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Task 1 of 3 – Case Study (AC 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 4.1, 4.2 & 4.3)


You are required to prepare a case study about a business leader of your choice.

Examples of business leaders might include Jack Welch, Ricardo Semler, Richard

Branson, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Jack Ma, Dhirubhai Ambani, and Elon Musk to name but

a few of many examples.

You are advised to check with your tutor that your choice is appropriate.

You have been informed that your case study will be used for training purposes and

you should discuss theoretical perspectives supported by examples about your chosen

leader contribution to their organization.

To develop this case study report you must apply relevant theoretical fundamentals. Relate

with real-world examples of your chosen leader and their organizational context and

critically analyze your argument.

The structure of the case study should include the following:

• Background to the organization and the business leader with a justification of your choice.

• Explain the meaning of strategic leadership and importance to the selected


• Contrast the main approaches to the study of leadership and the approach

relevant to the organization.

Case Study: Strategic Leadership of Steve Jobs at Apple Inc.


This case study explores Steve Jobs’ strategic leadership at Apple Inc., chosen due to Jobs'
significant impact on the company's transformation into a global technology leader. By
examining Jobs' leadership through various theoretical lenses, we gain insights into the
importance of strategic leadership in driving organizational success. This study covers the
background of Apple and Jobs, explains strategic leadership, and contrasts different
leadership approaches, highlighting the most relevant for Apple.
Background to the Organization and the Business Leader

Apple Inc.

Founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne, Apple Inc. started as a
personal computer company. Over the years, it evolved into a global technology leader,
renowned for innovative products such as the Macintosh, iPod, iPhone, iPad, and Apple
Watch. Apple's commitment to design excellence and customer experience has set it apart in
the competitive tech industry. Headquartered in Cupertino, California, Apple operates
worldwide, generating substantial revenue and influencing numerous sectors.

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, born in 1955, was a visionary entrepreneur and co-founder of Apple Inc. Known
for his innovative thinking and market foresight, Jobs was instrumental in Apple's success.
He drove the development of groundbreaking products and established a corporate culture
focused on innovation and excellence. Jobs' strategic vision revived Apple during its
struggling years in the late 1990s and positioned it as a technology leader.

Justification for Choice

Steve Jobs is an ideal subject for this case study due to his significant contributions to Apple
and the broader tech industry. His leadership showcases how strategic vision and innovation
can propel an organization to success. Analyzing Jobs' leadership provides valuable insights
into strategic leadership principles in a real-world context.

Meaning of Strategic Leadership and Its Importance to Apple Inc.

Strategic Leadership

Strategic leadership involves guiding an organization through complex environments, making

crucial decisions that shape its long-term direction and success. It includes setting a clear
vision, aligning resources, motivating employees, and fostering a culture of continuous
improvement and innovation. Strategic leaders anticipate future trends, manage
organizational change, and sustain competitive advantages through effective strategy

Importance to Apple Inc.

Strategic leadership has been vital for Apple in navigating the fast-paced tech industry. Steve
Jobs' strategic vision and leadership were key in transforming Apple from a struggling
company into a global powerhouse. His ability to anticipate market needs, drive innovation,
and inspire a culture of excellence enabled Apple to consistently deliver groundbreaking
products and maintain a dominant market position. Jobs' strategic decisions, such as focusing
on design and user experience, have become integral to Apple's identity and success.
Main Approaches to the Study of Leadership

Trait Approach

The trait approach focuses on identifying specific qualities and characteristics that distinguish
leaders from non-leaders. Traits like intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity,
and sociability are considered inherent qualities contributing to effective leadership. While
this approach provides valuable insights, it has limitations in explaining why certain traits are
effective in specific contexts.

Behavioral Approach

The behavioral approach examines leaders' actions and behaviors rather than their traits. It
identifies two primary types of leader behavior: task-oriented and people-oriented. Task-
oriented leaders focus on achieving goals and ensuring productivity, while people-oriented
leaders emphasize building relationships and supporting their team members. This approach
highlights the importance of leadership behaviors but may overlook the impact of situational

Contingency Approach

The contingency approach suggests that the effectiveness of a leadership style depends on the
context and situational variables. It posits that there is no one-size-fits-all leadership style;
instead, leaders must adapt their style to the specific needs of the situation. This approach
emphasizes the interaction between the leader, followers, and the environment, providing a
more comprehensive understanding of leadership effectiveness.

Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership emphasizes inspiring and motivating followers to achieve

extraordinary outcomes and fostering significant organizational change. Transformational
leaders articulate a compelling vision, encourage innovation, and promote a culture of
continuous improvement. They are characterized by their ability to inspire trust, create a
sense of purpose, and develop strong emotional connections with their followers.

