression evolution, evolution-course, course of destiny

अनुराग anurag self-devotion

evolving structure atom, structurally evolving
atom, constitutionally evolving atom, evolving
atom, developing atom, formative-constitution
गठनशील परमाणु gathansheel parmanu evolving-constitution atom atom
ास hraas गु मू य से लघु मू य क ओर प रणाम decline descent, opposite of rise deterioration
आगे क ओर ग त; समाधान समृ ध अभय
सह-अि त व सहज माण पर परा; आगे और
े ठता के लए ग त; चेतना वकास क ओर
गत pragati गत progress
अ े षण agreshan ascending promotion, advancement, ascent
ोभ kshobh perturbance resistance, frustration, anguish, perturbance
कत य kartavya duty
note: jimmedari is urdu for
दा य व dayitva obligation obligation, responsibility dayitva
दायी daayee responsible liable, responsible
सतकता satarkta watchfulness vigilance, integrity, alertness, mindfulness
सजगता sajagta wakefulness mindfulness
rest, peace of mind, calmness, restfulness,
व ाम vishram inner-peace tranquility
सं ेषणा के प म कया गया मान सक, का यक
अनुकरण anukaran व वा चक याओं का दोहराना emulation follow, imitate
अनुसरण anusaran follow conform; SC : compliance
अनुशासन anushasan discipline
वानुशासन svanushasan self-discipline
अनुशीलन anusheelan cerebration
अनुगमन anugaman
desire for knowledge, thirst for knowledge,
िज ासा jigyasa thirst for knowledge, inquiry curiousness, inquisitiveness
िज ासु jigyasu thirsty for knowledge desirous for knowledge, inquisitive, curious
अभी ट abheesht intent
आ तता aaptata absoluteness
सम व samatva equanimity
याशील Kriyasheel Active Active
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संवेदना samvedna sensation
sensorial living, sensory ability, the capacity of sensing and feeling
sensory experience, sensory and thereby recognizing and
संवेदनशीलता samvedansheelta function responding. sensitiveness, feeling, sensoriality
cognitive ability, conscience,
सं ानीयता sangyaneeyata conscientiousness cognisance
the capacity of knowing and
सं ानशीलता sangyansheelta believing same as sangyaneeyata?
अहं कार ahankaar ego ego-sense
jeevan that controls a human body
according to its wants, thoughts
ाना मा gyanatma knowledge-self and desires
अहं कार जब तक है , तब तक म, हठ और आसि त
नाम से नकारा मक ि थ तयां ( वषम) च तक ह ह.
jeevan that controls a body of We need a word to collectively denote म, हठ और
animal, bird or such living being
जीवा मा jeevatma animal-self according to its wants आसि त - which can be "conceit".
प रमाजन parimarjan refinement
प रवतन parivartan transformation
आ मीयता atmiyata
वांछा vaanchha व ध व हत आव यकता justified need
इि य-सि नकष indriya-sannikarsh sensory contact
उदय uday arising arising, dawn
स द prasiddh universally accepted well known, established fact
वचा लत svachalit self-driven
वघटन व ध vighatan vidhi the way of disintegration
मान सकता maansikta mentality SC - At some places, 'mindset' fits better
रह य rahasya mystery
rahasya moolak ishvar mystery based god focused
रह य मूलक ई वर क त चंतन kendrit chintan contemplation
astitva moolak manav existence based human being
अि त व मूलक मानव क त चंतन kendrit chintan focused contemplation
अ न चयता -अि थरता मूलक व तु asthirta-anishchayata
moolak vastu kendrit instability and uncertainty based
क त चंतन chintan material focused contemplation
अि थरता asthirta instability
अ न चयता anishchayata समाधान सु नि चत न होना uncertainty
न चयता nishchayata certainty certitude, definiteness
न चय nishchaya certitude
न चयन nishchayan ascertainment
कारण kaaran cause
गुण gun attributes qualities
ग णत ganit enumeration
य pratyaksh obvious perceptible
संकेत sanket signal
आदे श aadesh command
नदश nirdesh instruction
समथन samarthan concurrence
नणय nirnaya decision conclusion
या prakriya process
णाल pranaali procedure
वध vidhi method
प दत paddati path methodology
तं tantra system
thought form, mental construct, mental
मनाकार manakaar mental frame, idea structure, imagined form idea, imagination
आ लावन aaplavan inundation
उ लास ullas elation
हास haas merriment
आ लाद ahlad delight rejoicing
मेधस medhas brain
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तरं ग tarang wave
दबाव dabaav pressure
वाह pravaah flow
in sequence of other, externally influenced,
externally driven, in conformance of external,
परानु म paranukram lower-conformance external-rule
in sequence of own self, internally influenced,
पूवानु म poorvanukram higher-conformance in conformance with inner, inner-order
अंतर नयामन antarniyaman self-evaluation inversion
आदान aadaan take
दान pradaan give
वक प vikalp alternative
वै व यता vaividhyata diversity, variation
े ठता shreshthta excellence excellence
वागत svaagat
प रपाक paripak maturation, mature MVD 102
- व तु प रणाम-परमाणु म
अंश के घटने-बढ़ने के प म थापन-
व थापन।
- Objective Result: insertion-expulsion
- ऋतु प रणाम- in the form of increase or decrese of
ख नज और वन प तय का योगफल, particles in atoms.
