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Tanzania is a country located in East Africa along the coast of the Indian

Ocean. It is bordered by Kenya and Uganda to the north, Burundi, Democratic

Republic of the Congo, and Zambia to the west, and Malawi and Mozambique
to the south. Tanzania has a total area of 947,300 square kilometers, making it
the 31st largest country in the world by land area.
The geography of Tanzania is quite diverse, ranging from the snow-capped
peaks of Mount Kilimanjaro to the sandy beaches of the Indian Ocean
coastline. In the north, the land is dominated by the Great Rift Valley, a major
geological feature that extends from the Middle East down through East
Africa. This region is home to numerous large lakes, including Lake Victoria,
the largest lake in Africa. Central Tanzania consists mainly of a central plateau,
with diverse landscapes including savannas, grasslands, and dense forests. In
the south, the land transitions to a humid, tropical climate with thick jungle
Tanzania has a population of over 61 million people, making it the 6th most
populous country in Africa. The largest city and commercial capital is Dar es
Salaam, while the political capital is Dodoma. Tanzania has over 120 ethnic
groups, the largest being the Sukuma, Nyamwezi, Chagga, and Haya. The
official languages are Swahili and English, with Swahili being the most widely
spoken. Tanzania is predominantly Christian, with a significant Muslim
Tanzania has a developing economy that is heavily dependent on agriculture,
which accounts for about a quarter of the country's GDP and employs about
80% of the workforce. Major agricultural exports include coffee, tea, cotton,
cashews, and tobacco. Tanzania is also rich in natural resources such as gold,
diamonds, and natural gas. The tourism industry, centered around national
parks like the Serengeti and Kilimanjaro, is another key part of the economy.
Overall, Tanzania is a diverse and fascinating country with a unique cultural
heritage, stunning natural landscapes, and a rapidly developing economy. It
remains an important player in the East African region and continues to make
strides in areas like healthcare, education, and infrastructure development.

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