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Der Famles,

In Kindrgrtn, we strt riting by listning to the

sonds we her. U may notis yr chid riting wrds
that are not speld coracle. We lisn to the
sonds we her when we tri to sretch wrds out.
It may be the frst sond or multipl sonds. Az yr
chid lrns mor wrds, they wil tranzishun to
standar speling.

How to interact with your child’s writing:

• Use the verbiage “Tell me about your
writing” versus “What did you write/draw?”
We want to build their confidence J
• Ask them to read what they wrote instead
of guessing
• Hang their writing in your home! You
now have an author and
illustrator hard at work!

Thank you,

© Amanda Shackelford // ThatKinderMama

Frequently Asked Questions
Why are some words spelled correctly when
they are writing phonetically?
The words we expect to be spelled correctly are high
frequency words that they have already been taught in
kindergarten. We have spent time going over them and
learning their specific spelling pattern.

For example:
I see a hos. (I see a house)

Students have learned the words I, see and a so they

know how to spell those words correctly (or find the
words in the classroom) BUT they wrote the sounds they
heard in house /h/ /o/ /s/

How long will my child be writing with phonetic

or inventive spelling?
There is no exact date but during kindergarten they will
slowly learn more high frequency words and spelling
patterns. They will slowly transition away from inventive
spelling and start spelling words correctly as they learn
more spelling pattern rules. By the 2nd grade, you can
assume your child will be writing most words correctly.

© Amanda Shackelford // ThatKinderMama

Stages of Writing
Stage Description Example
Drawing/scribbling Scribbles looks random
but is purposeful for the
child. Represent ideas

Wavy scribbles or Imitates writing from left

“pretend writing” to right or pretending to
write words

Drawing and letter Draws pictures and writes

strings strings of random letters
from left to right

Copying words and Draws pictures, copies

early phonetic words and adds in
spelling phonetic spelling (using
letters-mostly just
consonants- to represent
each sound they hear)
Phonetic spelling Writes words by using
letters to represent EACH
sound that is heard

Phonetic spelling Writes sentences with

with sentence phonetic spelling. Most
writing words have spaces The pig iz pnk.

Conventional Writes with complete

spelling with sentences with (mostly) The pig is big
sentence writing correct spelling
and pink.

© Amanda Shackelford // ThatKinderMama

Kindergarten Writing
Beginning of the Year:
Students are drawing pictures
and labeling their pictures.
They may be writing the
beginning sound of the word
they are labeling or writing all
the sounds they hear. Students
are using phonetic spelling to
label their pictures.
Middle of the Year:
Students are writing sentences
with high frequency words and me cr
labels. They are using a capital
letter at the beginning of their
sentence, finger spaces and
punctuation. We get in the cr.

End of the Year:

Students are writing multiple
sentences on each page. Their me cr
words match their pictures.
They continue using capital
letter at the beginning of a
sentence, finger spaces and Me and mom are
punctuation. in the cr. We are
going to the zoo.
I am hape!

© Amanda Shackelford // ThatKinderMama

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