MAKALAH Marlon Tamba Inggris

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Arranged by: Marlon Tamba

Class : XI.6

Subjects : Bahasa Inggris

Supervising teacher: Ma'am, Eka Tugiat S.S


YEAR: 2024


We give thanks to the Almighty God who has gave us His blessings and gifts,
so that we managed to finish the paper entitled "the dangers of drugs for teenagers"
as one of the tasks of the Indonesian language subject.
We would like to thank the Teacher of Indonesian Language Studies,
because with his guidance we were able to know and understand how to do a good
and correct paper. This paper contains about understanding, explanation and
presentation about socializing in teenagers. In the preparation of this paper, we
encountered many difficulties due to the lack of resources and facilities for the
preparation of this paper, but we made it a challenge to be able to take responsibility
in doing this task.
We realize that this paper is still far from perfect, therefore we always expect
constructive criticism and suggestions from all parties for the perfection of this
Finally, we would like to thank all parties who have played a role and helped
in preparing this paper from start to finish. Therefore, before and after we say thank


THE PREFACE.................................................................................................ii
TABLE Of CONTENTS....................................................................................iii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION..........................................................................4
A.Background ................................................................................................4
D.Benefits. .....................................................................................................5
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION promiscuity...............................,..........................6
B. Definition of Psychotropics........................................................................6
C. Causes and Impacts...................................................................................7
CHAPTER III CLOSING....................................................................................9
Conclusion ......................................................................................................9
Suggestion ................................................................ .....................................9
Source .............................................................................................................10



A. Background

1.Drugs are no stranger to the world community in general, even in particular

Indonesian society. The name of the drug is very well known among the public because drug
users say that this object is an object that can help those who are experiencing problems in
their lives, according to them drugs are the heroes in their lives. Narcotics have disturbed our
society in Indonesia because the effects of this substance, if consumed incorrectly and
excessively by the user, will have fatal consequences, it can also result in death for the user.
The negative impact apart from death, drugs will damage the nervous system of its users so
that it is not uncommon for addicts to often have their nervous system disturbed. However,
with the threat that drug addicts feel, most addicts ignore this which will endanger their
safety. They even like to be friends with these forbidden objects, for them drugs are soulless
friends who have the power to help them when they need it. Cases of drug addicts are
increasing from year to year, most of the users are successful people who have excess
money so getting drugs is not difficult. However, what is even worse is that there are cases
of drug addiction among teenagers. This is a concern for parents, teachers and other parties,
they are worried about this because if most of this nation's successors are drug addicts, the
future of this nation will be bleak. Therefore it is necessary correct socialization regarding
drugs and efforts to prevent drug users effective so that this does not become rampant.

B.Problem Formulation
There is also a formulation of the problem of preventing and controlling drugs and
psychotropic substances as follows,

1. What is meant by narcotics and psychotropic substances?

2. What are the factors or causes and consequences of the use of narcotics and
psychotropic abuse?

3. How is it treated and prevented?

1.Purpose of Waiting

The aim of writing a paper on the prevention and control of drugs and psychotropic
substances is as follows:

1. Know the meaning of narcotics and psychotropic substances.

2. Know the factors or causes and consequences of the use of narcotics and psychotropic

3. Know how to treat and prevent it.

C. Benefits of Writing

To provide information about drugs and their dangers so that we don't fall into them and we
can become the successors of a nation that is free from narcotics.


A.Definition of Narcotics and Psychotropics

2.1.1 Definition of Narcotics

Narcotics are substances or substances that can affect a person's psychological

state (thoughts, feelings and behavior) and can cause physical and psychological
dependence. According to Republic of Indonesia Law no. 35/2009, Narcotics are
substances or drugs derived from plants or non-plants, either synthetic or semi-
synthetic, which can cause a decrease or change in consciousness, loss of taste,
reduce or eliminate pain, and can cause dependence.

B. Definition of Psychotropics

According to Republic of Indonesia Law no. 35/2009, Psychotropics are substances

or drugs, both natural and synthetic, non-narcotics, which have psychoactive
properties through selective influence on the central nervous system which causes
characteristic changes in mental activity and behavior.

2.2 Types of Narcotics and Psychotropics

2.2.1 Types of Narcotics

a. Group I

Narcotics can only be used for scientific development purposes and are not used in
therapy, and have a very high potential for causing dependence. An example is:

This heroin is a derivative of morphine that has undergone a chemical process.

Initially this heroin was used to treat morphine dependence, but it was later proven
that heroin addiction was even more severe. Morphine or heroin is also called putaw.
It looks like an odorless white powder.