जंगल और ख नज पदाथ के संयु त - Climatic Result: combination of
minerals and vegetations (forests).
एक पता का प रणाम।
- Result through quantiative change of
- मा ा मक थापन- insertion-expulsion. Result through
व थापन। मा ा मक व गुणा मक quantitative and qualitative change.
प रवतन। - Result through insertion-expulsion
activity of particles in atoms.
- परमाणुओं म अंश
- Result through physicochemical
का थापन- व थापन या। composition and decomposition activity
- अणुओं म भौ तक- in molecules.
रासाय नक रचना व वरचना मक या। - Result as a consequence of effort and
- म और ग त के
फलन म प रणाम।
प रणाम parinam Result
फल fal consequence fruit
पूण फल poorna fal complete consequence
अपूण फल apoorna fal partial consequence
असि द धता asandigdhta
न वषमता nirvishamta
वग यता svargeeyata heavenliness
narkeeyata hellishness
दास व daasatv slavery
अप यय apvyaya wastage
मानुभू त Brahmaubhuti realization in Brahma
अंत नयोजन antarniyojan
अ युदय abhyudaya enlightenment Omni-facet resolution all round resolution
नः ेयस nishreyas
ेय shreya awakening SC : excellence
ेय preya gratification SC : indulgence
बु धता prabuddhta
भुस ा prabhusatta
अमर व amaratva immortality
न वर व nashvaratva mortality
उपकार upkaar benevolence benefaction, beneficence
universalization, making it
public, making it known to all,
missionary work (SC:
dissemintion - dis=disperse;
सवशुभ के अथ म ान ववेक व ान सवमानव universalization, making it public, making it sem=seed)
लोक यापीकरण lokvyapikaran म व दत होना, ान होना, माण परं परा होना. propagation known to all, missionary work
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Awareness, knowledge and
tradition (of evidence) of
knowledge, wisdom and science in
लोक यापीकरण lokvyapikaran dissemination everyone for universal well-being dis- (dispersal) + sem (seeds)
सवसुलभ sarvsulabh accessible to all
तक tarka logic
भास ् bhaas perception sense
आभास abhaas cognition
ती त prateeti intuition determination
अनुभू त anubhooti realisation experience
अनुकूलता anukoolta conduciveness
तकूलता pratikoolta inconduciveness
अ भ यंजना abhivyanjana
अनु ा णत anupraanit
वंदना vandana prayer salutation
हष harsh joy
अमष amarsh resentment
अ मता akshamta
त ठा pratishtha establish
ल य lakshya goal
ग य- थल gamya-sthali destination destination
वंद dvand conflict
ववेचना vivechna reasoning, reason deliberation,
काल kaal या क अव ध time
tva sahit vyavastha, samagra vyavastha me
वतं ता svatantrata Independence bhagidari
योग म, यवहार काय म मा णत होने यो य
सू या या। - नय त- म- स ध। - माण
क अ भ यि त, स ेषणा, काशन। -
स दांत siddhant ामा णकता पूण सू

जीवा मा jeevaatma
ाना मा gyaanatma
अहता, अ धकार arhata qualification, authority potential
ाकृ तक prakrutik natural
मानव कृ त manav krut
अथ यव था artha vyavastha Economic System
काय म karyakram Program
it is the set of literature that puts
