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180 COMMENT AND ANALYSIS International Data Privacy Law, 2020, Vol. 10, No.

Comment and Analysis

Information security at South African
universities—implications for
biomedical research

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Dominique Anderson*, Oluwafemi Peter Abiodun* and
Alan Christoffels*

 Organizational factors were the most critical fac-

Key Points tors when compared to the technological and en-
 In South Africa, a similar regulation strategy to vironmental factors which appear to influence
the European Union General Data Protection the effectiveness of information security meas-
Regulation, called the Protection of Personal ures and, subsequently, data regulation readiness.
Information Act (No 4 of 2013) (POPIA), will be
implemented, with a view to mitigate cybercrime  Universities will have to balance the implementa-
and information security vulnerabilities. tion of tangible solutions to mitigate risks within
the scope of their budget while promoting user
 A qualitative exploratory analysis of information compliance, despite perceived ‘restrictions.’
security management at universities in South
Africa, using a Technology, Organisation, and  For biomedical researchers, questions remain on
Environment model, highlights the need for the impact of POPIA legislation on data sharing,
maintaining the security infrastructure to facili- open science, and collaborations.
tate management of security within the university
network, while placing emphasis on information
security management processes, such as risk
analysis, architecture review, code inspection, underscores the importance of information manage-
and security testing. ment through the data life cycle from generation, proc-
essing, analysis, access, and reuse. Comprehensive
information and communication technology (ICT)
frameworks exist, such as COBIT 5 and ISO27001, and
Introduction are aligned to King IV TM for ICT governance, Prince2
Information has become a common and valuable com- for project management, and the NIST security frame-
modity, with increased attention being focused on how work.2 Universities in general and particularly in South
information is handled, stored, and distributed.1 The Africa, adopt these at different levels. A researcher or ac-
role of universities as generators of knowledge ademic is one of the stakeholders in a university that

* South African Medical Research Council Bioinformatics Unit, South and Jeremy Hilton, ‘Information Security and Information Assurance’
African National Bioinformatics Institute, University of the Western [2015] Standards and Standardization 167–98. doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-
Cape, Bellville, South Africa. Email: 4526-4.ch010.
This study was funded by SA Medical Research Council and the South 2 NIST, ‘Cybersecurity Framework’ (2016) <
African Research Chairs Initiative of the Department of Science and try-impacts/cybersecurity-framework> accessed 22 January 2020;
Innovation and National Research Foundation of South Africa, award Graham Croock, ‘The Implications of IT Governance Outlined in King
number UID 64751. The authors wish to thank the participants of this IVTM - Report - Insights - BDO’ (2016) <
study for their valuable contribution to this work. This study was ap- insights/2016/report/the-implications-of-it-governance-outlined-in-king-
proved by the Research Ethics Committee of the University of the iv> accessed 22 January 2020; Mary Lewinson, ‘PRINCE2 Methodology
Western Cape with Ethics Reference Number: BM18/7/11. The authors Overview: History, Definition & Meaning, Benefits, Certification’ (PM
declare that there is no conflict of interest concerning the publication of Frameowrk, 2011) <
this article. ogy-overview-history-definition-meaning-benefits-certification/>
1 Ify E Aguolu, ‘Accessibility of Information: A Myth for Developing accessed 22 January 2020.
Countries?’ [1997] 98(1) New Library World 25, 29; Yulia Cherdantseva

C The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press.

