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UP (Judiciary) PRATICE Test Paper

1. What was the name of Indian who participated in all three Round Table Conferences?
(a) B.R. Ambedkar
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Mohammad Ali Jinnah’
(d) Tej Bahadur Sapru
Ans: (a)
2. Who among the following was the first President of the ‘All India Anti-Untouchability League’ formed by
Mahatma Gandhiji in 1932 ?
(a) B.R. Ambedkar
(b) Amrit Lal Thakkar
(c) Ghanshyam Das Birla
(d) M.K. Gandhi
Ans: (c)
3. Assertion (A): The Poona Pact defeated the purpose of Communal Award.
Reason (R): It paved the way for reservation of seats in the Parliament and the State Assemblies for the
SC and ST people.
Select the correct answer from the code given below :
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true
Ans: (a)
4. In which of the following States Congress did not won an absolute majority in the elections for the
Legislative Assemblies which were held in 1937 under the 1935 Act?
(a) Madras
(b) Bihar
(c) Bombay
(d) Bengal
Ans: (d)
5. Who among the following was the President of the All India States Peoples Conference in 1939?
(a) Jai Prakash Narayan
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Sheikh Abdullah
(d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Ans: (b)
6. Jammu and Kashmir became an integral part of India on
(a) 26th October, 1948
(b) 26th November, 1948
(c) 26th October, 1947
(d) None of the above
Ans: (c)
7. The Pakistan Resolution was adopted by the Muslim League in :
(a) February, 1922
(b) December, 1928
(c) March, 1940
(d) September, 1944
Ans: (c)
8. The Muslim League Annual Session which gave effect to Jinnah’s Two Nation Theory was held in :
(a) Lahore
(b) Karachi
(c) Bombay
(d) Lucknow
Ans: (a)
9. Which of the following sites has revealed the earliest evidence of settled life?
(a) Dholavira
(b) Kile Gul Mohammad
(c) Kalibangan
(d) Mehrgarh
Ans: (d)
10. ‘Bhimbetka’ cave of ancient historical period is famous for :
(a) Rock Paintings
(b) Buddhist Statues
(c) Aryan Culture
(d) Origin of Indus Valley Civilization
Ans: (a)
11. The Great Bath was found from the Indus Valley civilization at :
(a) Mohenjodaro
(b) Harappa
(c) Lothal
(d) Kalibangan
Ans: (a)
12. A highly advanced water management system of Harappan times has been unearthed at :
(a) Alamgirpur
(b) Dholavira
(c) Kalibangan
(d) Lothal
Ans: (B)
13. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below.
List-I List-II
Harappan Settlement) (River on which located)
A. Harappa 1. Bhogava
B. Kalibangan 2. Ghaggar
C. Lothal 3. Ravi
D. Ropar 4. Sutlej
(a) 3 2 1 4
(b) 3 4 1 2
(c) 4 2 3 1
(d) 3 2 4 1
Ans: (a)
14. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below.
List-I List-II
(Harappan Site) (Location)
A. Manda 1. Rajasthan
B. Daimabad 2. Haryana
C. Kalibangan 3. Jammu-Kashmir
D. Rakhigarhi 4. Maharashtra
(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 2 3 4 1
(c) 3 4 1 2
(d) 4 1 2 3
Ans: (c)
15. Which one of the following Vedic literature talks about salvation?
(a) Rig Veda
(b) Later Samhitas
(c) Brahmins
(d) Upanishads
Ans: (d)
16. The famous dialogue between Nachiketa and Yama is mentioned in the :
(a) Brihadadranyaka Upanishad
(b) Chhandogyopanishad
(c) Kathopanishad
(d) Kenopanishad
Ans: (c)
17. Boghaz-Koi is important because : :
(a) It was an important trading centre between Central Asia and Tibet
(b) Inscriptions were found which mentioned the names of Vedic Gods and Goddesses
(c) Original Texts of the Vedas were composed here
(d) None of the above
Ans: (b)
18. ‘Ayurveda’ that is ‘Science of Life’ appeared first in :
(a) Aranyaka
(b) Samveda
(c) Yajurveda
(d) Atharvaveda
Ans: (d)
19. Who composed the Gayatri Mantra?
(a) Vasishtha
(b) Vishwamitra
(c) Indra
(d) Parikshit
Ans: (b)
