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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
 Understand the characteristics and historical context of Romantic Opera
 Identify key component and works of Romantic Opera
 Analyze the musical and dramatic elements in Romantic Opera
II. Subject Matter
a. Topic: Romantic Opera
b. Reference: Learner’s materials for music an arts 9 pages 112 – 117
c. Materials: Laptop, Powerpoint Presentation
d. Values Integration: Appreciation
III. Learning Procedure

Teachers Activity Students Activity

a. Preliminaries
1. Greetings!
Good morning grade 9! Good morning ma’am!
2. Prayer
3. Let’s all stand and pray. May I call
Trisha to lead the prayer?
Yes Ma’am, Lord thank you for this day, thank
you for sunshine, rain, it’s a beautiful day.
4. Checking of attendance
Row 1, 2, 3, 4?
Who is absent today? No one is absent ma’am.

Very good!
b. Motivation
Before we formally proceed to the
lesson. Let’s watch a video/short clip
related to our topic. Yes ma’am

What do you observe in the video? Ma’am it’s amazing!

Truly, Filipinos are also great in culture

arts! Yes ma’am

What is your overall impression of the

performance? It feels great to be a performer ma’am.

Correct! If you have talents don’t

hesitate to show. It showtime!

c. Lesson Proper
1. Presentation of the topic
Now let’s proceed to our lesson. The Romantic

What is Opera again? Can you please read it

Charisse? Opera is an art form presented in a theatrical
setting where singers and musicians perform a
dramatic musical work combining text and a
musical score.
Thankyou Charisse, you may take your seat.
Theatrical setting, that is where you can watch
it live wherein performers express their
feelings through music.

How about Romantic Opera? What can you

say? Kindly read Zara? Romantic Opera is a musical composition
having all or most of its text set to music.
Thankyou Zara, it is set with arias, recitative,
chouros, duets, trioe, etc. sung to orchestral

2. Discussion
These are the components of Opera.
Kindly read it? Components of an Opera
1. Libretto/Librettist- the “book” and
refers to all the parts of the script
except the music.
2. Score- “printed music”
3. Recitative- a style of melody which is
an accompanied solo song.
4. Aria- a solo song for a singer in an
You may take your seat.
1.Libretto/Librettist with the composer work
closely together to tell the story. It can be
helpful in remembering what the word means.
2. Score- this the copy of a composition or a
set of staves braced and barred together.
3. Recitative later on will be discuss. There are
operas with please read it?
Often, there are operas with overtures,
preludes, prolugues, several acts, finales,
Corrrect! You may take your seat. Please take
note on these. It’s the order of scenarios in an
3.Recitative- the declamatory singing. Kindly
read it James? -it is used in the prosed parts and dialogue of
-different roles in operas are created taking into
account different types of voices.
Correct! You may take your seat. This
component requires different type of singer
with certain voice characteristics, color and
4.Aria- singing solo part by the principal
Ma’am! I think they’re the main character.
Very Good! Yes the Aria’s are the fate of an
entire opera.

It is also important to know the voice

classifications. Anyone of the class, who
among you knows what are the male voices?
Ma’am! Tenor, Bass!
Very good! Do you know that there are three?

What about Baritone?

Does it ring a bell?
Yes Ma’am
For the female voices? Can you name some?
Ma’am Soprano!
Correct! Another one?
Ma’am Alto!

For Female Voices we have:

1.Soparano- highest female voice
2.Alto-lower female voice

We also have these

 Coloratura – Highest soprano voice
 Lyric/Lyrical – bright and full soul
 Dramatic – darker full sound
 Mezzo-Soprano – most common
 Contralto – Lowest female voice and
most unique among female
 Duet, trio, small ensemble
 Chorus
 Orchestra
 Acts – main division of an opera
 Scene – setting or place
Yes ma’am!
We have to recognize each voice parts just like
the opera composers.

Kindly read the other musical terms Arlene?