वां मय vaangmaya philosophical system across a coherent description of reality
अ व या avidya wrong learning
व या vidya learning, vidya
व वान vidvan learned
समझदार samajhdari understanding
ईमानदार imandari honesty
िज मेदार jimmedari responsibility
भागीदार bhagidari participation
होना hona being being
रहना rahna abiding becoming
मुि त mukti liberation
म मुि त bhram mukti liberation from delusion
आल य alasya laziness
काय, यवहार और व तु म न हत उपादे यता का
माद pramad ान न होना carelessness
षड वकार shad vikar the six flaws afflictions
काम kaam lust desire, sex SC: lust
ोध krodh anger
लोभ lobh greed
मोह moha infatuation fascination,
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दप mad pride
मा सय matsarya jealousy SC: rage
दप darp haughtiness
ई या irshya envy
अमानव amanav nonhuman SC: inhuman
अमानवीयता amanviyata nonhumanness
अ तमानवीयता atimanviyata super-humanness
जन बल कामना jan bal kamna wish for progeny
धन बल कामना dhan bal kamna wish or wealth
यश बल कामना yash bal kamna wish for reputation
वभू त vibhooti special power
पर परता म पर पर आव यक य सहायता, तन
मन धन से कया गया पूरकता। - नि चत
सहयोगी या म, से, के लए तब धता serving others, to serve, service... service is a poor SC: for buzurgon ki seva (S-
सेवा seva पूवक कया गया, पूरक या कलाप। service choice due to its connotations with job. 111), using the word 'help'.
chetna vikas mulya consciousness development -
चेतना वकास मू य श ा shiksha value education
दस सोपानीय प रवार मूलक वरा य das sopaneeya parivar
moolak svarajya ten staged family based self-
यव था vyavastha governing order
सोपान sopaan tier
प रवार समूह parivar samooh family group
प रवार मानव parivar manav AA, page 138, 172
समाज मानव samaj manav AA, page 138
यव था मानव vyavastha manav AA, page 138, 172
संयु त आचरण sanyukt acharan joint conduct
वरा य/ वराज svarajya/svaraj self-governance
अ ययनग य adhyayan-gamya study-able study-able
B sees what is reflected on A, is anubimban. "I see
अनु ब बन anubimban what you see"
A sees what is reflected on itself in B is
pratyanubimban. "I see that you can see what I
यानु ब बन pratyanubimban have seen."
सस मुखता sasammukhta facing
सा भमुखता saabhimukhta facing each other AA, page 151
सहम त sahmati consent agreement, concurrence, consent
वीकृ त sveekruti acceptance acceptance
भेद bhed distinction
easy, common, commonly available, accessible,
सुलभ sulabh easily accessible
प टता spashtata clarity
वावल बन svavlamban self-reliance
वशेषता visheshta exclusivity
sadguna merit
वयं म व वास स गुण self-confidence
े ठता का स मान shresthta ka samman respect for excellence
balance in learning and living, balance in potential
pratibha aur vyaktitv me balance in talent and and personality, balance in potential of learning
तभा और यि त व म संतुलन santulan personality and personality as way of living.
