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4, DECEMBER 2021 4829

A Machine Learning Framework for Handling

Delayed/Lost Packets in Tactile Internet
Remote Robotic Surgery
Francis Boabang , Amin Ebrahimzadeh , Roch H. Glitho , Senior Member, IEEE,
Halima Elbiaze , Senior Member, IEEE, Martin Maier , Senior Member, IEEE,
and Fatna Belqasmi , Member, IEEE

Abstract—Remote robotic surgery, one of the most interesting I. I NTRODUCTION

5G-enabled Tactile Internet applications, requires an ultra-low
ITH the advent of smart sensors and actuators enabled
latency of 1 ms and high reliability of 99.999%. Communication
disruptions such as packet loss and delay in remote robotic
surgery can prevent messages between the surgeon and patient
W by the Internet of Things (IoT), a wide variety of
machine-centric applications are becoming part of our every-
from arriving within the required deadline. In this paper, we day lives [1]. In 5G settings [2], the IoT aims to realize
advocate for scalable Gaussian process regression (GPR) to the connectivity of a large number of devices via mas-
predict the contents of delayed and/or lost messages. Specifically,
two kernel versions of the sequential randomized low-rank and sive machine-type communications (mMTC) with its inherent
sparse matrix factorization method (1 -SRLSMF and SRLSMF) machine-to-machine (M2M) communications paradigm [3]. A
are proposed to scale GPR and address the issue of delayed natural evolutionary leap of the IoT is the so-called Tactile
and/or lost data in the training dataset. Given that the stan- Internet, which aims to enable the remote control of real and/or
dard eigen decomposition for online GPR covariance update is
cost-prohibitive, we employ incremental eigen decomposition in
virtual objects via haptic communications [4]. Haptic commu-
1 -SRLSMF and SRLSMF GPR methods. Simulations were con- nication is geared towards human-to-machine (H2M) commu-
ducted to evaluate the performance of our proposed 1 -SRLSMF nications and envisions the transmission of haptic signals in
and SRLSMF GPR methods to compensate for the detrimen- addition to conventional audiovisual data and machine-centric
tal impacts of excessive delay and packet loss associated with traffic [5]. This development can help shift the emphasis
5G-enabled Tactile Internet remote robotic surgery. The results
demonstrate that our proposed framework can outperform state- towards humans, allowing for a more human-centric design
of-the-art approaches in terms of haptic data generalization approach [6]. Leveraging on haptic feedback, humans will
performance. Finally, we assess the proposed framework’s abil- play more active roles in future IoT settings and will be more
ity to meet the Tactile Internet requirement for remote robotic involved in a group of immersive, human-in-the-loop (HITL)
surgery and discuss future research directions.
applications enabled by the transmission of multi-sensory
Index Terms—Network condition, Gaussian process, kernel traffic, including the sense of touch [7]. An interesting exam-
approximation, robotic surgery, tactile Internet. ple of HITL-based Tactile Internet applications is remote
robotic surgery, which can be viewed as a system consist-
ing of several dependable and controllable tools that enable
a skillful surgeon to execute surgery on a remotely-located
Manuscript received June 12, 2021; revised August 16, 2021; accepted
August 17, 2021. Date of publication August 20, 2021; date of current version Robotic surgery offers a wide range of benefits includ-
December 9, 2021. This work is partially funded by the Canadian Natural ing improved precision, enhanced surgeon dexterity, reduced
Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and Ericsson through tremor, and improved ergonomic conditions [8]. Patients may
a CRD under grant, the Canada Research Chair program and Zayed University
(United Arab Emirates) through the Research Incentive Fund (RIF) program. also benefit especially since robotic surgery incurs less blood
The associate editor coordinating the review of this article and approving it loss and pain, and therefore can result in reduced trauma and
for publication was P. Calyam. (Corresponding author: Francis Boabang.) shorter recuperation time. Conventional robotic surgery occurs
Francis Boabang and Amin Ebrahimzadeh are with the Concordia
Institute for Information System Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, locally with a surgeon and a patient in close proximity. As an
QC H3G 1M8, Canada (e-mail: example, the Da Vinci Surgical system (Intuitive Surgery Inc.)
Roch H. Glitho is with the Concordia Institute for Information System has been used in many surgeries since its introduction in 2000.
Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, QC H3G 1M8, Canada, and
also with the Computer Science Programme, University of Western Cape, In 2016, a total of 753,000 surgeries were reported worldwide,
Capetown 7535, South Africa. which represents an annual increase of 15% [9].
Halima Elbiaze is with the Department of Computer Science, Université
du Québec à Montréal, Montreal, QC H3C 3P8, Canada.
Unlike conventional robotic surgery, remote robotic surgery
Martin Maier is with the Optical Zeitgeist Laboratory, INRS, Montreal, QC enables a surgeon to perform surgery on a remotely located
H5A 1K6, Canada. patient via the transmission of command and feedback sig-
Fatna Belqasmi is with the Department of Information Technology, Zayed
University, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
nals through a communication network [10]. Typically, a
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TNSM.2021.3106577 transparent, immersive Tactile Internet telesurgery requires an
c 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
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ultra-high reliability of 99.999% as well as a very low latency computationally expensive [22]. Low-rank matrix factoriza-
of  1 ms [11]. Ideally, transparency requires that the posi- tion [23], an example of subspace learning, can be used to
tions and forces on the patient side domain and the surgeon computationally scale online model learning [23]. Even though
side domain are equal. However, in reality, it is difficult to the low-rank matrix factorization methods can scale the ML
achieve true transparency due to communication-induced arti- frameworks computationally, they perform poorly in the pres-
facts such as delay and packet loss [12]. According to [13], ence of lost data [24]. In a fully online setting, there may
current deployments of 5G mobile networks can only partly be random delayed or lost data in the training dataset due to
meet the stringent latency and reliability requirements of communication disruptions. Delayed/lost data from communi-
the Tactile Internet, and so, communication-induced artifacts cation disruption or sensor failure can cause surgical robots
(e.g., delay, packet loss, and jitter) may have a detrimental to operate beyond their safe region, which could lead to the
impact on the stability and safety of a remote robotic surgery application of an excessive amount of force that may rupture
system [14]. To cope with excessive delays and/or packet vital organs.
loss, machine learning has recently proven to be a promis- Sparse and low-rank matrix factorization techniques and their
ing approach towards compensating for excessive delay and/or variants, such as direct robust matrix factorization (DRMF) [25],
packet loss [11], [15], [16]. randomized sparse low-rank matrix decomposition [26], and
To deal with delayed/lost data in Tactile Internet-based robust PCA (RPCA) [27], among others, have been widely
remote robotic surgery, Gaussian process regression (GPR) is a explored and exploited to scale ML and recover corruptions
promising approach, especially given that it has shown promis- in various classification and regression tasks such as image
ing results in 5G-enabled wireless traffic prediction [2] and in classification [28], [29], monaural speech enhancement [30],
the modeling the inverse dynamics of robotic systems [17]. autonomous robotic control [24], and ultrasound imaging [31].
More specifically, GPR can deal well with high dimensional However, to the best of our knowledge, most of the recent
data as it explicitly optimizes hyperparameters and encapsu- solutions either exploit non-convex formulation [28]–[30] or
lates expert knowledge into the kernel function based on the convex formulation [31] of low-rank matrix factorization to
Bayes theorems to maximize the marginal likelihood of getting scale machine learning. Multiple experiments have proven that
explainable results [2], [18]. Despite their potential to enhance non-convex formulations of low-rank matrix factorization are
prediction accuracy, the computational complexity of Gaussian known to achieve a higher accuracy with a smaller compu-
processes is centered around the kernel matrix inversion, which tational burden than convex nuclear norm formulation (i.e., a
increases with an increasing number of data points. Therefore, convex envelope of the rank function) of low-rank matrix factor-
if GPR are to be applicable in 5G-enabled Tactile Internet ization ML models [28], [31]. However, without a good initial
remote robotic surgery, the model update and prediction pro- point, the number of the local minima of a non-convex formu-
cess must be able to be performed with both precision and lation of low-rank matrix factorization ML models [28]–[30]
rapidity. grows so fast that it is effectively impossible to find a suf-
Online and offline machine learning (ML) frameworks have ficiently good solution [25]. Such incorrect estimation of the
been proposed for remote robotic surgery [19], [20]. Most kernel matrix can lead to an unstable situation when a surgical
of the frameworks in robotic surgery focus on offline train- robot operates on a patient using an ML-driven non-convex
ing [16], [19], which eliminates the time required to update formulation of a low-rank matrix factorization ML model.
the model parameters online. These strategies are generally not As a remedy, we exploit a two-step technique; a non-
well suited for robotic surgery where commands and sensor convex formulation of a low-rank matrix factorization with
data are received in sequential streams and model parameters convex formulation of a low-rank matrix factorization ini-
must be updated on-the-fly. We note, however, that in robotic tialization [25] to scale ML models. To be more specific,
surgery, the data generated by surgical robots are extremely according to [25], we can initialize DRMF (i,e., a non-convex
diverse [21]. Offline training may cause significant inaccura- RPCA) by running RPCA (a convex relaxation) for a few iter-
cies in prediction for a multitude of reasons [22]. Notably, ations, which should make it possible to get better results
given that it is not possible to learn the complete state space than using DRMF or RPCA alone to scale a given model.
beforehand, models that have learned offline can only approx- Thus, by employing DRMF (with convex relaxed RPCA ini-
imate the model correctly in the area of the state space that is tialization included [31]) to scale a given ML model, we can
covered by the sample; the trained model would not be able to avoid being stuck at the local minima and converge to a solu-
generalize beyond that region. In contrast, online learning cre- tion with smaller recovery residuals. Also, the running time
ates a more general model for a larger space, as it is capable of DRMF (including the initialization time) is expected to be
of adapting for time-dependent surgical robot dynamics. smaller than that of applying RPCA alone under the same stop-
The need to detect inaccuracies and changes creates the ping criterion [25]. Therefore, machine learning driven DRMF
opportunity to adopt an intelligent, context-aware approach models with convex relaxed RPCA initialization can deliver
with the capability of dynamically determining an optimal accurate predictions in a timely manner to ensure the stability
strategy; thereby achieving tradeoff between reliability and of surgical robots and patient safetys.
latency [22]. In turn, this calls for an online model learn- The network requirements of Tactile Internet-based remote
ing approach, a crucial method that allows a predictive model robotic surgery [11] can be incorporated into the DRMF [25],
in changing environmental conditions to generate predictions [26], used for scaling GPR and for dealing with delayed/lost
with high accuracy. Online model learning is known to be data in remote robotic surgery.

