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Short answer question for SAD

1. What is the primary goal of system analysis?

 To understand and specify what the new system should do.

2. Explain the concept of a feasibility study.

 A feasibility study determines if a proposed solution is viable, covering aspects like

technical, economic, and operational feasibility.

3. What are functional requirements in a system?

 Functional requirements describe what the system should do, including specific
behaviors or functions.

4. Define non-functional requirements.

 Non-functional requirements specify system attributes such as performance, usability,

reliability, and security.

5. What is a Data Flow Diagram (DFD)?

 A DFD is a graphical representation of data flow within a system, showing processes,

data stores, data flows, and external entities.

6. Describe the purpose of a context diagram.

 A context diagram provides an overview of the system, showing its boundaries and
interactions with external entities.

7. What is a use case in system analysis?

 A use case describes a scenario where the system interacts with external actors to
achieve a specific goal.

8. What role does a system analyst play in a project?

 A system analyst studies and defines system requirements, bridging the gap between
users and developers.

9. Explain what UML stands for and its purpose.

 UML stands for Unified Modeling Language, used for modeling software systems using
standardized diagrams.

10. What is the difference between validation and verification in software


 Validation ensures the product meets user needs, while verification checks if the product
was built correctly according to specifications.

11. What is a prototype, and why is it used?

 A prototype is a working model of the system used to clarify requirements and test
ideas early in development.

12. Define system design.

 System design involves creating the architecture and detailed specifications for how a
system will meet its requirements.

13. What is encapsulation in object-oriented design?

 Encapsulation involves wrapping data and methods within a class, restricting direct
access to some components.

14. What is the Waterfall Model?

 The Waterfall Model is a linear SDLC approach where each phase must be completed
before the next begins.

15. Briefly explain the Agile methodology.

 Agile is an iterative and incremental methodology emphasizing flexibility, collaboration,

and customer feedback.

16. What is a Gantt Chart used for in project management?

 A Gantt Chart is used to schedule and track project tasks over time.

17. Describe the concept of 'scope creep'.

 Scope creep refers to uncontrolled changes or continuous growth in a project's scope.

18. What is an Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagram?

 An ER Diagram is a visual representation of entities and their relationships in a database.

19. What does a sequence diagram illustrate?

 A sequence diagram shows the interaction between objects over time in a particular

20. Explain the concept of modularity in system design.

 Modularity involves dividing a system into smaller, manageable parts (modules) that can
be developed and tested independently.

21. What are the main phases of the system development life cycle (SDLC)?

 The main phases are planning, analysis, design, implementation, testing, deployment,
and maintenance.

22. What is a class diagram?

 A class diagram shows the static structure of a system, including classes, attributes,
methods, and relationships.

23. What is meant by 'system architecture'?

 System architecture is the high-level structure of a system, defining its components and
their interactions.

24. Describe the purpose of Joint Application Development (JAD).

 JAD involves stakeholders working together in structured workshops to gather and

agree on system requirements.

25. What is corrective maintenance?

 Corrective maintenance involves fixing bugs and errors in a system after it goes live.

26. What is adaptive maintenance?

 Adaptive maintenance involves updating a system to accommodate changes in the

environment or requirements.

27. Explain perfective maintenance.

 Perfective maintenance involves enhancing the system's functionality and performance
based on user feedback.

28. What is preventive maintenance?

 Preventive maintenance involves making changes to prevent future problems and

improve system stability.

29. Define 'primary key' in a relational database.

 A primary key is a unique identifier for records in a table, ensuring each record can be
uniquely identified.

30. What does 'inheritance' mean in object-oriented design?

 Inheritance allows a class to inherit properties and methods from another class,
promoting code reuse.

31. What is the difference between a data store and a data flow in a DFD?

 A data store represents where data is stored, while a data flow shows the movement of
data between processes, data stores, and external entities.

32. What is a context diagram, and what does it show?

 A context diagram is a high-level DFD that shows the system boundaries and
interactions with external entities.

33. Define what a software requirement specification (SRS) document is.

 An SRS document details the functional and non-functional requirements of a system,

serving as a blueprint for development.

34. What is a user story in Agile methodology?

 A user story is a short, simple description of a feature from the perspective of an end

35. What is a backlog in Agile development?

 A backlog is a prioritized list of tasks and requirements that need to be completed in the

36. What does a state diagram represent?

 A state diagram represents the states of an object and the transitions between those
states in response to events.

37. Explain the term 'reusability' in software engineering.

 Reusability refers to the ability to use existing software components in new contexts or
projects, reducing development time and cost.

38. What is a focus group, and how is it used in requirements gathering?

 A focus group is a session where stakeholders discuss and provide feedback on system
requirements and features.

39. Describe the concept of 'black box' testing.

 Black box testing involves testing a system's functionality without knowing its internal
structure or implementation.

40. What is the purpose of system testing?

 System testing verifies that the complete and integrated system meets the specified

41. What is a stakeholder in system analysis?

 A stakeholder is anyone who has an interest in or is affected by the system being


42. What is meant by the term 'data dictionary'?

 A data dictionary is a centralized repository of information about data, including

definitions, relationships, and data types.

43. Define 'business process modeling'.

 Business process modeling involves creating a visual representation of a company's

processes to understand and improve them.

44. What is meant by the term 'scalability' in system design?

 Scalability is the ability of a system to handle increased load or expand in size without
performance degradation.

45. Explain the concept of 'risk analysis' in the SDLC.

 Risk analysis involves identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks to minimize their
impact on the project.

46. What is an activity diagram?

 An activity diagram represents the flow of activities or tasks in a system or process.

47. What does 'polymorphism' mean in object-oriented programming?

 Polymorphism allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common

superclass, enabling a single interface to represent different underlying forms.

48. What is a wireframe in system design?

 A wireframe is a simple visual representation of a user interface, outlining the layout and
structure without detailed design elements.

49. Explain the difference between high-fidelity and low-fidelity prototypes.

 High-fidelity prototypes are detailed and interactive, closely resembling the final
product, while low-fidelity prototypes are simple and often paper-based, focusing on
basic concepts and layout.

50. What is a deployment diagram, and what does it show?

 A deployment diagram illustrates the physical arrangement of hardware and software

components in a system, showing how they interact and are deployed in the physical

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