20. Where was Mahavira Swami born?
(a) Kundagram
(b) Pataliputra
(c) Magadha
(d) Vaishali
Ans: (a)
21. Which one of the following is not common between Buddhism and Jainism?
(a) Ahimsa
(b) Indifference to Vedas
(c) Self-mortification
(d) Rejection of Rituals
Ans: (c)
22. The Doctrine of void (Shunyata) was propounded by the Buddhist philosopher :
(a) Nagarjuna
(b) Nagasena
(c) Ananda
(d) Ashvaghosha
Ans: (a)
23. Four important events of Buddha’s life and thereby related four places are mentioned below.
List-I List-II
A. Birth 1. Sarnath
B. Enlightenment 2. Bodh Gaya
C. First preaching 3. Lumbini
D. Death 4. Kushinagar
Match List-I with List-II and select correct answer from the code given below.
(a) 1 2 4 3
(b) 2 3 1 4
(c) 3 2 1 4
(d) 4 1 3 2
Ans: (c)
24. Recently, Mount Sammed (Sammed Shikharji), is a holy site for the Jain community on which 23 rd Jain
Tirthankara Parshvanatha attained moksha, has been in news is located in :
(a) Bihar
(b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Jharkhand
(d) Madhya Pradesh
25. Lord Buddha preached the following four noble truths. Put them in correct order using the code given
(1) There is suffering.
(2) There is a cessation of suffering.
(3) There is a path leading to the cessation of suffering.
(4) There is the cause of suffering.
Code :
(a) 1, 4, 2, 3
(b) 1, 4, 3, 2
(c) 1, 3, 2, 4
(d) 1, 2, 4, 3
Ans: (a)
26. In which one of the following languages was the earliest Jain literature compiled?
(a) Ardh-Magadhi
(b) Paali
(c) Prakrit
(d) Sanskrit
Ans: (a)
27. ‘Ajivika’ sect was founded by :
(a) Anand
(b) Rahulabhadra
(c) Makkhali Gosala
(d) Upali
Ans: (c)
28. The famous pilgrimage of Buddhists as well as of Jains in Uttar Pradesh is at :
(a) Sarnath
(b) Kaushambi
(c) Devipatan
(d) Kushinagar
Ans: (b)
29. Which of the following statements is/are applicable to Jaina Doctrine?
(1) The surest way of annihilating karma is to practice penance.
(2) Every object, even the smallest particle has a soul.
(3) Karma is the bane of the soul and must be ended.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
(a) Only 1
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 2
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Ans: (d)
30. Who were the ‘Nayanars’?
(a) Vaishnavites
(b) Shaivites
(c) Shaktas
(d) Worshippers of God of Sun
Ans: (b)
31. The earliest archival evidence related to Bhagavat Religion (Vasudeva) is :
(a) Allahabad’s inscription of Samudragupta
(b) Besnagar’s inscription of Heliodorus
(c) Bhitri’s inscription of Skanda Gupta
(d) Mehrauli’s pillar inscription
Ans: (b)
32. The ancient place where the narration of entire Mahabharata was read in the conference of 60,000 hermits
(a) Ahichhatra
(b) Hastinapur
(c) Kampilya
(d) Naimisharanya
Ans: (d)
33. Who among the following kings had founded Pataliputra?
(a) Sisunaga
(b) Bimbisar
(c) Ajatashatru
(d) Udayin
Ans: (d)
34. By whom the first republic of the world was established in Vaishali?
(a) Maurya
(b) Nanda
(c) Gupta
(d) Lichchhavi
Ans: (d)
35. Which Buddha text has described 16 Mahajanapadas of 6th century B.C.?
(a) Digha Nikaya
(b) Tripitaka
(c) Deepavansh
(d) Anguattar Nikaya
Ans: (d)
36. Which initial Magadha ruler of Haryanka dynasty killed his father for enthroning and also was killed by his
son for the same reason?
(a) Bimbisara
(b) Ajatashatru
(c) Udayin
(d) Nagdashak
Ans: (b)
37. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below.