यवहार म सामािजक vyavhar me samajik sociability in behaviour
यवसाय म वाल बी vyavsaay me svavlambee self-reliant in occupation self-sustaining in occupation
नर-नार म समानता nar-nari mein samanta equality in men and women gender equality
amiri-garibi mein
अमीर -गर बी म संतुलन santulan balance in rich and poor
जीने क आशा jeene kee asha hope of living
नि चत आचरण nishchit acharan definite conduct
ग रमा garima dignity
म हमा मह व importance greatness, glory
mahattva significance
आशय aashay intent, supporter
ताप taap temperature
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वन dhvani sound
व युत vidyut electricity
ऊ मा ooshma heat
उ दा ीकरण udattikaran evolution metamorphosis
पूव दा ीकरण purvodattikaran devolution
काई kaai algae
यानाकषण dhyanakarshan gaining attention
यान dhyan attention meditation
येय dhyeya object of attention
याता dhyata
आं शक यान aanshik dhyan focussed awareness concentration
क य यान kendriya dhyan centric awareness
समा ध samadhi samadhi
संयम sanyam samyama, discipline
साधना sadhana sadhana
सा य sadhya the goal
साधक sadhak the aspirant
साधन sadhan resources
कमका ड karmkaand
उपासना upasana worship
दे वी-दे वता devi-devta
धारणा dhaarana
यान dhyan awareness
मा डीय करण Brahmadiya kiran cosmic rays
अभ न abhinn integral
पूवक poorvak upon, thereupon
संयोजन sanyojan right combination
पूव प poorv roop prior form
पर प par roop
रासाय नक उ म rasaynik urmi chemical resonance synergy, vibrance
व यास vinyas arrangement arrangement, manifestation manifest AA, pg 170
जागृत मानव परं परा व ध से मा णत रहना।
मम ान स हत कया गया काय यवहार। limit, discipline. Used boundary (boundaries)
मयादा maryada dignity in VJ 82
मम ान marm gyan पूणतया प ट ान

सापे ता sapekshta relativity

नरपे ता nirpekshta absoluteness
उ चत uchit proper
अनु चत anuchit improper
अंत वरोध antarvirodh contradiction
कंु ठा kuntha frustration
आवेश aavesh agitation agitation, excitement, passion
प ड pind
कम के कार karm ke prakar
कृ त krut कया गया doing AA pg 164
दा य व, कत य, वा य संरचना को दूसर से
कराना। - ती ग त से ल य क ओर ग त। -
का रत kaarit वां छत उपलि ध के त शी ता से कायरत होना delegating, deputing, getting-done
अनुमो दत anumodit वीकृ त ताव consented consenting, approving, subscribing
अनुमोदन anumodan ा त ताव को वीकारना consent
मान सकता स हत शर र के वारा कया गया
का यक kaayik दा य व कत य physical deed
बोलना, उ चारण करना, स या पत करना, बोला
गया, स या पत कया गया, बोलकर स या पत
वा चक vachik करना, - वाणी वारा कये गये काय verbal word
मान सक कम mansik आशा, वचार, इ छा, संक प mental thought
अनुबं धत anubandhit वीकृ त, जागृत यास व ढ़ता interrelated
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योजना yojana plan
काय योजना karya yojana program action plan
प रमाण pariman
ई ट isht
साथी sathi guide
सहयोगी sahyogi associate assistant
यव था स ब ध vyavastha sambandh
तीक prateek symbol
उपमा upma
अनुभवगामी बोध anubhavgami bodh comprehension
अनुभवमूलक बोध anubhavmulak bodh enlightenment based on realization
ा pragya
प रचय parichay introduction introduction, familiarization
श वर shivir
श ा सं कार योजना shiksha sanskar yojana
श ा का मानवीयकरण shiksha ka manviyakaran humanization of education
मानवीय परं परा manviya parampara tradition of humaneness
अनुसंधान anusandhan exploration discovery, exploration
