13 Quantum Workbook

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OCR A – A Level Physics

Quantum Physics
(Textbook ref. p242-259)


Bring this workbook to every lesson

If you get stuck on a question make a note of it here so you can ask about it in class or during an x-box session.

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Teacher grade: /3
0 – You have not attempted the task or have not submitted your work.

1 – You have made some attempt, but your work is incomplete or does not meet the expected levels of effort.

2 – You have completed the workbook to the expected level.

3 – You have exceeded the expected level of detail and completion. You can show this through detailed and
accurate completion of the big ideas section and a thorough approach to ensuring all exercise questions have
been completed and corrections have been added where appropriate.
Teacher Comments:

Chapter 12 Checklist

Checklist Date: Date: Date:


Can you explain the particulate nature (photon model) of electromagnetic


Can you define a photon as a quantum of energy of electromagnetic radiation?

Can you describe and calculate the energy of a photon using E = h f and λ ?

Can you define the electronvolt (eV) as a unit of energy?

eV =
Can you use LEDs and the equation λ to estimate the value of the Planck
constant h?

Can you determine the Planck constant using different coloured LEDs?

Can you explain the photoelectric effect, including a simple experiment to

demonstrate this effect?

Can you demonstrate the photoelectric effect using, for example, a gold-leaf
electroscope and zinc plate?

Can you describe the one-to-one interaction between a photon and a surface

Can you explain Einstein’s photoelectric equation h f = ɸ + KEmax?

Can you define work function and threshold frequency?

Can you explain the idea that the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons
is independent of the intensity of the incident radiation?

Can you explain the idea that a rate of emission of photoelectrons above the
threshold frequency is directly proportional to the intensity of the incident


Checklist Date: Date: Date:


Can you explain electron diffraction, including experimental evidence of this


Can you describe diffraction of electrons travelling through a thin slice of

polycrystalline graphite?

Can you use the de Broglie equation p?

Retrieval Questions – Available as Quizlet sets on classroom (scan QR code for

direct access)
13.1 & 13.4 Photons and Wave-particle Duality

What determines the energy of a photon? The frequency/wavelength

What is a photon? A quantum of energy of electromagnetic radiation
How do you calculate the energy of a photon? E = hf OR E =hc/λ
The energy gained or lost by an electron passing
What is an electron volt? through a potential difference of 1V
How do convert from eV to J? multiply by 1.6x10^-19
How do convert from J to eV? divide by 1.6x10^-19
The minimum potential difference required for the
What is the threshold p.d. of an LED? LED to produce light.
How can the threshold p.d. of an LED be used to find The energy transferred by the electrons (e x V) is
photon energy? equal to the energy of the photons produced (hf).
It describes how all matter can display both wave
What is meant by wave particle duality? and particle properties.
When an electron beam passes through
What is the key piece of evidence for wave particle polycrystaline graphite it produces a diffraction and
duality? interference pattern pattern.
What does the De Broglie wave equation apply to? Everything
What is the relationship between momentum and
wavelength? Inverse proportionality
13.2-13.3 The Photoelectric Effect

The emission of electrons from a metal surface when

What is the photoelectric effect? illuminated with light.
A lattice of positive ions surrounded by a sea of free
What is the atomic structure of a metal? electrons.
An electron that has been removed from a metal by
What is a photoelectron? absorbing a photon
The minimum energy required to remove an
What is the work function? electron from the surface of a metal
The minimum frequency of light required to produce
What is the threshold frequency? photoelectrons from a metal
What is monochromatic light Light of a single frequency/wavelength
What is the relationship between work function and
threshold frequency? ∅ = hf₀
What is required for a photon to be able to produce
photoelectrons? Its frequency is greater than the threshold frequency
Why can't light sources below the threshold
frequency produce photoelectrons? The photon energy is less than the work function
A single photon can be absorbed/emitted by a single
How do photons and electrons interact? electron which gains/loses the energy of the photon.
What is the effect on an electron of absorbing a
photon? The electron gains the energy of the photon
What effect does increasing the frequency of a
monochromatic light source have on photoelectrons Photoelectrons will have a greater maximum kinetic
produced? energy
What is the effect of increasing the intensity of a
monochromatic light source on photoelectrons More photoelectrons will be produced but they will
produced? have the same maximum kinetic energy
Why does the kinetic energy of photoelectrons from The work function is a minimum energy. Some
monochromatic light vary in the photoelectric electrons are liberated from deeper into the metal
effect? and require more energy to be liberated.
What two factors that determine the maximum The frequency of the light and the work function of
kinetic energy of photoelectrons? the metal
What determines the rate at which energy is
delivered by a wave? Intensity/amplitude of the wave
What is hf in Einstein's photoelectric effect equation
(hf = 𝜙 + KE(max)) The energy of the incident photon.
What is 𝜙 in Einstein's photoelectric effect equation
(hf = 𝜙 + KE(max)) The work function of the metal.
What is KE(max) in Einstein's photoelectric effect The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons
equation (hf = 𝜙 + KE(max))
According to the wave model how is energy
transferred from light to electrons in a metal? It is delivered continuously and builds up over time
If light is above the threshold frequency, how long
will it take for photoelectrons to start being
produced? It is instantaneous
What happens if very intense light that is below the No photoelectrons are produced, regardless of
threshold frequency is used? intensity.