List-I List-II
(Ancient Places of U.P.) (Capital)
A. Kuru 1. Saket
B. Panchal 2. Kaushambi
C. Kosala 3. Ahichhatra
D. Vatsa 4. Indraprastha
Code :
(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 4 3 1 2
(c) 3 4 2 1
(d) 4 2 3 1
Ans: (B)
38. Which one of the following dynasties was ruling over North India at the time of Alexander’s invasion?
(a) Nanda
(b) Maurya
(c) Sunga
(d) Kanva
Ans: (a)
39. The Arthashastra of Kautilya is a :
(a) Play about Chandragupta Maurya
(b) Biography
(c) History of Chandragupta Maurya
(d) Book on Principles of Government
Ans: (d)
40. Who first deciphered the Brahmi Script?
(a) Cunningham
(b) A. H. Dani
(c) Buhler
(d) James Prinsep
Ans: (d)
41. Which Ashokan Rock Edict describes the victory and injuries of Kalinga war?
(a) Rock Edict I
(b) Rock Edict II
(c) Rock Edict XII
(d) Rock Edict XIII
Ans: (d)
42. The division of Mauryan ‘Society into seven classes’ is particularly mentioned in
(a) Kautilya’s Arthashastra
(b) Ashokan Edicts
(c) The Puranas
(d) Megasthenes’ Indica
Ans: (d)
43. The institution of child marriage started in which period?
(a) Maurya Period
(b) Kushan Period
(c) Gupta Period
(d) Harshavardhan Period
Ans: (d)
44. Who is known as the Napoleon of India?
(a) Chandragupta Maurya
(b) Chandragupta-II Vikramaditya
(c) Great Ashoka
(d) Samudragupta
Ans: (d)
45. The gold coins issued by the Guptas were known as Dinara and what was name of the silver coins of this
period ?
(a) Karshapana
(b) Rupaya
(c) Rupaka
(d) Nisk
Ans: (c)
46. The system of philosophy propounded by Kapila Muni is :
(a) Purva Mimansa
(b) Sankhya Philosophy
(c) Nyaya Philosophy
(d) Uttar Mimansa
Ans: (b)
47. Which of the following schools of philosophy is of the opinion that Vedas contain the eternal truth?
(a) Sakhya
(b) Vaisheshika
(c) Mimansa
(d) Nyaya
Ans: (c)
48. The Founder of Advait Philosophy is :
(a) Sankaracharya
(b) Ramanujacharya
(c) Madhvacharya
(d) Mahatma Buddha
Ans: (a)
49. Nalanda Vihar was destroyed by :
(a) Bakhtiyar Khalji
(b) Qutubddin Aibak
(c) Muhammad Bin Tuglaq
(d) Alauddin Khalji
Ans: (a)
50. Where are the four monasteries established by Adi ‘Shankaracharya’ situated?
(a) Sringeri, Dwarka, Joshimath, Prayag
(b) Dwarka, Joshimath, Prayag, Kanchi
(c) Joshimath, Dwarka, Puri, Sringeri
(d) Puri, Sringeri, Dwarka, Varanasi
Ans: (c)
51. Famous cave temples of Elephanta devoted to Shaiva sect are ascribed to
(a) Chalukyas
(b) Cholas
(c) Pallavas
(d) Rashtrakutas
Ans: (d)
52. Ellora cave temples are related to
(1) Hinduism
(2) Buddhism
(3) Jainism
Choose right answer from code.
(a) Only 1
(b) Only 2
(c) 1 and 2
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Ans: (d)
53. The famous bronze image of Nataraja is a fine example of :
(a) Chola Art
(b) Gandhara Art
(c) Gupta Art
(d) Mauryan Art
Ans: (a)
54. ‘Ashtadhyayi’ was written by :
(a) Vedavyas
(b) Panini
(c) Shukhadeva
(d) Valmiki
Ans: (b)
55. ‘Nagananda’, ‘Ratnavali’ and ‘Priyadarshika’ was written by :
(a) Bana Bhatta
(b) Vishakha Datta
(c) Vatsyayan
(d) Harshavardhana
Ans: (d)
56. First Muslim invader in India was :
(a) Qutbuddin Aybak
(b) Muhammad Ghazni
(c) Muhammad-Bin-Qasim
(d) Muhammad Ghori
Ans: (c)
57. Coins of which Muslim ruler bear an image of Devi Lakshmi?
(a) Muhammad Ghori
(b) Allauddin Khalji
(c) Akbar
(d) None of the above
Ans: (a)
58. Who was called ‘a slave of a slave’?
(a) Mohd. Ghori
(b) Qutbuddin Aibak
(c) Balban
(d) Iltutmish
Ans: (d)
59. The Mongols under Genghis Khan invaded India during the reign of :
(a) Balban
(b) Firuz Tughluq
(c) Iltutmish
(d) Muhammad-Bin-Tughluq
Ans: (c)