संधान sandhan colligation
शोध shodh search
संधान sandhan discovery
स मलेन sammelan पूणता के अथ म मलन convention
जागृत मानव माण तुत करने वाला, पर ण
नर ण पूवक माण स हत स चाईय को बोध
पारं गत worthy deed कराने वाला perfection, adept proficient
ाथ मकता prathmikta priority primacy, priority
dissection method, reduction method,
वखंडन व ध vikhandan vidhi the way of fragmentation fragmentation method
पूणता के अथ म स य बोध कराना, यथाथता का
स बोधन sambodhan प ट करण या पूण व लेषण
जागृत मानव पर परा म, से, के लए संतान का
पाँच वष के आयु से दस वष तक अनुसरण
आ ापालन agyapalan सहयोग वृ सहज ि ट - आ ापालन obedience obedience
सहयोग sahyog assistance
वजय vijay win
मूलवत ान moolvat gyan fundamental knowledge
फलवत ् ान falvat gyan resultant knowledge
शासक shasak ruler
वचारशैल vicharshailee style of thinking
शोध करने वाला और समाधान को मा णत
वचारक vicharak करने वाला original thinker
आव यकता से अ धक उ पादन, समाधान स हत
पु षाथ purusharth समृ ध का अनुभव purusharth volition, endeavour, willful effort
समाधान एवं अनुभू त के लए कया गया
परमाथ paramarth नयोजन benevolent truth-seeking
बौ धक प bauddhik paksh cognitive aspect
बौ धक bauddhik mental, cognitive intellectual
ताि वक tatvik existential fundamental
यवहा रक vyavharik behavioural practicable, practical
ताि वक tatvikta existentiality
ानी gyani scholar intellectual
व ानी vigyani scientist
अ ानी agyani commoner common folk, commoner, ignorant
तरोभाव tirobhav wipe out wipe out, sublimate, disappear
सावका लक sarvkalik
सामर यता samrasyata coherence coherence
सावभौमता sarvbhaumta universality
सावभौ मक sarvbhaumik universal
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स मत sammat accordant consentient
तक स मत tark sammat accordant to logic logical
याय स मत nyaya sammat accordant to justice
बोध ग य bodh-gamya समझ म आना, अनुभव होना, मा णत होना comprehensible
self-conception, self-
आ म बोध aatm-bodh self-realization knowledge, self-realization
व यालय vidyalaya अ भभावक क संयु त अ भ यि त school
जो संतान का अ युदय चाहते ह, वे अ भभावक
अ भभावक abhibhavak ह guardian
याग tyag अनाव यकता का वसजन renunciation
व न svapna आधारह न क पना dream baseless imagination manifest
य त vyakt manifest unmanifest
अ य त avyakt unmanifest
वचनीय vachaneeya effable communicable, articulable
वचन से नह ं बताया जा सकना अथवा नह ं बता incommunicable, inarticulable, unspeakable,
अ नवचनीय anirvachneeya पाना ineffable inexpressible in words
उपासना upasana worship
आराधना aradhana invocation
अचना archana pray
तवन stavan sing hymns of glory
उपाय upaya method definite way
न ठा nishtha dedication commitment
ढ़ता dridhta firmness
समझने समझाने के लए नि चत व ध
द ा deeksha वीकृ त और न ठा investiture initiation
शुभे छा shubhechha
मंगल कामना mangal kamana
आ त कामना aapt kamana
something reported by another in whom one
has faith. Literally "a correct sentence." Apta
means "respected, trustworthy"; vAkya means
आ त वा य aapt vakya "statement, declaration."
मन, वृ , च , बु ध आ मा सहज या
अंतःकरण अ तःकरण antahkaran कलाप inner self SC : conscience
pre- + cise = all inaccuracies are removed (cut)
सट क sateek व धवत precise conforming to truth, free from error beforehand VJ 81
SC : preciseness or precision? what is a better
सट कता sateekta precisenss choice?