Some musical terms are used like:
 Acapella- one or more singers
performing without instrumental
(character) accompaniment.
 Cantabile- in a singing style
 Capo- head, the beginning
 Coda- closing section appeared to a
movement or song.
 Dolce- Sweetly
 Falsetto- a weaker and more airy voice
usually in the higher pitch ranges.
Can you say HA! HA!
Good Job!

Next we have….
 Glissando
 Passagio
 Rubato
 Jessitura
 Vibrato

Here are some example of two famous operas

of the Romantic Period
1.La Jraviata
2.Madame Butterfly

Who composed Jraviata?

Yes John?
Ma’am its Giuseppo Verdi
Correct! Its categorize as a romantic tragedy

Next is madame butterfly, whose the composer

of madame butterfly?
Ma’am its Giacomomo Paccini
Correct! Its also categorize as Romantic
La Jraviata, kindly read it Shine?
La Jraviata
 Music by Guiseppe Verdi
 Libretto in Italian by Francesco Maria
Piave, based on “La Dome aux
Caamelias” play by Alexandre Dumas
after his novel by the same name.
 The play is known in English as

Thankyou Shine, take your seat. Originally in

three acts, but presented day productions are
usually in four acts dividing the original Act II.

Kindly read Madame Butterfly Arnold?

Madame Butterfly
 Music by Giacomo Paccini
 Libretto in Italian by Guisseppe
Giacosa and Luigi Ilica. From the short
story by John Luther lung derived from
Pioerre Lotis tale Madame
 Romantic tragedy- set members;
recitative. Setting: Nagasaki, Japan at
the beginning of the 20th Century. Two
acts; act 2 with two parts.
Thankyou Arnold, take your seat. What makes
this opera differenr from La Jraviata? Aside
from the setting etc?
Their story ma’am.
Correct! La Jraviata tells a story of a courtesan
in 19th century Paris, a tragic love affair. On the
other hand, Madame Butterfly tells the tragic
story of a young Japanese yeisha named CIO-
CIO SAN also known as Madame Butterfly
and her ill fated love affair with an American
naval officer. The opera explores love, betrayal
and cultural clash.

C. Generalization.
What is our topic all about?
Ma’am Romantic Opera!
What is an Opera?
Ma’am its an art form presented in a theatrical
setting where a dramatical play in performed.
Very Good! How about the components of an
opera? Can you enumerate those?
Ma’am its Libretto, Score, Recitative, and
Correct! For the male voices what are those?
Ma’am its tenor, bass, and baritone.
For the Female voices? Those are?
Ma’am Soprano, Alto, Coloratura, Lyric,
Dramatic, Mezzo-Soprano, Contralto, Duet,
Trio, small ensemble, Chorus, orchestra, acts.
How about the dynamics and vocal
Ma’am those are the acapella, Cantabile, Capo,
Coda, Dolce, Falsetto, Glissando, Passagio,
Rubato, Dessitura, Vibrato.
Very good! And the two stories of famous
operas of the Romantic Period?
Ma’am its La Jraviata, and Madame Butterfly.
They were categorized as?
Ma’am the two operas was categorized as a
Romantic Tragedy
Excellent! Now let’s have an exercise activity.

IV. Assessment.
A. Vocalize using Lip thrills, yodeling, and yawning. A (5) five minute vocal
B. List down (5) five kundiman songs and their artist/composers/singers.

Kundiman Songs Artist/Singer/Composer

1. Dahil Sa Iyo Pilita Corales – Singer

2. Nasaan Ka Irog Francisca Santiago – Composer
3. Damdamin Franciaca Buencamino- Composer
4. Mutya ng Pasig Sylvia La Torre- Singer
5. Madaling Araw Francisco Santiago- Composer
V. Assignment
Watch the film “The Greatest Showman”. Make a reflection paper on what have you
observed in their vocal techniques. List down atleast (3) three voice classification-
character in the film, vocal techniques used and plot of the story.

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