60. Who among the following introduced the famous Persian festival ‘Navroz’ in India?
(a) Balban
(b) Iltutmish
(c) Firuj Tughluq
(d) Alauddin Khalji
Ans: (a)
61. Which Sultan of Delhi assumed the title of Alexander the Great?
(a) Balban
(b) Alauddin Khalji
(c) Muhammad-Bin-Tughluq
(d) Sikandar Lodi
Ans: (b)
62. Which one of the following Kings of the medieval India began the ‘Public Distribution System’?
(a) Alauddin Khalji
(b) Balban
(c) Firuz Shah Tughluq
(d) Muhammad-Bin-Tughluq
Ans: (a)
63. Which Sultan introduced new Department ‘Aamir-e-Kohi’?
(a) Alauddin Khalji
(b) Firuz Shah Tughluq
(c) Muhammad-Bin-Tughluq
(d) Sikandar Lodi
Ans: (c)
64. Who among the following Sultans of Delhi established an ‘Employment Exchange’ to help the
(a) Balban
(b) Alauddin Khalji
(c) Muhammad-Bin-Tughluq
(d) Firuz Shah Tughluq
Ans: (d)
65. Which of the following Sultans founded a town where now stands Agra?
(a) Muhammad-Bin-Tughluq
(b) Firuz Tughluq
(c) Bahlol Lodi
(d) Sikandar Lodi
Ans: (d)
66. Who were the ‘Ashtadiggajas’ in the court of Krishnadev Raya?
(a) Eight ministers
(b) Eight Telugu poets
(c) Eight great warriors
(d) Eight advisors
Ans: (b)
67. The famous Hazara temple of Vijayanagara was built during the reign of :
(a) Krishnadeva Raya
(b) Deva Raya I
(c) Deva Raya II
(d) Harihara I
Ans: (a)
68. Who among the following Rajput rulers is known to have written a book on music?
(a) Jayachandra Gahadavala
(b) Prithviraj Chauhan
(c) Rana Kumbha
(d) Man Singh
Ans: (c)
69. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below.
List-I List-II
A. Ziyauddin Barani 1. Tarikh-i-Mubarakshahi
B. Hasan Nizami 2. Tabqat-i-Nasiri
C. Minhaj-us-Siraj 3. Tarikh-i-Firuzshahi
D. Yahia-hin-Ahmad 4. Taj-ul-Maasir
5. Tabaqat-i-Akbari
Code :
(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 3 4 5 1
(c) 5 3 4 1
(d) 3 4 2 1
Ans: (d)
70. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by using the code given below.
List-I List-II
A. Battle of Plassey 1. 261 B.C.
B. Battle of Kalinga 2. 1576 A.D.
C. Battle of Haldighati 3. 1192 A.D.
D. Battle of Tarain 4. 1757 A.D.
Code :
(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 2 1 3 4
(c) 4 1 2 3
(d) 3 4 1 2
Ans: (c)
71. Which one of the following places was known as ‘Shiraz of East’ during the regime of Sharqi Rulers?
(a) Agra
(b) Delhi
(c) Jaunpur
(d) Varanasi
Ans: (c)
72. Ruler of Kashmir who was also known as ‘Akbar of Kashmir’ was :
(a) Shamshuddin Shah
(b) Sikandar Butshikan
(c) Haidar Shah
(d) Zain-ul-Abidin
Ans: (d)
73. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by using the code given below.
List-I List-II
A. Adil Shahi 1. Ahmednagar
B. Qutub Shahi 2. Bijapur
C. Nizam Shahi 3. Golconda
D. Sharqi Shahi 4. Jaunpur
(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 2 3 4 1
(c) 3 4 1 2
(d) 2 3 1 4
Ans: (D)
74. ‘God knows man’s virtues and enquires not his caste, in the next world there is no caste ’ This was the
theory of which Bhakti saint?
(a) Ramanand
(b) Dadu
(c) Nanak
(d) Ramanuja
Ans: (c)
75. The first Sufi Saint of Chishtia Sect in India was :
(a) Shaikh Muinuddin Chishti
(b) Hamiduddin Chishti
(c) Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki
(d) Nizamuddin Auliya
Ans: (a)
76. The first Battle of Panipat was fought between :
(a) Babur and Rana Sanga
(b) Sher Shah Suri and Akbar
(c) Humayun and Ibrahim Lodi
(d) Babur and Ibrahim Lodi
Ans: (d)
77. Ibadat Khana at Fatehpur Sikri was :
(a) The mosque for the use of Royal Family
(b) Akbar’s private prayer chamber
(c) The hall in which Akbar held discussions with scholars of various religions
(d) The room in which the nobles belonging to different religions gathered to discuss religious affairs
Ans: (c)
78. Who translated the Ramayan into the Persian language in accordance with the wishes of Akbar?
(a) Abul Fazl
(b) Abul Qadir Badauni
(c) Faizi
(d) Abdur Rahim Khan-i-Khanan
Ans: (b)

79. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the lists.