normal dictionary meaning: to make lucid
Expression and communication of especially by explanation or analysis; lucid =
सू या या पूवक कया गया स य सहज truth by way of insights and something with a clear meaning. Lucid comes
मीमांसा meemansa अ भ यि त सं ेषणा elucidation explanation from the Latin verb lucere, meaning "to shine"
ान मीमांसा gyan meemansa knowledge elucidation VJ 131
कम मीमांसा action elucidation VJ 131
यव था मीमांसा system elucidation VJ 131
त व मीमांसा tatva meemansa
that which human being has not
अ ात agyaat unknown understood, or is mystery
ात gyaat known that which one has understood
अ ा त apraapt unachieved that which one doesn't have unachieved
ा त praapt achieved that which one has achieved
सा य sakshya testimony evidence, testimony, witness
मै ी maitree friendship friendship, comaraderie
य न पूवक तरने के लए नभरता स हत क गयी
यती व yatitva या एवं यास Diligence
सती व satitva स ब पूवक तरने क या, म मुि त Steadfastness
अ याशा atyasha over-expectation
hope is asha. anticipation is pratyasha. while
hope is from oneself. anticipation is from
याशा pratyasha मा णत होने के प म आशा anticipation others
उ दे य uddeshya objective
ए हक उ दे य aihik uddeshya mundane objective
आमुि मक उ दे य aamushmik uddeshya spiritual objective
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नब जन nirbeejan seedless un-tethered
सबीजन sabeejan seedful tethered
ूण व प bhroon svaroop germ form
ल य को मा णत करना. मानव ल य,
Evidentiating the goal. Evidentialting
समाधान समृ ध अभय सहअि त व को human goal of resolution, prosperity,
ग य थल gamya sthali मा णत करना destination fearlessness, coexistence. SC: 'aim' also looks appropriate. VJ 82, AA 154
याय सुलभता ease of justice AA, pg 162
उ पादन सुलभता ease of production
व नमय सुलभता ease of exchange
वरे य embrace AA, pg 167
अनुवत , अनुवत यता grind AA, pg 169
पुंजाकार cloud-like entity AA, pg 178
जीवन पुंज jeevan-cloud
वषय चतु टय interest-quad
नयम य law-trio AA pg 187
खरता prakharta radiance sharpness, intensity, radiance
जागृत मानव म अ भ यि त सं ेषणा म used as ' यव था का खर दशन', मानवीयतापूण
zeal for expression & communication
खर ती ग त scintillating, intense in awakened humans मान सकता का खर काशन at S 213
सभा sabha council
समत samiti committee
सोपान sopan tier
प रवार सभा parivar sabha family council tier-1
प रवार समूह सभा family-cluster council (tier-2)
ाम वरा य सभा village council (tier-3)
ाम समूह सभा village-cluster council (tier-4)
ाम े सभा village-area council (tier-5)
मंडल सभा block council (tier-6)
मंडल समूह सभा block-cluster council (tier-7)
मु य रा य सभा district council (tier-8)
धान रा य सभा state council (tier-9)
व व प रवार रा य सभा world family council (tier-10)
अनु यूत anusyoot नरं तर अथवा नरं तरता होना integral SC: ongoing (VJ 35) VJ 35
अ याचार atyachar Not in PS atrocity
अनाचार anachar Not in PS oppression
तालमेल taalmel Not in PS synergy
एकसू ता eksutrta unison/harmony
संगीतमयता sangeetmayata rhythm
जीने क कला jeene kee kala way of living
प रपालन paripalan compliance, adhering
व हत vihit lawful ordained
अ व हत avihit unlawful unordained
पदातीत padaateet Trans-plane transcendental plane, transcendence, Beyond
न हत nihit vested
समावेश samavesh assimilation
व ंखलता vishrankhalta misalignment
मनोवेग manoveg mental impulse
ादुभाव pradurbhav emergence
बु धम ा buddhimatta intelligence
बु धजीवी buddhijeevi intellectual, intelligent life
नराकरण nirakaran समाधा नत होना removal SC: solution (VJ 62, 70, 73)
यि ट vyashti entity minute
समि ट samashti entirety magnitude
संक ण sankeern narrow, narrowness
नवारण nivaran eradication
उ मूलन unmoolan elimination
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हंद श द या श द-समूह group हंद म प रभाषा English Word/Word Group English definition Notes (Free Text) Suggestions (other choices) meaning word's usage
अकत व akartritva non-doership
अकमण व akarmanatva inaction