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The naive version of DRMF [25] and RPCA [24] are costs of SRLSMF and 1 -SRLSMF are smaller than
suitable for batch mode operation. Specifically, DRMF and those of DRMF [25] and RPCA [24] in a sequential set-
RPCA are intrinsically transductive methods [26], [32], and ting. Specifically, we prove that using the decomposition
are thus inappropriate for latency-sensitive, remote robotic results of the previous iteration to compute the decom-
surgery applications, that require online computation (i.e., position of the current iteration step can minimize the
online model updates). For RPCA [24] and DRMF [25] to computational costs of DRMF [25] and RPCA [24] in a
support sequential scenarios, we propose a sequential 1 norm sequential setting.
regularized randomized low-rank and sparse matrix factoriza- • By means of extensive simulations, we justify the theoret-
tion (1 -SRLSMF) and a sequential randomized low-rank and ical perspective of using both 1 -SRLSMF and SLRSMF
sparse matrix factorization, that use the eigen decomposition GPR. Our simulation results show that the proposed
of the preceding results together with the incremental data to methods can effectively recover the true low-rank matrix
compute the next eigen decomposition. Essentially, SRLSMF from the corrupted data, and thereby to predict the next
and 1 -SRLSMF ML models are inductive methods, having action of the surgeon with minimal computational burden
the ability to handle out-of-sample problems [26], [32], [33]. in Tactile Internet remote robotic surgery.
These models can be beneficial for remote robotic surgery, The remaining parts of the paper are organized as follows.
especially given that they allow for planning and updating dex- We present the related works in Section II followed by a dis-
emes [34] (e.g., velocity, position, and orientation information) cussion of the system model and the problem definition in
contained in the gesture of a surgical task according to the Section III. The scalable and robust Gaussian process frame-
change in conditions during a surgery to improve the accuracy work is presented in Section IV, and Section V describes our
of the model in a computationally efficient manner. Further, we simulations and obtained results. Our summary, insights, and
constrain the kernel matrix to be symmetric positive-definite promising future research avenues are presented in Section VI.
in order to guarantee the positive semi-definiteness of its solu- Finally, we draw our conclusions in Section VII.
tion. The symmetric positive-definite guarantee is required to
ensure the stability of surgical robots. We provide a theoret-
ical analysis of the proposed matrix separation algorithms. II. R ELATED W ORK
The proposed incremental eigendecomposition for handling 5G-enabled Tactile Internet applications, such as remote
delayed/or lost data is motivated by the incremental singular robotic surgery, demand a maximum acceptable delay of
value decomposition (SVD) for handling uncertain data with 1 ms and 99.999% reliability [11]. To achieve such a low
missing values [35]. latency along with high reliability, the use of machine learn-
The novelty of this work is to exploit sparse and low-rank ing to enable ultra reliable and low-latency communication
matrix factorization in GPR to build an online model learn- (URLLC) applications has recently spurred a great deal of
ing method to support latency-sensitive remote robotic surgery interest in academia. She et al. [14] studied the integration of
applications. While individual components of our proposed a network domain’s knowledge (e.g., packet loss rate and end-
framework may have been studied extensively in the context to-end delay) with deep learning to support emerging URLLC
of machine learning, their combination gives rise a compu- applications. Ye et al. [43] adopted deep learning to solve a
tationally efficient, robust online learning method, which has variational optimization problem for grant-free non-orthogonal
the potential of being applicable in real-world Tactile Internet multiple access. The authors of [43] integrated diversified
deployments. requirements of the Tactile IoT, such as power consumption
The main contributions of this paper can be summarized as and reliability, with a deep neural network, which incorpo-
follows: rates encoding, user activity, signature sequence generation,
• Given that the naive implementation of DRMF and RPCA and decoding. Kasgari and Saad [44] proposed a novel model-
demand a huge computational burden for the execu- free deep reinforcement learning power allocation method to
tion of the low-rank matrix approximation (which is support URLLC in the downlink of an orthogonal frequency
impractical for latency-sensitive H2M applications with division multiple access (OFDMA) system. Specifically, the
a continuously growing data size, we propose to exploit authors of [44] formulated a URLLC optimization problem
computationally efficient matrix separation algorithms to minimize the power under given delay and reliability
called SRLSMF and 1 -SRLSMF to update the covari- constraints. Yang et al. [45] presented a novel distributed
ance matrix in GPR. Specifically, we utilize SRLSMF cooperative massive access strategy to optimize the joint sub-
and 1 -SRLSMF to scale the GPR and address the issue channel assignment and transmission power control, while
of delayed/lost data in the training dataset in 5G-enabled meeting the reliability and latency constraints of URLLC
Tactile Internet remote robotic surgery. services. Guo et al. [46] designed a data-driven multiple-
• We enforce the symmetric positive semidefinite con- input and multiple-output detector. Specifically, they proposed
straint explicitly during the learning of SRLSMF and a novel deep neural network-aided Gaussian message passing
1 -SRLSMF to ensure the positive definiteness of the algorithm to support signal recovery for URLLC.
associated solutions. This allows us to find a robust The above mentioned recent works demonstrate that
low-rank approximation of the kernel matrix while main- machine learning may also help develop accurate predictors
taining its structure of positive semi-definiteness [27]. for certain human-centric URLLC applications, such as remote
We also include a theoretical proof to show that the robotic surgery, if domain knowledge in communications and

