An Analytical Model For Evaluation of Compaction-Induced Stresses in A Reinforced Soil Mass

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Technical Note 565

Jonathan T. H. Wu1* and Thang Q. Pham2

An analytical model for evaluation

of compaction-induced stresses in a
reinforced soil mass

Abstract: When an earth fill is subject to loading and subsequent unloading, it will bring about an increase in the lat-
eral stress, provided that there is sufficient constraint to lateral deformation of the soil mass. The increase in lateral stress is
commonly known as the “residual” or “lock-in” lateral stress. The residual stress resulted from compaction operation, which
involves a series of loading and unloading onto a soil mass, is referred to as “compaction-induced stress” (CIS). The CIS will
increase the stiffness and strength of the soil mass, and is an important factor to be considered in the behavior of compacted
soil. A number of studies have been conducted on the CIS in an unreinforced soil mass. With a reinforced soil, the CIS is likely
to be much more pronounced because there is a higher degree of constraint to lateral deformation in a reinforced soil mass due
to soil-reinforcement friction. An analytical model, referred to as the CIS model, is developed for evaluation of compaction-
induced stress in a reinforced soil mass. Correlations for determination of model parameters are given so that the parameters
can be estimated through reinforcement spacing and stiffness, and common soil parameters, such as the angle of internal fric-
tion (ϕ), and overconsolidation ratio (OCR). In addition, the stress paths of typical fill compaction operation are discussed,
including compaction with a plant moving toward and away from a section under consideration, and compaction with mul-
tiple passes. The CIS model presented in this paper is found to give CIS values very close to those obtained from sophisticated
finite element analysis of a 6-m high GRS mass under different values of compaction pressure. The CIS in the reinforced soil
mass is significant under compaction pressures typically used in actual fill compaction.

Keywords: Reinforced soil, compaction, lateral stress, analytical model.

1. INTRODUCTION removed, the increase in vertical stress will reduce to a very

small value or zero; however, the increase in horizontal stress
When a soil mass is subject to an increase in vertical load, may only reduce slightly. The net increase in the horizon-
there will generally be an increase in the vertical and hori- tal stress that will “remain” in the soil mass is commonly
zontal stresses in the soil mass. The increase in vertical stress referred to as the “residual” or “lock-in” lateral stress. An
can readily be evaluated by the theory of elasticity, such as increase in vertical load followed by subsequent removal
Boussinesq theory (1885) and Westergaard theory (1938). of the load is typical in fill compaction during earthwork
The increase in horizontal stress, however, depends largely construction. The residual lateral stress due to compaction is
on the constraint to lateral deformation. The higher the referred to as the “compaction-induced stress” (CIS).
degree of the constraint, the larger the increase in horizontal The CIS in a soil mass has been the subject of study by
stress will be. If the increase in vertical load is subsequently many researchers, including Rowe (1954), Broms (1971),
Aggour and Brown (1974), Seed (1983), Seed and Duncan
(1986), and Duncan et al. (1986, 1991, and 1993). These
*Corresponding Author
studies have indicated that the CIS will result in a significant
CB-113, 1200 Larimer Street, Department of Civil Engineering, University
increase in lateral stress of a soil mass, provided that there
of Colorado Denver, Denver, CO 80217, USA, jonathan.wu@cudenver.
edu, Phone: 303-556-8585, Fax: 303-556-2368
is sufficient constraint to lateral movement of the soil. The
increase in lateral stresses will lead to an increase in the
Institute of Geotechnical Engineering (IGE/IBST), Ministry of Construction,

