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of Z4/ The times of flight of two projectiles are t, and t,.

If R
be the horizontal range of each of them, then

Hint: The angles of projection are and (90°- 6).

2usin 2usin(90°-)
8 8
4u2 2 u'sin26
-sin cosb = =

44 R

25. For angles and (90°-0) of projection, a projectile

has the same horizontal range R. The maximum
heights attained are H and H, respectively. Then the
relation among R, H, and H, is

AR= JH H, ® R=

© R= H+H, R=4,JH, H,
Z6. An aeroplane is flying with a velocity of 216 km/h at an
altitude of 1960 m relative to the ground. It drops a
bomb when it is just above a point A on the ground.
The bomb hits the ground at B. The distance AB is
A 1.2 km 0.33 km
© 3.33 km 33 km BHU '08|) A
27. The initial velocity and the acceleration of a particle are
=3i+4 and á =0.3i+0.4j. The magnitude of its
velocity after 10 s is
10 units B 8.5 units

7/2 units D 7 units A

28.fhe equations of motion of a projectile are x=36t
and 2y = 96t-9.8.The angle of projection is
sin-@sinr©sin- sin A
Hint: x = 36t and y = 48t-=x 2
9.8e-they suggest
that the horizontal and vertical components of initial
velocity are 36 and 48 units, respectively.
.. tan = 48 4 OI, sin 4
36 3 5

29. Two projectiles, projected with angles (45° - 0) and

(45° + ) respectively, have their horizontal ranges in
the ratio
A 2:1 1:1 2:3 D1:2
[PMT '06) ®
30,,, Foraprojectile,
(horizontal range)2 = 48x (maximum height)2 .
The angle of projection is
A 45° B 60° 75° D 30o

BHU'08] D
31. Two railway tracks are parallel to west-east direction.
Along one track train A moves with a speed of 30 m-s-l
from west to east, while along the second track, train B
moves with a speed of 48 m-s from east to west. The
relative speed of B with respect to A is
A 48 m-s-! B -78 m-s-l
based on Projectile Motion
38. Astone is thrown from the ground
with a
14 m. s-I making an
angle b0 With the horiz velocity.
(i) What is the maximum height attained
(ii) How far from the point of
the stone
projection will it
the ground? |7.5 m, touchm
39. AAstone is thrown up from the earth's surface
initial velocity of 28 ms,making an angle of 30:
with an
with the horizontal. Find the maximum height attaine
and the range of the projectile motion of the stone
10m, 69.3 m
40. If the range of aprojectile, projected from the surface of
the earth is four times the maximum height attained,
what is the angle of projection? 45°

41. Asoldier fires a bullet horizontally from the top of acit

with avelocity of l0 ms-1, If the bullet strikes the
ground after 2s, find the height of the cliff. Also calci
late the velocity with which the bullet strikes
ground. m.g-l
[19.6 m; 22.01
42. Show that the maximum height attained by aprojectie
is one fourth of its maximum
horizontal rang
Based on Projectile Motion
18 Abody is thrown horizontally with velocity 122 m. s-l
from the top of a tower 122 m high. When and where
does the body hit the ground? (5 s; at a distance 610 m)
19. The maximum height attained and the range of a pro
jectile are H and R respectively. If projected with an
initial velocity of u, show that, R² = 16H- H).
20. A fighter plane flying horizontally at an altitude of 1.5
km with speed 720 km·h! passes directly over an
anti-aircraft gun. Atwhat angle with the vertical should
the gun be fired for the shell with
muzzle speed
600 m. s-l to hit the plane? At what
minimum altitude
should the pilot fly the plane to avoid being hit? (Take
8= 10 m.s-Z).
lat an angle of sin- = 19,5° with the
vertical; 16
21. Find the angleof projection of a
projectile for which the
horizontal range and the maximum height are equal.
(tan 4|
narticle is nroiectod srith
22. A particle is projected with a velocity of 20 m/s at an
angle of 30° with a plane of inclination 30°
respect to the horizontal. The particle hits the
plane at an angle of 30°. Find the (a) time of impact
the horizon
(b) the height of the point of impact from
talplane passing through the point of |1.76 s.; 15.3m
speed, rises 20 m
23. A stone, thrown with the same initial
from 30°
higher when the angle of projection changes
and the increase in
to 60°. What was the initial speed
spent by the stone in air in the second case?
time (28 m/s, 2.1 sl

bullet is fired with avelocity of 900 km/h in the hor

24. A
direction from a gun kept 20 m above the
m/s. Find out (i) the time of
ground. Take g = 10
horizontal range, and (i) the vertical
filight, (i) the when it hits the
velocity of the bullet
component of the m/s
(i) 2s, (ii) 500 m, (iii) 20
projected simultaneously with the
25. Two particles are
at angles , and , with
same initial velocity u
but in opposite directions. I
respect to the horizontal, oftheir
coplanar, what is the magnitude
their paths are
relative velocity at the time of projection?
[2 ucos 2

at its hiighes!
26. The resultant velocity of a projectile height
point is times that at half the the
projection with respect
Show that the angle of
horizontal is 30°.
Aased on Projectile Motion
11. Abomb explodes on falling on a horizontal floor. Dif
ferent parts of the bomb are scattered in different direc
tions, each with velocity u. Find the area of the floor
which is littered by the fragments.
12. A body during its free fall from a height H, hits an
inclined plane at a height h in its path. Due to colli
sion,direction of the velocity of the body becomes hor
izontal. What should be the value of" H
sothat the body
takes maximum time to reach the ground? 2
13. To hita car a gun is positioned horizontally behind the
car along astraight road. The car is moving on the road
with a uniform velocity of 72 km.h-. If the gun is
fired at an angle of 45° with the horizontal, at a dis
tance of 500 m from the car, find the distance of the car
from the gun just when the bullet hits the car. Given,
8= 10 m/s2.
[743.9 m)
14. A cricket ball, thrown upwards from a
height 2 m mak
ing an angle of 30° with the horizontal at
20 m.s-l
was caught by a player 50 cm above the
ground. Find the distance between the thrower and the
(37.78 m
15. A tennis ball, thrown
horizontally from a height of 2 m,
lands after covering ahorizontal
distance of 20 m. On
its way, the ball just touches a net 14 m
from the projec
tion point (distance measured
horizontally). Find the
height of the net from the ground.
[1.02 m)
16. If for a
R, time of flight T
the velocity of
projection is u, range
and maximum height attained H.
16gH+ 8u²H+gR² gT4-4T'u²+
= 0.
4R = 0
17. Abody projected at an angle with the
crosses two vertical walls of the horizontal, just
rated by a horizontal distance 2h.same height h, sepa
of the projectile is 2h cot0/2. Show that the range
18. Locus of the path of a projectile, in a
given by,y = ax- br;where a and b
vertical plane is
are constants
and the horizontal and the
vertical distances from the
point of projection are X and y, respectively. Find the
maximum height attained and the angle of projection
with the horizontal. l ,tan-'al
19. (a) Show that for aprojectile the angle between the
velocity and the x-axis as a function of time is
given by
0(t) = tan

(b) Show that the projection angle 6, for a projectile

launched from the origin is given by
do = tan
where the symbols have their usual meaning.
20. Aman, standing on a truck running at a uniform speed
of 14.7 m/s, throws a ball in such a way that after some
time the ball returns exactly to his hands. In that tine.
the truck moves through a distance of 58.8 m. Find oui
the velocity and angle of projection of the ball relative
to (i)the truck, (ii) the ground.
[(i) 19.6 m/s, 90°; (ii) 24.42 m/s. 3

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