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which
permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Dominique Anderson, Oluwafemi Peter Abiodun and Alan Christoffels  Implications for biomedical research COMMENT AND ANALYSIS 181

would encounter these data-relevant policies at the level institutional environment from data regulatory agen-
of a ‘user’, and the management of personal informa- cies, understanding the placement of security in an aca-
tion of research participants is of direct relevance to demic context remains problematic. Therefore, there
biomedical researchers. exists an urgent need for improvement in the way data
The Protection of Personal Information Act (No 4 of and information are collected, stored, and disseminated
2013) (POPIA) was signed into law on 19 November within university systems, and with greater reference to
2013 and at the time that interviews were conducted in sensitive information and data. Security measures and
this study, the implementation date was not yet known.3 policies must be in place to guarantee the integrity, con-

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Earlier this year, the office of the Information Regulator fidentiality, and availability of information. To achieve
(IR) approached the President of SA requesting that 1 this, technological, organizational, and environmental
April 2020 be the declared date on which the remaining factors must be investigated without undervaluing any
provisions of POPIA commence. Following this imple- factor. Therefore, the research has used the Technology,
mentation date, a one-year grace period will be Organisation and Environment (TOE) framework to in-
provided, and organizations would have to be POPIA- vestigate and analyse factors influencing the effective-
compliant by 31 March 2021. ness of information security policies and compliance in
In accordance with sections 40 and 65 of the POPIA, the participating universities.
the IR is required to assist with development and ap- In order to assess whether SA universities had proper
proval of codes of conduct.4 These codes of conduct op- and reliable information security measures, practices,
erate as additional requirements for POPIA and as such, policies, and management in place, a TOE framework
do not limit the right to privacy of a data subject, which was applied to three SA universities. The analysis
is outlined in the POPIA. The purpose of the code of allowed for the identification of existing gaps within the
conduct is to provide a mechanism for compliance and university IT domain to provide a point of departure
accountability, which is tailor-made to various sectors. for further research, to develop comprehensive policies
However, any code of conduct, which has been devel- for information security at tertiary institutions, in line
oped, must still be approved by the IR to ensure that with POPIA compliance.
the requirements of Chapter 7 of the Act have been
met.5 In 2018, Universities South Africa, a membership
organization which represents public universities in POPIA as a legal data protection
South Africa, launched a project to draft a code of con- framework
duct for public universities. A task team of representa- The POPIA is the South African data protection law,
tives from public universities in South Africa and an promulgated on 26 November 2013, with the aim of
external expert were constituted and produced the first protecting identifiable personal information of natural
draft of the code of conduct which was distributed in persons, and juristic persons from malicious intent in
May 2019 to the South African universities for com- accordance with privacy rights determined by section 14
ment. Once the code of conduct is approved by the IR, of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (Act
it will be legally binding and apply to the processing of No 108 of 1996).7 The POPIA rests upon the establish-
personal information by all ‘public higher education ment of a set of data protection standards to specify the
institutions’ as defined in section 1 of the Higher satisfactory collection, handling, and utilization of
Education Act 101 of 1997.6 As we await the outcome of data.8 The South African POPIA covers aspects that
this national consultative process, it is important to un- incorporates: legal or lawful processing of the personal
derstand the factors that govern data security and how information traversing South Africa, accountability,
it impacts the implementation strategies of any national processing limitation, purpose specification, retention
policy framework. and restriction of records, information quality, security
While South African universities are coming to terms safeguards, data subject participation, transfer of per-
with the need to establish effective governance of infor- sonal information across national boundaries, and
mation security due to the external forces on the codes of conduct.9 Non-compliance with the directives

3 SAICA, ‘Protection of Personal Information Act’ (2016) <https://www. 7 John Hatchard, ‘The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa’> accessed 16 July 2018. [1994] 38 Journal of African Law 70.
4 Republic of South Africa, ‘Protection of Personal Information, Act 4 of 8 J. Eric Davies, ‘Studies in Technical and Social Influences on Information
2013’ (Government Gazette 1 2013) < and Library Management’ <> accessed
protection-personal-information-act> accessed 5 May 2020. 27 February 2020.
5 ibid. 9 SAICA (n 3).
6 Republic of South Africa, Higher Education Act 101 of 1997 [1997].
182 COMMENT AND ANALYSIS International Data Privacy Law, 2020, Vol. 10, No. 2

of POPIA may result in the IR imposing fines of up to Fleischer based on assumption that IT/IS adoption in
ZAR10 million, depending on circumstances.10 organizations is influenced by three elements—technol-
POPIA is derived from a version of the General Data ogy, organization, and environment— was used in a
Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union small comparative case study based on findings from
(EU) and both regulations address the protection of interviews with ICT professionals from three SA
personal information of residents from unauthorized universities.15
access; however, there are differences between them.11
The GDPR has gone through several versions of review Study methodology

