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4th 1.

The digestive system and its Present an analysis of Week 1 S8LT-lVa-13

interaction with the circulatory, the data gathered on
respiratory, and excretory diseases resulting from
systems in providing the body nutrient deficiency
with nutrients for energy Explain ingestion, absorption,
2. Diseases that result from assimilation, and excretion
nutrient deficiency and
ingestion of harmful
substances, and their
prevention and treatment
1. How cells divide to produce Report on the Compare mitosis and meiosis, and Week 2 S8LT-lVd-16
new cells importance of variation their role in the cell-division cycle
2. Meiosis as one of the in plant and animal
processes producing genetic breeding Explain the significance of meiosis in Week 2 S8LT-lVe-17
variations of the Mendelian maintaining the chromosome number
Pattern of Inheritance
Predict phenotypic expressions of Week 3 S8LT-lVf-18
traits following simple patterns of
1. The concept of a species Report (e.g., through a explain the concept of a species Week 4 S8LT-lVg-19
2. The species as being further travelogue) on the
classified into a hierarchical activities that classify organisms using the Week 4 S8LT-lVh-20
taxonomic system communities engage in hierarchical taxonomic system
to protect and conserve
endangered and explain the advantage of high Week 5 S8LT-lVh-21
economically important biodiversity in maintaining the stability
species of an ecosystem

The one-way flow of energy and the Make a poster Describe the transfer of energy Week 5 S8LT-lVi-22
cycling of materials in an comparing food choices through the trophic levels
ecosystem based on the trophic
levels’ Analyze the roles of organisms in the Week 6 S8LT-lVi-23
cycling of materials

Explain how materials cycle in an Week 6 S8LT-lVi-24


Suggests ways to minimize human Week 7 S8LT-lVj-25

impact on the environment

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