Makalah Lifthing

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To Fulfill Assignments In English Courses 2
Supporting Lecturer :
Ida Setyawati, M.Pd

Group 11
Members of the group :
1. Fanda Mulana ( 2261146 )
2. Inelys Junisa Salwa Prawita ( 2261166 )
3. Devi Intan Sari ( 2261167 )
4. Lutvi Wahyu Nugraha ( 2261183 )



1.1 Background
Pakaian merupakan salah satu kebutuhan pokok yang tidak terlepas
dari kehidupan sehari – hari. Manusia membutuhkan pakaian karena
pakaian memiliki manfaat kepada pemakainya. Pakaian yang digunakan
tersebut haruslah sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi yang ada, baik pada
diri sendiri maupun dengan orang lain yang ada di lingkungan sekitar.
Pakaian yang digunakan dapat menggambarkan bagaimana kehidupan
sehari – hari kita, latar belakang, dan status sosial, maka dari itu
penampilan merupakan hal penting yang harus diutamakan.
Perkembangan fashion pada era modern ini semakin beraneka
ragam, mulai dari ujung kepala sampai ujung kaki semuanya
membutuhkan fashion yang menarik sebagai tanda bahwa mereka
memiliki gaya hidup yang sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman modern.
Kebutuhan fashion pada dasarnya merupakan sebuah kebutuhan primer
bagi seorang individu karena fashion termasuk kebutuhan sandang dalam
bagian kebutuhan primer. Bagi sebagian masyarakat modern kini
perkembangan dunia fashion menjadi sebuah gaya hidup baru bagi
mereka, fashion seperti baju, celana, sampai sepatu berbagai merek yang
selalu mengeluarkan berbagai produk mereka berdampak pada daya beli
masyarakat yang terus meningkat untuk memenuhi gaya hidup mereka.

1.2 Formulation of the Problem

1. What is the executive summaries of the clothing business “”?

2. What is the description of the clothing business “”?
3. How is the market analysis & business competition of ""?
4. What is the description of the organizational management and services of
5. What is the "" marketing strategy?

1.3 Purpose
1. To find out the what the executive summary business of “”?
2. To know the description of the business “”?
3. To find out market analysis and business competition " "?
4. To know the description of the organizational management and services of
5. To find out the marketing strategy of ""?

2.1 Business Profile

2.1.1 Vision and Mission “”

Vision :

Strives to create fashion by presenting clothing that reflects style,

innovation and the best quality, as well as providing inspiration for
customers to express themselves through clothing

Mission :

1. Providing high quality clothing with innovative and trendy designs.

2. Creating an extraordinary shopping experience with friendly and

responsive service.

3. Integrate the principles of sustainability in all aspects of the business,

including the selection of materials, responsible production, and waste

4. Promote inclusivity and diversity in the fashion industry by providing

clothing choices that are suitable for all sizes, body shapes, and lifestyles.

5. Play an active role in supporting local communities and donate some

profits to charity programs.

2.1.2 Goals Company

The goal of is to provide attractive clothing models with

the latest model designs and always keep up with the times for customers
with good quality and of course at affordable prices according to the
goods, this can build good relationships with customers, besides that the
company it will also use human services to increase employment
2.2 Description of Business

2.2.1 History of Business was founded in september 2022. This business is run by

4 people who want to fill their free time, so an idea emerged to create a
business opportunity. We chose a business in the fashion sector because
fashion is a lifestyle for all people and has no expiration date.
is our brand name taken from the initials of the founder of this business,
namely Lutfi, Intan, Inel and Fanda. The following is the logo of our

2.2.2 Profile Of Business is a business engaged in the clothing sector.

provides several types of clothing such as t-shirts, jackets, hats, sweaters,
and others. Our company sells the highest quality products at affordable
prices. We sell products through online stores and offline stores. always puts customer service first. In addition, is a
pioneer in the fashion industry by presenting clothes that reflect the best
style, innovation and quality, as well as providing inspiration for
individuals to express themselves through clothing.

2.3 Market Analysis

The market segmentation from that will be served is in

terms of geography, especially people who live in the Jombang area and in
general in Indonesia. The demographic aspect is people who have a
modern and affluent lifestyle. In terms of behavior, namely targeting
young people who know the need for t-shirts as part of a lifestyle.
Estimated demand with targeted consumers, namely those aged 13 - 40

2.4 Market Competition

The promotional price competition offered is very competitive with

existing competitors, so continues to make the latest innovations
in each product and keeps abreast of attractive clothing models so that
consumers are interested in buying the products being sold. For example,
we always create our own product designs with the latest models at
affordable prices from other competitors.

2.5 Description of Operations Management

2.6 Description of Product or Service provides various clothing products, such as t-shirts,

sweaters, jackets and hats with models and designs that are made by
themselves, so that our products have characteristics from other products.
The selling price that we offer is very affordable according to the model
and design of the clothes. serves retail purchases and also
accepts bulk orders. Our products are available in an offline store located
on Jl. Gubernur Surya, No.12, Jombang and is also available on
marketplace platforms such as Shopee, Tokopedia and TiktokShop. The
impression that we build in serving consumers is to provide sincere service
and shopping convenience.

2.7 Marketing Strategy

 Product
The products offered are t-shirts, jackets, sweaters, and hats
that can be customized according to the wishes of the customer

 Price

- T-Shirt : Rp. 75,000 – Rp. 100,000 for short and long sleeve shirts

- Jackets : Rp. 100,000 – Rp. 200.000

- Sweaters : Rp. 75,000 Rp. 150,000

- Hats : Rp. 50.000 – Rp. 100,000

 Promotion

- Advertising

Carry out sponsorship activities for various campus and

school events that are directly related to market share.

- Personal selling

Through personal and direct promotions to relatives, friends

and close communities

- Sales promotion

- By creating a member card system for each consumer.

- Social media, such as :

Instagram :

Facebook :

Tiktok :

Whatsapp : 081359220998

- Marketplace, such as :
Shopee :
Tokopedia :
Tiktokshop :

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