Final Poem

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Character of happy life:

Short q/answers:

 1. List the three literary devices used by the poet in the poem ”character of happy life ”

Ans: literary devices used in the poem are :

a.) Personification: princely love or valgar breath

b.) Rhyme: ‘servile bands’ and ‘not of land’
‘gifts to lend’ and ‘book or friend’
 2. What does the poet refer to in the first stanza of the poem?

Ans: The poet refers to the traits owned by an individual which promotes his honesty , and
utmost truth and transparency.

 3.What does the poet expect the individual’s soul to be prepared for?
Ans: He expects the individual’s soul to be prepared for death.
 4. What does the poet believe an individual with honest traits will be free from?
Ans: the poet believes he will be free from rumours on the earth.
 5. According to the poet, what does the certain individual’s traits refrain him from?
Ans: it should refrain his state of conscience from being misled by accusers.

Broad question answer:

1.) Discuss the philosophy and theme of the poem ” character of happy life”

Clues :

 The poet articulates life realms and priviledges of individuals with innocent traits that direct
them away from the negativity of the planet and unnecesssary allegations and accusations.
 He points out that transparency is the key to secure oneself from conflicts and rumours or
conspiracy and can generate peace in his life.
 The poet in a tone of appreciation speaks about the people who are selective in investing their
time with a good friend or in the inheritence of knowledge through book reading and adopts
good practice in their daily activities.
 He says that such individuals do not project towards usual hatred towards people and are
reluctant to be of destructive nature.
 Therefore, the lives of these individuals are well retained in balance and in usual terms , there is
never sudden disruption of rise and fall in their ways of life.

2.) Explain what life notions the poet refers to in the last stanza :
”This man is free from servile bands,
Of hope to rise and fear to fall,
Lord of himself though not of lands,
And having nothing , he hath all”

 The poet turns vocal about the traits of happy individuals who are occupied
with a balanced life because of their retreat from interventions into other
peoples lives.
 He mentions in the last stanza that such men will be unattended by sudden
negative triggers in life because of their explicit innocence and proclaim of
brutual honesty.
 He encourages other beings to pursue and attain. Similar traits to help
prevail peace and harmony in nature.
 He attempts on an indication of life which allows humans to navigate among
the certain aspects of unity, truth and honesty.
 The poet is a firm believer of simplest and basic human characteristics and
through certain verbal rhymes he proves how he vouches so much for
prevalence of such traits.

Anthem of doomed youth:

Short questions:
 1.) List the literary devices used in the poem ”anthem of doomed youth”
Ans: literary devices used in the poem are—
Personification: ”passing bells” and ”drawing downs”
Rhyme: ” die a cattle ” and ”rapid rattles”

 2.) How does the poet exaggerate the sounds of guns?

Ans: The poet exaggerates the sounds of guns with the word ” monstrous anger”
 3.) In the second stanza what does the poet mean when he says ”glimmer of good byes”?
Ans: He means the final breath of existence of the boys in the war.
 4.) Reinterpret the last line of the poem ”slow dusk the drawing down of blinds”
Ans: It means that end of every battling day, the blinds are drawn down the windows after
evening arrives.

Broad questions:

1.) Discuss the engagement the poet tries to create through the poem “anthem of doomed
youth” with the reader by illustrating the physical conflicts between young men in life
battles and the realm of their struggles.
2.) Explain what the poet tries to convey in the few lines on the second stanza ” not in the
hands of boys but in their eyes
Shall shine the holy glimmers of good byes”
Interpret these extracts from the poem with elaboration.

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