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Arabic Learning Exe 13 Profession

An Introductory Guide to Profession in Arabic

Talking about professions is a common aspect of everyday conversation and an important

component of language learning. This guide will help absolute beginners learn how to talk about
various jobs in Arabic, using simple present tense sentences.

Sentences and Explanations

 ‫الطبيب يعالج المرضى‬

 The doctor treats the patients.

 ‫( الطبيب‬aṭ-ṭabīb) means "the doctor" (masculine noun), ‫( يعالج‬yu‘ālij) is "treats,"

and ‫( المرضى‬al-marḍā’) means "the patients" (plural noun).

 ‫المعلمة تدرس في المدرسة‬

 The teacher teaches at the school.

 ‫( المعلمة‬al-mu‘allimah) translates to "the teacher" (feminine noun), ‫( تدرس‬tudarris) is

"teaches," and ‫( في المدرسة‬fī al-madrasah) means "in the school."

 ‫المهندس يصمم المباني‬

 The engineer designs buildings.

 ‫( المهندس‬al-muhandis) stands for "the engineer" (masculine noun), ‫( يصمم‬yaṣmim) is
"designs," and ‫( المباني‬al-mabānī) means "buildings" (plural noun).

 ‫الطاهي يطبخ الطعام‬

 The cook/chef cooks the food.

 ‫( الطاهي‬aṭ-ṭāhī) means "the cook/chef" (masculine noun), ‫( يطبخ‬yaṭbukh) is "cooks,"

and ‫( الطعام‬aṭ-ṭa‘ām) means "the food."

 ‫الشرطي يحمي الناس‬

 The policeman protects the people.

 ‫( الشرطي‬ash-shurṭī) translates to "the policeman" (masculine noun), ‫( يحمي‬yaḥmī) is

"protects," and ‫( الناس‬an-nās) means "the people."

 ‫الممرضة تعتني بالمرضى‬

 The nurse takes care of the patients.

 ‫( الممرضة‬al-mumarridhah) stands for "the nurse" (feminine noun), ‫( تعتني‬ta‘tanī) is "takes care
of," and ‫( بالمرضى‬bī al-marḍā’) means "with the patients."

 ‫السائق يقود السيارة‬

 The driver drives the car.

 ‫( السائق‬as-sā’iq) means "the driver" (masculine noun), ‫( يقود‬yaqūd) is "drives," and ‫( السيارة‬as-
sayyārah) means "the car."
 ‫النجار يصنع األثاث‬

 The carpenter makes furniture.

 ‫( النجار‬an-najjār) translates to "the carpenter" (masculine noun), ‫( يصنع‬yaṣna‘) is "makes,"

and ‫( األثاث‬al-athāth) means "the furniture."

 ‫الصحفي يكتب التقارير‬

 The journalist writes reports.

 ‫( الصحفي‬aṣ-ṣaḥāfī) stands for "the journalist" (masculine noun), ‫( يكتب‬yaktub) is "writes,"

and ‫( التقارير‬at-taqārīr) means "reports" (plural noun).

 ‫المحامي يدافع عن العمالء‬

 The lawyer defends the clients.

 ‫( المحامي‬al-muḥāmī) means "the lawyer" (masculine noun), ‫( يدافع‬yudāfi‘) is "defends," and ‫عن‬
‫'( العمالء‬an al-'umlā’) means "about the clients."

 ‫المزارع يزرع الخضروات‬

 The farmer grows vegetables.

 ‫( المزارع‬al-muzāri‘) translates to "the farmer" (masculine noun), ‫( يزرع‬yazra‘) is "grows,"

and ‫( الخضروات‬al-khuḍarawāt) means "the vegetables."

Steer Your Ship!

Waves of confusion might come, but with every effort, you're charting clearer seas. Don't be
disheartened if you don't grasp everything immediately. Sail with purpose, and the horizon will greet
you with clarity. 🌊⛵

These simple sentences have introduced you to the vocabulary for various professions in Arabic.
Remember that verbs in Arabic change according to the gender of the subject, and the vocabulary
might have different forms for masculine and feminine nouns. Practice these phrases to enhance
your speaking skills and to become more comfortable with the language. ‫استمروا في التعلم والتحدث‬
(Istimrū fī at-ta‘allum wa at-taḥadduth - Continue learning and speaking)!

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