The effects of cocaine use can cause paranoia, hallucinations and reduced self-

confidence. Using this drug will damage the nerves in the brain.

Apart from worsening the respiratory system, excessive use is very dangerous and
can lead to death. Cocaine derivatives are very dangerous for human health.


Marijuana, also known as cannabis sativa, was originally widely used as a relaxant to
treat intoxication (mild poisoning). The materials used can be leaves, stems and
seeds, but then they are used incorrectly. Marijuana can make you mentally addicted
and your thinking becomes slow and the addict appears stupid because this
substance can affect your concentration and memory and your ability to think

b. Group II

Narcotics that are medicinal, used as a last resort and can be used in therapy and or
for the purpose of developing knowledge and have a high potential to cause
addiction. Examples are:

Morphine,Morphine is an opium derivative made from mixing poppy sap (papaver

sormary ferum) with other chemicals, so it is semi-synthetic. Morphine is the active
substance of opium. In the world of medicine, this substance is used to reduce pain
during surgery or operations. When the civil war broke out in the United States in
1856, this substance was used on wounded soldiers, which reduced pain. However,
if the effects are negative, users will be replaced with other synthetic drugs.

c. Group III

Narcotics which have medicinal properties and are widely used for therapy and/or
scientific development purposes and have a mild potential to cause dependence.
The example is:

JCodeine Codeine is a type of drug used to treat moderate to severe pain. The side
effects can be life-threatening, as with opiate compounds, the other is respiratory
tract depression.

C.mpact of Narcotics and Psychotropic Abuse

Abuse of narcotics and psychotropics is the use of one or several types of narcotics

and psychotropics periodically or regularly outside of medical indications, resulting
in physical, psychological health problems and social function disorders. The result
of abuse that is done too often will cause dependence.

2.4.1 Impact on the Human Body

a. The brain and central nervous system which results in impaired memory, impaired
attention or concentration, impaired acting rationally, impaired perception resulting
in hallucinations, impaired motivation resulting in lazy school or work, and impaired
self-control making it difficult to differentiate between good and bad.

b. Inflammation of the lungs and swelling of the lungs will occur in the respiratory

c. Heart, inflammation of the heart muscle occurs, narrowing of the heart blood

d. Liver, Hepatitis B and C occur which are transmitted through needles and sexual

e. Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV/AIDS. Drug users are known for their high-
risk sexual behavior, they want to have sexual relations to get substances or money
to buy substances. The diseases that occur are gonorrhea, lion king, and others.
Drug users also use injection needles together, causing the rate of HIV/AIDS
transmission to increase.

f. The skin has injection containers for users who use syringes so they often wear
long-sleeved shirts.

g. Infertility often occurs in the reproductive system.

h. Complications in pregnancy include: maternal anemia, vaginal infections, hepatitis

and AIDS. The womb experiences abortion, poisoning.pregnancy, stillbirths, and
fetuses experiencing stunted growth, prematurity, and low birth weight.

2.4.2 Social Impact

a. Family environment.

1) Frequent arguments and irritability.

2) Parents are worried because valuables are often lost.


A. Conclusion.

Narcotics are substances or substances that can affect a person's psychological

state (thoughts, feelings and behavior) and can cause physical and psychological
dependence. Meanwhile, psychotropics are substances or drugs, both natural and
synthetic, non-narcotics, which have psychoactive properties through selective
influence on the central nervous system which causes characteristic changes in
mental activity and behavior. Factors causing drug abuse can be divided into two
factors, namely internal factors originating from within the individual such as
personality, anxiety and depression and lack of religiosity, as well as external factors
originating from outside the individual or environment such as the presence of
substances, family conditions, weak laws and environmental influence. Efforts to
overcome the abuse of narcotics and psychotropic substances can be carried out in
several ways, such as preventive such as guidance and supervision in the family,
curative such as medical treatment or other media, rehabilitative so that victims do
not become addicted to drugs again, and repressive through legal means.

B. Suggestions

Based on this discussion, the author's suggestions are as follows:

1. Never try drugs, even if it's just a little.

2. The government must eradicate drug trafficking in Indonesia.

3. Parents must pay more attention to their children so they don't fall into it

in the abyss of drugs.

4. There is a need to increase cooperation between the community and the

authorities to eradicate drug trafficking.5. Teenagers must be paid attention to by all
parties so that they do not fall into the trap

on drug abuse.

[1] Wikipedia. 2010. "Narkoba" (online), (

[2] Tanjung, Ain. 2004. Understanding Drug Crime. Jakarta: Integrated Anti-Drug
Correctional Institution

[3] BNK Samarinda. 2007. "Drug Factors and Consequences"

(online)(, accessed 24
April 2016)


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