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and modification, expanding applicability to real-world The TOE framework is a recognized adoption frame-
problems. POPIA derived some concepts of earlier itera- work in the information systems field with several
tions of the GDPR and as such, POPIA compliance does researchers having employed this framework in studies.
not necessarily indicate GDPR compliance. In practical For this qualitative research study, a questionnaire was
terms, and considering that Europe is South Africa’s designed using concepts of the TOE framework as a ba-
predominant trade partner, GDPR non-compliance sis to guide semi-structured interviews. The purposeful
could have a negative impact on scholarly and global re- sampling design used for this study in order to select
search partnerships and coupled with the possibility of participants in accordance with the research objec-
fines (the upper limit of which is 20 million euro, or 4 tives.16 Purposeful sampling ensures that the study pop-
per cent of global turnover) the financial implications of ulation delivers adequate information needed for the
non-compliance would be disastrous for South African study, and research by Baskarada surmised that with
Universities.12 purposeful sampling, three individual participants
would be sufficient to provide reliable, adequate, and
valuable data that are appropriate for a study, thereby
TOE framework analysis negating a reliance on a large sample set.17 While the
Recent research has recognized that technological fac- current study involved one respondent from each uni-
tors are not the only key to effective information secu- versity who participated in the semi-structured inter-
rity controls; there is also a need to understand the views, the participants have a high level of expertise and
impact of human and organizational factors.13 A better are involved in all day-to-day functional activities
understanding of how different factors such as techno- within the IT/IS domains at the universities.
logical, organizational, and environmental factors influ- Only consenting participants were interviewed.
ence the implementation and effectiveness of Interviews were digitally recorded and transcribed by
information security policies and compliance is essen- two individuals in the research team to ensure accuracy.
tial, as this may elucidate how different factors could The transcribed interviews produced over 29,000 words
lead to potential sources of security breaches and vul- of text, responses were grouped and coded, and themes
nerabilities within organizations.14 A TOE IT/IS adop- were formulized to facilitate a rich data set for analysis.
tion framework that was developed by Tornatsky & Interview text was analysed with ATLAS.ti and the