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networking is incorporated. More specifically, an ML-based machine (ELM) to automate a trans-oral surgical task.
predictor may be deployed to provide very realistic hap- Mayer et al. [19] used long short term memory (LSTM) neu-
tic command or feedback by means of supplying accurate ral network (NN) to learn the knot-tying procedure, while,
predictions. Given that the maximum acceptable delay is 1 ms, Sneath et al. [41] applied the LSTM NN to simulate a semi-
the ML model should be able to make its prediction within the autonomous robotic surgery for a space exploration mission to
given 1 ms time budget. In the following, we present the offline the Moon and Mars. The computational complexity of LSTM
and online predictive frameworks in remote robotic surgery NN and ELM is dependent upon the number of neurons h in
followed by a discussion of the existing kernel approximation each layer. Neural-based methods, such as ELM and LSTM
techniques in GPR. NN, are known to have good accuracy, though they tend to
overfit when the hidden neurons and the activation function
A. Prediction Methods for Remote Robotic Surgery are not selected correctly. Thanajeyan et al. [40] combined the
In telesurgery, variants of probabilistic and non-probabilistic advantages of LSTM NN and RL to develop an autonomous
models have been proposed to assist the surgeon in tensioning policy. All of the above mentioned works are offline
performing a surgical task in the presence of data and utilize fixed-parameter non-linear regressors, which are
loss. Chowriappa et al. [16] used the Gaussian mixture not suitable for online adaptation to unforeseen situations or
model/Gaussian mixture regression (GMM/GMR) to improve new scenarios.
reliability in remote robotic surgery. Specifically, the GMM The work in [36] on remote robotic surgery focuses on
was adopted to encode a set of force/torque profiles and online model learning and prediction. Fichera et al. [36]
their corresponding parameters, followed by GMR, which was employed a locally weighted projection regression (LWPR)
used to retrieve a generalized version of the force/torque pro- to train soft-tissue dynamics during laser exposure to predict
file for Trocar insertion1 [16]. Delayed/lost haptic feedback the effects of laser-tissue interaction during surgery. The com-
information was successfully predicted via this GMM/GMR plexity of each local model of LWPR was O(m). LWPR
model in a local area network setting. In our recent work [15], parameters need to be tuned manually to arrive at an optimal
we showed that the hidden Markov model/Gaussian mixture solution, which is time-consuming. From the literature, the
regression (HMM/GMR) makes better predictions compared naive deployment of the ML frameworks in an online set-
to the GMM/GMR for remote needle insertion procedure. ting would incur a significant cost when there is high number
Specifically, the hidden Markov model was used to encode a of datapoints. Also, there may be delayed/lost data resulting
set of force, torque, and corresponding parameters. GMR was from communication disruptions and sensor failure making the
then used to reproduce the generalized version of the force, dataset incomplete. Therefore, suitable techniques to address
torque, and corresponding parameters. Our work concluded the scalability and delayed/lost data issues in online learn-
that prediction of under 1 ms can be achieved with a minimal ing are needed. A summary of the related work is presented
error by selecting a small number of states k. Both the GMM in Table I, which illustrates the complexities of various ML
and the HMM have a computational complexity of O(mk ). frameworks.
The K-nearest neighbor regression (KNNR) was used in [38]
B. Low-Rank Matrix Factorization Methods in GPR
to train a tendon-driven serpentine surgical manipulator to per-
form a trans-oral surgical task. However, KNNR suffers from Various approximation methods have been studied to reduce
the problem of dimensionality for extremely high dimensional the computational demand faced in GPR while preserving its
space (i.e., robots with multiple arms) without dimensional- performance. Given a matrix of rank r and m data points, the
ity reduction as a pre-processing step. The weighted KNNR sparse approximation can be represented by Gaussian processes
in [38] has complexity of O(m k ). Osa et al. [20] employed using a set of r << m basis vectors, which can reduce the
Gaussian process regression with a conditional distribution of computational complexity to O(r 2 m) [42]. Low-rank matrix
demonstrations, normalization in the time domain, and estima- approximation offers an alternate solution to scale down the
tion concerning a reference trajectory to learn a surgical task. computational complexity of Gaussian proccesses (GPs) [23]. A
GPR complexity increases cubically O(m 3 ) with the num- direct factorization technique was employed in [47] for a special
ber of training data points m. Learning from demonstrations class of kernel functions, where the covariance matrix was
frameworks, such as the GPR, the GMM, the KNNR, and hierarchically factored into a product of block low-rank updates
the HMM, is dependent upon the surgeons’ demonstrations of the identity matrix, which requires O(m log2 m) operations
to initialize the surgical task dynamics. In contrast, the rein- to invert the matrix. Existing robust low-rank approximation in
forcement learning (RL) framework in [39] does not require Gaussian processes with a positive semi-definite guarantee focus
initialization. RL immediately learns and manipulates the tis- on batch training the model and then using it for the autonomous
sue dynamics. Nevertheless, RL requires a long timeframe for navigation of a robot [24]. The kernel approximation techniques
the robot to efficiently perform the task. RL has a complexity in GPR have failed to account for the lost data in the training
of O(m 3 ). data in a sequential setting.
Neural-based methods in remote robotic surgery are dis-
cussed next. Xu et al. [38] employed an extreme learning
1 Trocar insertion is a type of laparoscopic surgery involving small incisions In this section, we start by presenting the system model,
into the abdominal skin. followed by a motivating scenario, and then, we present our

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K NOT T YING G ESTURE VOCABULARY [21] corresponding action on the patient [48]. The patient side
robot interprets and uses the commands from the surgeon
console in the form of position, orientation, and velocity to
perform operations on the patient [48]. The network domain
is responsible for offering a low latency and ultra-reliable con-
nectivity between the patient and surgeon domains [10]. The
edge/edge connector interconnects the domains via the 5G-
enabled Tactile Internet WAN. We deploy an ML model hosted
in the patient side domain for haptic command prediction.

B. Motivating Scenario
Let us focus on the knot-tying task, which is typically car-
ried out during tissue reconstruction [21]. The knot-tying task
is segmented into various gestures. Knot-tying is achieved by
executing a sequence of the following five sub-tasks [21]: a
surgeon (Ω1) picks up a needle with her right hand, (Ω12)
picks up the needle with her left hand, (Ω13) makes a so-called
C loop around her right hand, (Ω14) picks up the suture with
the needle in her right hand, and (Ω15) pulls the suture with
both hands to tie a knot. The process is repeated until the knot-
tying task is completed. Table II provides a brief description of
these gestures. Surgemes are further segmented into dexemes,
which are numerical versions of the sub-gestures needed to
execute a surgeme [34]. Dexemes are kinematic data, such as
Fig. 1. Generic architecture of our 5G-enabled Tactile Internet remote robotic
surgery system. the tool tip position, rotation matrix, gripper angle velocity,
rotational velocity [21], among others. These dexemes arrive
sequentially and newly arrived dexemes append to old dex-
problem definition. For completeness, a list of notations is emes of a surgeme. In the scenario diagram shown in Fig. 2,
provided in Table III. the complete dexemes contained in Ω1 are successfully sent
via the 5G-enabled Tactile Internet to the patient side robot.
Based on the dexemes contained in Ω1, a sequence of actions
A. System Model is performed by the patient-side robot on the patient. Upon
Figure 1 illustrates the generic architecture of the bilateral receiving Ω1, the patient-side robot sets a waiting threshold,
remote robotic surgery system enabled by a 5G Tactile Internet which is the period within which the complete dexemes of
wide area network (WAN). A typical remote robotic surgery the next surgeme should be received. The dexemes contained
system contains the following three domains: (i) the surgeon- in Ω12 are sent via the 5G-enabled Tactile Internet to the
side domain, (ii) the patient-side domain, and (iii) the network patient-side robot. When a content of Ω12 fails to reach the
domain. The surgeon side domain consists of the surgeon patient side robot within the pre-set threshold, the patient-side
along with the surgeon console, and the patient-side domain robot asks the ML model to send the predicted content of
consists of the patient and a patient-side robot. The surgeon Ω12. Any failure of Ω12 implies the loss of certain content
manipulates the surgeon console to generate haptic commands, of Ω12, as depicted in Fig. 2. The dexemes in the predicted
which are then taken by the patient-side robot to perform the Ω12 are then used to execute the surgeon’s requested action

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Fig. 2. Motivating scenario.

(d) (d)
knot-tying task with an input φm per step m and output ξm
per step m of length M (d) , where m ∈ {1, . . . , M (d) }. We
denote n as the index of another step of the knot tying session.
Each knot-tying session is a vector ψ, composed of temporal
(d) (d)
φm and spatial information ξm per step. The dataset is rep-
(d) (d) (d)
resented as ψ = {φm , ξm }M m=1 . The temporal information
vector φ(d) ∈  serves as the input to the regression func-
tion and the spatial information vector ξ (d) ∈ R serves
as the output of the knot-tying task. The Cartesian position

−p = (px , py , pz ), Cartesian linear velocity −→
v = (vx , vy , vz ),
Cartesian angular velocity v = (ϕ , π , ε ), 9-variable rota-
tional matrix Z, and a gripper angle θ are the samples outputs
ξ (d) being sent in the command path to the patient side robot
and which are subject to delay and packet loss. This set of
samples is used to train the ML model.