Vietnam,, Phone: (+84)437544014

International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (2010) 4: (565-572) J. Ross Publishing, Inc. © 2010
DOI 10.3328/IJGE.2010.04.04.565-572
566 International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering

stiffness and strength of the soil mass due to the increase in

compaction load
confining pressure. I
In recent years, the technique of reinforcing a soil mass Position n Position 2 Position 1
by placing layers of tensile reinforcement (such as geosyn- z
thetics) in the soil mass during construction has become
increasingly popular (e.g., Wu, 1994; Holtz et al., 1997; I
Bathurst et al., 1997). The technique is termed “reinforced (a)
soil.” It is likely that the magnitude of CIS will be higher
in a reinforced soil mass than in an unreinforced soil mass.
This is because the interface shear resistance between the h

soil and reinforcement will increase the constraint to lateral

deformation of the soil mass. With greater constraint to the
lateral deformation, the resulting lock-in lateral stress due to K 2,c and K 3,c-line
(Assumed coincide) K i,c-
fill compaction is likely to be larger in a reinforced soil mass.
n F
In numerical analysis of earth structures, the simula- G
tion of CIS have been over-simplified at times (e.g., Katona, 2 D

' h,c,r
1978; Hatami and Bathurst, 2005 and 2006; Morrison et al., B
2006), and in most cases, totally ignored. This study was A
undertaken to investigate compaction-induced stresses in a v

geosynthetic-reinforced soil mass. The study included con- 'v 'v + 'v,c,max
ducting full-scale experiments, performing numerical analy-
sis, and developing an analytical model for evaluating of the
magnitude of CIS. This paper presents the analytical aspect Figure 1. (a) Positions of compaction load, and (b) Stress paths at
of the study, where a compaction model that can be used to depth z along section I-I as compaction load moves toward the section.
evaluate the increase in lateral stress due to fill compaction
of a reinforced soil mass is developed. Correlations of model
parameters with common soil and reinforcement parameters
are also given. The compaction model was developed by compaction load
combining (a) a model introduced by Seed (1983) and the
Position n Position 2 Position 1
companion hand-calculation procedure by Duncan and Seed z
(1986) for an unreinforced soil mass, and (b) the concept of 'v

average stress, a theory of soil-geosynthetic composite behav-

ior proposed by Ketchart and Wu (2001).



changing K 2,c-line
Fill compaction is a complex behavior in terms of the change due to passes of
K 2,c and K 3,c-line compaction
in stresses due to the actual operation of compaction. To (Assumed coincide) 1
determine the change in vertical and lateral stresses in a soil F
mass due to typical compaction operation, we shall consider G
B 2 D
the change in stresses at depth z in Section I-I due to moving
' h,c,r

compaction loads, as shown in Figures 1 and 2. The direction line

of the movement of a compaction plant may take one of the A
two forms: (1) moving toward Section I-I (Figure 1), or (2) v
'v 'v + ' v,c,max
moving away from Section I-I (Figure 2). The compaction
operation can be simulated by loading and unloading at dif- (b)

ferent positions (Positions 1, 2, and n), as shown in Figures

1(a) and 2(a). Figures 1(b) and 2(b) show the corresponding Figure 2. (a) Positions of compaction load, and (b) Stress paths at depth
stress path of the stresses at depth z in Section I-I. z along section I-I as compaction load moves away from the section.
An analytical model for evaluation of compaction-induced stresses in a reinforced soil mass 567

An explanation of Figure 1(b) is given as follows: h

1. The initial stress condition at depth z in Section I-I

is denoted by point A, with the initial vertical stress changing K 2,c-line due
K 2,c and K 3,c-line to mutiple passes
being σv. (Assumed coincide) of compaction
2. With the compaction load at Position 1, the stresses
G'' G''' F
are increased by following the path of Ki,c-line to G' G
point B.

' h,c,r
3. As the compaction load is removed from Position ine
1, the stresses will reduce from point B to point C
by following the path of K2,c-line.
4. When the compaction load moves to a new posi- 'v 'v + ' v,c,max

