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Measurement of Power Transferred to Substrate in Laser/Arc Cladding and Hardfacing

Dr. Valdemar Malin Dr. F.M. Sciammarella

DuPage Manufacturing Research Center 3850 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, IL 60174
7/11/2005 Alion Science & Technology 1

PMCS Power Measurement Calorimetric System Developed by - Alion Science & Technology In cooperation with - (PSNS-IMF) Funded by - ONR


Alion Science & Technology

Main Objective of PMCS: Accurate control of Heat input in laser and arc welding Penetration Dilution Microstructure Auxiliary Objectives: Calibrate High Power Direct Diode (HPDD) Laser beam power Detect and offset beam power degradation Determine thermal efficiency of HPDDL Determine thermal efficiency of CO2, Nd:YAG, and Gas Tungsten Arc
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Who May Need PMCS? Users of GTAW, PTAW, LBW Manufacturers of critical components made of:
Heat sensitive steel such as HY-100 to control heat input (Navy) High Strength Al and Ti alloys to control penetration (NASA, Aerospace) Low expansion iron nickel alloys such as INVAR 36 to control dilution (Die repair, auto industry) Duplex stainless steel to control balanced ferrite-austenite microstructure (Navy)
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Arc/Laser Beam Power (Definitions)

Input power Pin (Watts) power delivered to substrate Net power Pnet (Watts) power absorbed by substrate Pnet = k Pin where k - thermal efficiency (%) Heat input H energy absorbed by substrate per unit of weld length H = Pnet / S (J/in) where

S - travel speed (in/s)

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Determination of Pin
Arc welding : Pin = I x V where I - amperage V - voltage Laser beam welding: Pin is determined by special devices


Alion Science & Technology

Determination of Pnet in Arc and Laser Beam Welding

Pnet is determined by special devices (mostly calorimetric) Devices are custom made by researchers Low accuracy and repeatability Thermal efficiency k is influenced by design of devices and experimental conditions Thermal efficiency reported over last 50 years for GTAW: k = 21-80%
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Seebeck Envelope Calorimeter

Only product on the market for Pnet measurement Designed for biomedical research but used in welding applications recently (Lehigh University, Sandia National Lab) Based on the gradient layer temperature principle (not calorimetry) Output - voltage signal, not net power Not production oriented (6 hours per measurement) Does not measure energy lost during processing (about 15 sec) Does not differentiate between transient and quasi-stationary energies 7/11/2005 Alion Science & Technology 8 Actual accuracy may reach (7-9%)

(PMCS) Complete turnkey device (measures net power in Watts, not in Volts) Production oriented device (3min per measurement instead of 6 hours) No transfer of specimen into calorimeter needed Measures quasi-stationary net power (ignores transient power) Measurement error < 2% (rather than 7-9%) Equipped with calibration device
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PMCS Design


(6) (4) (5) (3)

1- Calorimeter, 2- Auxiliary calorimeters, 3- Water and electrical control, 4- Calibration device, 5 Water supply, 6 - Pendant
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PMCS in Operation


Alion Science & Technology


Calibration Device for PMCS

Checks accuracy of PMCS without arc or laser beam 3 kW heater provides constant flow of electrical power to running water Measured parameters Pc Calibration electric input power (measured by watt meter) Pm Net power (measured by PMCS) t Time (measured by PMCS) Calibration efficiency Ac: Ac = Pm / Pc 100% Calibration error Ec : Ec = 100 - Ac (%)
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Testing PMCS with Calibration Device Thousands of measurements to test accuracy and repeatability Test run: 60 measurements in 30 seconds (measured data processed and recorded into excel spreadsheet) Test series: 5-12 runs (max 15 min between runs)


Alion Science & Technology


Testing PMCS with Calibration Device

Table 1 - Test series # 3 (Room temp = 22oC) Test Elapsed Tin w Pc Pm Tout T run # Time (min) (oC) (W) (g) (W) (oC) (oC)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 AVG STDEV

Ac (%)
96.31 96.02 96.09 95.93 96.62 96.84 96.51 97.12 96.77 97.73 96.58 96.97 96.62 0.51