In this work, we employ robust low-rank matrix factoriza-
tion methods to achieve computationally efficient Gaussian
process regression to facilitate haptic command prediction in
a 5G-enabled Tactile Internet remote knot tying procedure.
After describing the background on Gaussian process model
compression via low rank and sparse matrix factorization, we
present two variants of sequential randomized low-rank and
on the patient. The closeness to a real-time haptic command sparse matrix factorization methods.
is dependent upon the prediction accuracy of the content of
Ω12, considering that the maximum permissible deadline is A. Background on Gaussian Process Model Compression
1 ms [48].
A GP is a distribution over functions characterized by a
mean μ(φ(d) ) and covariance T (φ(d) ) function [20], [49].
C. Problem Definition We consider GPR function f (φ(d) ) given by
A surgeon in the surgeon domain manipulates a patient-side       

f φ(d) ∼ GP μ φ(d) , G φ(d) , φ(d )
robot to generate multiple demonstrations of the knot-tying     
task. Each knot-tying session d is composed of R-dimensional μ φ(d) = E f φ(d) ,
spatial information (i.e., position, orientation, velocity, etc.)  
and 1-dimensional temporal information (i.e., time), where G φ(d) , φ(d ) = E f φ(d) − μ φ(d)
d ∈ {1, . . . , D} and D represents the total number of demon-       
strations. We are given D examples of a surgeon performing a × f φ(d ) − μ φ(d ) , (1)

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where G is the kernel function. The mean is centered at Kernel low-rank matrix factorization is used to obtain a
the origin because any change in actuation requires a zero low-dimensional representation of a high dimensional kernel
mean. In GPR, the target ξ (d) can be modelled by a Gaussian matrix in an 2 norm sense. Kernel low rank matrix fac-
distribution as follows: torization can be interpreted as minimizing a cost function,
  measuring the fit between the kernel matrix G and an approx-
ξ (d) = f φ(d) + ,
    imation of the kernel L subject to the constraint that the
ξ (d) ∼ N 0, G φ(d) , φ(d) + σn2 I , (2) approximated matrix has a reduced rank:
min ||G − L||F ,
where is the Gaussian noise, which is an independent and L
identically distributed random variable with zero mean and subject to rank(L) ≤ r , (8)
variance σn2 I [18]. A popular kernel choice is the square
where ||.||F is a Frobenius norm. Based on the recent advances
exponential (SE) kernel also known as the Radical basis func-
made in the nuclear norm, a method for kernel matrix factor-
tion. Typically, an SE kernel is chosen in most Gaussian
ization known as robust kernel principal component analysis
process applications, as it requires computing relatively few
(RKPCA) has emerged [27]. RKPCA is one of the most sig-
parameters. The formula for SE is given by
  nificant tools for robustly recovering a low-rank matrix from
  1 (d) T
(d) (d  ) 2  corruption (packet loss/ delay), and it opens the door for using
G φ ,φ = σs exp φ − φ(d )
2 low rank regularization [24]. Packet loss and delay are consid-
 ered explicitly introducing a corruption term in the objective
× W φ(d) − φ(d ) , (3) function and in the constraints. RKPCA decomposes the kernel
matrix G into low-rank matrix L and corruption matrix S
where σs2 denotes the variance of the kernel function itself and by minimizing the 1 -norm. Mathematically, the problem of
W is a diagonal matrix. The joint distribution of the observed RKPCA can be solved by using the following formulation:
target values ξ (d) and predicted values ξ (d∗) for a query point
φ(d∗) can be modeled as a multivariate Gaussian as follows: min ||L||∗ + α||S ||1 ,
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎡   ⎤⎞
ξ (d) G φ(d) , φ(d) + σn2 I G φ (d)
,φ (d∗) subject to G = L + S , (9)
℘⎝ ⎠ ∼ N ⎝0, ⎣   ⎦⎠,
ξ G φ(d∗) , φ(d) G φ (d∗)
,φ (d∗)
+ σn2 I where ||.||∗ is the nuclear norm, ||.||1 is the 1 -norm,
(4) and α is a penalty parameter for balancing the low-rank
term and the reconstruction fidelity. For some orthogonal
where φ(d) and φ(d∗) represent all the input points and pre-
matrix U ∈ m×r and diagonal matrix Σ ∈ Dr with
dicted values of the query points, G(φ(d) , φ(d) ) denotes the
entries i , problem (9) is transformed into problem (18) to
covariance function, also known as the kernel function, and
ensure the symmetric positive semi-definiteness of the kernel
G(φ(d) , φ(d∗) ) represents the covariance matrix between the
matrix [24], [27].
test points and full training points. The parameters estimated
via the maximum likelihood approach are the parameters min ||G − U Σ̂U T ||1 + α||Σ||∗ ,
of the kernel function: the variance σn2 and the diagonal U ,Σ,Σ̂,P
components of the matrix W, such that the marginal log- subject to Σ ≥ 0, UU T = Ir ,
likelihood is maximized [50]. The conditional distribution of Σ̂ = Σ, P = U Σ̂U T , (10)
the Gaussian demonstration (4) produces the predicted mean
μ∗ and covariance T ∗ as follows: where Σ̂ and P are two auxiliary variables. More details
    −1 about the framework are presented below. Using augmented
μ∗ = G φ(d∗) , φ(d) G φ(d) , φ(d) + σn2 I ξ (d) , Lagrangian framework [51], we transformed the constrained
problem (18) into an unconstrained Lagrangian problem

T =G φ ,φ (d∗) (d∗)
−G φ + σn2 I
,φ (d∗) (d)  
   −1   L G, P , U , Σ, Σ̂ = ||G − P ||1 + α||Σ||∗
G φ(d) , φ(d) + σn2 I G φ(d) , φ(d∗) , (6)
+ tr ΛT 1 P − U Σ̂U T
ϑ−1 = σn−2 I − σn−4 U Σ−1 + σn−2 I UT (7) + tr ΛT 2 Σ̂ − Σ
where ϑ = G(φ(d) , φ(d) ) + σn2 I is the regularized covari- β 
+ P − U Σ̂U T  + Σ̂ − Σ ,
ance matrix. Typically ϑ is dense, causing the standard direct 2 F F
inversion and determinant evaluation to require O(m 3 ) opera- (11)
tions [49]. GPR is known to achieve higher performance with
where Λ1 , Λ2 ∈ R m×m are Lagrange multipliers and β > 0
minimal parameter tuning. However, it suffers from signifi-
is a weight parameter. We solve for Σ by fixing the other
cantly higher complexity. Next, we propose to explore two
variables and solving the optimization problem below
variants of robust kernel low-rank matrix factorization meth-  2
ods to address the scalability and delayed/lost data issues of ∗ α 1 Λ2 
Σ = arg min ||Σ||∗ + Σ̂ − Σ + (12)
GPR in sequential setting under varying latency. Σ β 2 β F

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whose solution takes the form factorization problem and the delayed/ lost data detection
  problem, until convergence occurs [26]:
∗ α
Σ = Qdiag max ζ − , 0 Q T , (13) ⎧
⎨ L = arg minrank (L)≤r ||C − L||F , C = G − S,
where Q is some orthogonal matrix and max(.,.) should be L = U ΣU T , UU T = Ir (19)

understood as element-wise. Given H = Σ̂ − Λβ2 , then the S = arg mincard(S )≤γ ||E − S ||F , E =G −L
eigendecompositon of H is H = QΓQ T for Γ = diag(ζ).
Next, we update U by fixing the other variable and solving where Ir is an r × r identity matrix. The DRMF problem
the problem below above consists of a kernel low-rank approximation and a
   packet loss/delayed data detection problem, both needs to be
U ∗ = arg min tr ΛT 1 P − U Σ̂U T solved until convergence. The packet loss/delay data detec-
U tion problem detects the delayed/lost packets per iteration
 step until convergence occurs. When convergence occurs, the
+ P − U Σ̂U T  , (14)
2 F abnormally large data values are detected as lost packets and
are discarded from the kernel matrix C = G−S. The num-
and then, we update Σ̂ by solving the problem below
ber of packets that can be discarded is constrained by the
Σ̂∗ = arg min tr ΛT P − U Σ̂U T
+ tr Λ T
Σ̂ − Σ packet loss/delay requirement γ. To solve the kernel low-rank
1 2
approximation problem, the cleared kernel matrix C is sub-