tion (Position 2), the stresses will increase from

point C to point D, via point B. Figure 3. Stress paths for soil at depth z when subject to multiple
5. As the compaction load is removed from Position compaction passes.
2, the stresses will reduce from point D to point E
by following again the path of K2,c-line.
K2-line will increase, and point G becomes point G′. As the
6. Steps 1 through 5 are repeated for all subsequent
number of compaction pass increases, the final stresses will
new positions as the compaction plant moves
move from G′ to G′′, then to G′′′. The vertical distance AG′′′′
toward Section I-I. Note that as the compaction
is the residual lateral stress due to multiple passes of compac-
plant moves closer to Section I-I, the vertical stress
tion operation.
at depth z will become larger.
7. The maximum vertical stress condition will be
reached when the compaction plant is directly at
Section I-I. The corresponding stress condition
is represented by point F. Upon removal of the EVALUATING COMPACTION-INDUCED
compaction load, the stress path will follow K2-line STRESSES (CIS) IN A REINFORCED SOIL
to point G. The vertical distance AG is the result- MASS
ing residual lateral stress, the compaction-induced
stress. In this study, an analytical model was developed for evalu-
ation of compaction-induced stress (CIS) in a reinforced
Figure 2 illustrate the condition where a compaction soil mass. It is referred to as the “compaction-induced stress
plant moves away from Section I-I. Initially the compaction model” or the “CIS model.” The CIS model can be consid-
plant is located at Section I-I, which causes the stresses to ered a modified form of the bi-linear compaction model
increase from point A to point F in Figure 2(b), due to the proposed by Seed (1983) for an unreinforced soil mass, and
application of the compaction load. As the compaction load the companion hand-calculation procedure proposed by
is moving away from Section I-I, the stresses will reduce Duncan and Seed (1986). This modified compaction simu-
from point F to point D, then point B, by following the path lation model takes into account the effects of geosynthetic
of K2,c-line. As the compaction plant is finally removed, the inclusion in a soil mass.
stress condition will be at point G. The vertical distance AG is The CIS model can be described by the stress paths
the residual lateral stress, i.e., the compaction-induced stress. shown in Figure 4. An explanation of Figure 4 is given below:
From Figures 1 and 2, the residual lateral stresses, as
denoted by the vertical distance AG, are the same for the two • As a reinforced soil mass is subject to a compaction
cases. It is evident that the compaction-induced stresses in load, the stress will move from an initial state (point
a given section, due to a moving compaction plant, can be A) to point B, by following along the path of Ki,c-line,
determined by evaluating the residual lateral stresses as the on which the horizontal stress, σ′h = Ki,c σ′v, where Ki,c
compaction load is directly at the section under consider- = coefficient of lateral earth pressure of the soil mass
ation. for initial loading. At point B, the soil mass assumes
Figure 3 shows the conceptual stress paths for a soil a maximum stress state with the vertical stress of
mass subject to multiple passes of compaction. For the first σ ′v,max = σ′v + Δσ′v,c,max (σ′v = vertical stress at the initial
pass, the residual stress at point A is represented by distance stress, and Δσ′v,c,max = maximum increase in vertical
AG. With a subsequent pass of compaction, the slope of the stress due to compaction loading).
568 International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering

Figure 4. Stress paths of the compaction-induced stress model for a reinforced Soil Mass.

• Upon unloading (i.e., upon removal of the compac- 4. MODEL PARAMETERS OF THE
tion load), the stresses in the soil are reduced by fol- COMPACTION-INDUCED STRESS MODEL
lowing by following along the path of K2,c-line from
point B to point C, with the vertical stress, σ′v, equals Four model parameters are needed for the compaction-
to the vertical stress of point A. The residual hori- induced stress model described in Section 3; namely, Ki,c,
zontal stress due to the compaction load is Δσ′h,c,r. K1,c, K2,c and K3,c. These parameters can be determined from
• In the case of “significant unloading”, i.e., the the measured data of a Soil-Geosynthetic Composite (SGC)
unloading path “touches” the limiting state line (the tests (Wu et al., 2010). For routine computations, they can
“K1,c-line”) at point E; thereafter, unloading stress be estimated by using empirical and semi-empirical cor-
path will follow line EF (with σ′h = K1,c σ′v ). relations shown in Table 1. It is to be noted that the term
• Upon reloading due to the next pass of compaction E
load application, the reloading path is to follow 0.7 E S – r0.7 J for the parameter K2,c is to account for
s v r
along the path of K3,c-line (with , and ) from either
point C or pint F until it meets the initial loading the presence of reinforcement. The factor 0.7 was deduced
path (line AB) , then follow along the path of Ki,c-line from available test data using the concept of average stress, a
to a new stress state. theory of soil-geosynthetic composite behavior proposed by
• The subsequent cycles of unloading and reloading Ketchart and Wu (2001). The correlation for the parameter
shall not deviate much from the K3,c-line, as has been K2,c is adapted from that proposed by Seed (1983) for an
noted by Broms (1971), Seed (1983), and Ehrlich unreinforced soil mass. Detailed derivation of the parameter
and Mitchell (1994). Therefore, the same K3-line will K2,c has been presented by Wu et al. (2010). For hand calcula-
be used for all subsequent cycles of reloading and tions, the maximum increase of the “vertical” stress, Δσ′v,c,max
unloading. (i.e., point B in Figure 4) due to fill compaction can be esti-
• The increase in lateral stresses due to fill compac- mated by using the Westergaard solution (1938).
tion, namely the CIS, is denoted by the horizontal The increase of lateral stress in a reinforced soil mass due
residual stresses Δσ′h,c,r in Figure 4. to compaction can be evaluated by the equation:
Δσ′h,c = Δσ′v,c,max (K1,c – K2,c ) (1)
Substituting the expression of K2,c from Table 1 into Eq.
(1), we have
0.7 E
Δσ′h,c = Δσ′v,c,max Ki,c F) 1 + E S – 0.7r E (2)
s v r
An analytical model for evaluation of compaction-induced stresses in a reinforced soil mass 569

