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Sycamore Tree

The sycamore tree grows very fast, and its branches spread out to give it a beautiful large,
rounded shape. It is a native tree to central and southern Europe . Nobody is sure when it
was brought to Ireland, but it is now our second most common hedgerow tree, after the ash.

Oak Tree
Oak is a native to Ireland and found in all Irish soils. It is a long living-tree, capable of living
for hundreds of years. Oak is valued for its strong durable timber. Oak woodland provides a
very good habitat for wild animals, insects and birds.

Hazel Tree
A native Irish tree, once believed to be the tree of knowledge, Corylus avellana is a large,
deciduous shrub or small tree with a spreading, bushy habit. The large, mid-green leaves
are broad, almost round, with a serrated edge, and turn yellow in autumn.

Yew Tree
The Irish Yew has very upright growth, forming wide columns. It is a small to medium sized
evergreen tree that can live to a great age. Its dark green needle-like foliage tolerates hard
pruning which leads to its use in avenues and hedges.

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