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Changes to family structure Relationships Creation of Welfare State

Changes to divorce laws have The ease of divorce has meant that people want to be more People are living longer (NHS)
meant changes in the certain before getting married and therefore are more likely to and so more beanpole
structure of the family – more cohabit before getting married – this leads to roles within the families, grandparents more
single parent and relationship becoming negotiated, knowing that I rules are broken involved with looking after
reconstituted families the relationship can be terminated children
Same Sex Marriage and Single parent benefits reduces
8 Great ways…

IVF/Adoption have led to the need for women to stay

more same sex couples with abusive partners

Changes to Gender Roles Changes to Birth Rate

Equal Pay Act and Sex Legalisation of abortion and
Discrimination act have given availability of contraceptives
women more aspirations for on prescription reduced birth
careers this leads to more rate
symmetrical households Compulsory Schooling led to
Shared Paternity Leave means children being an economic
fathers can taken more time burden rather than economic
with children asset

Reinforcing the Nuclear

Less Stigma
Reinforced roles of women Family
Legislation such as the decriminalisation of homosexuality and the
Traditionally child benefit paid Policies such as married
Equality and diversity Act 2010 have reduced the stigma on same
to women which reinforced persons tax allowance and
sex couples and promoted greater acceptance in wider society –
their position as care-givers paying universal credit to one
this has led to more same sex couples and more fictive families
(Feminist critique) person have reinforced the
constructed of friends/former lovers
breadwinner role in NF

social policy has impacted on the family

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