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Locomotion and Movement :

1. Locomotion : Locomotion is a voluntary movement resulting in the
change in location.
2. Types of Movement :
i. Amoeboid movement : By Pseudopodia.
Examples: WBCs by squeezing, microfilaments, etc.
ii. Ciliary movement : By cilia in respiratory track (trachea) and female
reproductive track.
iii. Flaggelar movement : By sperms.
iv. Muscular movement : It is exhibited by the muscles.
3. Muscular System : Based on location, muscles are of 3 types :

Skeletal Muscles Visceral Muscles Cardiac Muscles

• Striations are present, • Striations are absent • Striations are present.
with alternate light and because they are mainly
dark bands. present inside the
internal organs.
• Found in limbs. • Found in the walls of • Found in Heart.
blood vessels, urinary
bladder and alimentary
• Voluntary muscles, • Involuntary muscles. • Involuntary muscles.
connected to Bones. Functions like
involuntary muscles but
structure is like
voluntary muscles.
• Sarcolemma present. • Sarcolemma absent. • Sarcolemma present.


4. Structure of Skeletal Muscles : The human skeletal muscle is made up of
number of muscle bundles called Fasciles, which is held together by a
collagenous connective tissue layer called Fascia.
This muscle bundles contains a number of muscle fibres which is lined up by a
plasma membrane called Sarcolemma, enclosing the sarcoplasm.
This muscle fibres contains the parallely arranged myofilaments or myofibrils.
Now, this Myofibrils have alternate dark striations (Anisotropic or A-Band) and
light striations (Isotropic or I-Band) on it.
The striation is due to the presence of 2 fibrous contractile proteins :
Thick Myosin Filament and Thin Actin Filament.
• A-bands contain actin and myosin.
• I-bands contain actin.
Hierarchy : Muscles --> Muscle Bundles --> Muscle Fibres --> Myofilaments or
Myofibrils --> Thick and thin myofilaments.

Outer Connective Tissue.

Muscle. Epimysium.
Muscle Bundles. Perimysium.
Muscle Fibres. Endomysium


1. Sarcomere : The region between two Z-lines is called Sarcomere.
Sarcomeres are the structural and functional units of muscle
contraction. Sarcomere : ½ I-Band + one full A-Band + ½ I-Band.

• When muscle contracts, actin filaments on either

sides partially overlaps. So, that the H-zone
• Name of the neurotransmitter : Acetylcholine.
• Muscle to Bone Connection : Tendon.
• Bone to Bone Connection : Ligament.

i. Difference between A-Band and I-Band :

A-Bands. I-Bands.
• Anisotropic bands, dark in • Isotropic bands, light in colour.
• Formed of actin and myosin • Formed of actin myofilaments
filaments. only.

ii. Difference between Myosin Filaments and Actin Filaments :

Myosin Filaments. Actin Filaments.

• Monomeric proteins of myosin
• Monomeric units of Actin is
is called Meromyosins.
called G-actin.
• No regulatory proteins are
• There are two regulatory
associated with myosin
proteins associated with Actin
filaments. Filaments : Troponin and
2. Sliding Filament Theory : The Sliding Filament Theory was proposed by
A.F. Huxley, H.E. Huxley and Jean Hanson. According to this theory of
muscle contraction, thin filaments slides over the thick filaments;
whereas thick filaments does not move and remains constant.


Red Muscle Fibres. White Muscle Fibres.

• Red in colour due to the • Pale white in colour due to the
presence of large amount of presence of less amount of
myoglobin. myoglobin.

• Number of mitochondria is • Number of mitochondria is

more. less.
i. Myology : Study of muscles is called Myology.
ii. Sarcoplasmic Reticulum : The endoplasmic reticulum which is found in
the striated or skeletal muscles, is called Sarcoplasmic Reticulam.
iii. Rigor Mortis : The rigidity of muscles which occurs after the death, is
called Rigor Mortis.
i. Tetany : Tetany is a disorder of nervous system, leading to muscle
champs and numbness in arms and legs. It results to a severe degree of
hypoglycemia (very low calcium level in blood).
ii. Myasthenia Gravis : Myasthenia Gravis is a chronic auto immune
disorder that affects the voluntary muscles. It is caused when excess of
certain antibodies are directed towards the Acetylcholine receptors of
the muscles, there by destroying and blocking this neurotransmitters.
This disorder leds to weakening and paralysis of skeletal or voluntary
iii. Arthritis : Inflammation of joints is called Arthritis.
iv. Gout : The inflammation of joints, due to accumulation of uric acid
crystals, is called Gout.
v. Oesteoporosis : Oesteoporosis is a age related disorder characterized
by decreasing of bone mass and increasing chances of fractures. It is
mainly caused due to less exercise, smoking and excessive drinking.

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