नराकषण nirakarshan dispassion not having attraction
अ तरं ग antrang internal
ब हरं ग bahirang external
असं ह वृ से समृ ध पूवक सदुपयोग वृ
वैरा य vairagya संप नता detachment
पर-वैरा य par-vairagya ऐषणा य से मुि त, द य मानव पद absolute reclusion
नयमानु म niyamanukram adherence to laws
यि त म vyatikram deviation
सुच suchakra virtuous cycle
कुच kuchakra vicious cycle
संशय sanshaya doubt
belief opposite to the way reality E0%A4%BF%E0%A4%AA%E0%A4%B0%E0%
वपयय viparyaya misunderstanding is. A5%8D%E0%A4%AF%E0%A4%AF
आलो कत alokit enlightened
अवलोकन avlokan cogitation avlokan is to see things holistically
आलोक alok clarity
लोक loka realm
मतभेद matbhed difference of opinion
सशंकता sashankta apprehension
दा यता dasyata servitude
दु टता dushtata wickedness
मानस manas mindset SC : psyche VJ 75
ू कृ त स ा म ओत ोत, जीवन जागृ त commingle dictionary meaning : to blend
ओत ोत otprot पूवक जागृ त म ओत ोत completely filled with thoroughly into a harmonious whole SC : commingle
श त shakt potency
ाकृ तक ऐ वय पर म नयोजन पूवक
उपयो गता मू य और कला मू य क थापना
उ पादन utpadan स हत र चत व तु production
संपादन sampadan ाकृ तक व तुओं को उपयो गता यो य बनाना gather
अ यो या त anyonyashrit interdependent
Group of more than one family with
एक से अ धक मानव प रवार न ल, रं ग, जा त, beliefs based on race, color, caste,
मत, स दाय, पंथ के प म मा यता स हत ideology, creed. Due to beliefs and
वीकृ त समूह delusion, this leads to divisions and
समुदाय samudaay sect sections in society (sect) sect (derived from sections)
Human tradition with purpose of
पूणता के अथ म दान, जागृ त के लए completeness; Human tradition with
मागदशन, जागृ त स हत मानव पर परा awakening; Guidance for awakening.
सं दाय sampradaay community Vision of undivided society com=completeness + unity (undividedness)
दे खने को नह ं मलना, समझ म नह ं आना, inability to see, inability to
ओ झल ojhil मू यांकन नह ं कर पाना obscure understand, inability to evaluate VJ 78
योग संयोग व ध से जागृ त क ओर होने वाल
न प न (1) nishpann उदयशीलता emanate emerge, become clear
यौ गक या स प न होना, उ प न बीज का
न प न (2) nishpann अंकु रत होना, संतान का होना
Producing more than the needs,
प रपूण paripoorn समाधान स हत आव यकता से अ धक उ पादन replete having resolution too VJ 52
Considering oneself to be superior
अहं कार। वयं को े ठ अ य को ने ठ मानना,
and looking down on others; over- The word 'haughty' communicates a kind of
वयं के प, बल, धन, पद के त अ धमू यन evaluation of one's appearance, pride that is obviously full of contempt for
अि मता asmita दोष ह अहं कार haughtiness strength, wealth, position. others deemed inferior or unworthy VJ 2
Clarity and visualisation of how and to grasp the nature, worth, quality, or
नर ण, पर ण व सव ण पूवक कैसा कतना how much by way of observation, significance of something (ap- + price = put a
आंकलन aankalan का प ट करण व च ण appreciate inspection, survey price, or number, to); to quantify assessment VJ 67
स चाईय को मा णत करने के लए न ठा SC: allegiance (VJ 60, used in
तब धता pratibaddhta और माण normal sense)
valuable beyond estimation; so
precious that price can't be attached
अमू य amulya मू यांकन सीमा से अ धक invaluable to it VJ 79
शार रक कायकलाप के लए आव यक य वेग,
ाणवायु pran vayu तरं ग स हत वरल पदाथ oxygen VJ 79
अपान वायु apan vayu अनाव यक व बल-शोषक वायु carbon dioxide VJ 79
णेता praneta originator
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initial proposed picture; form at the
ा प praroop आरं भक ता वत च ण, ारं भक व प सू format initial stages VJ 81
to ask the advice or
मा णत होने के लए आव यक य सभी opinion of; to deliberate
परामश paramarsh व लेषण consult, consultation all essential analysis for evidence together; VJ 63, 84
Dervied from Latin word status, meaning lacking something
"position" or "state,". So destitute = below or needed or desirable;
pain related to over-expectation and without any status. Below the status of lacking possessions and
