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Arabic Learning Exe 9 Fruits and

Vegetables in Arabic
An Introductory Guide to Fruits and Vegetables in Arabic

For those just starting to learn Arabic, knowing how to name fruits and vegetables can be very useful
for shopping, cooking, and eating out. This guide will introduce simple present tense sentences to
help absolute beginners learn the names of common fruits and vegetables in Arabic.

Sentences and Explanations

 ‫التفاحة حمراء‬

 The apple is red.

 ‫( التفاحة‬at-tuffāḥah) means "the apple" (feminine noun), ‫( حمراء‬ḥamrā’) is "red" in the

feminine form.

 ‫الموز أصفر‬

 The banana is yellow.

 ‫( الموز‬al-mawz) translates to "the banana" (masculine noun), ‫’( أصفر‬aṣfar) is "yellow" in the
masculine form.

 ‫البرتقالة برتقالية‬

 The orange is orange.

 ‫( البرتقالة‬al-burtuqālah) stands for "the orange" (feminine noun), ‫( برتقالية‬burtuqāliyyah) is
"orange" in the feminine form.

 ‫الجزرة برتقالية أيضًا‬

 The carrot is also orange.

 ‫( الجزرة‬al-jazarah) means "the carrot" (feminine noun), ‫( برتقالية‬burtuqāliyyah) is "orange" in

the feminine form, and ‫’( أيضًا‬ayḍā’) means "also."

 ‫العنب أرجواني‬

 The grape is purple.

 ‫( العنب‬al-‘inab) translates to "the grape" (masculine noun), ‫’( أرجواني‬urjuwānī) is "purple" in

the masculine form.

 ‫الطماطم حمراء‬

 The tomato is red.

 ‫( الطماطم‬aṭ-ṭamāṭim) stands for "the tomato," which is treated as a non-count noun in Arabic,
and ‫( حمراء‬ḥamrā’) is "red" in the feminine form, agreeing with the implicit singular "‫"طماطم‬

 ‫البروكلي أخضر‬

 The broccoli is green.

 ‫( البروكلي‬al-burūklī) means "the broccoli" (masculine noun), ‫’( أخضر‬akhḍar) is "green" in the
masculine form.
 ‫الخس طازج‬

 The lettuce is fresh.

 ‫( الخس‬al-khuṣṣ) translates to "the lettuce" (masculine noun), ‫( طازج‬ṭāzij) is "fresh" in the

masculine form.

 ‫البصل يجعلك تبكي‬

 The onion makes you cry.

 ‫( البصل‬al-baṣal) stands for "the onion" (masculine noun), ‫( يجعلك‬yaj‘aluka) from "to make" (
‫)جعل‬, ‫( تبكي‬tabkī) is "you cry" for both genders.

 ‫الخيار مقرمش‬

 The cucumber is crunchy.

 ‫( الخيار‬al-khyār) means "the cucumber" (masculine noun), ‫( مقرمش‬muqarmaš) is "crunchy."

 ‫الفراولة حلوة‬

 The strawberry is sweet.

 ‫( الفراولة‬al-farāwilah) translates to "the strawberry" (feminine noun), ‫( حلوة‬ḥelwah) is "sweet"

in the feminine form.

Unfold Your Map!

The adventure of understanding is filled with uncharted territories. Even if you feel lost now, keep
exploring. With every journey, the paths will become familiar. Let curiosity be your guide and
determination your compass!

You have now been introduced to common fruits and vegetables in Arabic. Remember that in Arabic,
adjectives must agree with the gender of the noun they describe. Practice using these words when
you talk about food or go grocery shopping. The more you repeat them, the more naturally they will
come to you in conversation. ‫( استمر في التعلم‬Istamir fi at-ta‘allum - Continue learning)!

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