SOAL B INGG 2 Binsus Sem 2

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Nama : Kelas : II Binsus

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal :
For questions number 1 and 2, choose one correct answers.
Text for questions number 1 and 2
Hi! I am Faranissa and this is my family. My Sister's name is Faliha. My brother's name Thoriq. My
mother's name is Roslina and my father's name is Saiful. My uncle name is Risky. His wife Alisa is my
aunt. My uncle and aunt have a daughter. Her name Fuad
1. Which statements are true about Farah's family?
a. Faliha is her sister b. Fuad is her mother c. Roslina is her cousin
2. Who are Farah's Parent?
a. Roslina b. Faliha c. Thoriq
3. What is of the meaning "I Love My Family"?
a. Aku sayang keluargaku b. Aku cinta keluargaku c. Aku butuh keluargaku
For questions number 4 and 5, choose one choose answer.
Text for questions number 4 and 5.
My brother's name is Farel. He is fiveteen years old, he is smart, he can pass the test easily. He is also thin,
he does not like to eat vegetables. But, he is very kind, i love my brother.
4. Write false if the statement is false based on the text above.
a. Farel is the writer's sister b. Farel is 15 years old c. Farel is smart
5. Which statements are true about Farel?
a. Farel likes carrots b. Farel is bad c. Farel is smart
6. What is of the meaning " My Brother Is Smart"?
a. Kakakku cerdas b. Kakakku baik c. Kakakku tampan
For questions number 7 and 8, match the statements to the correct pairs.
Picture for questions number 7 and 8.

7. Which the animal in picture on the based with the correct category?
a. Cat are domestic animal b. Snake are domestic animal c. Wolf are domestic animal
8. Which the animal in picture on the based with the correct category?
a. The wolf is wild animal b. Duck are wild animal c. Bird are wild animal
9. What of the meaning "The butterfly is beautiful"?
a. Singa adalah binatang buas b. Seekor ular yang panjang c. Kupu- kupu itu indah
Text for questions number 10 and 11
I have a cat, it is white and black, its claws are sharp. It has four legs, it can jump.
10. What is the color of the rabbit?
a. It is black b. It is white c. It is white and black
11. What is its claw like?
a. It is short b. It is blunt c. It is sharp
12. Look at the picture above and the correct description...
a. It has two long wings b. It has a long trunk c. It has big eyes
13. What of the meaning "What food or drink do you like"?
a. Apa makanan atau minuman kesukaanmu?
b. Apa sayuran kesukaanmu?
c. Apa buah- buahan kesukaanmu?
Picture for questions number 14 and 15.

Gambar 1 Gambar 2 Gambar 3

Gambar 4 Gambar 5 Gambar 6

14. Which picture includes foods?

a. 1, 3, and 5 b. 2, 4, and 6 c. 1,2, and 3
15. Which picture includes drinks?
a. 2, 4, and 6 b. 1, 3, and 5 c. 4, 5, and 6

B. Isian
1. What of the meaning " Mother" .......
2. My ........ is Safiyyah
3. Butterfly in Indonesian.....

4. Look at the picture, In Indonesian.....

5. I like ...... and I dislike .......

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