ject to eigen decomposition to repeatedly separate the kernel
+ P − U Σ̂U T  + Σ̂ − Σ . (15) matrix into an orthogonal matrix U and a diagonal matrix Σ.
2 F F
The eigen decomposition of the cleared kernel matrix C is
Next, we update P by solving the optimization problem below used to update the covariance matrix of the GPR.
   From a computational perspective, there are various cutting
P ∗ = arg min||G − P ||1 + tr ΛT 1 P − U Σ̂U T
edge algorithms for minimizing the DRMF problem (19) that
β 2 outperform popular off-the-shelf algorithms. The work in [25]
+ P − U Σ̂U T  . (16) employ a block coordinate strategy [54] to iteratively solve
2 F the problem (19). With a priori knowledge about the rank r,
Finally, we update Lagrange multipliers Λ1 , Λ2 as follows the steps of the algorithm are described below.
  To update Σ, we fix the other variables and solve the
Λ1 ← Λ1 + β P − U Σ̂U T , following problem:
Λ2 ← Λ2 + β Σ̂ − Σ . (17)  
Σ∗ = arg minC − U ΣU T  , (20)
The process is repeated until convergence occurs and the
corruption is minimized. and then, we update U by fixing Σ and solving the following
The scheme in [24] relies on some relaxation approaches problem:
to relax the rank constraint to the trace norm and the 0 -  
norm constraint to the 1 -norm, which may have a significant  
U ∗ = arg minC − U ΣU T  . (21)
effect on the prediction accuracy. In contrast, the DRMF U F
scheme proposed in [25] minimizes the error of the low-rank
matrix approximation by considering the fact that delayed/lost Next, we solve for E as follows:
data are small, and does so without using any relaxation
approaches. By assuming a small amount of delayed/lost E = G − U ΣU T , (22)
data in the observation matrix G, the authors of [25], [52],
and [26] disregarded some data, classifying it as delayed/lost and update S by solving the packet loss/delay problem:
data by solving the following direct robust matrix factorization
problem: S ∗ = arg min ||E − S ||F . (23)
card(S )≤γ
min ||(G − S ) − L||F ,
L,S Finally, the eigen decomposition of C can be computed.
subject to rank(L) ≤ r ,
||S ||0 ≤ γ, (18) C = U ΣU T . (24)

where γ represents the limit of the matrix of packet loss/delay. The process is repeated until convergence occurs.
The above assumption that we can ignore some data as Remark 1: The performance of Algorithm 2 is guaranteed
delayed/lost data by solving Eq. (18) can be used to incorpo- when the packet losses and delays are not too high. In case
rate packet loss/delay knowledge from the 5G-enabled Tactile of a very high packet loss and delay scenario, the imputation
Internet [53] into the model. The optimization problem (18) of the missing entries of the training dataset while performing
can be solved alternatively by solving the following the matrix the matrix factorization must be added.

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Fig. 3. Flowchart of the offline and online stages of updating eigen decomposition. In the offline stage, a kernel matrix G is approximated by an orthogonal
matrix U and a diagonal matrix Σ. In the online stage, a new matrix B is appended to the original kernel matrix G which is approximated by using the
previous decomposition result of G together with the newly incorporated matrix B to approximate the resultant matrix by means of an orthogonal matrix U1
and a diagonal matrix Σ1 .

B. Robust Incremental Eigen Decomposition Algorithm 1 Sequential 1 Norm Regularized Randomized

Low-Rank and Sparse Matrix Factorization
Online model learning for remote robotic surgery requires
models to continuously adapt to new training examples over 1: Input: G: the kernel matrix, rank r, α = 10−3 , β = 10−5 , and
time. Incremental eigen decomposition provides a means to ρ=2
2: j: iterative step
incorporate new data into old data without computing the 3: j = 1, U1 = Σ1 = Σˆ1 = P1 = 0, βmax =
matrix from scratch at every iteration. This effort and time- 1010 , eigendecomposition(Gj ) = U1 Σ1 U1T
savings allows the dexemes of a gesture in remote robotic 4: Output: U, Σ, Σ̂, P
surgery under dynamic conditions to be planned in real time. It 5: WHILE not converged
should be noted that we exploit incremental versions of RPCA 6: WHILE not converged
and DRMF (i.e., SRLSMF [26] and 1 SRLSMF [32]) to ⎧
Update Σj +1 by (12),

scale GPR. SRLSMF and 1 SRLSMF are inductive, meaning ⎪

⎪ Update Uj +1 by (14),
that they can cooperate with a subject with incremental eigen ⎪

⎨ Update Σ̂j +1 by (15),
decomposition and work with movable and flexible objects
such as threads and soft tissues during operations. For instance, ⎪
⎪ Update Pj +1 by (16),

the surgical knot-tying task involves creating loops around a ⎪
⎪ Update eigen decomposition of

surgical instrument with a surgical thread [20]. When a sur- Gj +1 by applying Theorem 1.
geon manipulates a surgical instrument to be looped and it is
moving the dexemes of a gesture (i.e., the model parameters) ⎧
must be recomputed in a computationally efficient manner to ⎪
⎪ Update the Lagrange multiplier

adapt the learned model according to the motion of the instru- Λ1 and Λ2 by (17),
ment. The inductive behavior of the proposed models ensures ⎪
⎪ Update β = min(ρβ, βmax )

that the topological features of the gesture are maintained. j = j + 1;
Summaries of the exploited sequential 1 norm regularized 8: ENDWHILE
low-rank and sparse matrix factorization and low-rank and
sparse matrix factorization are presented in Algorithms 1
and 2, respectively.
column matrix by B = UF, where F is a representation of B
Given a matrix G ∈ m×m and a column B ∈ m×1 , we
with U basis matrix. Given the orthogonal matrix U, the matrix
assume eigen decomposition of G is
F can be computed as F = U T B . With Σ2 + FF T being a
G = U ΣU T . (25) positive symmetric matrix, we can derive the following

After appending the newly arrived data B, the larger outer G1 G1T = [G|UF ][G|UF ]T , = GG T + UF (UF )T ,
matrix G1 is built by appending columns to U. The updated  
= U Σ2 + FF T U T ,
matrix G1 becomes
= UQΣ21 Q T U T ,
G1 = [G|B ]. (26)
= U1 Σ21 U1T . (27)
The eigenvalue and eigenvector of G1 G1T is required to
compute the eigen decomposition of G1 . Let us denote the where U1 is a rotation of U by Q.

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Algorithm 2 Sequential Randomized Low-Rank and Sparse We can derive G1 G1T as follows:
Matrix Factorization
1: Input: G: the kernel matrix G1 G1T = [G|B ][G|B ]T ,
2: γ: the maximal acceptable delay/ packet loss
= GG T + BB T ,
3: S: matrix of delay/packet loss   T 
4: j: iterative step   Σ2 + FF T 0 U1
= U1 U2 1 ,
5: j = 1, Sj = S , Cj = Gj − S , eigen decomposition (Cj ) = 0 Σ22 U2T
U1 Σ1 U1T   T 
  Q Σ̄1 Q T 0 U1
6: Output: U, Σ, S = U1 U2 ,
7: WHILE not converged 0 Σ22 U2T
⎧   T T 
⎪   Σ̄2 0 Q U1

⎪ Σj +1 = arg min||Cj − Uj Σj UjT ||F , = U1 Q U2 1 ,

⎪ Σ 0 Σ22 U2T

⎪   T 

⎪ U min||Cj − Uj Σj UjT ||F ,   Σ̄2

⎪ j +1 = arg
1 0 Ū1

⎪ U = Ū1 U2 , (30)
⎨ 0 Σ22 U2T
Ej = Gj − Uj +1 Σj +1 UjT+1 ,

⎪ Sj +1 = arg min ||Ej − S ||F , where U is considered unitary. From Eq. (30), Σ2 and U2

⎪ card(S )γ remain unchanged provided that U2T B = 0. For i>r, the spec-

⎪ Update eigen decomposition of trum i , eigen vectors ui of eigen decomposition of G1 remain

