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Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D, от E

1. Man : I think you should not invite her.

Woman: Even if I hate her, I still want her to attend my birthday party. She used to be my
best friend.
What can we infer from the dialogue?
A. The man wants to be invited.
B. The man forbade the woman to come.

C. The woman hates her best friend.✅

D. The woman doesn't want to invite her friend.
E. The woman used to hate the man.

2. Man : Go to sleep. I am the one who will wait for our parents.
Woman: Even though I am tired, I don't want to sleep now. I want to see mom and dad
Man : It is almost 11 p.m.
Woman: I will stay awake even if I lie down on the bed.
What can we learn from the dialogue?
A. The man is waiting for his sister.
B. The man is going to sleep now.
C. The woman is tired and wants to sleep.

D. The woman doesn't want to sleep.✅

E. The man wants the woman to wait for their parents.

3. Man : Jessica’s sister is naughty

Woman: Why do you think so?
Man : When she was playing with her friends, she broke a window glass. She yelled at
her friends.
Woman: Despite all her faults, everyone likes her. She likes helping people.
What can we conclude from the dialogue?

A. Jessica's sister is naughty but helpful.✅

B. The man likes Jessica's sister.
C. Jessica didn't make a mistake.
D. The woman dislikes Jessica's sister.
E. Jessica doesn't like helping people.

4. Woman: I have heard about your match.

Man : We all tried our best, however, we lost the game.
What is the best response to say next?
A. I don't know what to do.
B. Congrats on your winning!

C. I'm sorry to hear that.✅

D. That's a good idea.
E. You should have tried your best.

5. Woman: You should study for the test tomorrow.

Man : No need. I think English is easy.
Woman: …
What is the most appropriate response to say next?
A. You can't do the test even though you study.
B. You speak English well but you can't write.
C. The test is tomorrow even if you study for next week.
D. You can do the test even though English is easy.

E. You can't get a good score unless you study hard.✅

6. Woman: Why do you look worried?

Man : Unless I get up early tomorrow, I will not join the picnic.
Woman: You should change your habit, or set your alarm then.
Man : I know, but I'm afraid it won't work.
What do you know about the man?
A. He doesn't want to join the picnic.

B. He can't get up early.✅

C. He doesn't have an alarm.
D. He wants the woman to wake him up.
E. He will work tomorrow.

This text is for questions 7 to 12.

You should not be tired or sleep deprived when writing an exam. Your focus and
concentration should be at their best, so get the best sleep you can the night before.
Fatigue and sleepiness will affect your focus negatively as well as your attention to detail.
Sleep is something that many students usually skimp on during their medical school
years. Even if you must do it at times, do your best not to the night before an exam. Make
sure you get at least 6 hours of sleep, and preferably longer, so that you feel alert and
refreshed when you wake up the day of your test.
Staying up all night to cram before the day of the test is not something I recommend. You
will be so tired that all those extra hours leaming will not have been anywhere close to
effective. At that point, three cups of coffee won't help you any better. In fact, coffee
might actually make you more anxious rather than more focused. To not sleep at all the
night before your exam is taking a huge risk that will likely backfire. Your focus,
concentration, and memory will all suffer. I advise against all-night studying as a
preparation strategy. You should know the content of your textbook or notes well in
advance of the exam. Therefore, you shouldn't need to stay up all night just to squeeze in
a few extra hours of studying.
Once thing you can do, however, is to sleep around 6 hours and then get up a few hours
earlier in the morning to look through your notes and textbooks one last time before the
test to memorize the small details.
Taken from: Student's Success in Medical School: A Practical Guide to Learning
7. What is the text about?

A. The importance of sleeping for students.✅

B. How to study at night.
C. The roles of coffee for students.
D. How to prepare for the exam.
E. How to focus on exam.

8. From the text above, it can be concluded that we can do the exam well unless....

A. we are tired or sleepy✅

B. we feel alert and refreshed
C. we are more focused
D. we are focus on the exam
E. we drink tree cups of coffee
9. "Even if you must do it at times, do your best not to the night before an exam."
From the sentence above, we know that we… the night before the exam.
A. must not sleep
B. must drink coffee
C. must not take a rest

D. must have enough sleep✅

E. must stay up

10. To memorize the details of your lesson, after you sleep enough......
A. prepare your textbook or notes
B. consume coffee in the morning
C. skimp the sleeping time
D. stay up all night

E. get up earlier in the morning to study✅

11. Even if we drink three cups of coffee, we.....

A. will sleep easily
B. will feel alert

C. won't be more focused✅

D. won't be anxious
E. will do the exam easily

Choose the best answer using the appropriate present or past tense for number 11 to 17!

