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Arabic Learning Exe 8 Body Parts in

An Introductory Guide to Body Parts in Arabic

Learning the parts of the body in Arabic can be particularly useful, whether you're visiting a doctor,
exercising, or simply describing someone. For absolute beginners, this guide will focus on basic
vocabulary related to body parts, presented in simple present tense sentences.

Sentences and Explanations

 ‫الرأس كبير‬

 The head is big.

 ‫( الرأس‬ar-ra's) means "the head" (masculine noun), ‫( كبير‬kabīr) means "big" for masculine
singular nouns.

 ‫العين ترى‬

 The eye sees.

 ‫( العين‬al-‘ayn) stands for "the eye" (feminine noun), ‫( ترى‬tarā) is the third person singular of
"to see" for feminine subjects.

 ‫األذن تسمع‬

 The ear hears.

 ‫( األذن‬al-’udhn) means "the ear" (feminine noun), ‫( تسمع‬tasma‘u) is from "to hear" for
feminine subjects.

 ‫األنف يشم‬

 The nose smells.

 ‫( األنف‬al-’anf) translates to "the nose" (masculine noun), ‫( يشم‬yashummu) is the third person
singular of "to smell" for masculine subjects.

 ‫الفم يأكل‬

 The mouth eats.

 ‫( الفم‬al-fam) stands for "the mouth" (masculine noun), ‫( يأكل‬ya’kul) is from "to eat" for
masculine subjects.

 ‫الذراع قوي‬

 The arm is strong.

 ‫( الذراع‬adh-dhirā‘) means "the arm" (masculine noun), ‫( قوي‬qawiyy) means "strong" for
masculine singular nouns.

 ‫اليد تمسك‬

 The hand holds.

 ‫( اليد‬al-yad) translates to "the hand" (feminine noun), ‫( تمسك‬tamsiku) is from "to hold" for
feminine subjects.
 ‫الرجل تمشي‬

 The leg walks.

 ‫( الرجل‬ar-rijl) stands for "the leg" (feminine noun), ‫( تمشي‬tamshī) is the third person singular
of "to walk" for feminine subjects.

 ‫القدم تركل‬.

 The foot kicks.

 ‫( القدم‬al-qadam) means "the foot" (feminine noun), ‫( تركل‬tarkulu) is from "to kick" for
feminine subjects.

 ‫القلب ينبض‬

 The heart beats.

 ‫( القلب‬al-qalb) translates to "the heart" (masculine noun), ‫( ينبض‬yanbaḍ) is the third person
singular of "to beat" for masculine subjects.

 ‫الظهر مستقيم‬

 The back is straight.

 ‫( الظهر‬aẓ-ẓahr) stands for "the back" (masculine noun), ‫( مستقيم‬mustaqīm) means "straight."

Find Your North Star!

In the vast sky of learning, it's natural to feel lost sometimes. But remember, even if everything
doesn't shine brightly now, your guiding star is there. Keep looking up and following its light. Your
compass is your unwavering spirit! 🌌🌠

This introductory guide has provided you with basic terms for body parts in Arabic. As you learn,
remember that in Arabic, nouns have gender, and verbs and adjectives must agree with the gender
and number of the nouns. Practice these words to familiarize yourself with their pronunciation and
usage. Consistent practice will help you memorize them and improve your ability to describe the
human body in Arabic. ‫( استمر بالممارسة‬Istamir bil-mumarasah - Keep practicing)!

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