⎩ C by applying Theorem 1 . the same.
j +1
8: j = j+1;
9: ENDWHILE C. Sequential Robust Randomized Gaussian Process
As the data arrives continuously in an online setting, it is
By applying the well-known spectral theorem [55], matrix necessary to devise an intelligent way to update the kernel
Σ2 +FF T can be diagonalized using a unitary U. If the arrived matrix to ensure that the computational power of the 5G-
data does not span the column space U then G1 G1T becomes enabled Tactile Internet remote robotic surgery system is not
G1 G1T = [G|UF + B1 ][G|UF + B1 ]T , exceeded, and real-time constraints are not violated. Therefore,
we further developed a sequential robust randomized Gaussian
= GG T + (UF + B1 )(UF + B1 )T ,
process regression to update the kernel function. We update
Σ2 + FF T FR1T U T U and Σ using Algorithm 1 or Algorithm 2, which consider
= [U |Q1 ] T ,
R1 F R1 R1T Q T delayed/lost data in the training set. The approach is to use
UT the eigen decomposition from the previous iterations Gj to
= [U |Q1 ]Q2 Σ21 Q2T ,
QT compute the corresponding decomposition in the next iteration
= U1 Σ21 U1T , (28) Gj +1 . Given the initial kernel matrix as Gj ≈ Uj Σj UjT ,
the covariance matrix of φj +1 with itself and training as
where B = UF +B1 and the orthogonal matrix B1 = Q1 R1 is (d) (d∗) (d∗) (d∗)
the QR decomposition of B1 . The cost of QR decomposition G(φj +1 , φj +1 ) and G(φj +1 , φj +1 )+σn2 I respectively, Gj +1
of B1 is O(ml 2 ), where l is the rank of a subset matrix. is computed as follows:
The cost of rotating U to U1 is O(m(r + l )2 ), the cost of ⎡     ⎤
(d) (d) (d) (d∗)
obtaining F and B is O(mlr ) and the cost to obtain Σ21 is G φj , φj + σn2 I G φj +1 , φj +1
Gj +1 := ⎣     ⎦.
O((r + l )3 ). The overall run time to compute SVD(G1 ) is (d∗) (d)
G φj +1 , φj +1
(d∗) (d∗)
G φj +1 , φj +1 + σn2 I
(O(ml 2 ) + O(m(r + l )) + O((r + l )3 ) + O(mlr )), which is
smaller than SVD in DRMF [25] and naive RKPCA in [27] (31)
which has a complexity of O(min{mn 2 , nm 2 }). To compute Gj +1 = Ūj +1 Σ̄j +1 ŪjT+1 , we use the following
As the matrix G grows, it becomes computationally expen- matrix:
sive to compute the eigen decomposition of G1 . The theorem ⎡   ⎤
(d) (d∗)
below summarizes the approximate solution to minimize the Uj Σj UjT G φj +1 , φj +1
computational cost. Ḡj +1 := ⎣  (d∗) (d)  
(d∗) (d∗)
Theorem 1: Let G = U ΣU T with G1 = [G|B ] where B G φj +1 , φj +1 G φj +1 , φj +1 + σn2 I
has no components in i-th column of U for i > r. The eigen (32)
decomposition of G1 has the same spectrum i and eigen
vector ui for i > r. A summary of the procedure is presented in Algorithm 3.
Given U1 as the first r column of U with B having U with
no component U2 and B = UF for some F. V. R ESULTS
Proof: From the definition of eigen decomposition in
In this section, we present our simulation results to
Eq. (25) we have
  T  illustrate the potential use of the various algorithms
  Σ1 0 U1 to support latency-sensitive H2M applications. We eval-
G = U1 U2 . (29)
0 Σ2 U2T uated the streaming sparse Gaussian process regression

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Algorithm 3 Sequential Robust Randomized Gaussian Process

1: Input: For j = 1, compute the kernel matrix G1 using a kernel
function and the intial input φ1
2: Compute U1 , Σ1 using Algorithm 1
3: for j ∈ {2, 3, .....J } do
4: Compute cross covariances G(φd , φd∗ ) and G(φd∗ , φd∗ )+σn
5: Form
⎡  ⎤
(d) (d∗)
Uj −1 Σj −1 UjT−1 G φj , φj
Ḡj : = ⎣  (d∗) (d) 
(d∗) (d∗)

G φj , φj G φj , φj + σn2 I

6: Using Algorithm 1 or 2, compute Uj , Σj

7: Compute ϑ−1 by Eq. (7)
8: Predict outputs for the new input φj using Eqs. (5) and (6)
9: end for

(SparseGPR) [42], the proposed 1 -SRLSMF Gaussian pro-

cess regression (GPR-1 ),2 the proposed SRLSMF Gaussian
process regression (DirectGPR), LWPR, and PCA GPR
(GPR-2 ) [23].

A. Metrics
We considered two metrics to evaluate the various algo-
rithms in 5G-enabled Tactile Internet remote robotic surgery.
1) Relative error: We use the relative error to exam-
ine the generalization capability of the methods under
consideration by comparing the sent and received
Fig. 4. (a) Relative error and (b) training time vs. basis points for gesture
data during remote robotic surgery in 5G-enabled 12 dataset.
Tactile Internet networking infrastructure. In our con-
sidered scenarios, the relative error is computed as
follows: comprised of time series of 76 kinematic data bytes that con-
 ˆd d  tains the numeric variables of four manipulators: master/slave
 ξm − ξm 
Relative error =   (33) and left/right manipulators. Each manipulator has 19 kine-
matic variables, comprised of the variables for the 3-variable
Cartesian position, a 9-variable rotation matrix, the 3-variable
2) Training and prediction time: The training and
linear velocity, the 3-variable angular velocity, and a gripper
prediction times of the methods under evaluation were
angle. These were collected at a sampling rate of 30 Hz. The
considered to determine their adaptability in predicting
kinematic dataset contains detailed information on position,
delayed and/or lost data when performing the knot-
velocity, orientation, etc.
tying gestures while considering the 1 ms dead-
line of remote robotic surgery in 5G-enabled Tactile
Internet. C. Trace-Based Simulation Results
We compare how well the variants of the low-rank matrix
B. Robotic Surgery Dataset predict the next action of a surgeon by evaluating the relative
We ran our simulations using the JIGSAW dataset [21], error vs basis points. The SparseGPR [42] learns the hyper-
created by a cooperative project between Johns Hopkins parameter and pseudo inputs in the same joint optimization
University and Intuitive Surgical, Inc. using the Da Vinci while the proposed DirectGPR and GPR-1 obtain hyperpa-
surgical system. The JIGSAW dataset contains the kinemat- rameters from full GPR and the hyperparameters are fixed.
ics of eight subjects. The dataset consists of three surgical We randomly split the dataset 10 times, each time with 90%
tasks: suturing, needle passing, and knot-tying, which were of the points as the training set and the remaining 10% as
collected from eight human subjects. Our goal is to predict the test set each time.The relative error for the various meth-
the knot-tying gesture kinematic data that do not meet the ods decreases almost linearly with increasing basis points,
1 ms deadline during a remote robotic surgery. The dataset is as shown in Figure 4(a). The proposed DirectGPR outper-
forms the proposed GPR-1 and SparseGPR [42] as shown in
2 We applied Theorem 1 in updating the covariance matrix of structured Figure 4(a). The proposed DirectGPR achieves such a high
low-rank approximation in Gaussian process regression in [24]. accuracy because it learns the basis points appropriately to

