Cyber Security in Intelligent Buildings

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As smart buildings become more networked and integrated with numerous technologies,
cybersecurity's role in guaranteeing the safe and secure functioning of these buildings becomes
increasingly important. Here are some of the most important reasons why cybersecurity is
important for smart buildings:

• Cyber threat protection: Smart buildings are exposed to cyber threats such as hacking,
malware, and ransomware assaults. Firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption
can assist guard against these attacks and keep building systems and data safe.

• Data protection: Smart buildings create massive volumes of data, including sensitive
operational data and personal information. Access restrictions and data encryption, for
example, can help secure this data against loss, unauthorized access, or abuse.

• Operational continuity: Cybersecurity is critical for ensuring operational continuity in smart

buildings. If a cyber assault disrupts building systems or compromises data, the ramifications
for building inhabitants and operations might be severe.

• Compliance with legislation: Smart buildings may be subject to numerous cybersecurity and
data protection rules. Compliance with these standards is critical in order to avoid legal and
financial penalties.

• Reputation management: A cyber assault on a smart building might harm the building
owner's or operator's reputation. Cybersecurity measures can aid in the prevention of such
assaults and indicate a commitment to the safety and security of building inhabitants.

Cyber-attacks on smart buildings hinder business continuity: successful intrusions prevent smart
buildings from operating and can cause significant damages resulting in long periods of
operational downtime, data losses, financial losses and even threats to public safety.

Since cyber-attacks can traverse between OT (Operation Technology), IT (Information

Technology) and IoT (Internet of Things), today’s cybersecurity for smart buildings solutions
must cover both the IT and OT networks.

Cyber-breaching a single connected operational device could put the whole network at risk
causing disruption to production, hindering business continuity and exposing people to further

With the increasing attack surface and the lack of security features in IOT devices, the main
benefits for cybersecurity of smart buildings are even more evident:

•early detection on Physical Security elements and Control Systems networks

•early detection of cyber-attacks on edge devices

•warning and prevention against cyber threats on Physical Security elements and Control
Systems networks

•real time network monitoring

•non-intrusive deep packet inspection: data integrity and timing are preserved

•network monitoring at packet level: every detail is controlled

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