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Name : Nabila Rizka Prasetyarini

Student ID : 802021275

1. The three elements of a traumatic event that happened on someone are the event was
unexpected, the person was unprepared, and there was nothing the person could do to
stop it from happening. Some events that happened in this world among us can't be
predicted whether it will happen right now or later. As well as the traumatic events
that came toward someone could not be predicted when it will take place and what
kind of event it will be by that person. Since the events were unpredictable and in
unexpected forms, the person whose experiencing it would not be prepared to face the
event. Therefore, there would be nothing they could do as they were in shock from the
traumatic events they were in.
2. The cores of trauma-informed principles are acknowledgement, safety, trust, choice
and control, also compassion. First, the client needs to be acknowledged the feelings
they felt about the traumas are valid. Next, the client also needs to be ensured that
their safety will be the first to be addressed as an important step in providing the
trauma-informed session. The next step is to gain the client’s trust to be helped about
their experiences, also their boundaries and privacy will be respected. Therefore, the
more choice an individual has, the more control they have over their experiences to be
solved by a trauma-informed session. Additionally, the person will need a compassion
to discuss their feelings with significant others, professional ones, or the person they
trust the most in the process of a trauma-informed session.
3. It is important to have a cultural competency in a trauma-informed session including
the knowledge of different cultural practices, beliefs, rituals, different cultural
responses to trauma, and the importance of linking cultural safety and
trauma-informed practice. Individuals whose dealing with traumas did not always
come from one background of life. That will allow the trauma-informed session to
cooperate with the session of culturally responsive practices into treatment planning,
making the trauma-informed session more appropriate by respecting culture, gender,
race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and physical ability from the client.

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