Table 1. Estimation of model parameters for the compaction simulation model

Range of the
Parameter Name Estimation from Soil and Reinforcement Properties
Parameter Values
Ki,c ≅ β KA

Coefficient of lateral earth 1.0 ≤ β ≤ 1.5

Ki,c pressure of a GRS mass for KA ≤ Ki,c ≤ K0 ϕ′
initial loading KA ≅ tan2 45 –
K0 ≅ sinϕ′

Limiting coefficient of lateral ϕ′

K1,c K1,c ≅ KP Ki,c ≅ KP ≅ tan2 45 +
earth pressure for unloading 2

K2,c ≅ 1 – F 1 + 0.7 Ki,c
Es Sv – 0.7Er
Coefficient of lateral earth
K2,c 0 ≤ K2,c ≤ K0 (OCR – OCRα)
pressure for unloading where F = 1 – and
(OCR – 1)
α ≅ sin ϕ′
Coefficient of lateral earth
K3,c 0 ≤ K3,c ≤ K0 K3,c ≅ K2,c
pressure for reloading
Note: K0 = coefficient of at-rest lateral earth pressure; KA = coefficient of active lateral earth pressure; KP = coefficient of passive
lateral earth pressure; OCR = over-consolidation ratio; Es = soil stiffness (kPa); Er = reinforcement stiffness (kN/m); Sv = reinforce-
ment spacing (m)

Using Eq. (2), the increase of lateral stress in a reinforced The 6-m high GRS mass was assumed to be in a plane
soil mass can be readily obtained. Moreover, the increase in strain condition. The material parameters of the GRS mass
soil stiffness can also be estimated. For example, the stiffness are:
of a soil can be evaluated by the following equation, based • Soil: a dense sand, unit weight, γ = 17 kN/m3; angle
on the hyperbolic model developed by Duncan and Chang of internal friction, ϕ = 45°; loading modulus,
(1970): Es = 30,000 kPa; unloading/reloading modulus,
Rf (1 – sin ϕ)(σ1 – (σ3 + Δσh,c )) 2
σ3 + Δσh,c n Eur = 90,000 kPa; Poisson ratio, ν = 0.2; compaction
Ei = 1 – K Pa (3) lift thickness, S = 0.2 m.
2 c – cos ϕ + 2 (σ3 + Δσh,c ) sin ϕ Pa
• Geosynthetics: reinforcement stiffness, Er = 2,000
where kPa; reinforcement vertical spacing, Sv = 0.2 m.
Et = tangent Young’s modulus • Vertical maximum pressures due to compaction: 44
Rf = ratio of ultimate deviator stress to failure deviator stress kPa, 100 kPa, 200 kPa, 300 kPa and 500 kPa.
c = cohesive strength
ϕ = angle of internal friction 5.1 Compaction-Induced Stresses Obtained
Pa = the atmospheric pressure
from Finite Element Analysis
K and n = material parameters
The finite element analysis was performed by using about
150 stages of loading and unloading to simulate the compac-
5. VERIFICATION OF THE COMPACTION- tion operation. A very fine mesh, containing about 3,000
INDUCED STRESS MODEL elements was used to discretize the system. It was found
through a series of analyses that a coarse mesh would not
The CIS model described in Sections 3 and 4 was verified produce sufficiently accurate results.
by comparing the lateral stresses in a 6-m high GRS mass The lateral stress distribution along the centerline of the
subject to different values of maximum vertical compaction GRS mass under maximum vertical compaction pressures of
pressure, as obtained from the CIS model and from the finite 200 kPa and 500 kPa is shown in Figure 5. The lateral stresses
element method of analysis. The finite element analysis was with and without considering compaction induced stresses
carried out by using Version 8.2 of Plaxis code (2002). The are shown in the Figure. Also depicted in the Figure is the
behavior of the soil was simulated by a hardening soil model distribution of the residual later stress (compaction-induced
in the finite element analysis. stress), which is the difference between the lateral stresses
considering CIS and without considering CIS. The compac-
570 International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering

Lateral Stress (kPa) Lateral Stress (kPa)

0 25 50 75 0 25 50 75 100 125
0 0
Lateral Stress Lateral Stress
Distribution without Distribution without
Considering CIS Considering CIS

Lateral Stress Lateral Stress

Distribution with Distribution with
1 1 Considering CIS
Considering CIS
Residual Lateral
Residual Lateral
Stress (CIS)
Stress (CIS)

2 2
Depth (m)

Depth (m)
3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

(a) (b)
Figure 5. Lateral stress distribution of a GRS mass by finite element analysis, with maximum vertical compaction pressures of (a) 200 kPa and (b)
500 kPa.

tion operation was simulated by loading and unloading at It is to be noted that the finite element analysis results
different locations on the surface area of each compaction presented in Figure 6 took about 20 hours to obtain, includ-
lift. The zigzag shape of the profile is a result of the compac- ing data input and computations. The results of the CIS
tion lift thickness being 0.2 m. It is seen that the compaction model, however, took only several minutes.
induced stresses are very significant in both cases. As can be
expected, the compaction induced lateral stresses are higher 6. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
under a higher compaction pressure. The compaction-
induced stresses, except near the ground surface (i.e., within 6.1 Summary
about 1 m from the ground surface), is nearly constant with An analytical model for evaluation of Compaction-Induced
depth. Stress (CIS) in a reinforced soil mass is developed. The model
is referred to as the “Compaction-Induced Stress model,” or
5.2 Comparisons Between the CIS Model and “CIS model.” The model is based on a compaction model
Finite Element Analysis proposed by Seed (1983) for an unreinforced soil mass.
Correlations for determination of model parameters with
Using Eq. (2), the compaction-induced stresses can readily common soil and reinforcement parameters are given so
be calculated by hand. The hand-calculated CIS are plotted in that they can be estimated through reinforcement spacing
Figure 5, and are compared with the finite element analysis and stiffness, and common soil parameters, such as angle of
results at compaction pressures of 200 kPa and 500 kPa (the internal friction (ϕ), and overconsolidation ratio (OCR). In
range of typical maximum vertical pressures in actual com- addition, the stress paths involved in typical fill compaction
paction operation). It is seen that the compaction-induced operation are discussed, including compaction with a plant
stresses calculated from the CIS model are in very good moving toward and away from a section under consider-
agreement with the values obtained from the finite element ation, and compaction with multiple passes. The CIS model
analysis. This suggests that the compaction-induced stress is verified by comparing its results with finite element analy-
model is indeed a valid model. sis results of a 6-m high GRS mass under different values of
An analytical model for evaluation of compaction-induced stresses in a reinforced soil mass 571

Lateral Stress (kPa) stresses when the compaction load is directly at the
0 25 50 75 100 section under consideration.
Maximum vertical

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