10 Republic of South Africa (n 4).¼diva2:1019129> accessed 21 June

11 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Regulation (EU) 2016/ 2018.
679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on 15 Edward WN Bernoider and Patrick Schmöllerl, ‘A Technological,
the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of per- Organisational, and Environmental Analysis of Decision Making
sonal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Methodologies and Satisfaction in the Context of IT Induced Business
Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (2016) OJ Transformations’ [2013] 224 European Journal of Operational Research
L119/1. 141; Luis F Luna-Reyes and J. Ramon Gil-Garcia, ‘Understanding the
12 Nkholedzeni Sidney Netshakhuma, ‘Assessment of a South Africa Co-Evolution of Institutions, Technology, and Organizations: The
National Consultative Workshop on the Protection of Personal Enactment of the State Government Portal of Puebla’ [2013] The
Information Act (POPIA)’ [2019] Global Knowledge, Memory and Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference on Digital Government
Communication. Research, 214; Hsin-Pin Fu and Hsiang-Ting Su, ‘A Framework for a
13 Rayford B Vaughn Jr, Ronda Henning, Kevin Foxb, ‘An Empirical Study Technology-Organization-Environment Implementation Model in
of Industrial Security-Engineering Practices’ [2002] 61 Journal of Taiwan’s Traditional Retail Supermarkets’ [2014] 6(3) International
Systems and Software 225; David Botta and others, ‘Towards Journal of Organizational 121–29; Osden Jokonya, ‘A Framework to
Understanding IT Security Professionals and Their Tools’ [2007] Assist Organisations with Information Technology Adoption
Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 100–11. Governance’ (Thesis, 2014) <; Konstantin Beznosov and Olga 7a0fbeda39e5277a7182bf52b6dad08bb663.pdf> accessed 21 June 2019
Beznosova, ‘On the Imbalance of the Security Problem Space and Its 16 Sasa Baskarada, ‘Qualitative Case Study Guidelines’ (2014) 19 The
Expected Consequences’ [2007] 15 Information Management and Qualitative Report 1; Robert K Yin, ‘Validity and Generalization in
Computer Security 420. Future Case Study Evaluations’ [2013] 19 SAGE Journals 321.
14 Liene Kreicberga, ‘Internal Threat to Information Security - 17 John H Maindonald, Qualitative Research from Start to Finish by Robert
Countermeasures and Human Factor within SME’ (2010) <http://www. K. Yin (Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011); see also Baskarada, ibid.
Dominique Anderson, Oluwafemi Peter Abiodun and Alan Christoffels  Implications for biomedical research COMMENT AND ANALYSIS 183

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Figure 1: Graphic illustration of a common identified trait from responses of the respondents (all the participated universities)

graphical representation of data was performed using of a universally applied data classification scheme with
the Freeplane application.18 To maintain agreed confi- special personal information having a separate and de-
dentiality with the participant institutions, the three fined classification. All data types cannot be given the
universities were labelled A–C. same level of data encryption, due to the cost and risk
Below, the issues which occurred in common at the (a successful breach attempt on one database exposes
three participating universities are presented (Figure 1). the encryption key of other databases). Applying the
same encryption to biomedical data and other sensitive
data such as study participant metadata, as is applied to
Technology factors financial records, for example, is not acceptable
The major concern highlighted by two of the three par- practice.
ticipants under technological factors relates to poor se- The results from the study highlighted the value of
curity infrastructure at their institution. The focus of maintaining the security infrastructure as it facilitates
security infrastructure relates to the ability to best use the management of security within the university net-
new or existing technological solutions to monitor secu- work. Tools such as firewalls, encryption mechanisms,
rity processes such as authorization mechanisms, system authentication mechanisms, and non-repudiation
patching, firewalls, and anti-virus software. At the time mechanisms are essential for a university system.
of the interviews, participants indicated that both the Security measures must be taken to ensure that data
application and network patches were not in good quality and integrity and these measures must be con-
standing. Some of the factors identified by the respond- tinuously checked for consistency and proper function-
ents which contributed to this included: network ality. In order to achieve this, the authors highlight the
patches not being updated as they ought to be, authenti- need to place increased emphasis on the information se-
cation challenges, complexity of the systems, poor data curity management processes such as risk analysis, ar-
management, lack of classification mechanism, lack of chitecture review, code inspection, and security testing.
adequate budget to acquire needed tools, staff, and In addition, the above processes need to be monitored
mechanisms to perform routine maintenance. With on a regular basis, as malfunction of these tools can lead
regards to data classification, the authors suggest that to failure of effective security management and drive up
the first practical solution required is the development costs associated with Information Technology, which

18 Atlas.ti , ‘Qualitative Data Analysis & Research Software’ (2015) also Freeplane, ‘Freeplane/Freeplane’ (2018) <
<> accessed 7 June 2019; see plane/freeplane> accessed 7 June 2019.
184 COMMENT AND ANALYSIS International Data Privacy Law, 2020, Vol. 10, No. 2

will negatively influence compliance to information se- vision of the university and leading to a successful digi-
curity practices. tal transformation journey.
Digital transformation in the university environment
has seen a shift in Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) to Organization factors
Bring Your Own Everything (BYOE).19 All respondents
Organizational factors define the influential factors that
in the study eluded to BYOD policy on IT capacity and
contribute to the success or failure of information secu-
security with one respondent speaking to the fact that,
rity according to the users. Findings from the analysis of
on average, a student may own between three to four

