Bahasa Inggris

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Nama: Muhammad Nor Hilmi

Nim : 2310115210010

Exercise 1

1. She talked to each people in the room. (1)

Analysis: after each is singular object, so each people should be each person.

2. There is not a single bit of food in the refrigerator. (C)

Analysis: after single is singular noun, so a single bit is correct.

3. You need two piece of weight loss pills (1)

Analysis: after two is plural noun, so two piece should be two pieces

4. Both classes started on time. (C)

Analysis: After both is plural noun, so both classes is correct

5. We took a new routes to the beach house. (1)

Analysis: after a is singular noun, so a new routes is incorrect and it should be a new route

6. He gave many different reasons for his actions. (C)

Analysis: after many is plural noun, so many different reasons is correct.

7. You must answer every questions on the test. (1)

Analysis: after every is singular noun, so every question is incorrect and it it should be every

8. She tried several times to call me. (C)

Analysis: after several is plural noun, so several times is correct.

9. He offered me only one glass of water. (C)

Analysis: after one is singular noun, so one glass is correct.

10. We had various kind of drinks with the meal.(1)

Analysis: after various is plural noun, so various kind is incorrect, it should be various kinds.
Exercise 2

1. The automotive shop stocked (many) parts for the (various) types of Hondas. (I)

2. (Every) receipt must be removed from the cashier's drawer and tallied. (C)

3. The salesclerk demonstrated (various) addittional ways that the machine could be used. (I)

4. The woman found it difficult to believe that (both of) the piece of jewelry had disappeared.

5. The unhappy man became more and more discouraged with (each) passing days. (I)

6. (An) extended cruise would be (a) nice way to spend (a) vacation one days. (I)

7. The manager was surprised that not (a) single worker was available on Tuesday. (C)

8. The housekeeper cleaned the room and took (two) of the occupant's dresses to the laundry.

9. When the first bill was defeated, the Senate immediately bedan work on (a) different bills.

10. There were (several) boxes in the cupboard, and (each) box contained (a dozen) glasses.

Exercise 3

1. He received little notice that the bill would have to be paid in full. (C)

2. The pollice had few opportunities to cacth the thief who had committed a large amount of
crimes. (I).

Analisis: amount should be number

3. You will have fewer problems with your income taxes if you get proffessional help. (C)

4. After a strike, the company dismissed many employees. (C)

5. Because the bottom corner of the pocket was torn, much coins fell out. (I)

Analisis: coins countable, much should be many.

6. Since he bought the new adapter, he has had less trouble with the machine. (C)
7. There are much new items to purchase before leaving, and there is such a short amount of
time. (I).

Analisis: much should be many, amount of time sudah benar.

8. The less time you take on the asssigment, the less pages you will complete. (I).

Analisis: pages adalah countable, jadi less should be fewer.

9. A few soldiers who had been in heavy combat were bought back for a little rest. ©

10. It is better to go shopping itn the late evening because there are less people in the market,
and you can accomplish a number of tasks in a short period of time. (I).

Analisis: less should be fewer

Exercise 4

1. He received little notice that the bill would have to be paid in full. (C)

2. The pollice had few opportunities to cacth the thief who had committed a large amount of
crimes. (I).

3. You will have fewer problems with your income taxes if you get proffessional help. (C)

4. After a strike, the company dismissed many employees. (C)

5. Because the bottom corner of the pocket was torn, much coins fell out. (I).

6. Since he bought the new adapter, he has had less trouble with the machine. (C)

7. There are much new items to purchase before leaving, and there is such a short amount of
time. (I).

8. The less time you take on the asssigment, the less pages you will complete. (I).

9. A few soldiers who had been in heavy combat were bought back for a little rest. (C)

10. It is better to go shopping itn the late evening because there are less people in the market,
and you can accomplish a number of tasks in a short period of time. (I).

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