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‭Mahesh Kumar‬

‭Bengaluru, KA 560029 I 9540058163 I‬

‭October 23, 2023‬

‭ ahesh Kumar‬
‭India, Bangalore 560029‬
‭Phone: 9540058163‬

‭RE:‬‭Senior Brand Manager‬

‭Dear Manager,‬

I‭ am writing to apply for the‬‭Senior Brand Manager‬‭at Phonepe‬‭. I am confident that my 13 years of professional‬

‭ irstly, I have developed a deep understanding of graphic design and video editing. For the past 13 years, I have‬
‭been creating and editing visual content for clients, leading a team, and developing innovative creative solutions. My‬
‭experience has given me the technical insight to produce high-impact content to effectively compel audiences.‬

I‭n addition to my understanding of graphics and video editing, Content. I have also gained invaluable team leadership‬
‭skills while leading the Creative Team Lead position. I have honed my communication skills and developed a keen‬
‭eye for detail which helps me to coordinate workflow and ensure timely delivery of projects without compromising on‬
‭quality. I believe that this skill set will translate very well in the graphic design and video editing roles.‬

‭ hirdly, I can bring vital planning and budgeting experience to the position as well. I have been responsible for‬
‭managing a variety of projects and actively monitored progress and budgets at a team level. I believe this will help me‬
‭to succeed in the Senior Graphic Designer and Video Editor role.‬

‭ n a personal level, I have excellent communication skills, and can effectively work with clients to determine goals.‬
‭Additionally, I have excellent interpersonal skills, and can effectively build and sustain relationships with teammates‬
‭together. Finally, I am a highly organized person with a penchant for detail-oriented work, which will help me to‬
‭ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.‬

‭Thank you for your time and consideration.‬

‭ incerely,‬
‭Mahesh Kumar‬

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