Ec (%)

0 9 14 23 30 45 59 67 73 81 87 95

22 22.01 22.06 22.12 22.15 22.24 22.28 22.28 22.31 22.3 22.32 22.34 22.20 0.13

43.2 43.14 43.26 43.37 43.63 43.72 44.01 44.02 43.99 43.94 44.01 44.06 43.70 0.36

21.2 21.13 21.2 21.25 21.48 21.48 21.73 21.74 21.68 21.64 21.69 21.72 21.50 0.24

930.5 929.5 927.5 926 923.5 928 919.5 920.5 919 929.5 912.5 916 923.50 5.92

2,897 2,892 2,893 2,899 2,902 2,909 2,919 2,913 2,910 2,909 2,896 2,902 2,903.42 8.522

2,790 2,777 2,780 2,781 2,804 2,817 2,817 2,829 2,816 2,843 2,797 2,814 2,805.42 20.852


Alion Science & Technology


Error Analysis Calibration error Ec 3.38 % (Table 1) Random errors

Instrumentation errors (of measuring devices) Calculations errors (of T and Pm calculations)

Systematic errors

Environmental error (caused by variation in outside temperature) Calibration constant (systematic error caused by energy exchange through insulation)
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Random Error Analysis

Type of error Instrument Object of measure Tin Tout w Pc T (inst) T (60) time Random (total) Relative error 0.10 oC 0.45% 0.15 oC 0.35% 0.50 g 0.05% 0.20% Total (inst) 1.05% 0.25 oC 0.03 oC 0.14% Absolute error 0.00 sec Total (sys)
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0.00% 0.14% 1.19%


Systematic Error Analysis

44.2 44

Trend over time (Table 1)




2.97 Power(kW)

Temp ( oC)

43.8 43.6 43.4

Tout Pc

2.95 2.93 2.91 2.89

Tin ,Tout ,T ,Pm ,Pc Pm - 66 W (2.4%) Pc - 28 W (0.9%)

43.2 43

2.87 2.85

23 22.8 22.6 22.4




Pm Tin T

Power (kW)

Temp ( oC)

2.8 2.78 2.76 2.74 2.72 2.7 Alion Science & Technology 60 80 100

22.2 22 21.8 21.6 21.4 21.2 21

Pm - Pc = 38 W (1.5%)

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Time time Elapsed (min) (min)



Systematic Error Analysis

44.8 44.6 44.4 Temp (oC) 44.2 44.0 43.8 43.6 43.4 43.2 2.90 Tout Pc 2.98


2.96 Power (kW)

recommended operating range



22.8 22.6 22.4 Temp (oC) 22.2 22 21.8 21.6 21.4 21.2 21 20 22 24 26 Outside Temperature To (oC) Temperatore Tin

Pm Tin T

2.88 Power (kW) 2.86 2.84 2.82 2.80 2.78




Alion Science & Technology


Note: each point indicates avg. value from test series

Systematic Error Analysis

Effect of outside temperature To on Pm Error caused by deviation of To from recommended 22oC Error caused by maximum deviation of To within recommended range (22 2 oC) Relative error caused by maximum deviation of To within recommended range (22 2 oC) ETo max= eTo max/Pc 100 = 16/2903 = 0.55% Net power (adjusted for environment) Pnet = Pm + eTo
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eTo = 8.24 (22 - To) (W) eTo max = 16W

Systematic Error Analysis

Absolute losses through insulation eL Relative losses through insulation EL = eL/Pc 100 Net power (adjusted for losses through insulation) Pnet = Pm + eL Preliminary assessment of EL 1%

Effect of imperfect calorimeter insulation on Pm


Alion Science & Technology


Summary from error analysis

Based on preliminary results, the calibration efficiency varies in the following range: Ac = 98.2% - 99.2% The calibration error varies in the following range: Ec = 1.8% - 0.8%
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CONCLUSIONS The most advanced Power Measurement Calorimetric System (PMCS) for laser and arc welding has been developed to: Measure net power directly (in Watts) At high speeds (3 min/measurement) With minimum error (less than 2%) and Withstand shop environment.
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