List-I List-II
(Emperors) (Tombs)
A. Babur 1. Lahore
B. Akbar 2. Agra
C. Jahangir 3. Kabul
D. Shah Jahan 4. Sikandara
(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 4 3 2 1
(c) 3 4 1 2
(d) 2 1 3 4
Ans: (c)
80. Sir Thomas Roe came to India as a British Ambassador during the reign of :
(a) Akbar
(b) Aurangzeb
(c) Jahangir
(d) Shah Jahan
Ans: (c)
81. Who among the following shifted the capital of the Empire from Agra to Delhi?
(a) Akbar
(b) Jahangir
(c) Shah Jahan
(d) Aurangzeb
Ans: (c)
82. The Upanishads were translated into Persian by Dara Shikoh under the title :
(a) Al-Fihrist
(b) Kitab-al-Bayan
(c) Majma-ul-Bahrain
(d) Sirr-i-Akbar
Ans: (d)
83. Which one of the following tombs is called the ‘Second Taj Mahal’?
(a) Tomb of Anarkali
(b) Tomb of Itmad-ud-Daula
(c) Tomb of Rabia-ud-Daurani
(d) None of the above
Ans: (c)
84. Who was the real founder of Portuguese power in India?
(a) Vasco-da-Gama
(b) Albuquerque
(c) Bartholomuse Dies
(d) George Oxdone
Ans: (b)
85. Who among the following was the founder of Calcutta?
(a) Charles Ayar
(b) Job Charnock
(c) Garold Angiyar
(d) William Novris
Ans: (b)
86. Who was the founder of British Empire in India?
(a) Warren Hastings
(b) Lord Amherst
(c) Lord Robert Clive
(d) Lord William Bentinck
Ans: (c)
87. Who among the following has said, ‘‘God intended me to look upon all religions with one eye, that is why
he took away the light from the others’’?
(a) Maharaja Ranjit Singh
(b) Maharaja Sher Singh
(c) Maharaja Dalip Singh
(d) None of the above
Ans: (a)
88. The transfer of capital of British India from Calcutta to Delhi was affected during the period of:
(a) Lord Minto
(b) Lord Hardinge
(c) Lord Chelmsford
(d) Lord Reading
Ans: (b)
89. The Tomb of Lord Cornwallis is situated at :
(a) Ghazipur
(b) Ballia
(c) Varanasi
(d) Gorakhpur
Ans: (a)
90. Who introduced Subsidiary Alliance System in the administration to establish the British power over the
Indian States?
(a) Warren Hastings
(b) Lord Wellesley
(c) Lord Cornwallis
(d) Lord Dalhousie
Ans: (b)

91. Sati system was abolished in 1829 A.D. by :

(a) Lord Warren Hastings
(b) Lord Wellesley
(c) Lord William Bentinck
(d) Lord Ripon
Ans: (c)
92. Who among the following formulated and implemented the ‘Doctrine of Lapse’?
(a) Wellesley
(b) Hastings
(c) Dalhousie
(d) Clive
Ans: (c)
93. Queen Victoria’s Proclamation was read out by Lord Canning on 1st November, 1858 at :
(a) Allahabad
(b) Calcutta
(c) Bombay
(d) Madras
Ans: (a)
94. The Ryotwari settlement was introduced by British in the :
(a) Bengal Presidency
(b) Madras Presidency
(c) Bombay Presidency
(d) Madras & Bombay Presidency
Ans: (d)
95. Who was the Governor-General of India during the Sepoy Mutiny?
(a) Lord Canning
(b) Lord Dalhousie
(c) Lord Hardinge\
(d) Lord Lytton
Ans: (a)
96. Who is the author of ‘Neel Darpan’ a book written on the miserable condition of indigo farmers?
(a) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
(b) Dinbandhu Mitra
(c) Sharat Chandra Chatterjee
(d) Rabindranath Tagore
Ans: (b)