Transactional Leadership

Transactional leadership focuses on the exchanges between leaders and followers,

emphasizing routine and established procedures. Leaders provide clear expectations, rewards,
and punishments based on performance. This approach is effective in maintaining stability
and achieving short-term goals but may lack the flexibility and inspiration needed for long-
term success and innovation.
Relevant Approach for Apple: Transformational Leadership

Steve Jobs as a Transformational Leader

Steve Jobs exemplifies transformational leadership. His visionary approach, charisma, and
ability to inspire employees to pursue innovation were central to Apple’s success. Jobs
transformed Apple’s culture, instilling a relentless focus on design excellence and customer
experience. His leadership style encouraged creativity and risk-taking, leading to
revolutionary products that set new industry standards.

Visionary Product Development

Jobs’ vision led to the creation of the iPhone, a product that redefined the smartphone
industry. His insistence on combining sleek design with advanced functionality set Apple
apart from competitors. The introduction of the iPhone in 2007 not only revolutionized
mobile technology but also created a new ecosystem of apps and services, driving Apple’s
growth and market dominance.

Corporate Culture

Jobs fostered a culture of innovation and excellence at Apple. He emphasized simplicity,

attention to detail, and a customer-centric approach, which became ingrained in Apple’s
corporate DNA. This culture encouraged employees to think creatively, challenge the status
quo, and strive for perfection in every product and service.

Leadership and Innovation

Under Jobs’ leadership, Apple developed groundbreaking products like the iMac, iTunes,
iPod, and iPad. His ability to foresee technological trends and consumer needs positioned
Apple as a market leader. Jobs’ strategic decisions, such as focusing on the integration of
hardware and software, were crucial in creating seamless user experiences and building a
loyal customer base.

Critical Analysis

Positive Impact of Jobs’ Leadership

Steve Jobs’ strategic leadership at Apple demonstrates the power of transformational

leadership in driving organizational success. His ability to articulate a compelling vision and
inspire his team to achieve it was instrumental in Apple’s rise to prominence. Jobs’ focus on
innovation and excellence created a sustainable competitive advantage for Apple, ensuring its
long-term success in the tech industry.

Jobs’ leadership style fostered a culture of innovation, where employees were encouraged to
take risks and pursue bold ideas. This culture led to the development of iconic products that
redefined entire industries. Jobs’ emphasis on design and user experience set new standards
for product quality and customer satisfaction.

Challenges and Criticisms

Despite the positive impact, Jobs’ leadership style also had its critics. His intense focus on
perfection and high expectations sometimes led to a demanding work environment. Jobs was
known for his exacting standards and sometimes abrasive management style, which could
create pressure and stress for employees. While this approach drove innovation, it also raised
questions about work-life balance and employee well-being.

Furthermore, Jobs’ leadership was highly centralized, with decision-making power

concentrated in his hands. This centralized approach, while effective in driving his vision,
could also stifle alternative ideas and limit the input of other talented leaders within the
organization. The reliance on Jobs’ unique vision and charisma posed risks to Apple’s
continuity and stability, as evidenced by the challenges the company faced after his initial
departure in 1985.

Long-Term Sustainability

The true test of strategic leadership lies in its ability to ensure long-term sustainability and
adaptability. While Jobs’ leadership was instrumental in Apple’s success, the company’s
ability to maintain its innovative edge and market leadership after his passing in 2011 is a
testament to the enduring impact of his strategic vision. Under the leadership of Tim Cook,
Apple has continued to innovate and expand its product portfolio, demonstrating that Jobs’
transformational leadership left a lasting legacy.


Steve Jobs’ strategic leadership was pivotal to Apple’s transformation into a global
technology leader. His visionary approach, coupled with his ability to inspire and drive
innovation, exemplifies the principles of transformational leadership. By analyzing Jobs’
contributions to Apple through various leadership theories, we gain valuable insights into the
role of strategic leadership in achieving organizational success.

Jobs’ emphasis on innovation, design excellence, and customer experience created a

sustainable competitive advantage for Apple. While his leadership style had its challenges,
the positive impact on Apple’s growth and market position is undeniable. This case study
underscores the importance of visionary leadership in fostering innovation and sustaining
competitive advantage in a rapidly evolving industry.

Through the lens of Steve Jobs’ leadership at Apple, we see the profound impact that
strategic leadership can have on an organization’s trajectory. His ability to navigate complex
challenges, anticipate future trends, and inspire a culture of excellence offers valuable lessons
for leaders across industries.


1- Denoncourt, J. (2019). Companies and UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goal 9

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.

(Background to the Organization and the Business Leader

Apple Inc.

Founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne,)

2- Chikono, N. N. (2017). Leadership Practices That Improve the Workplace Safety

(Transactional Leadership

Transactional leadership focuses on the exchanges between leaders and followers,)

3- Mateos, E. (2019). A Whole New World. Editor & Publisher, 152(9), 39-42.

(The introduction of the iPhone in 2007 revolutionized).

4- Lowly Gentlemen. | 8negro.

(the status quo, and strive for perfection in)

5- Sample Personal Branding Statement: Crafting An |

(His ability to articulate a compelling vision and)

6- CBUSA’s Partnership with Hardie® Siding | CBUSA.


(has continued to innovate and expand its product portfolio)

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