The Rise of Local Powers - Rewari and Ballabhgarh - Haryana PCS Exam Notes

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The Rise of local powers: Rewari and Ballabhgarh

The Rise of local powers: Rewari and Ballabhgarh

Although a period of over all decline it marked the rise of local powers — especially
of Rewari and Ballabhgarh in Haryana. The estate of Rewari, as stated earlier, was
founded by Nand Ram, a Ahir leader of gadhi Bolni. His illustrious son Bal Krishna
rose to the position of a mansabdar (maintaining two thousand troops) under
Aurangzeb. During the times of Bahadur Shah and Muhammad Shah, Bal Krishna
rose to still higher position, Sher Bachacha Samsher Bahadur as he was styled by
Muhammad Shah, Bal Krishna with his five thousand followers laid his life in fighting
Nadir Shah in the battle of Karnal. As noted by Man Singh, the author of Abhira Kula
Dlpikd, his valour and bravery even drew the attention of Nadir Shah who paid rich
tributes to him. He was succeeded by his younger brother Rao Gujarnial, an astute
diplomat. As reward for the services rendered by his elder brother, Rao Gujarmal
received the jegir of twelves villages from the Mughals, and was also appointed
faujdar of Rewari and its adjoining territory. But he soon found himself in conflict
with his neighbour, Dalel Khan, a favourite of Farrukhsiyar and hakim of the territory
comprising most of the present Gurgaon district, Dalel Khan founded the city of
Farrukhnagar which become the centre of his power. Gujarmal who proved stronger
of the two, succeeded in adding Hisar-Jhajjar to his expanding estate. He soon
liberated Kanod and Narnaul from the clutches of the rulers of Jaipur and also
brought under his subjection other adjoining area. His territories now formed an
extensive area comprising Hisar, Jhajjar, Hansi, Dadri, Bhiwani, K^nod and Namaul
including of course Rewari which remained
 Notes  Tests the capital.
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Gujarmal had hereditary enemity with Bahadur Singh of Ghaseda whose predecessor
Hathi Singh was murdered by Mian Singh, a brother of Gujarmal. In retaliation
Bahadur Singh sought the help of Badan Singh, the Jat Chief of Bharatpur but did not
succeed for the latter happened to be on friendly terms with Rao Gujarmal. Bahadur
Singh thereafter tried another trick. With the connivance of his father-in-law Thakur
Todarmal of Nimrana, he treacherously murdered Rao Gujarmal (1750). With the
death of Rao Gujarmal ended the glorious period of the history of Rewari State.
Bhawani Singh, the next ruler was an incompetent ruler under whom the state of
Rewari was subjected to the encroachment of the neighbouring states – Jaipur,
Farrukhnagar and Jhajjar further reducing it to a small jagir of about 23 villages.

Ballabhgarh, now a small kasha in district Faridabad, came to prominence after the
death of Aurangzeb. Inhabited mostly by the Jats, it was then ruled by Gopal Singh, a
local chief whose only profession was to plunder and raid the environs of Delhi.
Unable to check Gopal Singh, Farrukhsiyar, the shadowy Mughal emperor,
recognised him as the Chaudhari of Faridabad having right to one sixteenth (one
anna in the rupee) of the revenue for his maintenance. His successor Charandas, a
man of independent disposition, refused to pay the tax and to submit to the
authority. Consequently he was arrested and imprisoned. His successor Ballabha
Singh (popularly known as Balu) was a wise ruler who, with the help of Bharatpur
ruler succeeded in effecting the release of his father. By his ability Ballabha Singh
soon became the master of the entire territory between Delhi and Faridabad and
then built the fort of Ballabhgadh to serve as his headquarters. He also maintained
cordial relations with the Bharatpur house which further strengthened his position.
Emperor Ahmad Shah, alarmed at the rise of this local power so close to the capital,
asked his wazir Imad-ul-mulk to deal with Ballabh Singh. Accordingly a combined
Mughal-Maratha force led by Aqibat Muhammad Khan, Imad’s chief agent, attacked
Ballabhgadh (1753). Imad, fully aware of his enemy’s strength, also sent additional
seven thousand troops with thirty pieces of light artillery. This show of force finally
forced Ballabh Singh to come to terms and to agree to pay tax to the Mughals which
was due on him. But the peasants in his territory refused to accept the terms because
they were afraid that they might not be required to pay again to their master.”
Consequently a second attack was then decided upon, but before it could
materialise, in a heated argument with Aquibat Khan, the Mughal officer, over the
realisation of the dues, Ballabh Singh along with his son, his diwan and nine others
were killed (November 29, 1753). The Jats defended their stronghold heroically but
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they were soon outnumbered  Tests
and the fort fellinPDF  Care
the hands of the Mughals. 2/13
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Ballabhgadh was renamed Nizamgadh after Imad’s new title Nizamulmulk Asaf Jah
and along with Faridabad was handed over to him as jagir}. Later cn, the successors
of Ballabh Singh did succeed with the help of Raja Surajmal of Bharatpur in regaining
some of their lost territories.

Towards the middle of the eighteenth century Haryana thus slipped away from the
administrative control of the rulers of Delhi. It was mostly parcled out among the
local chiefs and was also subjected to some extent to the encroachment of the
neighbouring powers. Raja Surajmal of Bharatpur occupied Faridabad and its
adjoining area; Madho Singh of Jaipur had taken possession of Kanod and Narnaul;
at Rewari and Shahajahanpur ruled the Ahir rulers; Kamgar Khan Baluch, the
governor of Farrukhnagar held a vast territory comprising the whole of the districts
of Rohtak and Hissar, parts of Gurgaon, Jind and Patiala; Qutb Shah, wrongly called
Ruhela (formerly a collector in Saharanpur) usurped parts of the Panipat and Sarhind
district west of the Jamuna; Najabat Khan Ruhela held parts of Kurukshetra and
Karnal (which included, Indri, Ajimabad, Pipli and Shahbad, i.e., a jagir comprising of
about ItO villages); Muhammad Amin and Hasan Khan (originally belonging to the
Bhattis) took possession of Fatehabad, Rania and Sirsa’ while Bahadur Khan (once a
servant of Kamgar who later entered the services of Imad) was granted the jagir of
Bahadurgarh. Other minor chiefs of Haryana Asadulla Khan and Hasan Ali Khan
(brother and nephew of Kamgar Khan) were the rulers of Tauru and Jhajjar

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