Big ideas you need to know about - please summarise your understanding of these below
using correct terminology:
A – What does it mean when we say something is quantised? What does quantum theory mean in terms of
our understanding of the nature of light and how light interacts with matter?

B - Huygen's argued that light is a wave but actually...

C - It used to be believed that Electrons are particles. In reality...

D –What is wave particle duality? Describe a key demonstration that provides evidence of it and explain
why we don’t we notice it in our day to day lives?

E – State the main observations from the Photoelectric effect.

1 Describe how the photon model of light explains these observations.

2 Describe how these observations contradict a wave model of light.

Further independent study checklist for this unit
Isaac Boards
Section Title Complete?
13.1+13. The photon model and wave particle duality 
12.2-12.3 Photoelectric Effect 

Textbook exercises
You may want to complete these exercises as we go through the topic, however if you do not have time
then keep these as useful revision either for topic tests or as a review activity later in the year. The answers
to all the summary questions are in the back of the textbook and the practice questions are online – just
search “OCR Physics A textbook answers”.
Summary questions page: completed/checked?
13.1 - p246 
13.2 - p250 
13.3 – p253 
13.4 - p257 
Practice questions pages: completed/checked?
258-259 

Extension activities:
Find out about the weird, wonderful and often counterintuitive nature of Quantum theory and what it tells us about
the nature of reality.

Books in the library:

Youtube videos (see classroom):

The Uncertainty Principle and Diffraction - https://youtu.be/a8FTr2qMutA

Uncertainty Principle and Waves - https://youtu.be/VwGyqJMPmvE
Quantum Mechanics (An Embarrassment) - https://youtu.be/ZacggH9wB7Y

The photon model (13.1)
1. (a) A helium-neon laser emits red light of wavelength 6.3 × 10–7 m.
(i) Show that the energy of a single photon is about 3 × 10 J.


(ii) The power of the laser beam is 1.0 mW. Show that about 3 × 10 photons are
emitted by the laser each second.


(iii) Another laser emits blue light. The power in its beam is also 1.0 mW.

Explain why the laser emitting blue light emits fewer photons per second compared
with a laser of the same power emitting red light.




(b) A photodiode is a circuit component which can be used to convert a light signal into an
electrical one. The figure below shows an enlarged cross-section through a photodiode to
illustrate how it is constructed. Light incident on the thin transparent conducting surface
layer of the diode passes through it to be absorbed in the insulating layer. The energy of
each photon is sufficient to release one electron in the insulating layer. The potential
difference V applied across the insulating layer causes these electrons to move to one of
the conducting layers.

incident light

conducting layer
insulating layer X

conducting layer

(i) Draw an arrow on the figure above to show the direction of motion of an electron
released at point X in the centre of the insulating layer. [1]
A helium-neon laser emits red light of wavelength 6.3 × 10 m.

(ii) The red light from the laser is incident on the photodiode. Experiments show that
only 20% of the red light photons release electrons in the insulating layer and hence
in the circuit of the figure above. Calculate the current through the photodiode.

current = ................................ A [3]

(iii) Suggest one reason why the efficiency of the photodiode is less than 100%.


[Total 14 marks]

2. In a laser beam, each photon has energy 2.0 eV.

(i) Show that the wavelength of the electromagnetic waves emitted by the laser is about 6 
10 m.

(ii) Identify the region of the electromagnetic spectrum to which the waves emitted by the
laser belong.

[Total 3 marks]

3. The particle-like behaviour of electromagnetic waves is modelled using the idea of photons.
What is a photon?



4. In order for a light sensitive cell in the retina to be stimulated, a minimum of 10 photons per
second must reach the cell. 3 cells need to be stimulated to trigger a single nerve fibre. 85% of
the photons incident on the eye reach the retina.

At low light intensity, 5000 nerve fibres must be triggered each second in order to just form a
recognisable image.

(i) Calculate the minimum number of photons incident each second on the cornea needed to
just form an image.

number = .........................................................

