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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa barokatuh

Hello everyone, we from group 12 want to show a short film entitled "a childhood story full of

First of all, let me introduce myself and my friend group. My name is Nadhifa Chaudry Farsy
as Jenny a,and my name is Nazwa Syifa Kirana as Jessie and my name is farid as James

On a cold night, Jessie was thinking about tomorrow's agenda because tomorrow was a
holiday and Jessie was confused about what to do, and she thought about taking her friend
Jenny to the park and playing badminton.And she chatted with Jenny for tomorrow

in chatting
Jessie : Hai Jenny, on a free day tomorrow ,Shall we playing badminton at park? I'm going to
be really bored tomorrow!
Jenny: hello Jessie!! okay, that's a good idea. I'm free tomorrow. How about we invite James,
this would be interesting!!
Jessie : wow, it will be more fun!

Finally they contacted James and invited him to playing badminton at park

Jenny : Hi James, are you free tomorrow?
James : I'm very free tomorrow, what's up Jenny?
Jenny: me and Jessie want to invite you to playing badminton at park.
James : great idea,I'll come tomorrow

The next day they came and had brought their own badminton equipment

Jenny : hi guys, wow you all come let's play

Jessie : Hi Jenny, how about we play 2 vs 1, don't worry, it's just a game, I'm with James and
you alone
Jenny : Sure!
James : okay, let’s play!!

In the end they played badminton for fun until finally they were tired and decided to take a
break.When they were resting they saw a girl playing on a swing with a cheerful face.

Jenny : When I see children playing on swings with cheerful faces like that, it reminds me of
my childhood, I also liked playing on swings from the beginning. My mother used to be a
badminton athlete, she always taught me how to play badminton properly, but I was still not
as good as her.
Jessie : Your memories from when you were little are very interesting Jenny, I also have
interesting memories about trains, I used to be really afraid when we took the train because
of the terrible shaking.
James : HAHAH, you are so funny, Jessie
Jenny : Wow, that's how it turns out... What about now? Are you still afraid of taking the
Jessie: Of course no! Now i’m very interested to try the new speed train in jakarta
Jenny: Oh I knew it, it will be the whoosh train right? the speed train from Jakarta to
Jessie: yes you're right!
James: I also want to try whoosh! my friend said we can travel from Jakarta to Bandung in
just 30 minutes with whoosh!
Jessie: So cool! but james, when you were younger, im a 100% sure you used to be very
scared with trains!
James: Not really, I'm more afraid of riding in cars than trains because as a child I was
almost hit by a truck on the toll road
Jenny: It's really scary, doesn't it mean we have to always be careful when driving on the
James: I agree with you, and it's a good idea to drive when we already have a driver's

The sun was getting higher and higher and it was already 10 am and the air was starting to
get hot.

Jessie : guys, I think we have to go home now, I'm really tired and now it's starting to be
midday and the air is really hot
Jenny: yeah, it's starting to get hot, thanks for wanting to play Today it's really exciting to be
able to play badminton and tell stories like this.
James : I'm happy too, today I can spend time with you guys, when will we play again?
Jessie : sure!
Jenny: goodbye everyonee

and finally they went home with a happy feeling and a cheerful face.


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