Arabic Learning Exe 14 Shops and Places Vocabulary

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Arabic Learning Exe 14 Shops and

Places Vocabulary
An Introductory Guide to Shops and Places in Arabic

When learning Arabic, it's helpful to know words related to shops and places you might visit. This
guide will introduce you to simple sentences about common establishments, using the simple
present tense suitable for absolute beginners.

Sentences and Explanations

 ‫المتجر يبيع الكثير من األشياء‬.

 The store sells many things.

 ‫( المتجر‬al-matjar) means "the store" (masculine noun), ‫( يبيع‬yabī‘u) is "sells," and ‫الكثير من‬
‫( األشياء‬al-kathīr min al-ashyā') means "many things."

 ‫المكتبة مليئة بالكتب‬.

 The library is full of books.

 ‫( المكتبة‬al-maktabah) translates to "the library" (feminine noun), ‫( مليئة‬mali’ah) is "full,"

and ‫( بالكتب‬bi-al-kutub) means "of books."

 ‫الصيدلية تبيع األدوية‬.

 The pharmacy sells medicines.

 ‫( الصيدلية‬aṣ-ṣaydalīyah) stands for "the pharmacy" (feminine noun), ‫( تبيع‬tabī‘u) is "sells,"
and ‫( األدوية‬al-adwiya) means "medicines."

 ‫البنك يحفظ األموال‬.

 The bank keeps money safe.

 ‫( البنك‬al-bank) means "the bank" (masculine noun), ‫( يحفظ‬yaḥfaẓ) is "keeps," and ‫( األموال‬al-
amwāl) means "money."

 ‫المطعم يقدم طعامًا لذيذًا‬.

 The restaurant serves delicious food.

 ‫( المطعم‬al-mat‘am) translates to "the restaurant" (masculine noun), ‫( يقدم‬yaqdimu) is "serves,"

and ‫( طعامًا لذيذًا‬ṭa‘āman laḏīḏan) means "delicious food."

 ‫المدرسة تعلم الطالب‬.

 The school teaches students.

 ‫( المدرسة‬al-madrasah) stands for "the school" (feminine noun), ‫( تعلم‬tu‘allimu) is "teaches,"

and ‫( الطالب‬aṭ-ṭullāb) means "students."

 ‫السينما تعرض أفالمًا جديدة‬.

 The cinema shows new movies.

 ‫( السينما‬as-sīnima) means "the cinema" (feminine noun), ‫( تعرض‬tu‘riḍu) is "shows," and ‫أفالمًا‬
‫( جديدة‬aflāman jadīdah) means "new movies."
 ‫الفندق يوفر غرفًا للنزالء‬.

 The hotel provides rooms for guests.

 ‫( الفندق‬al-funduq) translates to "the hotel" (masculine noun), ‫( يوفر‬yuwaffiru) is "provides,"

and ‫( غرفًا للنزالء‬ghurafan li-l-nuzlā’) means "rooms for guests."

 ‫المستشفى تعالج المرضى‬.

 The hospital treats the sick.

 ‫( المستشفى‬al-mustashfā) stands for "the hospital" (feminine noun), ‫( تعالج‬tu‘ālij) is "treats,"

and ‫( المرضى‬al-marḍā’) means "the sick."

 ‫الجامعة تمنح الشهادات‬.

 The university grants degrees.

 ‫( الجامعة‬al-jāmi‘ah) means "the university" (feminine noun), ‫( تمنح‬tumanḥu) is "grants,"

and ‫( الشهادات‬ash-shahādāt) means "degrees."

 ‫المخبز يصنع الخبز الطازج‬.

 The bakery makes fresh bread.

 ‫( المخبز‬al-makhbaz) translates to "the bakery" (masculine noun), ‫( يصنع‬yaṣna‘u) is "makes,"

and ‫( الخبز الطازج‬al-khubz aṭ-ṭāzaj) means "fresh bread."

Climb Your Mountain!

Every peak has its valleys. If everything seems uphill now, remember that the view from the top is
worth it. Keep climbing, and every puzzling step will make sense in the end. Stay driven!

These sentences have introduced you to essential vocabulary related to shops and places in Arabic.
When learning, it's important to remember the gender of nouns as it affects the form of verbs and
adjectives associated with them. Practice these words and phrases, and try to use them when you
visit these places. This will help you remember the vocabulary and improve your conversational skills
in Arabic. ‫( استمروا في التعلم‬Istimrū fī at-ta‘allum - Keep learning)!

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