(ii) If the average wavelength of the incident light is 4.0 × 10 m, calculate the minimum
power of light needed to just form an image.

power = ..................................................... W
[Total 6 marks]

The Photoelectric Effect (13.2-13.3)

1. In 1905 Einstein presented a theory to explain the photoelectric effect using the concept of
quantisation of radiation proposed by Planck in 1900.

(a) Show, with the aid of a suitably labelled diagram, the arrangement of apparatus that could
be used to demonstrate the photoelectric effect. Describe how you would use the
apparatus and what would be observed.

In your answer you should make clear how your observations provide evidence for the
photoelectric effect.


(b) Describe how the photoelectric effect can be explained in terms of the physics of quantum












[Total 10 marks]

2. An argon-laser emits electromagnetic radiation of wavelength 5.1 × 10 m. The radiation is
directed onto the surface of a caesium plate. The work function energy for caesium is 1.9 eV.

(i) Name the region of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the laser.

(ii) Show that the work function energy of caesium is 3.0 × 10 J.


(iii) Calculate

1 the energy of a single photon

energy = ............................. J

2 the maximum kinetic energy of an electron emitted from the surface of caesium.

kinetic energy = ............................. J


(iv) State and explain what change, if any, occurs to the maximum kinetic energy of an
emitted electron if the intensity of the laser light is reduced.





(v) The power of the laser beam is 80 mW. Calculate the number of electrons emitted per
second from the caesium plate assuming that only 7.0% of the incident photons interact
with the surface electrons.

number = .......................... s [2]
[Total 11 marks]

3. (i) The surface of a metal is illuminated with electromagnetic radiation. The photons interact
with the surface electrons of the metal.

1 Explain what is meant by threshold frequency.




2 Suggest what happens to the metal surface when the incident electromagnetic
radiation is below the threshold frequency.




(ii) The work function energy of potassium is 2.2 eV. The surface of potassium is illuminated
with electromagnetic radiation of a specific wavelength. Experiments show that the
photoelectrons from potassium have kinetic energy in the range zero to 1.9 eV. Determine
the wavelength of the incident electromagnetic radiation.

wavelength = .......................... m [4]

[Total 6 marks]

4. A negatively charged metal plate is exposed to electromagnetic radiation of frequency f. The
figure below shows the variation with f of the maximum kinetic energy Ek of the photoelectrons
emitted from the surface of the metal.

E k /10 –19 J

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 f /10 14 H z

(i) 1 Explain how the graph shows that the threshold frequency of this metal is 5.0  10



2 Calculate the work function energy of this metal in joules.

work function energy = .................................... J [2]

(ii) Electromagnetic radiation falls on the surface of a metal having work function energy
greater than your answer in (ii).

1 State and explain the change, if any, to the gradient of the line shown in the figure




2 State and explain the change, if any, to the position of the line shown in the figure.



[Total 8 marks]
Wave Particle Duality (13.4)
1. Calculate the speed of a carbon atom of mass 2.0  10 kg travelling in space with a de
Broglie wavelength of 6.8  10 m.
speed = .......................... m s [3]

2. Lithium ions are accelerated to a speed v. Below is a graph of the de Broglie wavelength  of
the ions against 1 v

– 11
 /10 m

1 –4 –1
0 2 4 6 8 V– /10 s m

Determine the gradient of the graph and hence calculate the mass m of a single ion of lithium.

m = .................................................... kg
[Total 3 marks]

3. In 1927 it was shown by experiment that electrons can produce a diffraction pattern.

(a) (i) Explain the meaning of the term diffraction.




(ii) State the condition necessary for electrons to produce observable diffraction when
passing through matter, e.g. a thin sheet of graphite in an evacuated chamber.




(b) Show that the speed of an electron with a de Broglie wavelength of 1.2 × 10 m is 6.0 ×
6 –1
10 m s .


6 –1
(c) The electrons in (b) are accelerated to a speed of 6.0 × 10 m s using an electron gun
shown diagrammatically in the figure below.

cathode anode


– +

(i) Calculate the potential difference V across the d.c. supply between the cathode and
the anode.

V = ..................................... V

(ii) Suggest why, in an electron gun, the cathode is connected to the negative terminal
of the supply rather than the positive terminal.



[Total 10 marks]

4. Write down the de Broglie equation and define the symbols. Explain how this important
equation relates to both particle and wave-like properties of the electron.







5. Two of the most important equations from quantum physics are listed below.

equation 1 E = hf

equation 2  = mv

Complete the following sentences:

(i) Equation 1 describes the …………… behaviour of electromagnetic waves.


(ii) Equation 2 describes the …………… behaviour of a particle such as an electron.

[Total 2 marks]


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