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“When we follow Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside us and He

makes us more like Jesus”

… This means that, by the Holy Spirit that is within us, He developed in us a
character trait, which is the character or nature of Jesus.

In Galatians. God said that He does this in 9 ways…

“ But the Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, FAITHFULLNESS, gentleness, self-control;
against such things there is no law” Galatians 5:22 - 23

The seventh listed attribute of the Fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5 is “faithfulness.” This is a beautiful characteristic of
God Himself, and one that we, as Believers, are meant to walk in through the power of the Holy Spirit.

“Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a
thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments;”—Deuteronomy 7:9

“No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to
be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be
able to bear it.”—1 Corinthians 10:13
We have been made in the very image of God, a faithful God who loves and cares for us all the days of our lives. It therefore
behooves us to become as He is, faithful, walking in that faithfulness continually.

Yet, what exactly is faithfulness? Faithfulness says, “I will keep my word. I will not fail you. I won’t quit on you.” Faithfulness is
the glue that keeps our actions adhering to our promises. defines faithfulness as:

• Lasting loyalty and trustworthiness in relationships, especially marriage and friendship.
In friendship:
 A loyal friend is Honest. The rule is “Don’t expect Loyalty if you can’t provide Honesty”
 Loyal friends are impartial. Being impartial means you are accepting, non-discriminatory and view other’s
lives objectively based on their life experiences.
 A person (Friend) whom is loyal doesn’t gossip or talk behind the back of others. defines faithfulness as:

• Lasting loyalty and trustworthiness in relationships, especially marriage and friendship
In Marriage:
 By being faithful to your spouse you set helpful standards for your children.
 Loyalty promotes a long-lasting marriage.
.  You are at peace by being faithful. There’s nothing to hide or fear.
• The fact or quality of being true to one’s word or commitments, as to what one has pledged to do, professes to
 Words and actions are powerful. When you say you’ll do something, others expect you to do it, or you may develop
a reputation for not following through on commitments and letting people down.
What Are The Qualities Of A Loyal Partner?
Do you/ your partner have these qualities of loyalty?
1. Supportive: You are there for your partner, no matter what the situation is. You might disagree with the person privately but in the public you are with them.
You go an extra mile to support them.
2. Integrity: You avoid giving in to temptations. Before you do something, you think about its repercussions on your relationship with your spouse.
3. Respectful: You are respectful to your partner not just in front of them but behind their back as well. You do not talk negatively about them in front of your
family or friends. Also, you do not stand for negative comments about your partner by any other person.
4. Trustworthy: Your partner trusts you because you are loyal, sincere and honest about your opinions and feelings. You speak the truth and this encourages
your partner to be truthful to you.
5. Committed: You are committed to the relationship. You love your partner and express your love by being committed and dedicated to them.
6. Intimate: You are physically and emotionally intimate with your partner. You share your dreams and fears with them, and encourage them to be open with
Recognizing qualities of loyalty in you can encourage your partner to reciprocate. Two loyal partners make a relationship work wonders.

 The fact or quality of being true to one’s word or commitments, as to what one has pledged to do, professes
to believe.
• Words and actions are powerful. When you say you’ll do something, others expect you to do it, or you may
develop a reputation for not following through on commitments and letting people down.
Reasons to Act Honorably
Honoring your word is more than simply doing what you say you’ll do because your actions actually say more than words ever will.
Acting in an honorable manner is something that can help make and keep friends. It also affects your position with your company
in a positive way.

Here are some specific reasons to act honorably:

 Be reliable. When others know they can rely on you, people are more willing to trust you with keeping your word. You’re more
likely to be invited to social events, and at work, you’re more likely to be considered for a promotion.
 Be on time. Being chronically late wastes other people's time and gives them the impression you don't value them or their time.
 Build trust. Honorable people can be trusted in every way. When someone tells you a secret, it’s important to maintain that trust
by not sharing the information with others.
 Earn Respect. Honorable people are respected. Friends hold you in high regard, and coworkers consider you an example of
someone who should be valued.
 Maintain your personal pride. Anyone who consistently acts in a dishonorable manner eventually loses personal pride.

 Be deserving of influence. Honorable people have more influence in both their social lives and at the workplace. When they talk,
people listen.

Family Togetherness Week of Prayer highlights “FAITHFULNESS” as a fruit of love and that comes from being filled with
the Spirit of God.
• True faithfulness in our relationship with others – especially in our families – is fuelled by God’s love in us.
 Each time we keep our promises to one another and are loyal to each other in our family relationships it
demonstrates the fruit of God’s love in our hearts.
 Every time we are faithful to our marriage vows, whether at home, or on a business trip, we display the
fruit of love through our faithfulness.
Faithfulness is foundational to a happy, God-honoring home as well. Promising ice cream and then forgetting, threatening punishment and
not following through, or singing “I Love You, Lord” in church and forgetting Him through the week all affect our children and can undermine
trust. Children who have to deal with continual broken promises may find it difficult to trust the significant people in their lives — including

Practice faithfulness, though, and you will provide stability, security and confidence for your children. You will reflect God to them. And you
will instill in them the importance of being true to their word.

When your children develop faithful hearts, they will stay in a close walk with God; they will also find more success in their schoolwork, their
friendships, their marriage and their career.

Remember: Faithfulness is an attribute of the fruit of the Spirit, empowered by God. So pray for it. Model it. Teach it. Celebrate it.

On this page, you will find age-appropriate activities and discussions to help you do just that.

To develop this character traits given in Galatians… requires constant practice which incorporates faithfulness of God… which is the
foundation of our faith… Practice makes us stronger…

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