A dishwasher is a device that can easily be found in restaurants and private home. It is very
useful because it (11) ……. people clean dishes and eating-utensils, in 1887, Josephine
Cochrane (12) ……..the first dishwasher. She (13)…….. the machine because her servants often
(14)…… her lovely ceramic dishes. Since then dishwashers have continuously improved until
Dishwasher(15) ……the dirt using spraying hot water, typically between 55 and 75 c. The water
is mixed with detergent. The the mixture is pumped by rotating spray arms which spray it, into
he dishes. When the washing process(16) …... The water is drained and more hot water is
pumped in for a rinsing process. The final princess is to heat the dishes to dry them. The whole
process (17) …… 15 to 20minutes.
11. A. Help B. Helps✅ C. To help D. Helping E. Will help

12. A. Invents B. Inventing C. Will invent D. Invented E.have invented✅

13. A. Made B. Make C. Making E. to make E. will make✅

14. A. Breaks B. Breaking✅ C. To break E. will breake E. Broke

15. A. Cleans✅ B. Clean C. Cleaning E. To clean E. Can clean

16. A. Finished B. Finishing C. To finish E. Finishes E. Will finish✅

17. A. Needed B. Needing C. To need E. Needs E. Has been


This text is for number 18 – 25 !

The carbon footprint

You’ve probably been hearing a lot about climate change and how you should reduce
your carbon footprint. But what’s that exactly? Just like an actual footprint, it’s a mark you leave
upon the environment. No, not with your shoes but with every action that releases “Carbons”.
Those are the harmful gasses, such as CO2, which are pumped out by burning fossil fuels, like oil
or gas. And the more fuel is used, the bigger your footprint will be. You may think that by
driving your car, the only carbons you release come from the engine, but no consider the carbons
that are emitted just to get fuel into the tank: From the energy needed to extract the oil from
underground, the pollution caused by transportation and refinement, to the final delivery to your
local petrol station.
Not to mention the CO2 released by manufacturing your car in the first place. More than
you thought, eh? So, unless you live in a cave: you and everything you own have its own carbon
footprint: reading a book – Printing and distributing it uses energy. Brush your teeth and your
tools will have a history in a factory. Even something as basic as an apple could have travelled
hundreds or even thousands of miles to end up in your local supermarket. You see, it’s pretty
much impossible to leave no carbon footprint behind. But by thinking about your actions and
personal choices, maybe you can make your feet just that little bit smaller and really help to put
the boot into climate change.

18. What is a carbon footprint primarily caused by?

A. Burning fossil fuels✅ C.Planting trees E. Climate Change

B. Recycling plastic D. Eating organic food

19. How does the text describe the concept of a carbon footprint?
A. A literal mark left on the ground
B. A measure of energy efficiency

C. The amount of CO2✅

D. A footprint shaped like a carbon molecule
E. A distributing energy

20. According to the text, what contributes to the size of an individuals’s carbon footprint?
A. Use of public transportation D. Eating locally grown produce

B. Manufacturing process✅ E. Distributing the energy to people

C. Planting trees in the backyard

21. Which of the following is Not mentioned as a source of carbon emissions in the text?
A. Transportation and refinement of oil D. Burning fossil fuels

B. Production of renewable energy E. Planting a trees✅

C. Manufacturing of vehicles

22. What analogy does the text use to explain a carbon footprint?
A. Footprints in the sand D. Size of a person’s shoes
B. Marks left by a vehicle’s tires E. The sum of person’s shoes

C. Footprints left by shoes✅

23. According to the text, what action can help reduce and individual’s carbon footprint?
A. Eating imported foods D. Using disposable plastic products
B. Driving a large SUV E. Using recycle thing in life

C. Being mindful of personal choices✅

24. “Just like an actual footprint, it’s a mark you leave upon the environment
It refers to…….
A. The local market C. An actual footprint E. The shoes

B. The footprint✅ D. An apple

25. What is the overall message of the text regarding carbon footprints?
A. They are insignificant and can be ignored

B. They are unavoidable but can be reduced with awareness✅

C. They are solely caused by industrial pollution
D. They are unrelated to human activities
E. They are making a footprints

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