दर daridr अ याशा और अभावज य पीड़ा। destitute deprivation humane-humans. resources VJ 87
अभाव abhav poverty, lacking
समु चत samuchit पूणता के अथ म उपयोगी adequate Useful for completeness ad + -equate, to make level, equal (to the ideal) VJ 126
di- + vergere = to turn or bend apart, away from a
वकास और यव था ऋतुकाल के वपर त Circumstances against development point (goal); converge = con- + vergere = to turn or
वसंग त visangati प रि थ तयां divergence and system. Natural disasters bend together, towards a point (goal) VJ 124
Exhibition of humaneness and godly-
वयं अमानवीयता म वृ रहते हु ए humaneness by way of imagination
with associated clothing, language,
मानवीयता, दे व मानवीयता का का प नक
emotions, postures, gestures, while pre- +tend = tendency to claim to be living in
व ध, वेश, भाषा, भाव भं गमा अंगहार स हत one is primarily engaged in humaneness prior (pre- = prior) to attaining VJ, Heading of
अ भनय abhinay दशन pretend, pretending inhumanness humanenss Chapter-2
अपना लेना, वीकारना, समझना, माण तुत To accept, to understand, to em- (toward something) + brace (pair of arms);
वरण, वरता है varan करना embrace authenticate hugs; welcomes VJ 28
Purposeful or meaningful clarification pict- = picture, sketch, drawing, view: depict =
योजन व ध से अथवा साथक व ध से कया with the help of maxims and to describe the holistic picture (view) of
न पण, न पत niroopan गया सू या या स हत प ट करण depict, depiction elaboration coexistence VJ 32
सौभा य saubhaagya सवशुभ Serendipity, blessing Universal good VJ 118
relieve, relief = bring someone out of trouble
or botheration. Relevant question = Wanting
सव व दत या सवा धक लोग को व दत ( व दत a problem or question faced by relief from a question which has been
वलंत jvalant = समझ म आया हु आ) relevant almost everyone bothering VJ 92
perplexed due to lack of decision,
नणय न चय समाधान नह ं हो पाने, lack of certainty, lack of resolution,
असमंजस asamanjas सम याओं से परे शानी bewildered presence of problems bewildered = lost, as in the wild; confused
वयं क मौ लकता, नय त म त ठानु प आवे शत ग त से
normal = not deviating from a norm or rule; agitated motion to normal
वभाव ग त मौ लकता normal motion conforming to a standard motion वभाव ग त, S 103
वप नता से
वप नता vipannta Not in PS deficiency स प नता, S 103
वच व varchasva prevalence, supremacy
अ नवाय anivarya समझदार , ईमानदार , िज मेदार , भागीदार

S 161, 188 (उनके

सामने तवेदन
तवेदन Not in PS report तुत करे गा)
अ न, वन-औष ध और पशुओं का प रवधन,
प रवधन प रपालन; मानव म ानवधन और पर परा enrichment S 189
श टता स हत अपने व तु व सेवा का अपण- Offering & dedicating objects &
आत य समपण hospitality assistance with modesty host + -al + ity S 200
अतथ guest S 200
Presence of strangers, to understand
अप र चत यि त क उपि थ त अपे ाओं के their expectations, and to assist &
आगंतुक अनुसार म पहचानना, मागदशन visitor guide them S 200
अ युदयाथ आमं त नर-नार का आगमन, Arrival and respectful welcome of
स मान व ध से वागत करना (not in PS, persons, males & females, invited for
अ यागत but defined at S-200) Reception comprehensive resolution S 200
संभाषण पूणता के अथ म पर पर सुनना सुनाना S 202
वस त Spring S 208
ी म Summer S 208
वषा Rains S 208
शरद Autumn S 208
हे मंत pre-winter S 208
श शर Winter S 208
याचक Implorer
Result of the insertion and expulsion
परमाणुओं म थापन व थापन या का
activity in atoms; Present result &
प रणाम; काय- यवहार यव था म भागीदार consequence of work & behaviour
प र ण त, प रण त का फल प रणाम प म वतमान culmination and of participation in systems
ambi - is used in the sense of ‘both sides’ (as
in ambidextrous); and ‘all around / encircling’
(as in ambience, ambiguous). ‘ambition’
Acceptance & desire for literally means an intense desire for
अभी सा अ युदय के लए वीकृ त व इ छा ambition comprehensive resolution advancement or achievement. AA 10
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