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The research conducted was to investigate the availability, accessibility, quality and
Sustainable use of Freshwater in my community. I conducted the research using on
field observations, interviews and newspaper articles to find the main water issues that
surround Freshwater. I have come to a conclusion that the main problems are water
availability, accessibility and quality as water is accessible in the area therefore the
hypothesis formulated is accepted


national-geo-spatial-information-map (2004)

to-improve-mthatha-water-quality/, Sikho Nthsobane, 04 February 2020
Findings and Recommendations

After the research conducted I have come to a realisation that my community is faced
with the a problem of water availability, quality and unsustainable use of water. The
main cause of the issues are the use of too much water due to irrigation systems, burst
pipes and the building up of sediment in the water transportation infrastructure.

To prevent any further contamination the pipes must be changed to resistant


For the community to overcome this issue I recommend that they:

 Make it a point that anyone who uses water unsustainably is fined

 Make a request to the local municipality that more water trucks are issued due to
the frequent water shortages
 Create a campaign to educate the people on ways they could save water and use
it sustainably
 Encourage people in the community to have water tanks so the that when the
water is unavailable it won’t have much impact
 Since the quality of water is low the community should report to the municipality
 I recommend that people buy water until the issue is resolved if they come not
but they should boil and cleanse the water before drinking

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