Downloaded from by Potchefstroom University user on 08 December 2020

interview responses in the current study showed that or-
internet-enabled devices, each of which can be con-
ganizational factors were the most critical, when com-
nected to the university network at any time. It is pre-
pared to the technological and environmental contexts
dicted that the number of connected devices on campus
examined. Some of the major issues highlighted by
networks will continue to increase each year, as smart-
respondents within the organizational context include:
phones, laptops, tablets, and wearable devices become
lack of top management support, funding, or financial
ubiquitous in daily life.20 BYOD policy not only bur-
constraints; lack of effective awareness training, infor-
dens IT teams in the areas of authentication, explosive
mation security practices not being part of the manage-
bandwidth consumption, access control, and university
ment core priority functions; lack of coordinated
server security, but also in terms of protection of infor-
functions among units and departments; long approval
mation. In addition, interviewees made mention of IT
times for IT policies by the councils, decentralization of
risk associated with mobile computational devices.
systems, staff behaviour, and perception towards infor-
Users often switch between devices for work purposes
mation security processes; lack of competent staff as a
and commonly make use of hardware elements, such as
result of limited resources, IT directors and managers
external drives, to transfer data, including sensitive data.
not being a part of university decision-making bodies;
Users frequently travel externally with these devices, in-
and difficulties in quantifying return of investment for
creasing information security risk through physical theft
information security spending.
and data corruption when connected to untrusted net-
Respondents additionally spoke to the substantial
works. There is, therefore, a need to provide tangible
contribution and impact of human error to the infor-
solutions to mitigate this externally driven risk, and this
mation vulnerabilities or threats, which occurred in
may involve imposing a level of control on users—
organizations. These human error events may be due to
which would undoubtedly be perceived by users as ‘too
negligence or a lack of awareness. Vulnerabilities or
breaches occur not because security is difficult, but
From responses in the interviews, it was noted that
rather because people think security is not difficult. A
formalized data management policy and strategy was
lack of knowledge on information security has also been
lacking, and this had negative implications not only on
identified as the greatest threat to information security
internal compliance but also on legislative compliance.
in other studies and human behaviour was again identi-
It is the authors’ strong suggestion that for successful
fied in the current study.21 The authors recommend
data security implementation and maintenance, man-
that universities should implement consistent user
agement structures should equip the IT teams with the
awareness training which should address issues such as
necessary tools and mechanisms to overcome the chal-
recognizing phishing scams, email hygiene, password
lenges faced on a daily basis. This can, however, only be
hygiene, Internet usage best practices, security practices
achieved if management starts to perceive security and
(eg locking of PCs or laptops when unused), and drive
privacy issues as a universal problem and understands
awareness of existing information security legislation. In
the true (though mostly indirect) benefits of prioritizing
addition, security should not be perceived as simply an
information security. As such, the addition of security
IT problem but rather as a social problem. If this can be
and related IT issues to the institutions’ core function
achieved, then the decision makers will possess the
and mandates will enable IT teams to deliver the needed
knowledge to add information security to their core
technical support and insight, aligned with mission and
functions as an issue, which must be addressed.