97. Match these former revolts in 19th century with these related areas.
List-I List-II
A. Kuki revolt 1. Punjab
B. Kuka revolt 2. Bengal
C. Pabna revolt 3. Bihar
D. Birsa Munda revolt 4. Tripura
(a) 4 2 1 3
(b) 2 3 1 4
(c) 4 1 3 2
(d) 4 1 2 3
Ans: (d)
98. The Asiatic Society of Bengal was founded by :
(a) Sir William Jones
(b) Wilkins
(c) Maz Muller
(d) James Prinsep
Ans: (a)
99. The foundation of modern educational system in India was laid by :
(a) The Charter Act of 1813
(b) Macaulay’s Minutes of 1835
(c) The Hunter Commission of 1882
(d) Woods Dispatch of 1854
Ans: (b)
100. The establishment of the first Women’s University in Mumbai was the result of the effort of :
(a) Dayaram Gindumal
(b) D.K. Karve
(c) M.G. Ranade
(d) Ramabai
Ans: (b)
101. Which newspaper was started by Lokmanya Balgangadhar Tilak to serve the cause of India’s freedom
(a) Gadar
(b) Kesari
(c) Free Hindustan
(d) Swadesh Mitra
Ans: (b)
102. The first Newspaper published by the Indians in the English language was :
(a) Hindu Patriot
(b) The Hindu
(c) Young India
(d) Native Opinion
Ans: (a)
103. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists.
List-I List-II
(Newspapers) (Editors)
A. Hindu 1. Dadabhai Naoroji
B. Sudharak 2. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
C. Voice of India 3. G. Subramaniya Iyer
D. Bengali 4. Surendra Nath Banerjee
(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 1 3 2 4
(c) 2 3 1 4
(d) 3 2 1 4
Ans: (d)
104. In which year ‘The Age of Consent Act’ was passed?
(a) 1856
(b) 1891
(c) 1881
(d) 1905
Ans: (b)
105. Who said that ‘If God were to tolerate untouchability, I would not recognize him as God at all’?
(a) B.R. Ambedkar
(b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(c) Lala Lajpat Rai
(d) Mahatma Gandhi
Ans: (b)
106. Read the following statements carefully.
(1) Brahmo Samaj supported monotheism and opposed idolatry
(2) Brahmo Samaj popularized the doctrine that the Vedas are infallible.
(3) Arya Samaj contributed for the development of education.
(4) Swami Vivekananda founded Ram Krishna Mission.
Select the correct answer from the given code below:
(a) 1, 2 and 3 are true
(b) 1 3 and 4 are true
(c) 1 and 3 are true
(d) All are true
Ans: (b)
107. The first European to be elected as President of the Indian National Congress was
(1) A.O. Hume
(2) George Yule
(3) Alfred Webb
(4) Annie Besant
Ans: (b)
108. “The Congress is faltering to its fall and one of my great ambitions while in India is to assist it to a
peaceful demise”. This declaration was made by :
(1) George Hamilton
(2) Lord Curzon
(3) Lord Dufferin
(4) Lord Minto
Ans: (b)
109. The only session of the Indian National Congress presided over by Mahatma Gandhi was
(a) Allahabad Session – 1921
(b) Gaya Session – 1922
(c) Belgaon Session – 1924
(d) Karachi Session – 1930
Ans: (c)
110. Consider the following statements.
(1) The first woman President of the Indian National Congress was Sarojini Naidu.
(2) The first Muslim President of the Indian National Congress was Badruddin Tyabji.
Which of the statement given above is/are correct?
(a) Only 1
(b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans: (c)

111. Who accused Indian National Congress of practising ‘politics of pray, petition and protest’?
(a) Lala Hardayal
(b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(c) Subhash Chandra Bose
(d) Sardar Bhagat Singh
Ans: (b)
112. Who among the following revolutionaries escaped from the Kakori case?
(a) Schindra Nath Bakshi
(b) Mukundi Lal
(c) Chandra Shekhar Azad
(d) Mamathnath Gupta
Ans: (c)
113. Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru were sentenced to death in :
(a) Alipur conspiracy case
(b) Lahore conspiracy case
(c) Kakori conspiracy case
(d) Kanpur conspiracy case
Ans: (b)
114. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists.
