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Bahasa Ingrris
Perubahan Nilai
Delisya Supit [XII MIPA 2]
news item text
definition and purpose
news item text
Definisi dan Tujuan News Item Text
News Item adalah teks yang memberikan informasi tentang kejadian/peristiwa
harian. Peristiwa harian ini dianggap pantas dijadikan berita atau penting.\
Tujuan seseorang menuliskan news item adalah untuk menyampaikan informasi
kepada pembaca, pemirsa, atau pendengar, berita yang menarik dan layak menjadi
berita dan dengan cara pemberitaan yang mengundang perhatian publik.
structure news item text
Struktur News Item Text
Main event (Peristiwa utama)
Bagian yang menceritakan tentang ringkasan dari suatu kejadian atau peristiwa
utama dalam teks tersebut.
Background event/elaboration (Latar belakang peristiwa)
Bagian yang menceritakan tentang latar belakang kejadian atau peristiwa yang
terjadi. Bagian ini meliputi siapa saja yang terlibat, serta di mana, dan bagaimana
peristiwa tersebut terjadi.
Source (Sumber)
Bagian yang menceritakan tentang komentar, saksi kejadian, pendapat para ahli, dan
sebagainya mengenai peristiwa atau kejadian yang diberitakan.
types of example
sentence in news items
1. Kalimat Langsung
“People will look for different locations and experiences through outdoor travel
experiences,” said PHRI Human Resources Training Chair Alexander Nayoan on
Tuesday, November 30.
“So, companies that are able to develop today are those that have adapted in the
digital era,” Alexander opined.
2. Kalimat Tidak Langsung
The Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) predicted that nature-
based or outdoor tourism will still become a travel trend in 2022 as tourists do not
only seek travel experience but also wellness trips amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Unfortunately, Alexander said foreign tourist visits could not be expected to boost
the country’s tourism.
contoh dari news item
Sydney - Australia released hair-raising security images on Tuesday of a child falling
between a train station platform and a train, as a reminder to parents to stay vigilant
during the busy school holidays.
A train stops at a Sydney station, and a woman pushes a stroller toward the open
doors, in the closed-circuit television pictures. As she prepares to lift the stroller onto
the train, the child walking beside her plunges into the gap between the woman and
the train. The woman then raises her arm to draw the attention of station staff, while
passersby pull the apparently unharmed child back onto the platform.
"A simple thing such as holding your child's hand when moving around stations and
boarding a train can help prevent them from being seriously injured or worse,"
Andrew Constance, the transport minister of New South Wales, said in a statement.
The clip was widely shared on social media, with a post by Nine Entertainment Co
Holdings Ltd's drawing 1,600 comments and 1,100 "shares".
More than half of train station accidents on the 178-station Sydney Trains network
take place at the three busiest stations in the city's central business district, Chief
Executive Howard Collins said.
"The most important message I'd like to share with parents is please don't rush around
stations or platforms," he added.
(Source: Tue, July 2, 2019 / 02:46 pm)
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