19 Joanna Lyn Grama and Kim Milford, ‘Ahead of the Curve: IoT Security, 21 ME Thomson and Rossouw Von Solms, ‘Information Security
Privacy, and Policy in Higher Ed’ in Women Securing the Future with Awareness: Educating Your Users Effectively’ [1998] 6 Information
TIPPSS for IoT [2019] < Management and Computer Security 167; Johan F Van Niekerk and
15705-0_5> accessed 25 May 2019. Rossouw Von Solms, ‘Information Security Culture: A Management
20 SevOne, ‘5 Top IT Challenges in High Education SevOne’ [2018] Perspective’ [2010] 29 Computers and Security 476.
tion> accessed 25 May 2019.
Dominique Anderson, Oluwafemi Peter Abiodun and Alan Christoffels  Implications for biomedical research COMMENT AND ANALYSIS 185

Interestingly, one of the participants had identified ad- respondents highlighted that no incentive or motivation
ditional challenges with regards to human behaviour. from the government existed to encourage its adoption,
The IT team at this facility has been less pre-occupied leaving organizations at a loss as to how to fund the
with substantial financial constraints, thereby allowing interventions required for compliance. The authors reit-
them to gain insight into other risks to policy imple- erate that the cost of compliance will differ greatly from
mentation and compliance. The authors observe that if one institution to another and have identified this fi-
the financial issues at the other two universities were re- nancial burden as a key issue that is already preventing
solved, there is a high possibility that they would experi- the implementation of basic information security meas-

Downloaded from by Potchefstroom University user on 08 December 2020

ence similar problems brought about by human ures and may result in low prioritization of POPIA
behaviour. This presents a unique opportunity for the compliance.
universities to discuss shared experiences and for those Responses from participants demonstrate a general
who are less well resourced to learn from advancements lack of practical regulatory guidance and training from
and knowledge gained by well-resourced facilities. POPIA IR and government, which may lead to poor im-
Solutions to information security challenges could be plementation and unenforceable security controls.
developed by collaborative efforts at these facilities, Moreover, since there are inadequate training and
where teams gain insight from each other and collec- awareness from the law enforcement and judiciary fra-
tively identify future risks which may not currently ternity, respondents felt that fining of this regulation
exist. would be near impossible. We conclude that POPIA
Lastly, the authors recognize the need for security might not be taken seriously until such time that non-
professionals to present security issues to the manage- compliance is ‘punished’ and that on the part of the IR,
ment in a language they will understand (in form of more effort needs to be focused on engagement with all
business-oriented metrics and not in technical, opera- stakeholders. The authors believe that this engagement
tional metrics). To this end, it may be beneficial for would be mutually beneficial in that universities would
non-IT managers and executives to participate in basic be able to obtain greater clarity on requirements for
IT courses in order to better understand the technical compliance, and raise practical concerns related to the
jargon used in the information security sphere. In infor- current format of the legislation and drafted codes of
mation security, communication is key, and effective conduct. In this study, it was noted that participants
communication of the implications of poor IT strategies appeared to be more familiarized with the GDPR than
would be a motivation for high-level structures to en- with POPIA, which may be due to the intense public ex-
sure that this area is prioritized. posure to the European legislation. It is the opinion of
the authors that harnessing a multitude of platforms to
increase awareness of the POPIA regulation may serve
Environmental factors to highlight the need to enhance security measures by
Environmental factors measure how pressures of inter- individuals, universities, and organizations in South
national and national standards and government regula- Africa.
tions impact security implementation, and examine the Interviewed participants highlighted that an organi-
audit, security policies, and standards imposed to man- zation’s compliance to GDPR would make compliance
age information security in a proper and acceptable to POPIA easier but not vice versa. This is a challenge to
way. organizations in South Africa, considering the perceived
With regards to POPIA, information management is need to comply with both regulations. At this point,
not outlined in the Act itself but must be implemented institutes that have or intend to include distance learn-
for compliance. At the time of the interviews, there was ing programmes as part of the educational offering may
still no certainty on the date of implementation of prioritize one framework over another. One participant
POPIA and it appeared that there was no external pres- suggested that the South African government needs to
sure from government. Participants in the study made take a similar approach to these regulations as Japan
mention to how the early stage of adoption and a lack has, with the EU. These two entities settled on a cooper-
of policy context had resulted in a lack of understanding ative agreement that allows the Japan policy privacy leg-
of how to frame POPIA inception. Furthermore, islation to be recognized as equivalent to the GDPR.22 If

