Arabic Learning Exe 15 Colors Vocabulary

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Arabic Learning Exe 15 Colors

An Introductory Guide to Colors in Arabic

Colors are a fundamental aspect of language used to describe objects, express feelings, and discuss
preferences. This guide is designed for absolute beginners to learn basic color vocabulary in Arabic
through simple present tense sentences.

Sentences and Explanations

 ‫اللون األحمر جميل‬

 The color red is beautiful.

 ‫( اللون‬al-lawn) means "the color," ‫( األحمر‬al-aḥmar) means "red" (masculine noun),

and ‫( جميل‬jamīl) means "beautiful" for masculine singular nouns.

 ‫السماء زرقاء‬

 The sky is blue.

 ‫( السماء‬as-samā') translates to "the sky" (feminine noun), and ‫( زرقاء‬zarqā') is "blue" in the
feminine form.

 ‫العشب أخضر‬

 The grass is green.

 ‫( العشب‬al-‘ushb) stands for "the grass" (masculine noun), and ‫( أخضر‬aḵḍar) is "green" in the
masculine form.

 ‫الشمس صفراء‬

 The sun is yellow.

 ‫( الشمس‬ash-shams) means "the sun" (feminine noun), and ‫( صفراء‬ṣafrā') is "yellow" in the
feminine form.

 ‫الثلج أبيض‬

 The snow is white.

 ‫( الثلج‬ath-thalj) translates to "the snow" (masculine noun), and ‫( أبيض‬abyaḍ) is "white" in the
masculine form.

 ‫الليل أسود‬

 The night is black.

 ‫( الليل‬al-layl) stands for "the night" (masculine noun), and ‫( أسود‬aswad) is "black" in the
masculine form.

 ‫البرتقالة برتقالية‬

 The orange is orange.

 ‫( البرتقالة‬al-burṭuqālah) means "the orange" (fruit) and is feminine, and ‫( برتقالية‬burṭuqālīyah)

is the adjective "orange" in the feminine form.
 ‫السحاب رمادي‬

 The cloud is grey.

 ‫( السحاب‬as-saḥāb) translates to "the cloud" (masculine noun), and ‫( رمادي‬ramādī) is "grey" in

the masculine form.

 ‫البنفسجي لوني المفضل‬

 Purple is my favorite color.

 ‫( البنفسجي‬al-banafsajī) stands for "the purple" (masculine noun), ‫( لوني‬lawnī) is "my color,"
and ‫( المفضل‬al-mufaḍḍal) is "favorite."

 ‫الشوكوالتة بنية‬

 The chocolate is brown.

 ‫( الشوكوالتة‬ash-shukulātah) means "the chocolate" (feminine noun), and ‫( بنية‬bunīyah) is

"brown" in the feminine form.

 ‫الورقة بيضاء‬

 The paper is white.

 ‫( الورقة‬al-waraqah) translates to "the paper" (feminine noun), and ‫( بيضاء‬bayḍā') is "white" in

the feminine form.

Harness Your Potential!

Even if things feel blurry now, remember every effort sharpens your understanding. Dive in, keep
pushing, and soon, the fog will lift, revealing your path. Your strength is in your perseverance! 💼🌞

By learning these color names in Arabic, you can start to describe things around you and express
your preferences. Remember that adjectives in Arabic must agree in gender with the nouns they
modify. Practicing these basic sentences will help solidify your understanding of colors in Arabic and
enhance your descriptive language skills. ‫( استمر في الممارسة‬Istimr fi al-mumarasah - Continue

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