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What do you need to What SKILLS do What VALUES do

KNOW in order to you need to acquire you need to
perform your task to perform your possessed to
efficiently? tasks effectively? perform your tasks
I need to be fully The skills that a An effective
aware of my tasks and supervisor must have: supervisor has
responsibilities, A strong sense of strong principles,
understand the Leadership, effective manages problems
educational system communication with
professionally, is
inside and outside the others, have a sense
institution, and excel in of urgency, can hands-on,
verbal and written resolve circumstances considerate, open
communication to professionally, and to feedback, and
meet the needs of our confidence in whatever constructive
learners and ensure a she/he does. criticism.
great learning
As a Cooperating Every principal should The principal should
Principal/School have the following treat others fairly, be
Head/Master Teacher, skills: Strong open to opinions and
I must know the leadership, positive suggestions, and
school's personnel, communication, embrace change.
understand academic flexibility, can They should take
standards, curriculum adapt and change, steadfast action to
alignment, and problem-solver, and develop holistic
learning resources for effective decision- learning for students
each grade. maker and maintain positive
Additionally, I need relationships with
resources to evaluate personnel to ensure
individual learning effective task
capacity. completion.
I need to understand I must actively engage I must foresee my
my learners, including my students in daily learners fair and
their strengths, discussions, focusing equally. I should treat
weaknesses, learning on the 3I’s: Innovative, them properly the
styles, and classroom Integrative, and way they’d feel
routines. I will use Interactive. belong, are loved,
various tools to Additionally, I should and accepted. I
monitor their progress prioritize the 2C’s, should open to more
and ensure effective which are collaboration opportunities and I
assessments to track and cooperation, to must dedicate these
their learning breadth. foster a conducive things whole
classroom heartedly to my
environment and students.
promote a holistic
relationship while
shaping their
Article II Board for Since this is inclined to my profession,
1. R.A 7836 Philippine Professional Teachers this will be my caliber because I have
Teachers Professionalization knowledge, understanding, and
Act of 1994 experiences that will help me to get my
Sec. 13. Teaching Hours. I have expertise, knowledge, and
2. R.A 4670 “The Magna Carta experiences that serves as guidance to
for Public School Teachers apply everything what I’ve learned
during internship. I also manage to know
what are the things that I need to know
to be an effective and efficient in their
Sec. 3. Work, Education, or This will be a sign of awareness to
3. RA 7877 “The Anti-Sexual Training-related Sexual every teacher to ensure the safety of our
Harassment” Act of 1995 Harassment Defined learners. I will be a role model to
everyone not just to my learners but also
to my co-teachers not to engage in any
form of harassment.

Phase 2 of the Teaching Internship appears to be the most challenging for me. This is because it
involves numerous adjustments and tasks that need to be completed within a week. These tasks
include familiarizing oneself with classroom routines, management, and the daily workings of the
classroom. Additionally, it requires understanding and dealing with the differences among students,
such as their attitudes, ages, and backgrounds.

In order to have a positive Teaching Internship experience, I will dedicate myself wholeheartedly and
passionately to strive towards becoming a better teacher. I will prioritize my tasks and maintain
professionalism to ensure that my work is not compromised. I aim to apply the knowledge gained from
this book to avoid any regrets by the end of my teaching internship.
Thanks to this teaching internship, I have gained the ability to develop lesson
plans, visual aids, and instructional materials to enhance our discussions. I can also
utilize a range of engaging teaching and learning activities to actively involve the
students. I have learned how to conduct assessments to monitor their progress. While
I appreciate the effectiveness of my classroom routines, I recognize the need to
enhance my classroom management. At times, I feel that my classroom management
lacks proper implementation due to overwhelming feelings. I have realized the
importance of reviewing and reconsidering my classroom management plan to ensure
its successful execution.

In my role as Jacob's teacher, I will closely As Mia's teacher, I will first

observe him during our class and organize an reinforce my rules and regulations
activity where the students talk about
following our discussion. Then, I will have
themselves and share it orally. This will help
Jacob and his classmates become aware of
a private conversation with Mia to
their interests and desires, and boost their address concerns about her attitude and
confidence. I will also communicate with help her understand the negative impact
Jacob's parents or guardian to gather of disruptions during class. Additionally, I
information about him and his home will adopt a stricter approach to ensure
environment. During our conversation, I will discipline and responsibility among all
address social issues such as bullying to
prevent negative behavior and foster a holistic
relationship. Additionally, I will arrange partner
or group activities on specific topics to enable
Jacob and his classmates to get to know each
other and support one another.

Establishing effective class routines and a solid class structure is crucial as it allows
students to feel welcomed and at ease when they enter the classroom. This fosters a
holistic relationship, making it enjoyable for students to engage in our class routines,
feel a sense of belonging, and exhibit positive behavior towards the entire class.
Therefore, a strong structure is also important as it emphasizes the smoothness of
discussions and ensures that opinions, suggestions, and answers are open to mutual

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