List-I List-II
(Organizations) (Founders)
A. Abhinav Bharat 1. V.D. Savarkar
B. Mitra Mela 2. G.D. Savarkar
C. Indian Republican Army 3. S.N. Sanyal
D. Hindustan Republic Association 4. S. Sen
(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 2 3 1 4
(c) 4 2 3 1
(d) 2 1 4 3
Ans: (d)
115. Which movement started after the Partition of Bengal?
(a) Civil Disobedience
(b) Swadeshi Movement
(c) Quit India Movement
(d) Non-co-operation Movement
Ans: (b)
116. Which of the following leaders presided over the Congress Session at Calcutta in 1906?
(a) B.G. Tilak
(b) G.K. Gokhale
(c) Aurobindo Ghosh\
(d) Dadabhai Naoroji
Ans: (d)
117. Who launched the first Home Rule League Movement?
(a) Annie Besant
(b) Sarojini Naidu
(c) Surendra Nath Banerjee
(d) Tilak
Ans: (a)
118. The 1929 Session Who was elected the first President of All India Kisan Sabha at Lucknow in 1936?
(a) N.G. Ranga
(b) E.M.S. Namboodripad
(c) Swami Sahajananda Saraswati
(d) Acharya Narendra Dev
Ans: (c)
119. The first session of All India Trade Union Congress held at Bombay in 1920 was presided over by :
(a) Feroz Shah Mehta
(b) V.V. Giri
(c) Lala Lajpat Rai
(d) N.M. Joshi
Ans: (c)
120. The Anarchical and Revolutionary Crime Act (1919) was popularly known as the :
(a) Rowlatt Act
(b) Pitt’s India Act
(c) Indian Arms Act
(d) Ilbert Bill
Ans: (a)
121. The name of the famous person of India who returned the Knighthood conferred on him by the British
Government as a token of protest against the atrocities in Punjab in 1919 was :
(a) Tej Bahadur Sapru
(b) Ashutosh Mukherjee
(c) Rabindra Nath Tagore
(d) Syed Ahmed Khan
Ans: (c)
122. Who was the Viceroy of India at the time of Jallianwala Bagh Massacre in 1919?
(a) Lord Chelmsford
(b) Lord Minto
(c) Lord Dalhousie
(d) Lord Canning
Ans: (a)
123. Who among the following had moved the Non-Co-operation resolution in the Nagpur session of the
Indian National Congress in 1920?
(a) C.R. Das
(b) Annie Besant
(c) B.C. Pal
(d) Madan Mohan Malviya
Ans: (a)
124. Who among the following were associated with the formation of ‘Swaraj Party’?
(1) Subhash Chandra Bose
(2) C.R. Das
(3) Jawaharlal Nehru
(4) Motilal Nehru
Select the correct answer from the codes given below.
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(b) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 2 and 3
(d) 2 and 4
Ans: (d)
125. With reference to Simon Commission’s recommendations, which one of the following statements is
(a) It recommended the replacement of diarchy with responsible Government in the provinces
(b) It proposed the setting up of inter-provincial council under the Home Department
(c) It suggested the abolition of bicameral legislature at the centre
(d) It recommended the creation of Indian Police Service with a provision for increased pay and
allowances for British recruits as compared to Indian recruits
Ans: (a)
126. With reference to the period of Indian freedom struggle, which of the following was/were recommended
by the ‘Nehru Report’?
(1) Complete Independence of India.
(2) Joint electorates for reservation of seats for minorities.
(3) Provision of fundamental rights for the people of India in the Constitution.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
(a) Only 1
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Ans: (b)
127. Who declared the aim of Congress as ‘Purna Swaraj’ in the Lahore Session of Congress 1929?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Motilal Nehru
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) Subhash Chandra Bose
Ans: (c)
128. Which one of the following statements is not correct about Mahatma Gandhi’s Dandi March?
(a) The march was started from Sabarmati Ashram on 12 March, 1930
(b) It ended at Dandi, a village beside the sea 6 April 1930
(c) Mahatma Gandhi prepared salt at the seashore
(d) Civil Disobedience Movement began with the Dandi March
Ans: (c)
129. The leader of ‘Lal Kurti’ Movement was :
(a) Maulana Azad
(b) Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan
(c) Mohammad Ali Jinnah
(d) Iqbal
Ans: (b)
130. The Second Round Table Conference in London was held in the backdrop of the :
(a) Emerson-Gandhi Pact
(b) Hailey-Gandhi Pact
(c) Irwin-Gandhi Pact
(d) Gandhi-Simon Pact
Ans: (c)
131. Who among the following drafted the resolution on fundamental rights for the Karachi session of
Congress in 1931?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(d) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Ans: (b)
132. Consider the following events connected with India’s struggle for independence.
(1) Second Round Table Conference
(2) Karachi Session of Indian National Congress
(3) Execution of Bhagat Singh
(4) Gandhi-Irwin Pact
Select the correct chronological sequence of above events from the code given below.