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remaining data used as the test set. The relative error was
averaged over 10 runs for each method. As shown in Fig. 5,
for the case of in-sample testing on the suturing dataset, the
performance of the offline LSTM-based predictor is compara-
ble to our proposed online DirectGPR predictor and the offline
DirectGPR for t<50 s. At some point, we observe that the
accuracy of the LSTM-based predictor is better than that of
our proposed DirectGPR and offline DirectGPR. This occurs
because the proposed scaled online DirectGPR and offline
DirectGPR trade prediction accuracy for speed. For t>50 s,
when the human subject’s task shifts from suturing to nee-
dle passing, the relative error of both offline predictors (i.e.,
the offline LSTM-based predictor and the offline DirectGPR)
Fig. 5. Relative prediction error vs. time for proposed online DirectGPR, increases. In contrast, our proposed online DirectGPR pre-
offline DirectGPR and offline LSTM-based predictors. dictor retains similar level of accuracy, even when such a
shift occurs, because our online scaled DirectGPR predic-
tor can deal with out-of-sample prediction better than dense
control the smoothness property of its fit, which contributed offline LSTM-based and offline DirectGPR predictors for the
to the quality of its solution. We first compute the rank (L) unseen needle passing dataset. More specifically, unlike the
using convex relaxed low-rank approximation and then used dense LSTM offline predictor and offline DirectGPR, our
it to initialize nonconvex low-rank approximation. Hence, the scaled online model is able to update its model parameters in
proposed DirectGPR is more robust because we can obtain an online manner using incremental eigen decomposition to
almost the exact rank of the matrix. This error reduction improve its prediction accuracy. It is worth mentioning that
property ensures that, in practice, the iterations converge to the dense LSTM-based predictor can handle out-of-sample
a reasonable solution. Moreover, the proposed DirectGPR prediction better than the offline scaled DirectGPR because
solves the underestimation problem of the proposed GPR-1 . it is not a compressed model.
SparseGPR is less accurate in Figure 4(a) because learning
pseudo inputs by evidence maximization results in nonlinear
optimization problem in which the solution often gets stuck
in local optima. E. Simulation of Real-World Robotic Surgery Dataset With
Next, we compared the training time of the algorithms Tactile Internet Networking Infrastructure
under a varying number of basis points, as depicted in Although our proposed framework is applicable to any
Figure 4(b). As the basis points increase, the training times Tactile Internet networking infrastructure, we consider a fiber-
increase almost linearly, as shown in Figure 4(b). Generally, wireless (FiWi) enhanced Long Term Evolution Advanced
the proposed DirectGPR has a computational advantage over (LTE-A) Heterogenous Network (HetNets) in [56] in our
the SparseGPR. However, it should be noted that the train- simulations and evaluate the performance of the proposed
ing time of SparseGPR includes the time taken to infer framework. We chose FiWi enhanced LTE-A HetNets for the
the hyperparameters. In addition, SparseGPR takes a longer following reasons:
time to converge as it often gets stuck in local optima. The 1) FiWi access networks combine the coverage-centric
proposed DirectGPR outperforms the proposed GPR-1 , which LTE-A HetNet with capacity-centric WiFi access
we attribute to the fact that using least square minimization networks to offer low-cost, high-speed mobile offload-
with regularized least square initialization to fit the data is ing, that is achieved through a high capacity next-
faster than using regularized least square minimization alone generation passive optical network (PON) and Gigabit-
under the same stopping criteria. class wireless local area networks (WLANs) that are
known to operate at data rates 100 times higher than
those of cellular networks. FiWi access networks rely on
D. Online vs Offline Predictors heterogeneous network architecture to improve capac-
In the following, we evaluate the efficiency of our proposed ity, a multitude of small cells to improve coverage,
online prediction against the offline prediction schemes. and carrier aggregation to achieve high data rates. Such
Figure 5 illustrates the relative error vs. time for the networks have proven to achieve almost 100-fold gains
proposed scaled DirectGPR online predictor, the offline scaled in area capacity and 10 Gbps peak data rates [10].
DirectGPR predictor, and the LSTM-based offline predictor 2) FiWi enhanced mobile networks offer distributed storage
in both in- and out-of-sample testing on our robotic surgery and processing capabilities, which can be exploited to
dataset. The offline DirectGPR does not employ incremen- offer an immersive teleoperation experience for human
tal eigen decomposition, while online DirectGPR uses the subjects. Computing and storage resources such as
incremental eigen decomposition to update its training val- cloudlets and fog nodes are intentionally placed closer
ues. We randomly split each dataset 10 times; each time to the end-users to offer low latency, low jitter, low data
90% of the dataset was used as the training set and the transfer cost, and scalability [57].

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In the backhaul, we considered a time or wavelength divi-

sion multiplexing IEEE 802.3ah/av 1 Gb/s Ethernet passive
optical network with a fiber length of 20 km between the
central optical line terminal (OLT) and the remote optical
network unit (ONU)/access point (AP) that connects a surgeon
domain with a patient domain [10]. Both the surgeon con-
sole and patient-side robot may connect to a cellular network
base station (BS) or an IEEE 802.11n/ac/s WLAN mesh por-
tal point (MPP). The ONU-BS/MPP with artificial intelligence
enhanced multi-access edge computing (MEC) servers are col-
located at the patient’s optical-wireless interface in order to
perform the prediction of delayed and/or lost haptic com-
mands. We apply the RTS/CTS, a control message of the
distributed coordination function (DCF) access mechanism of
IEEE 802.11, at the nodes (patient side robot and surgeon
Fig. 6. Regression and Training time results on Gesture 12 dataset under
console). Both the patient side robot and the surgeon console varying dimensions.
operate at 56 Mbps. Our experiment had the surgeon on a sin-
gle communication channel with no competing users to reduce
the impact of delay and guarantee safety. Table IV summarizes corrupted data are present within the kernel matrix and distort
our parameter settings and default values. the kernel matrix inversion. In addition, Sparsity-based GPR
To verify the robustness of the proposed framework com- methods such as the proposed DirectGPR, proposed GPR-
pared to other incremental algorithms in terms of delay and 1 , SparseGPR, and GPR-2 outperform LWPR on the small
packet loss, we train the various algorithm on the Gesture 12 amount of gesture 12 datasets because they are easier to train.
knot tying dataset under varying delay and packet loss online LWPR requires appropriate clustering of the state space, not
in a Tactile Internet environment. We evaluate the performance a straightforward process on any dataset.
of our proposed Direct GPR and GPR-1 methods in term Next, we evaluate the training time of various algorithms.
of relative error compared to incremental learning methods Fig. 6(b) depicts the training time vs. number of dimensions
LWPR, SparseGPR, and GPR-2 . Figure 6(a) depicts the rel- for different algorithms. We observe that the training time of
ative error vs. the number of dimensions for Gesture 12 of the proposed DirectGPR algorithm is smaller than that of the
the knot-tying dataset. As the number of dimensions increase, proposed GPR-1 algorithm. The reason is that the DirectGPR
the relative errors also increases almost linearly for all method algorithm ignores the lost data, as opposed to the GPR-1 algo-
under consideration, because increasing the number of dimen- rithm, which resort to regularization to recover the data. On the
sions means there are more data points to predict. Further, other hand, the LWPR algorithm achieves the smallest training
we observe that the proposed DirectGPR algorithm slightly time when the number of dimensions is below 30. The train-
outperforms the proposed GPR-1 because of the regulariza- ing time of LWPR gets worse with increasing dimensions.
tion technique it uses to fit the data. The proposed DirectGPR The timing behavior of LWPR could be refined by adjust-
achieves such a high accuracy because of the its well designed ing the threshold for the creation and removal of receptive
initialization and because it incorporates the delay/packet loss fields. However, tuning in LWPR is inefficient and will likely
condition into the model to ensure robust model fitting. The deteriorate the generalization performance. While SparseGPR
low delay/packet loss means that the proposed DirectGPR does not recover the lost data, the pseudo input location selec-
method can overcome the few instances of delayed/lost data tion and hyperparameter optimization are performed together,
in the training dataset to predict the surgeon’s next action thereby having the highest training time. Given that the GPR-
in a reliable manner, as shown in Figure 6(a). SparseGPR, 2 algorithm does not perform any data recovery and so it has
GPR-2 , and LWPR method achieve poor results because the the smallest training time between 30 and 70 dimensions.

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Fig. 7. Relative error vs. packet loss rate for DirectGPR and GPR-1

Next, we compare our proposed algorithms in the presence

of packet loss rate for G12 gesture datasets. Figure 7 shows
the relative error vs. the packet loss rate. We observe from
Fig. 7 that for both DirectGPR and GPR-1 the relative error
grows with increasing packet loss rate. It is also evident from
Fig. 7 that DirectGPR outperforms GPR-1 for small packet
loss rates (i.e., 5%-15%) as ignoring the data loss under the
assumption that they are small is better than using a regular-
ization scheme to deal with such losses. Furthermore, GPR-1
performs better than DirectGPR at high packet loss rates (i.e.,
15%-30%). This phenomenon can be attributed to the robust-
ness of the GPR-1 regularization scheme to fit the data at
high packet loss rates.
In the following, we evaluate the performance of the
proposed framework in the presence of delay and packet loss. Fig. 8. Relative error vs. number of dimensions for different values of (a)
end-to-end latency and (b) packet loss rate using the proposed DirectGPR.
We use haptic traces (i.e., G12 gesture datasets) of different
surgical tasks. First, we incorporated packet loss rates of 10−4 ,
10−3 , 10−2 , and 10−1 obtained after 50 haptic sessions into
the original gesture 12 datasets to represent the estimated ran- and a packet loss rate of 10−4 − 10−3 . We note the obtained
domly lost haptic sample. Then, we initialized the original G12 relative error by our proposed method falls below the so-called
gesture datasets with end-to-end delays of 1 ms, 10 ms, 20 ms, just noticeable different (JND), which, according to the well-
30 ms, 40 ms, 50 ms, and 100 ms also obtained after 50 hap- known Weber’s law, is the minimum change in the magnitude
tic sessions, to represent the estimated haptic samples within of a stimulus that can be detected by humans. The JND thresh-
a particular time interval during transmission. We consider old for force perception with hand and arm is 7±1% [58].
1-ms-apart time-steps. Once the delay experienced by a haptic The high reliability achieved at low dimension, low packet
packet exceeds the given threshold, our proposed DirectGPR loss, and low end-to-end delay can be attributed to the convex
model provides the patient-side robot with the predicted haptic relaxation approach used as the initialization for our proposed
command. framework, allowing convergence to a good solution by fine-
During transmission, a surgeon manipulates the console to tuning the model parameters, as well as, error resilience of
send a haptic sample to the patient side robot. The sent haptic the proposed DirectGPR. Another interesting observation is
sample is expected to arrive within the 1 ms targeted delay. that, as the packet loss rate and end-to-end delay grows for
However, if the patient side robot fails to receive the sam- a given number of dimensions, the prediction performance
ple in time, the edge predictor (i.e., the proposed DirectGPR) of the proposed framework sometimes deteriorates as seen
performs a single- or multi-step-ahead prediction depending in Fig. 8(a) and 8(b). This is expected since the proposed
on the latency. Figure 8(a) illustrates the relative error versus DirectGPR algorithm does not impute the missing data but
number of dimensions for different values of the end-to-end rather ignores it under the assumption that the lost data is
latency, and Fig. 8(b) shows the relative error versus number of very small. Therefore, in the case of high packet loss rate and
dimensions for different values of packet loss rate. We observe end-to-end delay, imputation of the missing data is required
from Figs. 8(a) and 8(b) that for the case of fixed dimensions to further improve the prediction accuracy of the proposed
(1-3), the proposed scheme achieves a relative error within the DirectGPR. It is possible to achieve high prediction reliability
range of 10−3 − 10−2 for the end-to-end delay of 1-10 ms (i.e., 10−3 − 10−2 ) for the case of low packet loss rate (i.e.,

