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1. Traditional Management - management aims 1. Produce quality work the first time and every
at maximization of profits. It aims at time.
increase in sales, return on investments and 2. Focus on the customer.
2. Quality Management - assembly of 3. Have a strategic approach to improvement.
management all activities objectives in prod 4. Improve continuously.
quality org diff department
3. Sort- first stage of good housekeeping where 5. Encourage mutual respect and teamwork
all tools and materials in the work process STRATEGIC DIMENSIONS OF QUALITY
are taken care of.
4. Set in order - refers to strengthening and 1. Performance
orderliness. 2. Features
5. Products - raw materials procured parts in 3. Reliability
machinery, semi finished products, finished 4. Conforme/ Conformance
products 5. Durability
6. Perceived Quality - it answers the question 6. Serviceability
what is the reputation of the company or the 7. Aesthitics
product 8. Perceived Quality
- is the individuals’ subjective appraisal or
product’s or service’s attributes; 1. CUSTOM CRAFT - product/service and
indirect measures may be their only performance should what exactly the
basis for comparaing brands. customer demands
Reputation is the primary stuff of 2. MASS PRODUCTION and SORTING
perceived quality. PARADIGM - production rate without direct
involvement of customers
7. Quality - assembly of management all 3. STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL
activities objectives in prod quality org diff PARADIGM - emphasis is given on
department production process
8. Quality Control - A major part of the quality 4. TQM PARADIGM - mass production and
assurance is the Quality Control defined by statistical methods
ISO as "the operational techniques and 5. TECHNO CRAFT PARADIGM - the
activities that are used to satisfy quality paradigm is the sociotechnical that
requirements. compliments with custom craft paradigm
9. Operations- Responsible for producing the with the intention to reduce delivery time.
goods and services offered by the
10. Gemba kaizen - means a real place and the
latter means improvement or change the
better to practice focus on continuous
improvement in specific business
What is Operations?
-This is what business do.
-It is a processes either provide services or create
- It is a core of what business organization does
-Is part of the business organization that is
responsible for producing goods and/or services.

What is TQM?
- TQM is a process and philosophy of
achieving the best possible outcomes
from the inputs, by using them
effectively and efficiently to deliver the
best value
for the customer, while achieving the
long-term objectives the organization of
Total Quality Management.
- Total quality management (TQM) has
been defined as an integrated
organizational effort designed to
improve quality at every level

What is Kaizen?
- Kaizen it translate to change for the
better or continuous improvement. It is a
Japanese word “Kai” means change and
“Zen” means good.
- It is used to describe on company culture
where from everyone to CEO from to
desk clerk
- Kaizen was originated in Japan during
World War II where it became part from
American leaders like Dr. W. Edwards
Deming who help to restore the country.

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