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4
(b) 2, 3, 1, 4
(c) ]4, 3, 2, 1
(d) 3, 4, 2, 1
Ans: (c)
133. In the ‘Individual Satyagraha’, Vinoba Bhave was chosen as the first Satyagrahi. Who was the second?
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(b) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) C. Rajagopalachari
(d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Ans: (b)
134. Who viewed the Cripps proposal as a post-dated cheque upon a crashing bank?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) J.B. Kriplani
(d) Jai Prakash Narayan
Ans: (a)
135. Who of the following Prime Ministers sent Cripps Mission to India?
(a) James Ramsay MacDonald
(b) Stanley Baldwin
(c) Neville Chamberlain
(d) Winston Churchill
Ans: (d)
136. Sir Stafford Cripps came to India with a draft declaration of proposals of British Government included
that :
(1) India should be given a dominion status.
(2) All provinces and States must be merged to make the Indian Union.
(3) Any province or the State can take the decision to live outside of the Indian Union.
(4) Indian Constitution must be constituted by the people of India.
Choose the correct answer from the code given below.
(a) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 1, 2 and 4
(c) 2, 3 and 4
(d) All of these
Ans: (d)
137. Where did the Congress launch the Quit India Movement on 8 August, 1942?
(a) Bombay
(b) Madras
(c) Calcutta
(d) Poona
Ans: (a)
138. Quit India Movement was launched in response to :
(a) Cabinet Mission Plan
(b) Cripps Proposals
(c) Simon Commission Report
(d) Wavell Plan
Ans: (b)
139. Louis Fischer, the biographer of Mahatma Gandhi, was associated with the movement of:
(a) Civil Disobedience
(b) Individual Satyagraha
(c) Non-Co-operation
(d) Quit India Movement
Ans: (d)
140. With which one of the following Movements is Aruna Asaf Ali associated?
(a) Non-Co-operation Movement
(b) Civil Disobedience Movement
(c) Individual Satyagraha
(d) Quit India Movement
Ans: (d)
141. Assertion (A): Quit India Movement succeeded in awakening and courraging people.
Reason (R): People have assimilated the slogan of ‘Do or Die’.
In above context, which of the following is right?
(a) Both (A) and (R) are individually true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(b) (A) and (R) are individually true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true
Ans: (a)
142. Which party was founded by Subhash Chandra Bose in the year 1939 after he broke away from the
(a) Indian Freedom Party
(b) Azad Hind Fauj
(c) Revolutionay Front
(d) Forward Bloc
Ans: (d)
143. Who amongst the following headed the Cabinet Mission which came to India in April 1946?
(a) Hugh Gaitskell
(b) Sir John Simon
(c) Sir Pethick-Lawrence
(d) None of the above
Ans: (c)
144. Originally, the Mahabharata was known as :
(a) Brihatkatha
(b) Purukatha
(c) Brihatsamhita
(d) Jayasamhita
Ans: (d)
145. ‘Satyamev Jayate’ which is engraved on the Indian Emblem has been taken from:
(a) Rig Veda
(b) Bhagavad Gita
(c) Mundakopanishad
(d) Matsya Purana
Ans: (c)
146. Who among the following presided over the 4th Buddhist Council held during the reign of Kanishka at
(a) Parsva
(b) Nagarjuna
(c) Sudraka
(d) Vasumitra
Ans: (d)
147. ‘Mahayana’ sect of Buddhism originated during the reign of which of the following rulers?
(a) Ajatashatru
(b) Ashoka
(c) Dharmapala
(d) Kanishka
Ans: (d)
148. Who was the first Tirthankara of Jain religion?
(a) Parsvanath
(b) Rishabhanath
(c) Mahavira
(d) Chetaka
Ans: (b)
149. ‘Tripitaka’ is associated with which of the following?
(a) Jains
(b) Buddhists
(c) Sikhs
(d) Hindus
Ans: (B)
150. Who among the following is known as the ‘Light of Asia’?
(a) Gautama Buddha
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Mahavir Swami
(d) Swami Vivekanand
Ans: (a)

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