Authorized licensed use limited to: Deakin University. Downloaded on May 23,2024 at 01:28:33 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

the update times were obtained based on an average of 50

interaction haptic sessions between the human subject domain
and the patient domain during which the proposed DirectGPR
performed predictions of the delayed/lost data. These longer
update times occurred because updating/re-training the model
parameters is a computationally intensive task. To reduce these
times, we could incorporate our proposed DirectGPR into
a federated or distributed learning scheme that can be run
on a more powerful set of edge servers in practical scenar-
ios. The histogram of the prediction times of the proposed
DirectGPR is presented in Fig. 9(b), and indicates that the
proposed DirectGPR can make predictions that are well under
1 ms. This advantageous performance can be attributed to the
exploitation of the scalability of low-rank matrix factorization.

To offer an immersive and transparent teleoperation experi-
ence for a surgeon, we developed an efficient and lightweight
framework for predicting haptic commands in a remote knot-
tying task for 5G-enabled Tactile Internet remote robotic
surgery. Numerical simulation results show that the proposed
model offers a good trade-off between performance and
computational costs. Specifically, the proposed DirectGPR
optimizes a smooth and nonconvex proxy for the original
cost function by alternating between two steps: convex relax-
ation initialization in the first step followed by nonconvex
optimization in the second step. With a fixed hyperparame-
ter obtained from a full GP, the proposed framework utilizes
Fig. 9. Histogram of (a) update and (b) prediction times (in milliseconds) of
the proposed DirectGPR on the patient side during retraining and prediction previous decomposition results to compute the next decom-
phases, respectively. position result after new data is appended. The proposed
DirectGPR gave a sparser model than the proposed GPR-1
and SparseGPR. Therefore, the proposed DirectGPR reduced
10−4 − 10−3 ), low end-to-end delay (i.e., 1-10 ms), and a low the underestimation problem of the proposed GPR-1 and
dimension of gesture datasets (i.e., 1-3). The achieved reliabil- SparseGPR.
ity is less than the expected reliability of 99.999% even after On a data lost recovery experiment in a Tactile Internet
fine tuning the model parameters and recovering the lost data. environment, the proposed DirectGPR predictive performance
This lowered reliability can be attributed to the inherent packet exceeds that of the proposed GPR-l1 because the proposed
loss rate and end-to-end delay due to communication malfunc- DirectGPR incorporates the network conditions of 5G-enabled
tion and hardware impairment of the da Vinci robotic surgery Tactile Internet, which makes it both lightweight and more
system used in gathering the dataset [21], which compounded robust to delayed/lost data than the proposed GPR-1 , which
the lost data. To further improve reliability, the use of network uses a regularization technique to deal with lost data. Both the
slicing and advanced edge traffic management techniques are proposed DirectGPR and GPR-1 outperformed SparseGPR,
suggested. LWPR, and GPR-2 , none of which recover lost data. In
In the following, we examine the update and prediction addition, LWPR performed the worse because it is not able
times of our proposed methods on gesture 12 3-dimension find the appropriate balance between the creation and removal
datasets of a human subject performing a knot-tying task. of receptive fields to improve it prediction performance.
Our results were obtained in a local PC with Intel Core i7- This work provides insights about the future research direc-
7700 CPU @3.6GHz. Histogram of model update times are tions required to meet the requirements of Tactile Internet. The
illustrated in Figure 9(a), where we observe that the update work discussed here opens up further avenues for research.
times of the model are centered around 10 ms on the gesture Combining sparse GPs with nonconvex regularization and
12 3-dimension datasets. The y-axis (i.e., the frequency) in more computationally-efficient convex preserving strategies
Figs. 9(a) and 9(b) represents the number of occurrences of may further improve their predictive performance. In addition,
a prediction and/or update time of our proposed DirectGPR we can rely on edge servers to decrease the update time of
while predicting delayed/lost data in remote robotic surgery. the proposed framework. Finally, an interesting future research
It should be noted that the haptic session was non-local, avenue would be to evaluate different ML methods for a
but the prediction by trained DirectGPR was done locally broader range of surgical tasks based on different experimental
in the patient domain. The histogram of the prediction and setups in a 5G-enabled Tactile Internet setting.

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Martin Maier (Senior Member, IEEE) received the

M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees (summa cum laude) from
the Technical University of Berlin, Germany, in 1998
and 2003, respectively. He is a Full Professor with
Francis Boabang received the B.Sc. degree in elec- the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique,
trical/electronics engineering from Kwame Nkrumah Montreal, QC, Canada. In the summer of 2003, he
University of Science and Technology, Ghana, in was a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Massachusetts
2013, and the M.Sc. degree in electronic and Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. He
telecommunications from Inje University, South was a Visiting Professor with Stanford University,
Korea, in 2016. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. Stanford, CA, USA, from October 2006 to March
in information system engineering with Concordia 2007. He has coauthored the book Toward 6G: A
University. His research interests include device to New Era of Convergence (Wiley-IEEE Press, January 2021). He was a co-
device communication, tactile Internet, game theory, recipient of the 2009 IEEE Communications Society Best Tutorial Paper
convex optimization, and machine learning. He was Award. In March 2017, he received the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research
a recipient of Korean Government Scholarship. Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in recognition of his
accomplishments in research on FiWi enhanced networks. In May 2017, he
was named as one of the three most promising scientists in the category
“Contribution to a Better Society” of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
2017 Prize Award of the European Commission. In winter 2019 and 2020, he
held a UC3M-Banco de Santander Excellence Chair at Universidad Carlos III
de Madrid, Madrid, Spain. He was a Marie Curie IIF Fellow of the European
Commission from March 2014 to February 2015.
Amin Ebrahimzadeh received the B.Sc. and M.Sc.
degrees in electrical engineering from the University
of Tabriz, Iran, in 2009 and 2011, respectively,
and the Ph.D. degree (Hons.) in telecommunica- Fatna Belqasmi (Member, IEEE) received the
tions from the Institut National de la Recherche M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer
Scientifique (INRS), Montreal, QC, Canada, in 2019. engineering from Concordia University, Montreal,
From 2011 to 2015, he was with the Sahand QC, Canada. She was a Research Associate
University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran. He is cur- with Concordia University and a Researcher with
rently a Horizon Postdoctoral Fellow with Concordia Ericsson Canada. She was a part of the IST
University, Montreal, QC, Canada. He is the Lead Ambient Network Project (a research project spon-
Author of the book Toward 6G: A New Era of sored by the European Commission within the Sixth
Convergence (Wiley-IEEE Press, 2021). His research interests include 6G Framework Programme–FP6). She was a Research
networks, tactile Internet, FiWi networks, and multiaccess edge computing. He and Development Engineer with Maroc Telecom,
has been awarded the 2019–2020 Best Doctoral Thesis Prize of INRS for his Morocco. She is currently an Associate Professor
research on the Tactile Internet. He was a recipient of the Doctoral Research with Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Her research interests include next-
Scholarship from the B2X Program of Fonds de Recherche du Québec-Nature generation networks, service engineering, distributed systems, and networking
et Technologies. technologies for emerging economies.

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