22 European Union, ‘Official Journal of the European Union L 107’ [2015] Commissioner of the Personal Information Protection Commission of
22 (ISSN 1977-0677) Publications Office of the European Union Japan and Vera Jourová, Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and
< Gender Equality of the European Commission’ (Statement, 2018)
eb14-11e4-892c-01aa75ed71a1/language-en> accessed 17 October 2019; <
C Wigand and S Soumullion , ‘Joint Statement by Haruhi Kumazawa, 18_4548> accessed 7 June 2019; Ulrich Kirchhoff and Tobias Schiebe,
186 COMMENT AND ANALYSIS International Data Privacy Law, 2020, Vol. 10, No. 2

a similar concession can be proposed for POPIA, the management and IT departments to collaborate effi-
operational effort required for compliance would be de- ciently and effectively to provide solutions that not only
creased and the adoption rate among universities and solve current needs but also future proof the institutions
other organizations could increase. In conclusion, the as the technology age continues its rapid evolution. In
authors identify that the first step which must be under- accordance with data security policy, universities must
taken by university IT/IS departments to comply with safeguard personal information from data breaches, us-
the requirements of POPIA is to communicate the busi- ing both technological and organizational measures.
ness value of information to all stakeholders. POPIA compliance will require that universities develop

Downloaded from by Potchefstroom University user on 08 December 2020

Understanding this may result in all users becoming and implement policies and procedures, clearly define
more aware of sensitivities, risks, and responsibilities roles and responsibilities, and introduce focused train-
when handling, storing, processing, and distributing ing while considering the information security and
data during their day-to-day activities. In addition, this management standards. A better understanding of how
would also demonstrate the value of prioritizing infor- different factors such as technological, organizational,
mation security and data management compliance to and environmental factors influence the implementa-
decision-making executives of the university, thereby tion and effectiveness of information security policies
changing the perception that funding in this sector is and compliance at tertiary education institutions is in-
simply a ‘grudge spend’. valuable, as it sheds light on the current, and real-world,
challenges being faced by these facilities. The effort re-
quired to identify and implement practical solutions for
Concluding remarks basic data collections can be exponentially amplified
Recent research has recognized that technological fac- when dealing with biomedical data collections. Without
tors are not the only key to effective information secu- first identifying and addressing how these critical issues
rity controls, there exists an additional need to evaluate impact the entirety of the data collection, institutions of
the impact of human and organizational factors.23 higher learning are left with minimal resources to navi-
Universities are becoming more dependent on their net- gate complexities associated with the POPIA regulation.
works and information infrastructure than ever before Finally, the authors suggest that future studies con-
and as this dependence grows, so too, does the strategic ducted in this area should include evidence-based re-
importance of their IT teams. Information security is search on the impact of POPIA with regards to the use
not solely a technical issue and technical controls can of biomedical data in universities. These studies should
only be effective if end users adhere to policy control. be undertaken in order to properly measure POPIA’s
Organizations cannot protect the integrity, confidential- impact, adequacy, and operation in practice.
ity, and availability of information in today’s highly net-
worked systems environment without ensuring that doi:10.1093/idpl/ipaa007
each person involved understands his/her roles and re- Advance Access Publication 27 May 2020
sponsibilities and is adequately trained to perform
them.24 It is of paramount importance for university

‘The Reform of the Japanese Act on Protection of Personal Information Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 100–11.
From the Practitioner’s Perspective’ [2017] 22(44) Journal of Japanese
Law <> 24 Johan van Niekerk and Rossouw von Solms, ‘A Holistic Framework for
accessed 25 may 2019. the Fostering of an Information Security Sub-culture in Organizations’
23 Vaughn, Henning, Foxb (n 13); David Botta and others, ‘Towards [Information Security South Africa Conference (ISSA), 2005] Pretoria,
Understanding IT Security Professionals and Their Tools’ [2007] South Africa.

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